New Civilization News    
 The Reluctant Hero
picture 1 Sep 2004 @ 20:18, by centrifuge. Ideas, Creativity
As previously described in "The Ethno Electro Sound Centrifuge" I'm putting together a demo CD for a local radio station.

Something very interesting has happened in the process. Each time I think I have something good to give them, a contrary idea pops into my head, and I'm compelled to re-do the whole thing. It's frustrating and it's wasting time.

The fundamental aspect of the conflict seems to be a battle between Ego and Higher Self. My original intention was to convey inspiration to the community. Ego steps in and I want to be liked by as many people as possible, thinking that would be success. So the CD is done and re-done.

I've recently been inspired a bit by Matthew Fox's "Techno Cosmic Mass" [link]and feel like the concept is somewhat close to my original idea. To be successful in accordance with my original intent, others would be inspired the way I have.

Ultimately, the radio show would become sort of a ritual, both for me, as well as those who would listen to it. The format of Fox's Mass includes a "via negativa, via positiva, and via transformativa" (or something like that). Sounds much like my own idea.

The content would include music, sampled spoken word, me reading from sacred texts, and a whole slew of other material. The point would be to tap into the individual's current condition, release the mental block holding their pressure inside, and take them to a higher consciousness. To do this without addressing the impending catastrophic collapse of our social structure would be moot. Therefor, It would be about unlearning, challenging, and inspiring the community at the level of the individual.

Here I stand on the brink of this commitment, not completely sure of myself, but feeling called to do it at the same time.

I would be grateful for your feedback, because much of my inspiration also comes from this community (NCN).


 Lessons and Synchronicities on 'Being' and 'Doing'2 comments
1 Sep 2004 @ 15:44, by craiglang. Spirituality
The last week or two has been one of continually being on the go. There is so much to do, so many things to get done, so many events to attend, and so many things on the calendar. In the last week, I have also noted a number of very synchronistic references to the idea of "being" vs "doing". At the National Guild of Hypnotists conference two weeks ago, one of the speakers made the comment that we should really be called "human-doings" rather than "human-beings", because we are all so busy and so focused on what we are doing. When I look at my date book, I again realize just how right she was.  More >

 Direct Polarity Access (DPA)4 comments
picture1 Sep 2004 @ 10:08, by jhs. Counseling, Psychology
Some more notes (make sense only for a few, but this is the easiest way for me to distribute this).

Some of the dire warnings as usual.. But then.. without preparation it is unlikely that these things work easily anyway...

But, as a reminder, it should be clear that one doesn't work with the Odu directly in these exercises but instead these are SOME of their manifestations as energies as they are perceived in one's emotional field. In turn, however, and this is important to note for the following, they WILL invoke the according Odu (which themselves are beyond but immersing space).

Direct Polarity Access (DPA)

With Girapoli exercises come new abilities. One of them is the ability to directly access energies from polarities. This opens up a new world but also the problem of overaccessing such a polarity. The problemn as such is already well known even though its parameters are not very well known at this time.

Overaccessing will result in an inversion of the polarity, going from full positive to full negative. See the attached graph.

Still unknown are: ...  More >

 The Civilization Game9 comments
1 Sep 2004 @ 02:48, by vaxen. Systems Thinking
The New Civilization Game DEFINITION: A CIVILIZATION is an economic engine that runs on ideas and whose products are:  More >

 Old Aphrodite, New Aphrodiate. Same Day6 comments
picture 31 Aug 2004 @ 23:20, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
My darling star-root sister Letecia reminds me of my old epic poems and I dare say, 6 years later, in Avalon, an alchemical marriage that brought the deepest transcendental light of Soul, and the darkest despair of manic depression.. now changing forms... with a new business being birthed out of the entire energy of Love through the ages -- Aphrodite continues to shine on. and the Mysteries of this Ever Ever Apple Isle... are indeed, Hers. Can't believe I wrote this then, and am Knowing still, discovering Still, yet still still yet... exactly what This Means... That:


Total neuroses.

I ponder Her Mystery
from my place of Rest.

Continuances allowing
into the in-between
of all
of my

Did you create this
absolute polarity
only for my
in body -
you are the Muse,
She of all Design.  More >

 What is Your answer to the problem ?
picture 31 Aug 2004 @ 12:46, by scotty. Government, Public Sector
The Philipino Government capitulated in the face of terrorist threats to kill one of their citizens - it seems that France is now facing this same dilema - how can we judge whether they are right or wrong !

"...under what circumstances may the State justly place its welfare above that of a citizen?"

"A genuine moral dilemma arises when a wrong must be committed, not just for any purpose, but unavoidably for a genuinely good purpose. If the purpose of a prince or leader is simply his own personal or dynastic ambition, regardless of the cost to his country or its citizens, this is not a worthy purpose, and we have an evil, not a dilemma. Machiavelli does say that "it is often necessary to act against mercy, against faith, against humanity, against frankness, against religion in order to preserve the state," which does seem to say that the state, and not personal or dynastic ambition, is the proper end of statecraft. Perhaps so, but this also depends on what the state is supposed to be. If the state is an end in itself, then a dilemma does not arise if some individuals must be sacrificed to it. This again turns "raison d'état" into an amoral principle, using real individuals for the sake of an abstract, collective entity. But if the state is not an end or a good in itself, but an instrumental good to some truly moral end, then a genuine dilemma can arise, as the service of the moral end of the state may conflict with the means that become necessary for its pursuit."..... {}

 Very Long Trail3 comments
picture31 Aug 2004 @ 03:26, by koravya. Recreation, Fun
Monday morning, August thirtieth at the Red Rock Canyon campground. Long climb up the Red Rock Canyon trail late yesterday afternoon, to a turnaround point for the walk back to camp. Last twilight has turned into darkness as the rain clouds and lightning roll in and sparkle.  More >

30 Aug 2004 @ 12:05, by namakando. Ideas, Creativity
The Age of High-Tech sports is definately here,'no one can halt its march it is as inexonerable as the very passage of time.  More >

 Patience Night0 comments
28 Aug 2004 @ 03:14, by ov. Spirituality
Sat 28th Aug -- Patience Night

Nine / Patience

The energy of Nine is one of getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. With the energy of Nine, patience and perseverence found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.


Bringers of the dawn. Dreamers who bring the new sun to clarify and illuminate the road of life. Thus the insecurities and doubts born of darkness or the sub-conscious mind are dispelled. These persons travel the Void, a place where nothing exists but all potential dwells, the womb of creation. From this void, Night persons bring forth new solutions and artistic inspiration. Night's voyages of dreams build confidence and happiness with a sense of well being. If Night does not bravely journey into the void they may find themselves waundering the darkness of self-doubt and insecurity.

A good day to: Spend time contemplating the stars.

 Retracing the Interrupted Journey2 comments
26 Aug 2004 @ 02:30, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
This is the (very) rough draft of an article I am writing for a UFO or paranormal publication, somewhere - not sure where, yet.

I am putting it out here for comments, etc...
.  More >

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