16 Jul 2004 @ 21:48, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Oh Mouse!
Mouse oh mouse you do not work
Push or pull or gently jerk
You roll around without a care
Missing teeth, paws and hair More >
16 Jul 2004 @ 19:51, by ming. Politics
Al Qaida couldn't dream of a better government in the U.S. than George Bush's. They're a splendid help in the direction of destroying the United States, in providing plenty of new places to have terrorist bases, and plenty of new well-motivated recruits. And Bush could sure use another terrorist attack to boost his ratings. Quite some win-win synergy there. So, what do you say are the chances for that happening before November? Or, even better, around the election itself? Bush's people seem to be planning for just that. Cancel the election, declare a national state of emergency, and just stay on as a dictator. That's a great plan.
It would be quite appropriate if the U.N. would monitor the U.S. elections, like a group of congress people proposed. The U.N. unfortunately said no. And the Bush government wouldn't have let them, of course. The system probably wouldn't stand up to any kind of organized scrutiny. You know, faulty voting machines without a paper trail, run by companies that support the Republican campaign. Plus the long list of other tricks and irregularities. The kind of stuff that Congress strikes from the record if somebody dares to mention it.
Anyway, just wanted to complain a bit. I'm no longer there, but the state of the U.S. unfortunately affects the rest of the world greatly.
Oh, and for something more to be freaked out about, Thomas mentions this story about a lady who believes she experienced a dry run for a terrorist attack on a plane, and the apparent inabilities for the system to respond well to that, because of rules for political correctness, etc. For example, an airline can't take aside more than two middle eastern people at a time, or they get big fines. More >
16 Jul 2004 @ 00:02, by ov. Communication
In the side bar of these blogs, near the bottom, there is a list of recent comments, and this makes it easier to find out what has been added since the last time you have viewed the blog. Without this feature it would not be possible to tell when a comment has been added to articles that have been published in the past and scrolls off the bottom of the page. There is also a "more" link at the end of this comment list which takes you to a new page that not only lists the most recent comments, but also the article that they were added to, as well as the first couple of lines of the comment so that you can get an indication of what the comment is about. This is particularly nice, and especially if the attention grabbing aspect of your comment is placed right up front.
A major design flaw of the comments, imho, is that the owner of the blog is able to edit any comment in their blog. I have never seen this is another blog and it goes totally against the 'you own your own words' principle that originated many years ago on the Well. It opens up the potential for another person to put their words in your mouth so to speak, and to make it look like your signature is assigned to this. I can see the owner having the ability to delete any comment in their blog, primarily for troll control, but leaving yourself open to having your words changed by somebody else and make it look like you made the changes relies too much on the trust of the blog owner.
Although I haven't seen this feature abused here it does depend on the comment poster trusting the blog owner. This creates a crazy making situation where every encounter requires the element of trust, with people that you haven't known long enough or well enough to earn that trust. If there does arise a conflict in the blog community this introduces one more element of ambiguity for which the comment poster has no defense except for the opinion of the community. I can see no benifit from having this feature, and only opens up the potential for discord in the community
Being able to edit your own comments is a nice feature but even this can be abused and most software does not allow it, and in cases where it does it is usually accompanied with a software added notice that informs the reader when the comment was edited. Many communities do not even allow editable comments by the person that made the comment because it opens the possibility to insult a person then change the comment and play innocent, and the end result can be a flame war that disrupts the community. Again, opening the door for crazy making, and removing the right of the individual to have control over their own words.
Comments can also be deleted, either by the writer or the owner of the blog. I can see the benifit of the owner being able to delete another person's comment but even then the software should only delete the body and leave the header along with a date stamp of when and who deleted the comment. It can avoid a lot of community discord.
The policy in my blogs will be that I will not edit anybodies comments in my blog. If I delete any comment I will make a new comment leaving an audit trail of what comment I deleted, when and why.
In my opinion the comment structure of the software should be modified so that trust is not an element in the equation. More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 22:48, by fleer. Broadcasting, Media
It looks like the journalists at Fox news aren´t so independent as they would present it to the public.
Outfoxed presents indepth interviews with former employees (news anchors and producers) at Fox news and describes how things really are run at Fox news. Not from at journalist point of view. But from what I could tell from a personal point of view of some close friend of Rupert Murdoch at his headquater.
Robert Greenwald is the man behind the DVD, which Moveon.org activist are showing at houseparties around US.
Clips at outfoxed.org
Houseparties organising at Moveon.org More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 17:23, by nemue. Activism
What have we done to our youth that prompts such vicious and disgusting behaviour? Yesterday afternoon in a small Suburban Park in Sydney a 9-year old girl was set alight. She has 3rd degree burns to 30 to 40 percent of her body. As you would expect she is in a serious condition with months of hospital stay ahead of her. Her family are in shock, understandable. This little girl was just going to the park with her brothers and sisters and stepmother to play. Whilst this hasn’t been established beyond doubt, 2 young people were sighted running from the scene wearing Halloween masks. This isn’t a first, it has happened before in what we so smugly call the lucky country. More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 12:29, by jazzolog. Politics
In the photo Dana, Ilona and other guests at a houseparty "interact" via computer with Michael Moore.
The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination, but the combination is locked up in the safe.
---Peter De Vries
June gone, now, July's moon.
I age: how many more to meet?
Won't let mind linger on the endless things beyond me.
I'll try to finish this one small cup.
---Tu Fu
Nothing is often a good thing to do and always a good thing to say.
---Will Durant
It's hard to follow Professor Durant's witty truism with a Log entry, but I'll promise at least to be brief. Whitman wrote the great American poem and called it Leaves of Grass. In this political season we are reminded the leaves turn brown and die without healthy, well-nourished roots. This is the election of the grassroots in America! More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 12:16, by gsosbee. Activism
I recently contacted the U.S. Commission on 911 and I attempted to report gross abuse of power by the fbi/cia in foreign intelligence matters ; I wanted to point out that such transgressions involved *blackmail and extortion by the fbi/cia against foreign governments and officials who fail to recognize the superiority of the fbi/cia in the NWO. This type of corruption by the fbi/cia must be addressed in order to prevent another attack on the U.S. because foreign countries may begin to play the same game on US that we use on them in regards to sharing intelligence.
The Commission ignored my two e-mails on this subject. I must therefore conclude that the Commission attempts to conceal from the world certain intelligence data that could compromise intelligence sources and methodology even though the fbi and the cia engage in commodity-type trading of such information in international political negotiations/operations in a manner not necessarily in the best interests of presumed friendly nations. Specifically, for example, the fbi will withhold intelligence data that a foreign country needs to prevent a terrorist attack on that foreign nation, unless that country (or foreign official) fully cooperates with the fbi and the cia in covert operations design to kill or to imprison given Targets, or to overthrow a given government.Indeed in some instances as history shows the terrorists in some attacks had cia tacit approval for attacks on certain targets.
An appauling example of a different type fbi/cia incompetence and corrupt practices regarding intelligence sharing occurred in the Phillipines prior to 911. The Phillipino government (and top law enforcement officials in Manila) advised the fbi and the cia prior to 911 that a number of the terrorists who were later confirmed as involved in the 911 attack on the U.S. were in the Phillipines, possibly training there, and were en route to the U.S. The fbi and the cia ignored this data because the names , albeit associated with known terrorist groups, were Saudi Arabian, and that nation enjoys a cozy relationship with the fbi/cia in terms of sharing intelligence data; presumably the fbi and the cia take no action (until now) against suspect foreign nationals of Saudi Arabia because such characters may in fact be assassins for the Saudi government. In other words the fbi and the cia protect the assassins of friendly nations.
In this regard ,the police officials in Manilla hold deep resentment for the fbi and the cia for their heavy-handed controls over the Phillipino government and these officials are at the same time afraid to report fbi/cia trangressions/incompetence to the U.S. Congress for fear of retaliation by the fbi/cia who could easily withhold the names of potential assassins bent on killing Phillipino officials.
Another common method of fbi/cia retaliation against a foreign government official is for the fbi and the cia to not share vital intelligence data with a sometimes friendly foreign government in order to allow a terrorist attack on that government when intelligence tactics dictate the need for such back-stabbing. This , of course, causes serious political repercussions, especially as some foreign officials now recognize that the fbi and the cia lied to the U.S. Congress about the causes for U.S. invasion of Iraq (as well as other skirmishes around the world) and at the same time the U.S. expects friendly nations to send troops to die for our (U.S.)inhumane goals there.geral sosbee
*The fbi publishes the following fraudulent public notice at its unofficial site shown below:
"The F.B.I. Bureau investigates Murders, Extortion, Kidnapping, Antiterrorism, Theft of Auto & Banks. Of course the F.B.I does a whole lot more, but to say it simply we protect The United States of America."
See Also Article Entitled And Dated As Follows:
The Responsibility For The Collapse Of The USA
[Category: News] 23 May 2008
"The Responsibility For The Collapse Of The Constitutional
Government of The United States of America ".
Sosbee adds: The fbi states , "WE protect the United States of America"; such an assertion is a total lie; in reality the fbi and the cia have destroyed the USA as a Constitutional Democracy.
[link] More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 12:14, by scotty. Spirituality
I thought that to want the ‘best’ for someone was a nice good spiritual attitude to have !
Well - I’ve been thinking about that !
I’m just begining to wonder if ‘sending out love ‘n light ‘n peace’ or whatever to people is really a good thing ! hmm – I’m begining to doubt it quite seriously ! More >
15 Jul 2004 @ 04:13, by namakando. Preparedness, Self-Reliance
Let the goverments of the world redirect the billions of dollars being spent on technological research into new weaponry to fight imaginary resource wars of their own making and hapharzard outerspace explorations to 'Human Innerspace' research to prepare our thinking as we endevour to make this world a better place to live on.'To be or not to Be'what we want is entirely our choice! More >
14 Jul 2004 @ 20:49, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Softly Keep
I picked a sweet pink rose today,
And took it in without delay.
A rose like those we once grew,
Made me feel at once brand new,
Mother, your face touched my mind,
Your smile so winsome, your eyes so kind.
I will remember those days gone by,
How we’d laugh and how we’d cry. More >
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