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picture 13 Jul 2004 @ 17:42, by magical_melody. Relationships
As our world goes topsy-turvy, and our shared realities play out their his-terical and his-torical patterns, I continue to see multiple opportunities presented, which have the power to move us into co-creating a new shared story, (our heart story!!). I see the foundation of unconditional love as facilitating these spaces of common-unity. Memories surface as old pictures and stifled cries for love evoke us to release the barriers so healing can come.

Photo: The Fern and especially the Silver Fern is a national symbol for New Zealand. In Maori, the Koru (fern frond spiral) symbolizes new life, new beginnings, growth, tranquility, harmony and peace.  More >

 My Connection to Mayan1 comment
13 Jul 2004 @ 11:18, by ov. Philosophy
This started in the Unity Wisdom day entry of the Mayan Days category, as a comment, but it was a bit long and more personal than communal, and I'd like to see the Mayan Days migrate to its own blog once it gets established.

I've known about the Mayan for a long time but it was only as an item of interest. There are many things that I find interesting but I don't feel personally attached to them. The Egyptian mthologies fall into that category for me, with Isis and Osiris defining the structure at the start of the patriarchal era and Horus being the emerging story yet to be told at the end of the patriarchal era, which I believe is happening right now. There are so many different philosophies and ideas out there and especially when a person ventures outside of the mainstream, but they don't take on any significance, or motivate a person to become obssesed with them until their is that personal attachment.

My attachment to the Mayan started with the Autumn equinox in 2001, and then has been recently strengthened with a lecture I attended a few days ago. The details of that can be found at in the learning lab section of the site.
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 The Nameless12 comments
picture12 Jul 2004 @ 11:13, by bombadil. Religion

"I have many names, and none of them matter. Names are not important.  More >

 Freecycle - A world-wide Network to Recycle Stuff!!!2 comments
picture 11 Jul 2004 @ 20:57, by magical_melody. Alternative Money Systems
One rule: everything posted must be free. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano, or an old door to be given away, it can be posted on the network. Or, maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself? Respond to the posting directly and you just might get it. After that it is up to the giver to set up a pickup time for passing on the treasure. Freecycle  More >

 Happy Anniversary, Honey13 comments
picture11 Jul 2004 @ 02:08, by jazzolog. Relationships
What does the spring wind have in mind,
coming day and night to these groves and gardens?
It never asks who owns the peach and damson trees but blows away their crimson without a word.


To every natural form, rock, fruit or flower,
Even the loose stones that cover the high-way,
I gave a moral life.

---William Wordsworth

If we have not found heaven within, it is a certainty we will not find it without.

---Henry Miller

Our wedding day, July 11, 1982. Left to right, Dana, Richard and his parents, J. Ralph and Rhea Carlson.

Twenty-two years today I believe it is. Strange day for a wedding, but a master astrologer charted July 11th as just about the only window such a peculiar combination as Dana and I were---and probably still are---were given to do it. The people who introduced us weren't sure now whether or not they'd created a monster. From what I understand, most folks who knew us both harbored doubts it would work. Some spoke their concerns aloud. Our chemistry told us differently, and we shared powerful common interests and goals. So for better or worse...  More >

 Fly Again3 comments
picture10 Jul 2004 @ 17:33, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Fly Again

Will we, with joy and pain of soul,
find a soft heart's repose?
Are the arrows of adversity and treachery always to seek us in our dark safe places?
Enticed forth we grasp a kindly hand,
which then turns to skeletal dripping horror before our eyes.
A horror of our own making, an inner vision of deception.  More >

 Mayan Day Category1 comment
9 Jul 2004 @ 17:18, by ov. History, Ancient World
This is a new category for the Mayan Day based on the Tzolkin calendar. The calendar is the primary defining element of a culture and is what creates their reality. You are what you pay attention to and as a collective there is no single element that people pay more attention to than their calendar. It is so ubiquitous that most people aren't even aware of how much of an effect it has on creating their reality. Our Western culture revolves around the Gregorian calendar (est 1582), which revolves around the sun, which constantly reminds us that the center and be all is material with no place for the spiritual.

The Mayan had twenty different calendars. The one most frequently cited is the Haab calendar, which is of the Earth and was used mainly to set the tax days which were a function of the harvest and it wasn't used for much else. It was the only one that archeologists paid much attention to since they couldn't understand anything that wasn't synchronized to the solar year.

The two calendars used most by the Mayans were the Tun (360 days) and was the divine or prophetic calendar, and the Tzolkin (260 days) which was the personal and astrological calendar. This calendar was made up of 13 Personal Intentions, represented by a number; and 20 Astrological Aspects, represented by a sign or glyph. Each of the 260 days in the year had a unique combination. The Mayans also believed that they chose the day on which they were to be born, that this has significance, and since their first name was the number and glyph everybody knew what that significance was.

Each of the articles in this category will be kind of like a daily collective horscope except it will use the Tzolkin calendar.  More >

 A Dream - Escorting the Prisoner12 comments
9 Jul 2004 @ 12:27, by craiglang. Altered States
I had a fascinating dream, which I suspect has some very important meanings. In the dream, I was part of a volunteer program which provided people to escort prisoners from one place to another in Europe (yes, I know, it makes no sense, but remember that it WAS a dream...).  More >

 Intuition & The Zone5 comments
9 Jul 2004 @ 02:41, by ov. Spirituality
The subject of intuition has cropped up in the blogosphere and I just discovered that our individual survival over the next few years could very well depend on developing this skill. For us men, this might be easier to accept if we thought of our intuition as that sports term of "Being In the Zone", that ability to remain cool, calm and collected, or at least functional, when under exreme pressure. With the exponentially increasing rate of change which we are experiencing we will be encountering extreme pressure, and it will only get more intense in the months and years to come.  More >

 At Eventide4 comments
picture8 Jul 2004 @ 12:05, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
At Eventide

It was eventide and I sat watching the sky
I could see the trees waving in the breeze
Three ducks flew over, going west
I was thinking, if I could do as I please
I would seek the when, where and why
Bringing my soul to life’s test  More >

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