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 The Divine Design2 comments
27 May 2004 @ 01:16, by ov. Spirituality
The Divine Design was a poem I wrote about ten years ago. It is actually more of a spoken word piece, and has has been performed in public on three occasions and was well recieved. I have never heard it myself, but it generates a lot of power and I get extremely 'pumped' whenever I recite it even if it is only silently to myself; in full delivery I can feel the words echo in my lungs. Technically it is more like a manifesto or mission statement, but I simply think of it as the spoken word.  More >

25 May 2004 @ 13:14, by bri_outten. Environment, Ecology
The celebrated environmentalist and visionairy James Lovelock wrote in an article in the 'Independant' newspaper on Monday 24th May that,
Unless civilisation takes the view that we must use the next most economical and politically acceptable form of power, ie nuclear, then society will face the greatest challenge yet seen to the survival of not just themselves, but of the natural world as well!
The future, he states, cannot wait as the evidence is now worse than predicted with the current evidence of the rate of icecap melting!

Personally I feel that this is a pramatic yet imperfect solution, with the potential of the possibilities of renewable power evident,and of ever increasing relevance, how can we be just giving it lip service??!  More >

 The EQnomy Manifesto2 comments
picture 22 May 2004 @ 07:48, by ming. Philosophy
Mentioned on Empowerment Illustrated, I'm looking at the EQnomy Manifesto. It is based on the idea that all human action is rooted in emotion, and the aim is that we can live consciously, in tune with others, and aiming at happiness for everyone. Here are its 12 Theses:
1. People want to experience that they live. Now.
2. The truly important things are: being-human, development, challenge and fun!
3. People define their own passion, energy, success and needs.
4. Our EQnomy is a sizzling party of real, authentic human beings.
5. We seek no 'balance between work and personal life'; we are our authentic selves in work and in private.
6. Our talents, time, attention, ideas, knowledge and networks are ours and our responsibility.
7. An organization is not a Counsel, Company, Care- or Educational Institution. An organization always consists of PEOPLE who are committed to each other and to other people.
8. "What does your care, involvement, service or product add to me, my development, challenge and fun!?"
9. We do not want to be 'robbed'; we want to be 'touched'.
10. Before we go along with an organization, we first want to understand it and feel it; the mission, the culture; the people.
11. We are loyal to the passion and inspiration with which all once began. Not to the rules that 'crept in' along the way.
12. To us it is not about WHAT we do. To us it is about WHY we do what we do.
That is an intriguing angle to take on everything. Life is about being alive, about being true to who we are. Any kind of organization and set of rules are of course secondary to the authenticity of what we're about, what life is about. If you're a different person at work than when you're "off", you're not being real.

Yes, imagine how life would be if we could live it authentically all the time, and we could allow others the same freedom, and we didn't feel compelled to force ourselves and others into some fake roles, pursuing aims than none of us really care about.  More >

 Childhood Intelligence
21 May 2004 @ 14:36, by sharie. Children, Parenting
I remember a time when I was four years old, standing in my parents' bedroom and being acutely aware of their unhappiness with one another. This had been an on-going misery, but on this particular day it struck me that this would be commonplace, and simultaneously I was crystal clear that I could not count on them to teach me about life. "Adults don't know what they're doing," I thought. They seemed so mis-guided.

The underlying sense was that their unhappiness with their life was because they were either choosing to be miserable or they were stuck and didn't seem to know how to live a happy life.

My general disposition had always been calm and content, and by stark contrast was this pervasive agony that the two of them managed to manifest.

So I made the decision then and there, at that ripe old age of four years old, that I would just figure out for myself how to live in this world... and so I did.

Several months later, our family moved to a new home out in the country, surrounded by trees and valleys. There was a moment there when I suddenly became aware of standing in our house, and feeling inundated by the tension in the air, a tension so thick it was beginning to penetrate my being. I immediately judged that tension to be "unreal". I would not acknowledge their human misery as anything "real".

I walked outside to the green waving grass and the green trees blowing in the wind and the beautiful blue sky, and I felt the power of life permeating me, and I thought, "This is Real!"

As I embraced this magnificent life force of Nature, the physical realm faded from view and I saw the brilliant light of the spirit of life, the eternal presence of the immortal intelligence, so beautiful and true that I immediately knew the physical world was merely an illusion that fades with time.

Beyond the illusion of time, space, energy, and motion is the eternal reality of the spirit of life. And this spirit communicated to me in the language of light, making its promise of radiant opulent abundance that would always be mine if only I kept faith in the light of truth.

I knew this light to be the God of all life, and I knew my God as my friend, the Creator of all that exists. It was a beautiful God. I looked to my God as my guide throughout my life, and since my parents were rarely present in my life, I looked to the spirit of life for my happiness and peace.

There exists a home movie of my family, my aunts, uncles, and cousins all walking along together, somewhat droning along, and here comes little Sharie, skipping through the crowd with such exuberance that to this day I can't help but burst out laughing just thinking about it.

I was a happy kid. I taught myself to swim, I taught myself to ride a bike, I taught myself to play the organ, I was an accomplished flutist in the band, was driven to do acrobatics of all kinds, and became known for my flexibility - splits all three ways, backbends, walk-overs, and hand-springs, I became the chess champion of my school, won an award for demonstrating an exhaustingly impressive memory, I won a ribbon for track, and I won the art award. This was the extent of my accomplishments by age eleven, with little adult supervision.

I've always remembered the intelligence and insight I had at four years old, and have acknowledged all children to be inherently brilliant.

As an adult, I worked with children for seven years. From babies to teenagers, and even college kids, I enjoyed their intelligence and humor, their keen observations and their many questions.

When my twin daughters were two years old, I was taking them for a walk one day when a woman passed asking, "How do you do it!"

"I treat them like intelligent beings... and they act accordingly," I answered with a snappy happy melody.

As I walked on, I thought of what I'd just said. I knew that's why my daughters were almost always happy. They never ever threw a fit, and very, very rarely cried.

They loved people and people loved them. They were always friendly and out-going, and very engaging to be with, and such great company.

I remember a time when they were just toddlers and we were out at the playground, and we could hear another toddler crying. And my daughter said, "Ahhh..." with such a tone of compassion that I was in awe of her awareness and empathy. She was only about 15 months old at the time.

I'd learned about a child's conscience from Little Lisa, a precious toddler I'd known years before I had children of my own. Lisa's conscience was so highly developed, her behavior so alarmingly bright that I remembered becoming aware that we must never violate a child's conscience, never violate the integrity of a child's presence of being.

Children are a precious gift. Please take care that you always respect them.

 A Single Image25 comments
picture20 May 2004 @ 09:33, by jazzolog. Violence, War
Clouds come from time to time---
and bring a chance to rest
from looking at the moon.


True words always seem paradoxical but no other form of teaching can take their place.


Death destroys a man, but the idea of death saves him.

---E.M. Forster

There were 2 photographs that ended the United States involvement in the Viet Nam Civil War. One was of a Vietnamese citizen an instant before his execution by an officer of the army of his country. The other was of a child---a naked little girl running down a road crying.  More >

18 May 2004 @ 13:37, by sharie. Personal Development

Why would you want to be brilliant?

Because everyday life requires you to make choices, and by embracing your brilliance, you make the best choices and create the best life possible.

Having the best of friends, work that’s enjoyable, meaningful and satisfying, and feeling great about every aspect of your life is a demonstration of your brilliance.

Your brilliance is a multi-facted radiance of your spiritual, emotional, intellectual, psychological, social, physical, and sexual bliss.

Knowing and experiencing the fullness of your joy in every aspect of your being is to know the deepest depths of who you are. To live and breathe the full expanse of your freedom, to think and feel the magnificence of your presence, and to radiate the eternal brilliance of your immortal soul is life itself.

Who are you?

With out the air?

Without the water?

Without the iron, magnesium, and other minerals of the rocks?

You are the water, rocks, and air. You cannot be separate from them. Nor can you be separate from the sun, for without the sun, our Earth would not exist.

So the fullness of your being expands beyond your human body, and even beyond your spirit as you know it.

You *are* the rocks, water, air, and sun, and you *are* the earth. You cannot exist without them, so you cannot be considered separate from them. You are the universe. You are the brilliant intelligence of all life forms. Your brilliance is infinite and eternal.

Your brilliance is of God, and all that exists manifests the infinite spirit of intelligent brilliance (though the children of God may choose to be blinded by fears and darkness) but you are nevertheless the same brilliance of eternal life.

Be Brilliant.

Be Alive.


Kinship With All Life

The Man Who Talked With Flowers

The Secret Life of Plants

The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe

Reconnecting with Nature [link]

 Halfway9 comments
picture18 May 2004 @ 10:51, by jazzolog. Spirituality
The nature of the mind, when understood,
No human words can compass or disclose.
Enlightenment is naught to be obtained,
And he that gains it does not say he knows.


It is the stars not known to science that I would know,
the stars which the lonely traveler knows.

---Henry David Thoreau

As long as you haven't experienced
This: to die and so to grow,
You are only a troubled guest
On the dark earth.

---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A glorious tiger swallowtail photographed by Tomm Lorenzin

For Martha~~~

This morning, beautiful and clear after a night of roaming thunderstorms, I walked slowly down to the garden with a container of eggshells, coffee and tea grounds. This we deposit on the soil for its enrichment. There at one end were 5 perfect tiger swallowtails in a cluster, feeding in one spot. What could it mean, and what could they be doing? There was dampness there, but no more or less particularly than anywhere else. Their amazing tongues were exploring and enjoying something seemingly...but who knows? Maybe they have a season of their lives in which they simply want to gather as a species, to appreciate themselves and each other. But is that too much emotion with which to credit an insect...especially a solitary one? It might be that in the next day or 2, there will be great mating activity and our garden was like a soda fountain or dance at which young butterflies check each other out.  More >

 Moonlit Reverie5 comments
picture 16 May 2004 @ 00:55, by skookum. Spirituality
Moonlit Reverie

A wishing star clings to the heavens above
Shining on the ones I love
Remember in small things you’re blessed
Come put your weary heart at rest  More >

 Library of Alexandria discovered.9 comments
15 May 2004 @ 10:39, by bushman. History, Ancient World
Wonder what they will find there. I had heard that Zahi Hawass was going to release some new information of great importance, think this is it? He had said in a past interview that the great piramid was built on an older existing building and there is a vault under the spinx thats 35ft x 60ft and that he always thought it was just the extended base of the spinx. He had the whole Giza platue fenced off as well. I think they found a tunnel system and there is a tunnel that runs from Giza to where they found this library.
[link]  More >

 The hard way forward to another drug policy2 comments
picture14 May 2004 @ 15:35, by ferre. Government, Public Sector
The following is a summary of the experiences of a representative of the European NGO Council on Drug Policy while attending the conference called "The Way Forward", on a new European Union strategy on illicit drugs, which was held in the Hotel Conrad, Dublin, Ireland, on 10 and 11 May, 2004.

My presence at the Conference followed an invitation of the organisers (Irish government, current EU-presidency together with the Dutch government, the next EU -presidency) to inform about the position of European NGO's working on drugs issues. The result was that some governments re-acted on this presence as if I had come to open the box of Pandora…

The audience consisted of about 200 people: mostly civil servants from all the 25 EU Member States, some from candidate countries Rumania, Bulgaria and Turkey, some representatives of European Institutions (European Commission, Europol, European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction EMCDDA, Council of Europe), some observers from third governments (Norway, United States) and two NGO representatives (TNI and ENCOD).  More >

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