19 Sep 2008 @ 16:27, by shreepal. Philosophy
The truth, the eternal conscious being, which is perceived by humans variously – depending upon one’s Para psychological propensity as the Supreme father, the Divine Mother, the Ultimate State or whatever kind of thing It appears to that psychology – has always been there allowing Itself or Himself bound by the law of conservation of energy. It or He was there before the birth of great leaders of mankind like Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ etc. and shall always remain there.
The supreme tool of human beings for knowing things, that is, Mind, as of today is not developed enough to resolve the dilemma of the ultimate – the primordial creator or the creation. The choices available to us are either to postpone the resolution of this problem to an indefinite future, to a point of time in future when humans would be evolved enough mentally or otherwise to tackle this supreme question and proceed further on our forward march or to pass our judgments today denouncing things Divine as against Science and vice versa. The wisest choice on our part is the former option.
This timeless truth has been spoken of by credible people and there is no reason for us to doubt their integrity. The truth spoken of by them is timeless but the context and the times in which it was spoken have changed with the passage of time beyond recognition today.
While passing our judgments on their statements we should always remember that a truth has to be clothed in words, context and circumstances to make it understandable to the people of the time and relevant to their problems. Today we speak of this truth in the words of Science. It is but natural. But this process inevitably puts ostensible limitations of time-specific culture and rigid frames of contents on its otherwise limitless substance. This truth is limitless from the weak human measures. Its relevance to times and circumstances includes not the past ages alone but our (modern) age as well.
Let the rigid religious moulds formed around it by lay followers of different leaders of mankind over the ages pursue their respective old-beaten tracks, take their own course and complete their natural run. And in the meantime, let these rigid, divisive and narrow moulds thus extract out of this eternal source their due life-sustaining nectar for their remaining period of life, for the period till humans pierce these moulds and get to the bottom, to the centre, to the essence. It is for them to follow this track of outlived utility and realize its diminished utility and not for us to dissuade them from that path.
We on our part should go to this centre of eternal truth and tap its benign flood-light to expose the rampant habitations of human miseries and misfortunes on earth and to heal them by its curative energy. The sweep of the truth of which the great human leaders have spoken is not confined to individual charity and good conduct on the part of an individual; it takes within its sweeps the charity and good conduct of the organized human society.
This truth is not permissive in the face of evil times; it is revolutionary to the core. It is more revolutionary in character than any of the ordinary revolutionary human thoughts. If revolution is understood a radical change, then this eternal truth is concerned with nothing but bringing a radical change in the individual and collective human living. Let this eternal light be inscribed by us as a war cry on the revolutionary banner of the New Age.
Further reading links:
A prediction about Earth
Freedom More >
18 Sep 2008 @ 15:39, by skookum. Spirituality
Shamanism: Working with animal spirits.
I have in the last few weeks had unusually frequent contact with a high number of Praying Mantis...
[link] More >
18 Sep 2008 @ 14:11, by beto. Philosophy
In September, 21th, 1908, exactly one century ago, science entered a kind of railroad switch that has taken its development to the point we are now. Today we see how different everything could be if the option were another, in that crucial point of the scientific evolution. More >
18 Sep 2008 @ 11:48, by erlefrayne. Economics, Financing, Banking
To all fellow men and women out there who may have deep fondness for the liberal capitalist model of economic adaptation, I hope that you can make some adjustments in your cognitive banks. Capitalism is not a permanent facet of human life, but merely one among various epochs that will come to pass. Only impermanence is sacrosanct in the cosmos, so please refrain from singing hallelujah to a world system that is on its death knell as I articulated in a previous article. More >
16 Sep 2008 @ 10:25, by magical_melody. Crime, Policing
Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle.
Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
Video 29:52 Minutes
It is critical for citizens in America to do something NOW!!!!
Interview Video
This University Series is a MUST SEE: Includes additional essential viewing clips.
Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America:
Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.
Naomi Wolf; The End of America: Tipping Point, Now! Pt1 1-12 videos
American Freedom Campaign More >
12 Sep 2008 @ 11:33, by erlefrayne. Economics, Financing, Banking
...will commodity-based economics survive the times ahead? Both coffee and milk will survive for sure, but will the money economy that underpins them survive as well? As to the broader world system of capitalism, will it survive too or is it in fact on its death knell today?
Capitalism was the last of the world systems that embodied the ‘money economy’ to which it properly belongs. With the opening of the 20th century, the socialist world system appeared on the social landscape and attempted to serve as an alternative to capitalism, but this experienced its early demise as its implementers found out that it cannot be sustained after all. Both capitalism and socialism are embodiments of the ‘money economy’ as it later turned out to be, they are just but two sides of the same coin: the ‘money economy’. More >
11 Sep 2008 @ 07:27, by hyphenate. Spirituality
[In attempts to provide a “fair and balanced” side to this eternally optimistic warehouse of writings, I take my first opportunity to really Rant! as the anniversary of 9/11 looms in the air, the heads of at least half of us continue to be stuck in the sand (or somewhere else where the sun doesn’t shine), we still consent to the ridiculous practice of having drinking water taken away from us at the airport in the name of “national security” and more. Consider this the equivalent of the old practice of taking your car out on the highway once in a while, “punching it” and really clearing/blowing out the carbeurator of all its caked-on gook. Upon completion of this we will return you to your regularly scheduled smiling "Cheerleader for Humanity"]
The approach to the anniversary of 9/11 is the time of year when, for the last eight years, people have traditionally stumbled upon the One World Flag, in the seeking out of “a bigger flag to fly”; that is-- some tangible representation of that higher ideal they embrace which, sadly, doesn’t seem to have yet taken hold in the majority.
The most impassioned heart-testimonials arrive from those brave enough to continue to entrain to this larger idea-- of the possibility within us all-- rather than get “sucked back” down to the lower vibration contracted unto by those who would give away their discernment and personal power, and those who gladly continue to take and use that. These higher-minded compassionate beings are the truly embattled and discriminated minority, more in alignment with the persecuted, right-minded indigenous ones throughout the history of the world, than their “Taker” oppressors (as defined by Daniel Quinn in his “Ishamel”-- please read it).
The “reality of what is”; the neverending wars with unseen enemies toward undefined objectives; the constant barefoot reminders of the color-coded need to “fear the faceless other”, relinquish all drinking water and any shampoo or lotion in excess of 3 fluid ounces, and continue to give personal power away to the benevolent institutional/ corporate/presidential/religious father figures of the day… is as lost on “us”… More >
9 Sep 2008 @ 21:25, by gsosbee. Government, Public Sector
admin: get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
A fundamental flaw in the present leadership of the United States of America brings about unnecessary death and destruction around the world; the use of the fbi and the cia (and their friends in the Pentagon and the private sector) as global outlaws insures that the US government cannot repair the inestimable damage now apparent in the crime spree under way at home and abroad by these two corrupt and homicidal groups. Truly intelligent people around the world are amazed that the people of this country (USA) do nothing to hold their leaders responsible for their crimes against Humanity. Such a populace (non)response also suggests that the USA has lost all credibility as a world leader and in fact is now viewed as a world murderous and torturous tyrant which must be stopped at all costs.
The basic flaw of the government here may be the inability of the USA’s terrorists (both in the public and the private sector, under the direction of the fbi,cia, etc.) to comprehend the long term effects of the global blood bath on the human psyche, especially as the USA continues its war waging rampage. Further, few in the USA government evince the slightest awareness of the ‘indominable human spirit’ of USA’s adversaries which must prevent evil from reigning supreme on earth. In this respect the USA has at long last openly forsaken its once public façade of “In God We Trust”, for no deity can exist in the minds and hearts of the devil’s advocates. Thus, the killing and torturing goes on and on, all sponsored by the USA in the name of world peace.
The fraud that is now the United States of America is permanently recorded , as are all the names of its civilian and military supporters, as the most satanic ever known on the face of the earth, and the USA goals of maintaining military and economic power over all other nations and peoples (under the doctrine associated with the NWO) are measured by the death and suffering of those targeted for termination. The USA is reduced to the function of a little demon which must now be stopped by the eternal spirits which have always come to the aid of Humanity during times of global crises and which are alive and well in growing numbers all around and in us.
Geral sosbee
US Senate supports Israel's Gaza incursion
Thu Jan 8, 2009 5:00pm GMT
Susan Cornwell
Harry Reid:
"When we pass this resolution, the United States Senate will strengthen our historic bond with the state of Israel..., "I ask any of my colleagues to imagine that happening here in the United States. Rockets and mortars coming from Toronto in Canada, into Buffalo New York. How would we as a country react?"
Sosbee responds:
How does the world react to the USA/'?Isreal' global blood bath (in pursuit of world inhumane subjugation) spreading like a cancer all around us, using the tactics mentioned above! Freedom Fighters here at home and abroad refuse to accept any untenable defense of the torturers and terrorists of fbi/cia/mosad and their retarded sisters in the military. The battle for Liberty against mental dwarfs and war mongers (like Reid and his cowardly brethren in the Senate) is on.
9 Sep 2008 @ 08:58, by johnjoseph. Spirituality
The Other Erwin Schrodinger
I was recently reading a small book by Physicist Erwin Schrodinger, noted for his Nobel prize and contributions to Quantum theory and the paradox of “Schrodinger’s Cat”. What is not well known is his mystical approach to certain things for example his concept of “negative entropy” to explain some unique characteristics of life itself. Writing over 50 years ago he states that classical physics has reached an impasse and has to change its ideas in some ways, in order to be able to advance further. The first way is to adopt what he calls the “Law of Identity”, which he borrows from the Hindu religion. This asserts that we all share in our consciousness in the consciousness of God. Schrodinger sees the question of whether this involves souls as an unnecessary complication, and seems not to believe in them. Linked to his view of consciousness is his profound belief that the split between Subject and Object, central to Classical Science, is an illusion. He believed that it is really a split in our minds, in our consciousness, that creates this illusion of a separation between observer and object. His views were remarkable at that time and are still cutting-edge today. I completely agree with his analysis and add here a few thoughts of my own. Recently I have been thinking and writing about “the Other” and it is clear to me that the split between Self and Other, which is the cause of so much trouble in the world, is a split in consciousness similar to what he describes. Self/Other is a false dichotomy, an illusion, on a par with that between Observer and Observed. It is caused by a split in our consciousness, our way of looking at things, and I will now elaborate why.
Schrodinger’s “Law of Identity” says that we all share, in our individual consciousness, in the consciousness of God. This is the Hindu view and that of many mystics. But most world religions resolutely deny that we are part of the Godhead and consider it blasphemy to say this. Yet it is this very same denial, I believe, that is the cause of this split in our consciousness that leads us to create “the Other” and “the Object”. First we deny that we are like God, then we start to perceive God as the Other, then we perceive parts of ourselves as other, then Nature, Woman, Gays, Blacks, Muslims and so on. This condition is called Alienation. In these circumstances the alienated Self, the Ego, itself splits into countless inner others. To the alienated, everything is other, nothing is self. In reality everything is God, but alienated people cannot see that. One consequence of this estrangement from God, and ourselves, is that we try to destroy everything we see as other. But this is impossible. The other is everywhere. It is like our shadow. In attempting to destroy the other all we do is destroy ourselves. All the environmental problems we have, such as climate change, come from this unconscious desire to destroy the other, and Nature is a huge other. The remedy for this malaise and all such, is to accept that there is no Other; Everything is Self, Everything is God. More >
9 Sep 2008 @ 03:11, by divinityr. Spirituality
SURRENDER ...SURRENDER... SURRENDER.... Over the last couple weeks, circumstances have been pounding against me as I mentally dug my heels in and vowed, “I refuse to surrender to anything external trying to draw me into hurting myself or others.”
And what a battle that has been. It seemed the harder I tried to react in love, the more trying and frustrating my surroundings became. I'd start to get caught up: mentally beating myself up or reacting but then catch myself and say “Bless this” and “Praises for allowing me to experience what this is like!” The harder I felt the push externally, the more I tried to give and be resolute and ask for help in letting only blessings leave my mouth.
And although our strength comes from the ability to refrain from surrendering to our surroundings, surrender is exactly what we need: surrender to our souls. I swear an angel of great strength has been following me with the thickest frying pan available in heaven. I may have the dents in my head to prove it. LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!
It does make a lovely rhythm. I love percussion. I digress.
Read the rest here: [link] More >
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