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 Blood Brothers12 comments
picture 8 Feb 2004 @ 12:25, by ming. Conspiracy
Via Scarlet Jewels, George Bush & John Kerry: Blood Brothers from Yeah, good conspiracy stuff that shouldn't be forgotten. Particularly now it looks like it is John Kerry who's going to be best positioned to be the Democrat contender for Bush's job.
Well, for starters, George Bush and John Kerry are both graduates of Yale University – that long-heralded bastion of the Eastern establishment. In addition, each of these men were members of Skull & Bones, the most exclusive secret society/fraternity in America, and prime breeding ground for the CIA and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

But wait; there’s more. John Kerry’s wife, Teresa, was formerly married to Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz. Guess what college he attended. Answer: Yale. And guess what notorious fraternity he pledged to. Skull & Bones! Now ask yourself: what are the odds that both presidential candidates went to the same school, belonged to the same secret society, and that one of their wives was married to TWO different Skull & Bonesmen? It’s infinitesimal … off the charts.
Well, I don't think she picked exactly at random. Anyway, this is not all weird speculation of course. Well documented and confirmed that both John Kerry and the two George Bushes and a whole bunch of other folks in powerful positions are Skull and Bones members. Kerry is just as much an insider, or a little more, actually, which is worrisome. Means, essentially, that the same people would stay in power.

Anyway, Bush was just interviewed for "Meet the Press" by Tim Russert, who did a rather fine job of bringing up the good questions. Which George W didn't have very good answers to. Like about deserting his National Guard duty. And he also managed to ask him about Skull and Bones. Transcript here.  More >

 How dare you! NASA8 comments
7 Feb 2004 @ 09:17, by bushman. Extraterrestrials
If this info is true, it's enough reason to revolt.
In re: the rabbit eared looking object that seems to have been removed from the 360 pic by the Opertunity rover on Mars. The cover up has to stop.

Latest Update link to this story: Shows that the Oppertunity rover delibritly ran over the rabbit eared object, you can see it crushed into the rover track. But, I guess it proves that it was just an odd shaped chunk of c02 snow, like all those sphericals you can see all over the soil.

Here is an updated link so you wont have to scroll to the bottom to find it, if you allready read the original post.

Links from original post.



Even more.

Then someone noticed this object.

In this link, the person obviously forgot the rover lander has airbags, and they left bounce marks, so the link below shows an airbag bounce mark, and the lander rolled down hill before they deflated the bags. As well a comment asks why theres no tracks behind the rover, but there are tracks right there in the pic, lol, so this commenter obviously didnt have his glasses on nor did he read any of the press releases about it.
Sorry, it appears the link below was removed, or the info was moved to one of the other links above.

Still there is enough info to say NASA is covering up what they are finding on Mars. I do agree that the object could be a fulgerite, still the object warrents investigation, and in the newest pics you can see they drove right by it, as well you can see the rover tracks where it kicked its back half over to the right about 8 inches, now do the math, how much range of motion does that translate into at the arm? I'd say 6 feet, so they did look at the object and then dug a trench with the wheel and burried it. The trench digging move was the next thing on the list, they didnt show pics of spirits trench either, because they found that the surface soil is dry, but under it is semi frozen permafrost, Mars is wet, real wet. NASA had a press release up explaining the trench diging thing, and now thats gone too. How dare them!

Some updated comments to the original post.

Also I found this animation of the microscopic imager, smashing or pressing the soil down to test compaction tendecies of the soil. What you see is very intresting as to the small white spherical objects on the soil. Notice you see them then you see the press mark and all the white things seem to of disappered, or got pressed into the soil. This is not the case, those white spherical objects are basicly balls of dry ice crystals, micro c02 balls, the arm is heated so when it pressed down on the soil, poof, gone, turned to c02 gas. Also notice that 2 of the ice chunks stuck to the plate that pressed the soil, the arm is heated but the chunks stuck to the coldest part of the plate the left edge.

The larger annimation is at the bottom of this link.

Here see if this works so you don't have to download a large file. :}

{  More >

 Blood Brothers?3 comments
picture 5 Feb 2004 @ 18:16, by jewel. Conspiracy
I got something forwarded today from Wing Tv. Always good to get my conspiracy theory friends and those who are NOT a good chew!
"George Bush & John Kerry: Blood Brothers
by Victor Thorn

Following the 2000 presidential race, with memories of Votescam, hanging chads, the debacle in Florida and a possible „stolen‰ election still fresh in our minds, many people are wondering if this fall‚s contest will likewise be marred by some form of vote tampering or electronic ballot rigging. But in all honesty, the New World Order power brokers aren‚t even concerned with such notions this year.

Why? Because if John Kerry gets the Democratic nomination and runs against George Bush, both candidates will already by bought, sold, and controlled. It won‚t matter to the ruling elite who ultimately wins because both of these men have already surrendered their souls to the evil cabal years ago.

What makes me arrive at this conclusion? Well, for starters, George Bush and John Kerry are both graduates of Yale University ˆ that long-heralded bastion of the Eastern establishment. In addition, each of these men were members of Skull & Bones, the most exclusive secret society/fraternity in America, and prime breeding ground for the CIA and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

But wait; there‚s more. John Kerry‚s wife, Teresa, was formerly married to Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz. Guess what college he attended. Answer: Yale. And guess what notorious fraternity he pledged to. Skull & Bones! Now ask yourself: what are the odds that both presidential candidates went to the same school, belonged to the same secret society, and that one of their wives was married to TWO different Skull & Bonesmen? It‚s infinitesimal ∑ off the charts.

To make matters even stranger, Teresa Kerry‚s widowed husband also had direct ties to the Bush family. According to researcher Rodney Stich in Defrauding America, when George Bush Sr. and CIA Director William Casey engineered the October Surprise to bribe Iranian officials into retaining U.S. hostages until after the 1980 elections, two of the passengers on Bush‚s BAC 111 flight to Paris were Senator John Heinz, along with Senator John Tower from Texas.

Even more intriguing is the fact that John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that sordid affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings. Coincidentally, both John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 ˆ Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa. Once again I must ask: what are the odds of such an occurrence, especially when both men had close ties to George Bush Sr., who was a former CIA director in the mid-1970s? Did both of these men uncover information that they refused to keep silent about any longer?

Before you answer, consider that after Senator John Heinz died, his wife married Senator John Kerry, who was chairman of the 1988 Kerry Commission, described in the Senate Committee Report on Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy as „focusing on allegations of illegal gun-running and narcotics trafficking associated with the Contra war against Nicaragua‰ in relation to the CIA, Department of Justice, the U.S. State Department, and the office of the President and Vice President. The testimony that took place during these trials (both in open and closed door sessions) was quite possibly the most damning ever against our federal government, yet mysteriously, nearly all of it was suppressed and not widely reported in the mainstream media. Why? Senator Kerry as a Democrat, had every opportunity to blast a Republican administration out of the water, yet he inexplicably remained silent and the status quo prevailed. Could it be that someone tapped him on the shoulder and told him that if he played his cards right and kept these sordid matters hush-hush, he would be rewarded sometime in the future?

Well, here we are sixteen years later, and guess what. John Kerry, a Yale Skull & Bonesman (class of 1966) who kept his mouth shut about Yale Skull & Bonesman George Bush Sr. (class of 1948) is now running for the presidency against Yale Skull & Bonesman George W. Bush (class of 1968). Peculiar? You tell me.

So, when people start mentioning Votescam and rigged elections in the November election, all I can say is: why should the Controllers bother? Both of their candidates are already in the bag and will carry out the aims of those who are pulling their strings from behind the scenes. It‚s good to have friends in all the right places, don‚t you think?"
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 Thomas Friedman's Fixed Ideas6 comments
5 Feb 2004 @ 16:07, by bkodish. Developing World
Thomas Friedman shows his typical fixed ideas, disregard for facts, and preference for loony conspiracy theories regarding Israel in his New York Times column today.

Friedman believes that there exists a significant group of Palestinian Arab moderates with whom the Palestinian Jews, i.e., Israelis, can negotiate.

Therefore Israeli's hesitancy to abandon Judea, Samaria and Gaza indicate to him 'fanaticism' and the major block to peace with Palestinian Arabs.

Nonsense.  More >

 Creative Programming0 comments
picture5 Feb 2004 @ 13:53, by bombadil. Communication
"…the intention was for NCN to have many different nodes. Many local groups and many servers that facilitated people's communication…The weak point is that there isn't multiple servers controlled by different people, and a system in place so that the network communication continues no matter what part of the network drops out."

Ming The Mechanic - 02/22/2002

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 How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci5 comments
picture 4 Feb 2004 @ 18:24, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
Via Dewayne Mikkelson, the principles of how to think like a da Vinci. From Michael J. Gelb's book "How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day"
Curiosita: An Insatiably Curious Approach to Life and an Unrelenting Quest for Continuous Learning.

Dimostrazione: A Commitment to Test Knowledge through Experience, Persistence, and a Willingness to Learn from Mistakes.

Sensazion: The Continual Refinement of the Senses, Especially Sight, as the Means to Enliven Experience.

Sfumato: A Willingness to Embrace Ambiguity, Paradox, and Uncertainty.

Arte/Scienza: The Development of the Balance between Science and Art, Logic and Imagination. Whole Brain Thinking.

Corporalita: The Cultivation of Grace, Ambidexterity, Fitness, and Poise.

Connessione: A Recognition of and Appreciation for the Interconnectedness of all Things and Phenomena. Systems Thinking.
Hey, I'm not doing half-bad on most of these.  More >

 Are you a computer?7 comments
picture3 Feb 2004 @ 14:36, by bombadil. Technology
It is likely to be only a matter of time until a machine can truly act and behave as a "ditto" as imagined by David Brin in the previous post, and take over some of the tasks we now handle ourselves (those of us who don't have a personal assistant, that is), at least via some media.
While researching the previous topic The Musing Muse happened to stumble onto this related article that was introduced some time ago on NCN's Newslog, The Musing Muse also ran into the following piece about the Turing Test by David Joerg:  More >

 Are preachers today teaching Anti Moshiach doctrines?1 comment
3 Feb 2004 @ 08:47, by mikenight. Religion
When a preacher does not recognize the context of prophecy or context of their own books like that of Revelation which have already took place in Johns' day and age (the 3rd John from Patmos) then is this error causing people to be anti Moshiach and anti Jewish. Does this mistake cause people to hate peace or hate the coming Temple or coming Moshiach because they are taught to expect in our day and age a false Messiah in the Temple and a false worship in that Temple (which is not Biblical)?
Ask yourself this question: You teach your kids on one hand to inspire to bring Peace, Inspire to bring and see Moshiach to his Temple then turn around and teach them to thwart or watch out for that very same thing (Peace, Temple, and Moshiach). This double sided twist makes people damn and thwart the Jewish Moshiach and expectations making for a no win situation since you want peace and gathering and building of the Temple but also want to prevent and thwart it as well, which makes no sense. The reason it makes sense to these twisters are because they don't see the events occured in the day of John of Patmos in which he was warning from therefore they expect to see these events occur in our day and age. If a Jewish Rabbi comes to the Temple to come would you dare condemn or try and thwart the Jewish Procession? Then isn't that saying Jews have no right to return to their heritage and devotional inspired Temple which acts as a central outlet for spiritual awareness? Aren't you condemning the Torah? Aren't you anti Moshiach and anti Judaism?
Therefore a little error has caused many preachers to teach anti Moshiach and anti fulfillment of the Prophecy of the returning kingship of the Davidic Lineage.
COntext of Christian revelation shows the time of the Roman revolt whereby John of Patmos (not to be confused with other Johns of your bible) was warning of Romes adversary set up mocking the Jewish worship by placing an icon of a man for people to worship as their G0d while taking away their authority by replacing it with their own which stood on the seven hills (Vatican). Daniel's prophecy already took place with Antiochus so when preachers use John's revelation with Daniel which already occured they totally distort expectation of future events and thus become anti Temple and anti Moshiach (anti Jewish).
Proof these things in your book of Revelation took place in that era can be found by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 which by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.  More >

 What I'm reading5 comments
picture 1 Feb 2004 @ 19:43, by ming. Personal Development
I recently added a list of books I'm reading to my sidebar. It is not going to be a very fast moving list, though. In part because I don't read all that fast, and in part because I tend to read multiple books at the same time, which I switch around between depending on whether I'm bored and what I'm interested in. But, just to give an idea, this is what I'm currently reading:

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. I love how he writes. I've read Snowcrash and The Diamond Age previously. This one is about cryptography and hidden treasures and world war II. It is quite a trip on various levels.

The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Fascinating historical analysis along the lines of Holy Blood, Holy Grail. About the mysteries surrounding The Knights Templar, various secret societies, the life of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and lots of stuff going on in the particular area where I happen to live, over the last two thousand years. I'm reading it in Danish. It is interesting, but somewhat repetitive, so I can't bear reading it continuously.

Getting Things Done by David Allen. Actually I haven't really read in it for a while, but it is lying here on my desk and it is one of my to-do items. Ironically. It is a great book about organizing your life. Makes more sense than any I've run into, as it is a system that can be fitted to my own preferences. And I really need to be more organized and not just have a zillion post-it notes lying around.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I just started that, but it is fabulous. I haven't really read any self-help or spiritual books for a long time, as it sort of bored me and I've read a lot. But this one inspires me. Very practical and non-dogmatic guidance towards experiencing the present moment much more fully, and getting over the addiction to circular and non-productive thinking that most humans are afflicted with.

The Sexual Life of Catherine M by Catherine Millet. I'm reading that in French. It is rather unusual for an erotic type of book. It is written by a well-established academic art critic, and it has caused somewhat of sensation and is a bestseller in English too. In part because of the contents, wild orgies around Paris, and in part because of the strange detached way it is written. It is not even particularly erotic. She very matter of fact catalogues her sexual life, as if she's describing an art collection while being a fly on the wall. And at the same time it is very personal and intimate.

Aside from that, I'm reading the French dictionary. I'm on my second time through 'A'. That's not quite as dull as it sounds, as it somehow provides some connection between things that one might miss otherwise. Alors, après que j'ai assimilé et appris 'A' et d'ailleurs abouti à une agréable et appréciable apogée, avec aucune amnésie, il s'agit de avaler la section 'B'.

Oh, and comic books of course. French comics have always been my favorite, so now I read them in French, of course, instead of mostly in Danish. Like Moebius or Valerian.  More >

 Usu no koe (The voice of the Wooden Mortar)0 comments
picture31 Jan 2004 @ 21:13, by bombadil. Music
The koto is a long zither with movable bridges, characteristic of the East-Asian melodic zone. Often celebrated in literature, it is sometimes compared to a dragon lying on a beach and conversing with the waves— which are evoked by the undulations of the wood on the soundboard. The song below, traditionally accompanied on the koto, is based on a play on words and sounds, the term “Usu” being both a noun meaning “wooden mortar” and an adjective referring to “vague”, “pale”, “light” or “thin” depending on the context. This word, which appears in 12 different places in the original lyrics, gave the song its title, which evokes the passing of seasons.
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