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 *light art* new series of light mandalas
picture29 Jan 2004 @ 19:29, by lichtnetz. Visual Arts, Graphics
dear friends,

I have done a new series of digital images. They deal with holy geometry, information medicine and certain levels of consciousness, that you can resonate with, if you wish.

I would be pleased about response and comment. All to be seen at *light art*

>>how do they resonate with you?

>> sign my guestbook. I enjoy having comments from allover the world.

>> and all the images are available as photoprints or or print on canvas. *order*

>> I´m looking for gallery- private- and health center contacts to offer the light mandalas...

daniela  More >

 Orkut5 comments
picture 25 Jan 2004 @ 08:13, by ming. Networking
Orkut is a new online social network. And I need another one of those like I need a flowerpot stuck on my head. It is getting a little irritating to go through the same ritual every time, of looking for people you know and inviting others you think might be interested. That should really be automatic.

Most recently I had joined OpenBC, which I like. Has some features I like better than Ryze and not a lot of annoying "You'd actually see the results of this search if you were a GOLD member" messages. And a predominantly European focus. Got some very good contacts out of that already.

And then Orkut is announced Thursday. Interesting phenomenon about how quickly things happen, and how somehow that network happened to right away seem more compelling, even though the features are not all that different from the other ones. For one thing, it is affiliated with Google, done by one of their employees, supposedly in his spare time, so it got a lot of exposure. And then it is by invitation only, which somehow makes it seem a slight bit more attractive, and might make it more likely that one feels obligated to invite all one's friends, so they aren't left out. I got the first invitation at 2AM. And didn't realize right away that the network had started the same day. But now, two days later, *everybody* seems to have joined it already, and it is buzzing with discussion groups and so forth. Well, *everybody* who normally is active in that kind of network. Which is a large group, but still largely the same faces.

In 1995 my vision was to make a network of networks. Social network servers, where people could join the node that they were most attracted to, and there would be a way of linking them all together, so you could find each other even if you didn't join in exactly the same place. Well, I didn't quite figure out how to do that technically, so it became "just" one server with a particular social network. But now that it is a mainstream idea, embraced by a lot of techies, somebody really ought to figure out a way that they'll all interact with each other.

Network connections should be more like a commodity. Like e-mail addresses and accounts. You'll choose a server and a client that has the features you like, but you should really be able to link to people on other servers as easily as on your local server. It should be controlled more by my local address book and preferences than by a particular server. I should be able to find people across all servers, and be able to find the special interest groups they've set up. That'll take adherance to standards. And some new ones are needed for the people networking thing. FOAF seems to be one of the more promising attempts in that direction. We need a set of Open Network standards that all these networks would have a competitive advantage in adhering to.  More >

 Adam's Apple1 comment
23 Jan 2004 @ 18:45, by celestial. Altered States
Man Figures Out He Has No Fur  More >

 NCN: 16% evil, 84% good ?5 comments
picture22 Jan 2004 @ 14:04, by bombadil. Personal Development

The Gematriculator is a service that uses the "infallible" methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.
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 Entrepreneurship6 comments
picture 22 Jan 2004 @ 11:11, by ming. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
I'm struggling with how to start thinking more like an entrepreneur. Like somebody who continuously sees opportunities and acts on them. Somebody who plays with ideas and resources and puts them together in new ways, and sticks with them until viable systems and organizations have been put in place. That could mean being a skilled business person who starts and runs businesses, but it doesn't have to. Has never worked very well for me to focus on money first, for one thing. Seems to be my lot to do good things that need doing and that leaves the world a little better, and then monetary resources and monetary rewards are a side-issue to that. Shouldn't stop me from being an entrepreneur, though. But it would be more in the social entrepreneur direction. Creating things that makes the world work a little better for people. I'm certainly not going to be the MLM type who pushes products I don't care about. Can't do that. But I wouldn't mind becoming comfortably wealthy.

And, now, there are some ways that successful entrepreneurs, business people and social change activists would tend to think differently from your average 9-5 employee/worker person. The employee thinking is that you need to look good and do good work, and improve your skills and image so that you'll be more acceptable, and to always jockey for position so that you will look acceptable for a job higher in the hierarchy. Whereas the successful entrepreneur is more likely to look at what resources could be available and what one might do with them. And he'll have some kind of drive that will get him to keep at it until something works. Which might include changing strategies or environment or positioning or resources along the way, until it works. Whereas the employee person tends towards trying to keep things stable within a set environment.

Many successful business people and self-made millionaires seem surprisingly to be not as smart as one might expect. Their initial idea might be mediocre. Like "sell my homemade cookies in the mall". But somehow they commit themselves to making it work, persuade others to go along with it, solve the problems that come up, adjust some details along the way. And once you're a 100 million dollar company everybody will think it was a brilliant idea. But what made it happen often isn't really the brilliance of the idea. Rather that it is a good idea, and somebody figures out how to make it happen and sticks with it. Often somebody who doesn't know that it isn't a brilliant idea, or who doesn't know it is impossible.

I have done quite a few things that could have been the basis for a viable business or other type of viable organization. And I've been quite successful in several different arenas. And it is not like I haven't started good things that people sometimes were very happy with. But in a weird way I've always tended towards doing it more as a worker than as an entrepreneur. I do have certain leadership qualities, but usually in the sense that I inspire something to happen, and maybe take charge in solving a particular problem, but then I usually expect to sort of disappear and go back to work. Which gets me in trouble once in a while. I'll have to figure out how to apply my own particular style and skills towards successful ventures.

An entrepreneur type of person is of course not just sitting waiting to be discovered, or just trying to do whatever is thrown his way. He'll go out and find opportunities, try to make them work, and if he keeps at it, some of them might actually work. But he's creating something new, bringing together the resources for making it happen, and testing it on the universe.

I'm sort of trying to convince myself. Really, I'd much rather that I could just sit around and do my own thing, and the universe would just support me. And sometimes jobs feel like that. You just show up and the paycheck arrives every two weeks, no matter what you actually accomplish, within certain limits. So, I'm trying to overcome my own inertia and think differently. Trying not to be a perfectionist would probably be a good start.  More >

 Ah the manner in which I create! - See our website comments
picture 21 Jan 2004 @ 20:29, by magical_melody. Music
This is to my universal family. I love you all!!

Heart Story  More >

 Inter-Galactic and Inter-Dimensional Forces have established a field of Great Pr0 comments
20 Jan 2004 @ 14:13, by adi. Extraterrestrials
Inter-Galactic and Inter-Dimensional Forces have established a field of Great Protection throughout this planet which is eliminating ALL of the negative forces throughout this planet's system of Being!

* * *

JL Rpt Jan 13 - "VERY SERIOUS ACTIONS were taken today that put a 'VERY BIG DENT' in the armour of the dark side! He said these 'actions' were SO STRONG the dark side WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM IT!
He would not give me any further details--only saying we are on the ROAD TO PEACE...

This quote is from the Jennifer Lee Report for Tuesday, January 13th, 2004

She is quoting a Mr.X......

It was post #20915 on the The Multi-Dimensional News Portal

I had been receiving a telepathic hint for the previous three days, and I began experiencing it happening on the morning of the 14th......

Here is the telepathic information that I received on Jan. 14th:

Since early yesterday, the Inter-Galactic and Inter-Dimensional Forces have established a field of Great Protection throughout this planet which is eliminating ALL of the negative forces throughout this planet's system of Being!

This is the result of the requests by so many for Higher Intervention to provide us with the Protection needed from
these negativities.

Here's another person's post re their experience ...

"Spiritus Sanctus" wrote:
I have been experiencing it too Adi...I could hardly sleep last consciousness was expanding so effortlessly and comfortably into so many things. Healing and insight, timelessness and unity. I felt the negative as becoming a vague forgotten memory lost in the mists of time, like a dream.



Adi Avatar


 Western Banana Splits14 comments
picture 20 Jan 2004 @ 08:10, by jewel. Spirituality
I was thinking about a pretty Deep Philosophical Conundrum last night ----- that perhaps this new age idea and politically correct Californian psychology that implied each individual is choosing something, say a life pattern, or drama... like me with the many levels of feeling like a victim, estranged, misunderstood, scapegoat... this base level shadow side of a multi-faceted 'story'.... well, the actual idea of 'changing my mind' ... on a soul level... is another way of shaming? That 'Oh boy,, I can't get this life lesson right', feeling is still feeling alone, isn't it? I keep going back to this place of desperation and despair from the patterns that spiral into my own lunacy..... The only way to shift patterns, perhaps, is not to even think about it. To let life's dramas and dance's play out... until we naturally and organically tire of them or develop new approaches, without a forced idea of 'I have to let this go, or I am mis-creating my life'...... To understand the levels that lead to unconscious patterning is inherent in the western psyche... that is shining the light of understanding upon them.... but it's the very 'split' western mind that thinks 'i have to get this right' .... to accept responsibility as a separate being making wholly incomplete decisions, is often actually part of the western dis-ease itself. We are not separate. We have lost true commune-ity. With ourselves and with the cosmos... we are TOO individuated. And so the western psychological and metaphysical idea that it's all down to our individual SELF, that we need to be the one to change it, that we are THE director, producer and actor in our own 'story'... well, that idea is again not taking account for the energetic dance, the wave vs. particle theory of life. Like they say that String Theory is philosophy and not really science, because at this point, they will never know if the strings are the surfaces of 'something' coming in from another dimension. The influences on a galactic and universal level are staggering. Each "I" is a centre, but the whole fucking whirling whilrds are full of centres. Are we insane and egotistical enough to think WE have THE power, seperate from what else is happening? No, the true 'master' is one who is in UNISON with all the other events that are happening AT ONCE. And time the greatest trickster is telling us that this story can be retold. Well, yes. And, no. I guess that's what I am saying. The dance is beyond the human linear ideas. Until we learn to think, feel, experience with all the dimensions and worlds, the idea of creating a new reality pragmatically, is still a selfish western notion.

(I read something last year about this book Return of the Dark/Light Mother or New Age Armageddon? Towards a Feminist Vision of the Future by Monica Sjoo.. and how she explores these issues of individuality vs. community as being new age, western, patriarchal denial.... have to say, I agree!)  More >

 Thomas Friedman Says Appease the Arabs With More Israeli Sacrifices1 comment
18 Jan 2004 @ 18:19, by bkodish. Violence, War
Thomas Friedman's NY Times Opinion Piece "War of Ideas, Part 4" (Sun. Jan. 18, 2004) where he calls for Israeli withdrawal from the disputed territories demonstrates this Middle East expert's ideologically-based ineptitude in understanding the basis of Arab animosity toward Israel and the Jews.

Jewish residents of the disputed territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (collectively known as Yesha) remain for him "fanatical Jews" for their insistence on their legal right to live in the heart of the historic Jewish homeland. The ease with which Friedman equates these Jews and their supporters with the Palestinian Authority's suicide bombers indicates an appalling moral blindness.

Where does Friedman's demonization of the Jews of Yesha come from?  More >

 First Contact and 'Popular Mechanics'6 comments
18 Jan 2004 @ 14:38, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
An interesting article appears in the upcoming February 2004 issue of Popular Mechanics, entitled "When UFOs Arrive". In it, they talk about the possibility of First Contact (which they state is in the future), and what human reaction will be.

It is interesting to note two main classes of reactions considered by the article. One from the scientific community, and the other from the US Government/Military.

The article initially describes how there will be "obvious signs of their approach", presumably radar or radio contact. Then it goes on to describe the SETI Declaration of Principles regarding first contact, which could roughly be described as "be absolutely sure, then tell everybody".

The most interesting thing in this reaction-scenario is the assumption that the scientific (e.g. SETI) community would somehow be the leaders in a contact scenario. The article then goes on to demolish this assumption, describing what would probably ACTUALLY happen - government/military takeover of the contact scenario, and a heavy handed treatment of the Visitors.

A hint of this can be gleaned from the Brookings Report of 1960 - which describes many of the implications of open first contact, as envisioned at that time. It suggests government responses to contact, and suggests that contact would be harmful to humanity. The resultant government policy appears to be one of heavy-handed hostility towards any E.T. Visitors that are unlucky enough to fall into the hands of human (at least U.S.) officialdom.

On page 57, The PopMech article section entitled "State of Emergency" reads as follows: "If ET Turns up at NASA's doorstep, bearing that invitation [CL Note: from Pioneer 11], it is in for a surprise. Instead of getting a handshake from the head of NASA, it will be handcuffed by an FBI agent dressed in a Biosafety Level 4 suit. Instead of sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom at the WHite House, the alien will be whisked away to the Depertment of Agriculture's Animal Disease center..."

This appears to be the description - probably accurate - of what US policy would actually be in the event of open contact with ETI. This appears to have been the case during the recovery of whatever came down in the 1965 UFO Crash at Kecksburg PA. According to descriptions, in a very short time, the military had thoroughly secured the scene, and had recovered the object, which was never again to be seen by anyone without a (very, very) high security clearance.

This suggests that the mainstream scientific community would probably be in about the same boat as the UFO community - locked out by the military powers-that-be, and subject to the same apparent coverup which has bedeviled UFO research for the last 50-plus years.

So what does this suggest would be the most likely contact scenario. Would E.T. simply walk into a situation such as this? Presumably, they would be well aware of the situation on the world they were contacting (e.g. us). And therefore, presumably they would not walk into the ugly situation described in the PopMech article. We can assume that, being at least as smart as we are, they would instead choose some means of contact that would be under their control, and on their terms. And this leads us to the question - is this not already occurring?

The primary assumption that the article, and presumably the scientific community also makes, is that contact hasn't happened yet. But given the massive amount of evidence, and reports such as the Sturrock Report, and the Cometa Report, I think we can pretty much conclude that some form of contact has already occurred. This very conservative conclusion does not even begin to include the vast number of people (including several on NCN) who have described close encounter experiences. So, from that point of view alone, I think it is safe to say that the "long-awaited" first contact has already begun. (for a good report on Alien Abduction read the book "Alien Discussions, an account of the M.I.T Abduction Study", in which there was a very credible study of the abduction phenomenon led by David and Andrea Pritchard)

James Deardorff in his article "Possible ExtraTerrestrial Strategy for Earth" (included in the book "Alien Update" by Timothy Good), describes how there would probably be a gradual process of acclimation by the more advanced E.T. society. This would probably include contact at the individual, grass-roots level, long before any kind of open, official contact was made.

So in the end, the one scenario that is most likely - and indeed, is probably occurring at the present time (See the posting "The Day the Earth Stood Still: Thoughts on Why They're Here"), seems to be the one which is completely overlooked by the PopMech article. One wonders, is this due to oversight or denial? Is it simply arrogance? Or is there some other reson that we haven't - or perhaps don't want to talk about?

Whatever the answer, the complete lack of the present-contact scenario in the article speaks volumes about the authors, and in all probability about human officialdom, as well.  More >

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