8 Sep 2008 @ 10:54, by vector8. Spirituality
I have a BIG confession to make. I suffer from "Pink Cloud" Syndrome also known as people who live in Cloud-Cuckoo Land. Because of this syndrome, I tend to see everything with optimism or with Love's vision.
Once a week I attend the Pink Cloud Syndrome Anonymous group meeting where I get to meet with and share experiences with other sufferers. Here's what I shared in last night's meeting.
************************************* More >
5 Sep 2008 @ 11:35, by erlefrayne. Violence, War
This note is a sports forecasting briefer. It’s not about the typical forecasting of the outcomes of specific events and the overall medals that countries can make from out of the aggregate medals—especially gold—accruing from those events. It is about the big possibility that the Beijing Olympics could be the planet’s last, that thereafter no more Olympic games will be in the offing for a long while. That London games for 2012 is a chimera, it will be cancelled most likely as London will sustain damages from the coming conflagration. More >
2 Sep 2008 @ 11:30, by johnjoseph. Sexuality
Sexual Identity is Basic on the Material Plane
In the past, since the beginning of modern progressive thought, it has been the case that anti-racism was the touchstone of the movement against the hatred of Difference, which is better described as discrimination and Fascism. In my last article, ”HomoRacism” I questioned this fact and put forward the idea that if we are to consider priorities it is not in fact racism which is fundamental. I put forward my personal opinion that sex, gender and sexuality are even more basic than the colour of our skin. The emergence of contradictions in the different attitudes of minorities who themselves discriminate against other minorities shows that a new and complex situation is developing. It is actually my belief that whereas the material identity that is crucial is the one outlined above, namely sexuality, the spiritual identity is something different. Specifically I believe in what Erwin Schrodinger, the famous Quantum physicist, called the “Law of Identity” that we all in our consciousness are one with God. This is the real identity which I believe will be revealed in the era of post-modernism. And this accounts seemingly for the huge importance which people are placing on questions of spiritual identity and particularly Religion. So I do think that the traditional paradigm on identity and ant-fascism has to be critically looked at and the new realities taken into consideration. More >
31 Aug 2008 @ 12:48, by jazzolog. Politics
Scripture says, "No one knows the Father but by the Son." Therefore, if you want to know God, you must not only be like the Son, you must be the Son.
---Meister Eckhart
Zen is like a spring coming out of a mountain. It doesn't flow in order to quench the thirst of a traveler, but if the travelers want to help themselves to it, that's fine. It's up to you what you do with the water; the spring's job is just to flow.
---Alan Watts
To be satisfied with a little, is the greatest wisdom; and he that increaseth his riches, increaseth his cares; but a contented mind is a hidden treasure, and trouble findeth it not.
Sarah Palin sports a funny T-shirt during her college days at University of Idaho.
Credits: Heath Family/AP
Yep, I can hear Sinatra singing that tune, Nelson Riddle and his fiddles kickin' the arrangement along. "You make me feel 'sthough Spring has sprung!" We'll be voting with youth and age side by side. Young and tempestuous, old and experienced. Mixed races, mixed religions, the roles of women, Viet Nam, mooseburgers, what else could we want?
They say if you want to stay young, get yourself a younger mate. The younger the better. I know McCain still is the presumptive nominee at this writing, and therefore Palin is too---so the Convention still could change everything. Maybe they'll save money, surprise us again, and not even have a convention. Call it off and send contributions to New Orleans. It's all TV and they want us to stay tuned.
But anyway, if it is McCain/Palin, does McCain look younger to you now with runnerup Miss Alaska by his side? I think he does. How does Obama look next to Biden? If there's another Bush/Cheney situation it's these 2 guys. Joe can't help himself. He always looks as if he's showing Barack around. I even saw him, their arms around each other side by side, turn Obama in the direction of the most cameras. We live in such interesting times.
The press descended on Wasilla, Alaska Friday, and headed for the Heath's A-frame hunting lodge where they got handed the family album. As a result, we get all these candid shots of the small-town girl on the way to marrying her high school sweetheart. Even the Senior Prom picture. Sarah's husband, who works for BP (surprise, surprise!), has parents who know McCain's VP choice pretty darned well. "We don't agree on everything. But I respect her passion," said Faye Palin. "Being pro-life is who Sarah is." [link] (and don't miss the pictures) The Governor also sued Bush when he declared the polar bear endangered. Oil drillers prefer to shoot bears if they come around. Palin's mother-in-law had been thinking of voting for Obama. Maybe not everybody in Alaska is a Republican.
There's so much stuff in the Sunday papers this morning, it's hard to know where to start---or maybe you've decided not to bother at all. There certainly is a great list of assembled reasons as to the advantages and risks of the Republican choice. I can direct your attention to a couple of articles if you like. One is in this morning's Long Island Newsday...and the other is Maureen Dowd's hilarious piece today. More >
30 Aug 2008 @ 22:45, by jhs. Extraterrestrials
Well. we all know what is coming up tomorrow, who could forget the unforgettable (?):
the day EE "Doc" Smith passed away (48 yrs ago). Yup,in case you forgot it, tzzz, E. E. Smith, also Edward Elmer Smith, Ph.D., E.E. "Doc" Smith, Doc Smith, "Skylark" Smith, and (to family) Ted, see [link], he did die that day...
Will all members of the Galactic Patrol please stand up and shout thrice "hurray"!
(I shall light a candle at the shrine).
The father of all Space Operas, the ones known broadly, and the ones shrouded in secrecy unless you pay a little, that is, and work your way up the levels.
How did a chemist (Ph.D.) who specialized in doughnut mixes come up with the greatest saga ever written?
What was his connection other space opera writers like Hubbard (which Wikipedia blissfully ignores in this context) and AE Vogts, another Hubbard-buddy? And why exactly did EE retire in Clearwater, Florida, of all places?
Many, many questions, I know..
What I always wanted to know: Why do Galactic Patrol members sign contracts of ONLY one billion years when in fact the final battle against the Eddorians is still some billions of years away? And not to speak of the NEXT threat, already looming the depths of the ALL?
Never mind, don't forget to apply here for receiving the LENS: More >
30 Aug 2008 @ 15:27, by vector8. Spirituality
"Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law." -- Psalm 119: 18
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." --Philippians 2: 13
I know colours are everywhere, yet sometimes it feels like there are no colours at all. I find one way for me to notice colours is to activate them, i.e. I put out an intention that I want to notice colours. Sometimes I play a game of noticing particular colours and I spot them everywhere. More >
29 Aug 2008 @ 06:15, by freo7. Spirituality
from what's up on Planet Earth
October will bring in a full manifestation of our new roles, our new purposes, and a whole new set of “responsibilities” to our beautiful planet earth. Our “careers” will blast off, as we will then be poised and ready to offer the services of our heart’s desires to those in need of them. Not only will our new store-fronts or portals for receiving money be activated and greatly utilized, but many miracles, higher connections to others, new arrivals of hopes and dreams, and much of everything else will fall in our laps as well. There will be so much going on for us in October, that we will barely be able to keep up!
Read Full Article Online Now In This Weeks Edition of Love's Loop Alerts More >
28 Aug 2008 @ 05:12, by koravya. Education
August 27, 2008
Looking through the window into nothing but the absolute nighttime darkness. More >
27 Aug 2008 @ 08:32, by johnjoseph. Religion
Theology of the Other
It is my basic belief that the fundamental contradiction of the human condition, our basic duality, is that we are all both human and divine. We are all human but we also partake of the nature of the divine godhead. This has been known to mystics for millennia and perhaps before that to the people who shared the Perennial Philosophy as part of their indigenous culture.
It is also my belief that it is the denial of this fact that leads to the problems people have with “the Other”. It is not just minority groups or Nature itself that represent our problem with “the Other” but essentially our denial that we are divine. It is indeed ironic that traditional “civilised” accounts of the “Fall” of man and woman portray it as a result of the “hubris” of wanting to be like God. Our “hubris” consists rather in thinking we are greater than God in our isolated individuality, cut off from ourselves, each other, Nature and the Source itself. Putting our faith in this isolated individuality, and all hopes of global salvation based on it are the two main fallacies that have to be tackled by humankind. The reality is exactly the reverse. It is the Self-conscious level of awareness which cuts us off from this knowledge of the real duality of our nature. We don’t have to become like God, we have always shared in being so, and the “Fall from Grace” is a forgetting of this basic truth. Original Sin is not thinking we are Gods, but that we are greater than God/dess on account of our isolated, alienated individuality. Our extreme individuality, narcissism, is an expression of this. All the problems which are besetting the world today from racism, war, homophobia, sexism, hatred of disabled people, all sorts of scapegoating of others, and particularly climate change all stem from this crisis of identity. Everything in the world is teaching us the same lesson concerning “the Other”. God is the real Other, and our denial of all “the Others”, within us and society, is the same thing on a different scale. More >
26 Aug 2008 @ 05:29, by deepwater. Spirituality
Here is the fourth in the meditation series that is being shared here in the hope that it helps us come to a personal realisation of the nature of Reality.
The individual point of consciousness is unified and whole and can experience itself as such, so can come to realise the unified wholeness of that which we are a part. More >
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