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 Soular light and my journey
16 Mar 2003 @ 09:15, by jeffreyiam. Philosophy
My journey to understand the presence of the Soular light has been through my path of destiny.  More >

 message from the heart - PART II0 comments
picture15 Mar 2003 @ 23:11, by unity1. Spirituality
Message from the Heat Part Two

It was little over 5 years ago, whilst doing a magazine called Street Talk, that I came across Gregg Bradon’s book Walking between the worlds this promented me to learn about the work of the Heartmath Insititue and consequently do a article on their work and the implications. Meanwhile reading Greggs book, walking between the worlds - the science of compassion. In his introduction this sentence jumped out at me

"Researchers have recently demonstrated to the western world a phenomenon that has been taught through the mystery schools for thousands of years. New data now supports the idea that human emotion determines the actual patterning of DNA within the body. Furthermore, laboratory demonstrations have shown that DNA determines how patterns of light, expressed as matter surround the human body”. Imagine, he asks us…the implications ?"

Gregg expands….”Stated another way, researchers have discovered that the arrangements of matter (atoms, bacteria, viruses, climate, even other people) surrounding your body is directly linked to the feeling and emotion from within your body.”

Here are some Quotes and passages from his book, Walking Between The Worlds, that I include to lay the foundation for message from the heart

“You are not your success, your failures, your careers or your poverty. You are not your joy, ecstasy, fear or pain. These are the elements of your experiences that allow you the opportunity to know yourself in all ways, so that those ways may be mastered. You are in this world and not of this world.”

“I sense that this time in our lives represents a crossroads in conscious memory. We are being asked by virtue of our very experience to choose between one of two paths. Each path is valid in its own right neither necessarily right nor wrong. Each path is complete with its unique choices and consequences, each leading to the same destination within different time frames. The FIRST PATH; may be viewed as the dominant paradigm that has been, a path of external technology engineered outside of our bodies as extensions of ourselves interacting with the world around us. This path represents our cultural response to the challenges of life. Causes of life events are found ‘out there’ in a world that is perceived as separate and distinct from our bodies. Therefore solutions are engineered ‘out there’, discounting the interplay between us and our world. Illness, disease, deficiencies and conditions are viewed as originating and cured through things that ‘we do’ . Examples are vaccines, dietary supplements, antibiotics and gadgets that make ‘out there’ better. Clearly these are powerful and beneficial technologies. I bless these technologies and give thanks for their offering, for this has been our path”.

“External technology is us, remembering through our machines, the same principles that we demonstrate as life in our bodies. These principals include capacitance, resistance, transmission, receiving and storage of scalar and vector quantities of energy. External technology is us remembering ourselves by building models of ourselves outside of ourselves and applying the models back to ourselves”.

“The first path has brought you and me to the point where we are today, keeping us alive and strong, prolonging our opportunity to choose another way. The scientific method has been the way that we have chosen to demonstrate these ‘truths’ to ourselves”.

“THE SECOND PATH; is the path of internal technology. Remembered, rather than engineered, internal technology is expressed within you and me simply through the way we live life. This path remembers the human body as the sacred union between the atomic expression of ‘mother earth’ and the electrical and magnetic expression of ‘father heaven’. The ancient Essence sciences emphasize this idea as the basis of their earliest teachings

“For the spirit of the Son of Man was created from the spirit of the Heavenly Father, and his body from the body of the Earthly Mother”( from the essence gospel of peace)

“The path of internal technology remembers that each cell of our bodies is approximately 1.17 volts of electrical potential. Statistics indicate that the average body is composed of approximately 1 quadrillion cells. One quadrillion volts of bio electrical potential per person. Look at the potential that you live as your body ! do you know, do you remember what you may do with your potential ?”

“Is it possible that viruses, bacteria, immune breakdowns, social and political upheaval and other conditions viewed as ‘horrors’ are actually powerful agents of change ? Is it possible that these experiences are catalysts that you and I have consented to in an effort to propel us collectively into a higher choice of being ?”

“I have often heard individuals respond to this question by answering that they do not know what to ‘do’. The ancients say to us that compassion is not something that is done or accomplished. Rather, compassion is that which you allow yourself to become. Doing is a hallmark of the paradigm that has been. You have grown beyond the doing. This unique time in earth, as well as human history, is the time of becoming. Put simply to become is the very essence of the powerful and ancient message that was left to you and me through many texts and traditions of those who have come before us.”

The message is this

“Those conditions that you most choose to have in your life you must first become as your life”

“Deceptively simple, this eloquent phrase is a summation of all the work performed by all the masters, all the saints, scientists, technicians and families, each of your spiritual forbearers, preparing you for this very time in earth and human history. “

“Those who claim to choose peace in their world must first become peace in themselves. Those that claim to choose prosperity, health and vitality for their loved ones must first become those very attributes themselves. Those that choose compassion for their loved ones and for those who look upon others with judgment and hate, must become that very compassion. The message of ‘becoming’ is the essence of the most sacred of the ancient text”.

“From this perspective the time of our outer technology is obsolete. You and I have grown beyond the time of being served by the first path. We have outgrown the requirement to build our selves outside of ourselves. Within this moment lives the opportunity to choose the memory of ourselves in our truest nature. Today you have the opportunity to bless the technology of the first path for all that it has offered. Bless the technology and move forward in the SECOND PATH. Far more sophisticated than any machines ever built by the most brilliant of our kind the second path represents a tremendous upgrade of conduct and our very standard of living. We now have the opportunity to become the healing medicines to become permanent and eternal health, to become the peace of the peacemakers, to become the compassion of the religious and vibrant companions of life and to do so gracefully”

“I invite you to reconsider the teachings that speak of a potent force of life that courses ‘through’ your body. Therein lives the separation. Beyond moving through you, that potent force is you
There is no separation between you and that force. It is you who determines your response to the bacteria, viruses and ultraviolet rays from a depleting ozone, even the flu bug that circulates through your office. It is you that determines your threshold of anger, hate, and rage at events that you have masterfully created in your life”.

“We are determining our outcome at this time in history by determining our response to this time in history. In our totality, we have something far greater to offer to ourselves and those we hold most dear, than we will ever find in a machine that is designed and implemented ‘out there”’.

“The time of our outer temples, outer networks, outer grids, and external guidance is nearing completion. For many, what has come as an inner knowing was stated clearly through the language of the time two thousand years ago, and even before. Our knowing reminds us that we live as an expression of a highly sophisticated union, a sacred marriage, between the elements of this earth and a directive non-physical force. We call that force ‘spirit’. Perhaps the most astounding of the ancient references restating its validity today is the link between feeling, though and their relationship to human physiology”.

“There are the dwellings of the son of man, and no one may come before the face of the (One) who knows not the angel of peace in each of the three. These are body, thoughts, and feelings”. (essence gospel of peace)

“To the degree that you embrace compassion in your life, change passes gracefully with ease. For those who require proof, that proof is now available. For others, simply knowing that there is a direct relationship between emotion and DNA comes a welcome validation for an inner knowing that has driven the course of their lives for years”

“Most everyone agrees, or at least suspects that our planet is important to us, that it somehow plays a role in how we live our lives. In the past, that role has often been unclear, nebulous at best. Precisely what is the role that earth plays in our lives ? To understand that role is to understand one of the most ancient of mysteries. That mystery allows you not only to be part of your world, but to intercede on your own behalf toward the desired outcome of the quality of your world. The memory of your relationship with earth is your memory of one of the great mysteries of the ancients. This is the mystery of the sacred circuit.

Modern studies of the life sciences have taught us that the brain is our master organ, regulating the function and performance of each cell of our bodies. Directing minute electrical pulses along biological circuits of nerve fiber, our brain conveys vital information to our muscles and glands. Each serves as an electrical substation within our body. Additionally, this line of reasoning has demonstrated that the brain actually controls each function, within every cell, of the human body. Each cell’s ability to regenerate, the processes of ageing and deterioration, triggers of chemical and hormonal secretion, even the immune system itself is directed by signals from the brain.

This concept is the primary reasoning behind many of our models of physical, as well as mental, health today.
While these functions of our brain have certainly been demonstrated, ancient texts remind us, and modern scientists suspect, that the model may be incomplete. Until very recently, a mystery surrounding our brains function has puzzled life scientists.

The mystery is this. Acknowledging that rhythmic impulses from the brain regulate the systems of the human body, where does the brain received the information necessary to perform these functions ?

Where do the brains signals come from ?

Data form western researchers has digitally proven a connection that the ancient texts have offered through tradition and lore for so long. Our brain is directly linked to another vital organ in our body


Generating signals of reference, it is our heart that provides the opportunity for our brain to function optimally. The term used to describe this relationship is that of ‘entrainment’ As we build our concept of the sacred circuit it may be said that our heart entrains the brain, and our brain in turn entrains each cell of our body.
I emphasize that the reference signals of entrainment represent an opportunity of entrainment only. Choices in lifestyle and belief systems play an important role in our earth heart circuit.

Almost immediately, researchers asked the next question, “if our heart entrains our brain, and our brain entrains each cell of our body, then where does our heart receive its signals from, what precisely is our heart tuned to ? ( we will come back to this in part 3)

A few facts from HearthMath

The heart’s electromagnetic field is by far the most powerful produced by the body; it’s approximately five thousand times greater in strength than the field produced by the brain for example. The heart’s field not only permeates every cell in the body but also radiates outside of us. It can be measured up to eight to ten feet away with sensitive detectors called magnetometers.

Scientists at the Institute’s laboratory and elsewhere have found that the electrical information patters generated by the heart are detectable in our brain waves via a test known as a electroencephalogram EEG A series of experiments by Gary Schwartz and his colleagues at the University of Arizona found that the complex patterns of cardiac activity in our brain waves could not be fully explained by neurological or other established communication pathways. Their data provides evidence that there’s a direct energetic interaction between the electromagnetic field produced by the heart and that produced by the brain.

Furthermore, research evidence indicates that energetic information contained in the hearts field isn’t detected only by our own brains and bodies, but can also be registered by the people around score heart feelings affect both branches of the autonomic nervous system. They reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, that branch of the system that speeds heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and stimulates the release of stress hormones, and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system ( that branch of the system that slows heart rate and relaxes the body’s inner systems ) thereby increasing its effectiveness. In addition, the balance between these two branches of the nervous system is enhanced so that they work together with increased efficiency.

This collaboration results in diminished friction and wear and tear on the nerves and internal organs.

Stress is the enemy. It creates an incoherent internal state, pitting our biological systems against each other, which in turn affects how we think and feel. In the incoherence created by stress , our nervous system and heart rhythms become desynchronized and our hormonal balance is compromised.

Each core heart feeling has a powerful beneficial effect on how you relate to life. Unfortunately the experience of core heart feelings and attitudes is usually random rather than conscious.

With every beat, the heart generates a powerful blood pressure wave that travels rapidly throughout the arteries, much faster than the actual flow of blood. Its these waves of pressure that create what we feel as our pulse. Important rhythms exist in the oscillations of blood pressure waves. In healthy individuals a complex resonance occurs between blood pressure waves, respiration, and rhythms in the autonomic nervous system. Because pressure-wave patterns vary with the rhythmic activity of the heart, they represent yet another language through which the heart communicates with the rest of the body. At the receiving end of the arteries are all the body’s glands and organs. In essence, all of our cells ‘feel’ the waves of pressure generated by the heart and are dependent on them in more than one way.

Emotions act as amplifiers of our thoughts, perceptions and attitudes. Positive emotional states are rewarding and regenerative to the heart, immune system and hormonal system, while negative emotions drain these same systems
Positive emotions such as happiness appreciation compassion care, and love, not only change patterns of activity in the nervous system; they also reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Since the act of evoking heart intelligence has been shown to facilitate brain function, adjust balance in the autonomic nervous system, lower blood pressure, increase stress-relieving hormones, and increase immune responses, it shouldn’t surprise us that our bodies experience a sensation of well-being clear down to the cellular level – a sensation that we ourselves can induce. We feel better mentally and emotionally as a result of heart intelligence. And in the long run, that sensation translates into physical health  More >

 Why Are We So Selective?5 comments
15 Mar 2003 @ 16:50, by nemue. Spirituality
I watch with curiosity as millions protest around the world demanding peace and no war against Iraq. I certainly do not want war - who in their right mind does BUT and there is always a but, why do we turn our eyes from the suffering of others. Why do we mass in our millions to protest over Iraq and we fail to speak out against other practices and horrors? Is it because we have become so desensitise that we fail to feel? Is it because we are becoming 'popular' cause people and therefore it is 'trendy' to jump on the Bush, Blair bashing road show?

I read this morning in an UK newspaper a feature story on the life of a British Nurse who is living in Kenya working with abandoned babies. Small souls cast out to die. Dumped on rubbish tips and even more shocking sold as voodoo sacrifices. Why is this not on the front page of every newspaper around the world.

It broke my heart to read of a baby dumped on a rubbish tip in a cardboard box immediately after birth. The poor little soul had lain there for hours, perhaps days and a wild dog had tried to devour him. He lost a big toe and part of his face in the attack. He was thankfully rescued and he will have surgery in the UK to fix his face at some time. Other babies are not so lucky and some in fact are buried alive.

As I said, why is this not and many other stories of similar experiences not on the front page of every newspaper. Top of line on each TV news program. Why are the millions not protesting about this. Why Are We So Selective? Where is our Compassion?  More >

 Starting Oil Well Fires
15 Mar 2003 @ 14:40, by sharie. Violence, War
Smoke from the Gulf War oil well fires created an environmental catastrophe. Dick Cheney's company got the contract to put out the oil well fires, and he reportedly pocketed over $30 million. He was the U.S. Secretary of Defense during the Gulf War.

Years ago, I came across a report that contradicted our media reports on who actually started the oil well fires. Our newspapers and television reporters told us it was the Iraqi's who started the fires. Where did these journalists get their facts? Were they there? No. They weren't there, or else they would have stopped the arsonists, or notified the military to stop arsonists. Who witnessed the arsonists in action? Our military reported that the Iraqi's started the fires? Our military saw the tired, hungry and thirsty Iraqi's start the fires? I heard the following report years ago. It's online for anyone who wants to look beyond the corporate headlines:

The following is a transcript taken from a conversation with a Gulf War veteran who claims to have taken part in such a mission.

JR: What was the branch of service that you served in.

GV: For different reasons, I’d rather not state that.

JR: Fair enough. There are a lot of people afraid of retaliation from the Gulf War. Do you understand why they feel that way.

GV: Yes I do. I learned do to what I did in the service, to live in a different world that most people have been lead to believe exists only in their worst nightmares.

JR: Now you were involved in an operation in Kuwait that really no one has heard about until this point in time. We’ve had five, four other reports of people similar to yourself that have brought this to our attention. You were chosen for a mission; and why do you think you were chosen for this mission?

GV: We’re all a product of our environment, as a young man I watched different movies and television shows, and I remember thinking how incredibly cool Rambo was and… things of that nature. There was so many media in the form of movies, and commercials television that primed me to except the idea that to win was everything.

JR: And so the military sort of capitalizes on that feeling?

GV: Oh very much so. They, they find… a lot of times before they even get you into boot camp where they can use your personality and…. your morals and… they capitalize on these things and, and steer you as it were into the training avenues where you will be most beneficial to them.

JR: Lets go to the time of this mission in Kuwait. You were, where were you when you learned about this mission?

GV: We had just gotten back into camp the day before, on a different mission, and we were actually in our quarters resting when we were told to muster out into the briefing tent, at which point a gentlemen who I originally, who I had first assumed to be American but I was concerned because he was wearing a U.N. uniform and insignias. He began to brief us on the operation. He pointed out the strategic points. And we were briefed as a group. There were probably 30 to 40 in the group. And then… we were asked to leave, and our individual commanders were given the objectives for their group. At which point our individual commanders briefed us on our individual objectives, and then we went and… we drew our gear. We were transported via armor personal carrier close to the front at which point we set out on foot, I acted alone.

JR: Why were you told that you were going to be doing this mission? What were you told was the purpose of this?

GV: There was concern that America, the American public, might see this conflict as an unnecessary thing, and we were asked to do this… or we were ordered to do this in order to remove any… to sway any public opinion… American public opinion to remove any doubts whatsoever that Saddam Hussein and his regime were a terrible evil that had to be dealt with.

JR: And what branches of the service were represented in this briefing tent?

GV: I recognized faces from the Navy Seals, Marine Force Recon, and Delta Force.

JR: Ok, now you’re on your way on your mission. You’ve been taken by armored personnel carrier, you’re dropped off to your area and what do you do then?

GV: Well then we moved through gaps in our lines to where we’re actually forward of the front… As the popular expression says “behind enemy lines”. We traveled up, well I say we, well I, I was acting alone. My mission objective was assigned to me personally. I did not have a, an operative with me. I moved forward and I… I carried out my mission parameters, and then I moved, and then I withdrew and concealed myself until such a time as the front moved past me.

JR: Ok let me back up a second. You carried out your mission, lets talk about that mission.

GV: Yes

JR: What was your mission? What were you told that you were supposed to do?

GV: To damage… I was given (number deleted) Kuwaiti oil wells to damage and to start a fire.

JR: And how did you do this?

GV: With the use of explosives and incendiaries.

JR: And how did you utilize these explosives? What were these explosives?

GV: The explosive I used was C4. It’s light weight, its easy to use, its very safe to transport. You take it and… a wellhead is nothing more than a pipe sticking out of the ground with… with valves, and it’s not like a water well where it, where you have a top that you can take off. It is completely sealed due to the environmental concerns involved with crude oil. The… depending on the sight of the well… the, the valve is any where from three to six feet off of the ground. I placed the explosive on the wellhead and the incendiaries near by so that after the… after the wellhead was damaged, that the incendiary could light the crude oil to fire.

JR: And did you light it yourself?

GV: No I actually transmitted a signal via a transmitter to a central location.

JR: Which basically told them the well had been set?

GV: The well had been set and they could detonate it at their leisure.

JR: And what did you do then?

GV: Then I removed myself from the area… I egressed from the area and concealed myself until our units had advanced forward of me.

JR: And, I don’t understand. Help me understand what you mean by that.

GV: The whole idea behind the operation was to make it as if look as if the Republican Guard, while they were retreating, had set the oil wells a fire in a panic to keep us from getting them… and to villainize them. This mission would not have been achieved if our forces saw those involved were not Republican Guard.

JR: In other words you were in fear of your own men seeing you basically?

GV: That is correct.

JR: Did you see any body else in the oil well field at the time that you were there?

GV: No I did not.

JR: So you then egressed from the area, made sure that your own men did not see you, and then the oil well fires were started?

GV: Yes

JR: Did you see them start?

GV: I actually, due to where I was concealed I could not see them, but due to the nature of … the operation you could feel the explosions and you could hear the fire.

JR: So the story that we are told, that the Republican Guard in their retreating, they started them very hastily, is not accurate?

GV: That is correct.

JR: Did you see any Republican Guard?

GV: In the entire (deleted) months that I spent in that theater of operations I did not see one individual that wore a Republican Guard uniform.

JR: Did you see any Iraqi troops that wore uniforms?

GV: I saw quite a few Iraqis troops that wore uniforms.

JR: But you saw no Republican Guards?

GV: I saw no Republican Guard Uniforms.

JR: After this period of time when you started the oil well fires, did you have any concerns that you had started these fires, or did you think it was for the best thing for this country?

GV: At the time, like I say due to the nature of my mind set, it did not bother me.

JR: That was your job and your mission and you carried it out.

GV: That is correct.

JR: Well I appreciate very much your being frank with us and open about this because there are many people that are now coming forward and saying the same thing. That there were no Republican Guard anywhere around, and that it was the American troops that actually started the oil well fires. I want to thank you very much, is there any thing you want to say in closing?

GV: I believe it’s a shame that our government is getting ready to repeat mistakes… I believe. I went over to fight what I thought was a common enemy of the world, and I watched my friends bleed and die for this cause, only for us to be stopped short of our objective, our final objective. I have no reason to believe that it will be any different this time. And I understand the necessity for the loss of life to protect our country. But loss and waste are two very different things.

JR: And why are you coming forward, right now in saying this?

GV: I feel that for us to return over there with this current administrations mind set that it would, that history would only repeat itself.

JR: Thank you very much, I do thank you, I salute you for what you are doing.


 The End and Beginning of the Whirld~ Musings~0 comments
picture 15 Mar 2003 @ 09:47, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
An old fan of mine, a producer in LA, wrote to me the other day -- I hadn't heard from him in years.

What do we do? You know what I'm talking about? Is there anything we can do?

And this is what I wrote back, in the moment of the Question:

Winding down the trail of light with all our might is all we can do ~ for I am loosing you.. ~ ~ these words to an old love poem, and I keep writing them years later... The beat of my bleating heart beats on... The mad crescendo of minds and the global brain expands, or so we keep hoping it does--- whilst total annihilation prevails ecologically, socially, environmentally, transpersonally,emotionally, psychologically--- and how can we separate anything anymore.anyway, all the '--lys' ----- in all senses, using all senses... we are separate and we are crazy.

I don't know what to do. I am living in this strange place of taking care of a baby and 2 years of debt--- my book is not done and we are back in the US for a couple more months. Should be back in Somerset in May... I look at this world and long for the old world, long to live in a Georgian plantation or French farmhouse. Live the life of an ex-pat. Which I shall. But is it even possible anymore on this planet.. ???? Did you ever see 'Dark City'... I keep hoping/ wishing I am going to wake up. There are angels always always in the midst... and yet yet the gnashing gnawing truth of physical destruction and PAIN... flies up and bites us in the bumm time and time ohhh is there is there is there any any any more TIME? .... That is the question. What does it mean to act, to do, to think? We are all over-circuited and twilight zoned out.

I was in Las Vegas last weekend and marveled at the beauty of our Roman empire. So vast, so opulent, so brash and naive and now alas alas gone mad---or perhaps not mad at all, for that would be enlightenment. Perhaps gone hard and cold and compliant. All roads lead, all roads led, all roads, will they end, here in this empire's lunatic labyrinth laments oh laments for, for, for...... the adolescent lamenting for some IDEA of liberty and righteousness. The right--- do they really believe their logical argument? They seem so pragmatic and sound, and yet ---- where where where is the truth? The lies of the patriots. The propaganda. Almost beyond the Third Reich. War Criminals: Hussein, Malosovitch, Bush, Blair, Hitler, Thatcher, Reagan --- massacres hidden by people like Collin Powel in Vietnam... Old Sins, yes old old sins... they a have long long long SHADOWS. And this is the redemption hour. The far right and the far left both call it Armageddon. But turned on J. Cambell the other night and we know, the stories and the myths, they are all symbolic. The wheel the circle the eternal return, that is beyond the idea of the symbol the name the face... and yet look at this fantastic stage and the players keep repeating performances. ... The sense to talk back in the boxed cages that they perpetrate and proliferate... that is the goal. Can we defend and explain what is not a box ? The problem of going into multiple dimensions at once.

Yes indeed it seems like so very long my dear old producer friendd and only TV fan... that we shared and dreamed of a Lights of the Round Table hovering above us like a Grail on the Holy Mantle of our Breif Shining Moment of Grace Faith and Ideas of Light.... The idea of nobility just always flies in the face of our obsession with self righteousness. That is why the Lightworkers ended up disgusting me and thus I with myself. I fled to Avalon only to find Underworld Gods tear at my inspiration and yet ... somehow left me clean of the rhetoric. No more. Not here. Still want authentic --- still want whole --- still want pure cosmic spewing love lust power of the red sash.... and the Mari line to be restored.

But meanwhile it's --- it's the continual end and beginning of the world.

What do we do? The Gods only know. Gods perhaps, that's who we need. Some new ones. In fact.

 message from the heart PART I9 comments
picture13 Mar 2003 @ 01:55, by unity1. Spirituality
Today like yesterday the world stands on the brink of a war. what is decided over the coming days will sow the seeds for a future that will either contain enduring terror or enduring freedom.

However the events of yesterday and the day before, have galvinished a world...has bought together people of different faiths/beleifs and cultures to stand unitied for a world of peace not death, not war....

Whatever befalls our word in the tommorrows to come, either war or peace... I feel our biggest challenge will be to come from our hearts.

Not many of us have no idea of what our heart actually is let alone what coming from it would mean nor entails. So for this reason I am starting a series of posts that will enlighten us all as to what our heart is, why we need to understand what coming from our hearts means and in a sense...endeavour to explore the ramifications of why all our greatest teachers have urged us to come from our hearts.

It is my personal belief, that we are not here to be more spiritual, to learn our spirituality is but one small part of a process that is endeavouring to comprehend that we are here inherent in our infinite spirt to become fully human....

That we hardly know what being fully human is, hence the state of the world spirituality like yours is a given, I always will be spirit, but right now I am experiencing a physical spirit has been made manifest in the world of form, and in this sense I hardly know what the potential of this form is, or how to live fully in this sprituality remember is a given, I know this on deep inner levels, I did not come here to be spritual, I am already by virtue of being infinte spirit always was always will be, what I have come here for is to discover the potential of being fully human.

I consider the biggest evolutionary jump we will make as a species, in order to guide our future off spring will be to come into our human know of ourselves, not our merely our spirit selves we already know that on other deeper levels, ....but to know our human physical selves in order for our spirit that which we truly be fully present in this world.

At present I consider most of us to dense in matter that our full spirit self, cannot function in these physical forms, unless we turn it on and in order to do that we must know that which we are, the physical human form ... our spirits are constricted by our own ignorance of our physical forms potentials...thus we are left with only concepts of and imaginings of what we are capable of as spiritual beings, forgetting that we are spirt made manifest in human form physical sprit beings...

yet I beleive that in order for this to change, that we must grow in order to create a world that no longer sees war as a means to peace, and no longer perpetrates hatred fear, and violence...these are not the actions of a fully humanized sprit being made physical these are the actions of a spirit made manifest that knows not itself nor its physical form, thereby unknowingly feels traped, frustrated, and without a clue

If we were all 8 cyclinder cars, I beleive we would only be running on 2 cyclinders Max ! a 2 cylinder being would of course be ignorant , create fear, war, and use violence, they would also deginerate the feminine which of course is exactly what exists in this world as a to a 2 cylinder being is the expception...all be it a much misunderstood concept.. this analogy is based on the idea given us by many researches that we are only using 10% of our brains potential...

Imagine a world where we were runing on 4 cycliners, 40% potential, would there be war, ?

Imagine a world where we were runing on 6 cyclinders 60% would we need mental health, jails, hospitals ?

Imagine a world where we were running on the full 8 cyclinders 100% of our brain power, would we need oil to drive everywhere ? would we need our outter communication system ?

What turns on our brains capacity to run on more than the current 10% 2 cylinders ?

our heart

here is part I of message from the heart  More >

 If we are so right, why does it feel so wrong?10 comments
picture13 Mar 2003 @ 00:51, by quidnovi. Violence, War
"Justice is about Truth, and truth has many sides. Justice and Truth have shapes that change among nations and throughout the seasons of history. Mercy is Love, and that has the same strength and beauty for all people, for all time. I serve Mercy, not Justice."
---A. A. Attanasio, The Wolf and the Crown

Operation Desert Storm was about the "good guys" liberating one Arab state, Kuwait, from occupation by another Arab state, Iraq. But the roles are not so clearly defined in the current conflict and while I'd love to have the same kind of self assurance as G. W. Bush has been displaying that we are doing the right thing and that God is on our side, this new situation with Iraq looks to me (and to others) uncomfortably too much like an effort to install a client regime in Baghdad.

Worse, while some have been denouncing oil as the motivating factors of our current administration for its military presence in the Gulf region, there have been some troubling and alarming signs from the administration that Iraq is only the tip of the iceberg:  More >

 soular light
12 Mar 2003 @ 07:49, by jeffreyiam. Philosophy
Years ago during a time of insight it was revealed that the new light which is coming to the planet is called the Soular light.  More >

 The Spectragon Theory
picture11 Mar 2003 @ 16:21, by spectragon. Philosophy
The primal desire that distinguishes man, among earthly creatures, is for an understanding of existence. The earliest approach to gain popularity was deductive reasoning or reductionism. This approach was based on the assumption that all things were composed of permutations and/or combinations of a finite set of fundamental elements. For example, Pythagoras’ belief that the material world was based on an elemental geometry of five-point symmetry that he termed the quintessential. Today we know that fractal recursion of fundamental relationships provide the underpinning of the manifested world.

Spectragon theory is based on the observation that three-dimensional space, by definition, has a geometry characterized by six-point symmetry. This theory demonstrates that this inherent property of six-point symmetry is a prerequisite for the functional integration of a temporal dimension.

The fundamental mechanical element required to allow this fourth dimension of Time, to manifest within spatial dimensions, is displacement. Displacement has two basic forms: linear and circular. Linear, for translation between loci, and circular, to allow a dynamic to exist within a fixed locus. In other words, the three spatial dimensions that constitute a domain for matter, are animated by temporality, which constitutes a domain for energy.

How is it that six-point symmetry is required to integrate linear and circular dynamics? There needs to be a link between linear and circular reckoning for the two to be functionally integrated. The radius of a circle serves as such a link. Using a chord the length of the radius to mark the arcs of a circle divides a circle into six equal sections (six-point symmetry). When four spheres of the same diameter are packed together the simplest Platonic solid, the tetrahedron is formed. In both illustrations, the forms are based on the equilateral triangle. The inherent symmetry of the equilateral triangle redirects a linear force vector into cyclic activity by oscillating each side in sequence. This happens because the direction of travel for energy from impact point (on a hypothetical equilateral triangle of dimensions resonant with the incident energy wave-length) will be determined by the grazing angle and the length of the “moment arm” presented by the side of the triangle, to initiate a cyclic cascade around the perimeter. Thus, the dynamic (temporal) component of our four-dimensional model of reality interacts with the static (spatial) components to bring it to life.

A classic example of this space-time interaction is found in the Sun’s radiant energy being transported to Earth as a wave (linear translation), which becomes distributed as a work-cycle as that energy is absorbed into the wave-guides inherent in the tetrahedral geometry of diverse atoms and molecules whose oscillations are phase-locked by their common energy source. This phenomenon of work-cycle synchronization among diverse collocated elements facilitates the synergy, driving evolution by favoring complexity over simplicity as an energetic strategy to oppose entropy.

Spectragons are the visual depiction of this functional relationship between matter and energy. In the Spectragon model, the six-point symmetry of the hexagonal grid is animated by the visible spectrum represented by the six physiologic hues. Each spectral component representing one of the six fundamental sectors of the circle as delineated by a chord equal to the radius. Therefore, each of these six sectors also corresponds to one of the six vectoral components of a wavelength, each of which connects one nodal point of a circle to the next.  More >

 Walk4 comments
picture 9 Mar 2003 @ 19:02, by ming. Environment, Ecology
One of my favorite places to go for a walk is along Mulholland Drive. Mulholland runs along the ridge of the Santa Monica Mountains separating the Los Angeles basin from the San Fernando Valley, where I live. So, you're in the middle of the metropolis, but can still be in what is pretty much a wilderness. And most people stay down there in the smog, so you can even sometimes walk for a little bit without meeting anybody else. These pictures are some I took today. This one is pointed South, towards L.A.  More >

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