New Civilization News    
13 Jan 2003 @ 13:18, by adi. Government, Public Sector


"My fellow Americans, in this ceremony we recognize the power of the people in a democracy to create self-government. For you have truly lifted me, as a lowly servant, up from your midst to serve our nation. You have entrusted in me the duties of national service. You have asked me to stand as a sentinel to safeguard our rights. You have expected me to tell the truth, even if that truth shall disturb established economic, political and social structures. I accept your trust with humility and with resolve. I shall proceed in my duties each day with courage and unshakeable faith and with love of you, my dear constituents, love of our country, love of freedom and love of our brothers and sisters worldwide.

For the America I envision seeks world unity instead of unilateralism. It gains its power through being the first to help, not the first to strike. It extends itself to the peoples of the world to lift their burden. It is an America, which when asked for help, dispenses bread instead of bombs, medical assistance instead of missiles, and food instead of fissile materials.

There is a role for America in the world. It is in working with the community of nations to achieve the security of all nations. It is in restoring the promise of the Non Proliferation Treaty to lead the way to get rid of all nuclear weapons. It is in helping to assure international order. It is through strengthening and abiding by international treaties. It is in assuring control and eventual elimination of biological and chemical weapons, and landmines. It is in protecting our global climate by cooperating with the rest of the world in reducing carbon emissions. America can help protect the world. America can help save the world. But America cannot control the world, nor should we want to do so.

Yet our Administration would project American power for the purpose of domination. Their National Security doctrines call for America to strike anywhere it pleases and to be the first to use nuclear weapons.

Our nation is now poised to go to all-out war against Iraq. Iraq has not committed any act of aggression against the United States. Iraq was not responsible for 911. No credible evidence exists linking Iraq to Al Queda's role in 911. Iraq was not responsible for the anthrax attack on our nation. The United Nations has yet to establish that Iraq has usable weapons of mass destruction. There is no intelligence that Iraq has the ability to strike at the United States. According to the CIA, Iraq has no intention to attack America, but will defend itself if attacked.

Why then, is our nation prepared to send three hundred thousand of our young men and women into house to house combat in the streets of Badhdad and Basra? Why is our nation prepared to spend 200 billion or more of our hard-earned tax dollars for the destruction of Iraq?

Why is our nation preparing to use the most powerful military machine in history to wage an assault against the people of Iraq, to destroy their houses and buildings, to wipe out their water and electric systems and to block their access to food and medical supplies?

There is no answer which can separate itself from oil economics, profit requirements of arms trade, or distorted notions of empire-building.

War with Iraq is wrong. But if war is prosecuted further in Iraq, we must be prepared to advance the cause of peace in this country. We must be prepared to stand up, to speak out, to organize, to march, to demand an end to the war, or to demand an end to an administration which insists on war.

It is urgent we oppose this war. It will dominate our nation's priorities. It will threaten Social Security. It will threaten Medicare. It will block a prescription drug benefit for the elderly. It will stop America from providing jobs for all, health care for all, education for all.

There are some who believe that it is unpatriotic to challenge the Administration on the war. They believe it is politically wiser to debate the economy. but how can one reasonably separate war from the budget, war from the economy, war from America's ability to meet the needs of the people of this nation?

The Administration's own top economic adviser said the war could cost up to $200 billion. Our federal budget is already close to a $200 billion deficit due to huge tax cuts for the wealthy. Remember when we had a budget surplus?

Each time the administration talks about war, fear is created and when fear goes up, the market goes down. War will mean a sharp increase in oil prices, which will hurt jobs in manufacturing and transportation. One economic study with a worst-case scenario puts the cost of an all-out war, plus long-term occupation of Iraq at $1.6 trillion.

You cannot separate war from the economy. You cannot separate war from America's future, from its role in the world and its ability to meet the needs of our own people here at home.

We need to ask the questions. Why does America have hundreds of billions to ruin the health and take the lives of innocent people in Iraq but no money to provide health care for all Americans?

Why would America spend hundreds of billions to retire Saddam Hussein, but no money to protect the retirement security of its own people?

Why does America have money to blow up bridges over the Euphrates River in Iraq, but no money to build up bridges over the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland?

The path America must take is one of peace which leads to prosperity. It is one which understands that creating a structure of peace ensures that economic structures can be sound, affirmative of human needs and restorative of human values.

This is the dream of a Department of Peace which can help America take the first step towards making nonviolence an organizing principle in our society -- making the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a reality -- and working to make war itself a thing of the past. It is this ethnic of peace seeking and peace building which will cause us to take down weapons from the heavens and work to create a heaven on earth full of new possibilities.

Peace and prosperity shall be as two pillars in a newly rebuilt America which provides for the economic and social security of its own people as a cause of nationhood and for the economic and social progress of peoples of other lands as a cause of brotherhood.

This confirmation of the purpose of nation was the dream of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society, and John F. Kennedy and the New Frontier. This shall continue to be our dream in the days ahead, that no matter the darkness, we shall hold up the light of America's higher purpose, which calls to us across the ages from Washington, Jefferson and Adams through Lincoln to the present day.

Our nation has always had a higher calling, despite the darkness of 911 and the official response to it. It is a calling to maintain the quest for democracy, for freedom and liberty at times of peril as well as times of peace. We can sense that higher calling. That higher calling is our heritage. The words of Francis Scott Key still echo:

"Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" In this he celebrated the link between freedom and bravery: That it takes courage to live in a democracy. It takes courage to stand up to terrorists and maintain basic liberties. It takes courage to lead the way toward global disarmament while some are bent on destruction. It takes patience to face dictators around the world and not be tempted to bomb them into submission. It takes wisdom to have great power and to make gentle its presence in the world. And it takes compassion to understand the plight of peoples world wide who themselves are trying to survive, to live out their own humble lives despite having conditions which are challenging or governments which are oppressive.

My friends. This is still your government. You have the right to have a say in how its destiny is being charted. That right derives from our very Declaration of Independence, which claimed self-governance as a basic right. Government does not just happen in Washington, D.C. It is the result of a process which takes place in thousands of cities, villages and townships. It is also a process which also takes place in our hearts, which is brought to life by our love of country, and our love of each other. It is your love which enables me to carry those hopes and dreams forward. And I shall do so courageously in the days ahead. Thank you."

U.S. Representative Dennis J. Kucinich Swearing-In Ceremony Sunday, January 5, 2003 Cleveland, Ohio

Quote: "Non-violence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals."~~~~~Martin Luther King, Jr.

"NOW is the perfect time to change the pattern of division, fear, lies and war that has been a part of the history of the United States government since it started it's divide and conquer games beginning with the original people of this land, the American Indians. We are sitting on the edge of insanity with a storehouse full of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, chemical and biological telling the rest of the world they're crazy! As Bob Dylan once asked: "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see?" Well, if we don't all make a conscious effort for peace, it is an understatement to say that we will definitely not like the "answer" that's "blowin' in the wind!"~~~Sharon Pacione

In closing, with the chaos that the United States is causing all over the world, I'm sure that many countries can identify with the following words spoken at the end of the video "People of the Great Plains, Part 2" from the excellent 6 video set "The Native Americans."

"Grandfather, I ask you to bless the white man, he needs your wisdom, your guidance. He's tried for so long to destroy my people and only feels comfortable when given power. Bless them with your wisdom. Show them the peace we understand. Teach them humility, for I feel they will destroy themselves and their children as they have done so with Mother Earth. I plead, I cry...after all, they are my brother." ~~~~`From the video "People of the Great Plains, Part 2" from the series "The Native Americans"

Click here: Congressman Dennis Kucinich | The Spirit of Freedom


 Connections1 comment
13 Jan 2003 @ 03:36, by ming. Internet
If you have a website and your browser does Java, you can go to the TouchGraph GoogleBrowser and see what sites are linked with yours, or with any other site you want to look at. Above is what I saw when I put in Very cool. I'm not entirely sure what it means. I suppose it shows the most highly linked, or most recently linked sites most prominently, but I really don't know. Now, I'd love to actually navigate around cyberspace in a more spatial sense like that. I just haven't seen any technology yet that makes it truly useful. This is cool, and I might see some things I hadn't noticed, but I wouldn't think of treversing the net this way if I actually were looking for something. Showing websites as blobs with lines between them still doesn't add up to visualizing the actual information stored on the net.  More >

 Free Economy7 comments
picture 11 Jan 2003 @ 14:15, by ming. Alternative Money Systems
I wrote this little essay some years ago called Free Resources. It pointed out the relatively new phenomenon at the time that it can be quite viable to give things away freely, even for a business. And I also expressed a strategy for gradually making more things free. You know, if I look at the resources available to me, and I identify what I can freely share with others, and I work on increasing the number and variety of resources I can freely share, and others do the same, then we'd gradually be getting somewhere. Somewhere where a lot of what we need is freely and easily available for everybody. I'm not talking about whether I might take time out of my schedule to work hard for some charity once per week. I'm not talking about sacrifice. I'm talking about arranging things so that it is perfectly feasible and comfortable to give something away, without particularly being worse off myself.

Software remains the best example. Free Open Source software is today the best stuff you can find in a number of categories. The open source model has turned out to be a more reliable and efficient way of producing high quality software and distributing it widely. It costs almost nothing to copy software, and that means in part that smart people can build on lots of other smart people's work, and do something better than they otherwise could.

The music market started moving in that direction, of making it easy to share music easily and freely - Napster - but it is a mixed success at this point, as the big central media companies don't understand it, think it is evil, and are spending a lot of resources on making sure their products can't be shared.

Lots of free Wi-Fi wireless networks are springing up in many places. Individuals and small companies leave their wireless network open to whoever is in the proximity. They do that either unknowingly, or because they can, and because they think it might useful to somebody. A very small number of ISPs support it. The majority think it is theft and are trying to find ways of making it impossible.

There is obvioiusly a clash between different systems and different cultures there. I think it can be a vibrant and viable economic model to work on making more and more things free and easy to distribute widely. And it can very well be very profitable along the way for the originators of technologies and content that supports that. But then there are the big and powerful companies who don't get it, who believe that sharing is theft, and that it couldn't possibly be economically viable for anything to be free. And they're wrong. The most long-term viable production and distribution solution is for it to be free. Sunlight and air is in ample supply, no matter how much you share it and give it away.

It brings an interesting secret to light. You know, Monsanto sells suicide seeds to farmers. They work for the crop of one season, but they don't reproduce, so the farmer needs to come back next year and buy new seeds. That's the perfect model for many big corporations, and it is essentially what they're doing. You pay money and buy their product, thinking that it is now yours. And if it really were yours, you could of course do with it what you want, including sharing it with your friends or giving it away to somebody else. But there's a lot of small print, which you usually don't pay attention to. And the legal truth is usually that it isn't yours, even if you paid for it.

The solution is obvious if we pay more attention. Focus on alive, fertile, self-reproducing products, that can be modified, expanded, shared, given away, re-combined, re-cycled, re-invented. And start forgetting about suicide products that legally self-destruct in your hands right after you've looked at them, or the moment you consider using them in a new creative or beneficial way.

"Out of abundance He took abundance and still abundance remains." -- The Upanishads  More >

 Light Perspectives1 comment
picture11 Jan 2003 @ 11:09, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
Another nice tidbit sent from my beloved Glastonbury neighbour/ comrade Palden Jenkins. I've heard this one below, but with a slightly different bent about what is 'hell' and what is 'heaven'...
God put the angels and the devils to a test. He set up a huge banquet hall with a wonderful feast. First He invited the devils to the feast. They were delighted until they found out that they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows! How were they to eat all the delicious food when their hands wouldn't go to their mouths? They tried eating off the plate, which was messy and undignified. They tried throwing the food in the air and catching it in their mouths. Nothing worked very well. After 15 minutes of this mayhem, God told them that time was up. They trooped out cursing Him.

Next, He invited the angels into the hall. A fresh feast was laid out,and the same thing happened - they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows. The angels all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What a great game!" they said as they fed each other.
... Hmmm... Sometimes in our journey is about how we approach the situation we find ourselves in. I remember a quote I learnt in junior high, 'When Life hands you lemons.... make lemonade!" The motif of the lemonade stand is probably a favourite amoungst my generation --- the charm of creating an event out of what you find in your own backyard, your own Kansas... and harvesting it's fruits.

Right now my family is living on some friends' land up in the High Mohave Desert, near Joshua Tree. We're in a trailer out in the middle of a picturesque canyon with no visible neighbours in sight.... and, learning about solar power and living a simpler life for six temporary months. A strange sabbatical from the English countryside! On some days, because of the learning curve and the many demands of our worldly life... if the main power zaps out after one light being on for a half an hour, we can decide we're inadequate for not understanding our electrical systems by ourselves and without having to call upon the help of our friends. We are the devils in despair. Yet, the next night, we can be resourceful, and play a game of cards by candlelight. With this simple idea, at that moment we have 'lightened up' and just enjoyed the Now....

Yet yet yet, still yet... how can we celebrate the lightness without the journey through the many tunnels of psyche? How can we 'be there' without going somewhere else first, to get there? This has been a constant source of musing for me... if we were only angels in heaven... how could we know it? The Gnostic Jung mapped the idea that from the realm of the undifferentiated, we must distinguish ourselves. On the road map through time and space, there must be points to define where one has been and where one is going. A concept of goodness can only be experienced not as an idea but as a coming into beingness... an alignment or emergence from mind, heart and spirit... and of course, our physiology. I call these 'pops'... I pop out and remember... only, again to continue this mad hatter party and forget again tomorrow.

All, for this continuous dream of the awakening...  More >

10 Jan 2003 @ 14:47, by mmmark. Philosophy
"NEW STYLE THINKING" is not new, but Patricia Sun’s (Former Wisdom Radio Host) way of describing an emerging consciousness that trumps our standard concepts of existence, which are outdated and regress from the wisdom of the ages. My spouse has been using these three words in log comments to inspire a different perspective of mind, yet it has raised some questions about what new style thinking is. This post attempts to explain the context.

New Style Thinking is a state of mind that recognizes a Universal reverence for all things and is demonstrated by behavior that is Loving.

Old Style Thinking in comparison, is a state of mind that places an arbitrary value on a restricted set of things and is demonstrated by behavior that is dominantly Selfish.

As members of western culture we are conditioned to believe certain things are cool and to do things that are found to be socially acceptable regardless of their merit, feasibility, value, or sustainability. We are drawn to conform because we want to be accepted by the group, however this minimizes diversity and weakens us as a species. We often do things without ever stopping to think about them philosophically, or about the consequences. Standing on the shoulders of our foreparents doesn’t mean their foundation is strong or wise in all cases.

As technology advance has insulated us from having to know the true meaning of life and it does little to develop our character as spiritual beings. No matter how much we may learn about science, and no matter how powerful our technology becomes, these accomplishments are virtually useless unless we apply them to benevolent goals. The missing piece of the equation is of moral concern. Without ethics nothing will work on a sustainable basis, so it would be advantageous to work on our human character as hard as we do to gain technical knowledge.

In Cosmological terms success has nothing to do with money, it has everything to do with being healthy. Understanding that any non-productive person is a triple tax on the productive people, our obvious task is to support 6.2 billion people equitably. Without an even and fair distribution of resources we will be chained to the cycles of greed wars and fail to experience peace.

New Style Thinking would define thoughts that are relevant to reform our old-style-ways with new healthy ones. I believe our frontier resides in understanding the human mind, learning what we really are as human beings and coming to grips with our less attractive qualities. We are the least efficient animals on the planet and that has caused us to reach this threshold in our evolution.

Let us find the presence of mind to contribute only constructive energy to life. Do we need laws or rules when we choose to act responsibly and unselfishly. We should demand peace and good will of others, and so we should do our best to act that way as ourselves. Anything outside that realm is not loving, nor considered New Style Thinking, regardless of intent.

Namasté > > > Mark  More >

 Let your Light shine!
picture9 Jan 2003 @ 03:22, by ashanti. Communities
I have a friend named Doris (not her real name) Tshabalala. She’s in her mid-fifties, and she is an Inspiration to women everywhere. (One of the many, many magnificent African women who grace our world). Her story is incredible. She started out as an illiterate person, working as a domestic servant for a white family. She had three children to support, and a life of drudgery – on her hands and knees, cleaning up others people’s floors and messes, and looking after a strange family’s children.  More >

 France14 comments
picture 9 Jan 2003 @ 01:09, by ming. Travel
I have the itch to move right now. That's how my family and I ended up in California 18 years ago instead of our native Denmark. It is not a terribly rational thing, just an urge that says it is time to move on to somewhere very different. Trying to make the best determination as to where that should be, but once you decide, it is pretty much closing one's eyes and jumping, and working out the details later. It feels like southern Europe would be the thing. First I thought Switzerland, but on second thought I think maybe France is better. Something like Lyon, the Rhône-Alpes region. Not as crowded and hectic and expensive as Paris, but a place with lots of culture and connections. And central, easy to get to other places. But I haven't been there, and I don't know anybody there, and my French is not great. I have acquired a stack of all the right books, and I'll go and explore things in April, and if it still feels right, we'd probably move a couple of months later. Not that any of this is smooth or easy. It is a big thing to move to another country, and we're a family of five, each with our quite different priorities and ideas about what we like. Do any of you know anybody in that part of France? Having some personal connections there would really be helpful.  More >

 What is Sacred?
8 Jan 2003 @ 18:13, by sharie. Spirituality
I cannot think of anything more sacred than human life, human well-being, and fulfilling our potential in every aspect of our humanity, to be spiritually fulfilled, emotionally at ease, physically healthy, intellectually brilliant, socially relaxed, sexually satisfied, and psychologically sound.

To ensure human life, human well-being, and opportunities for our human potential, we need a healthy environment in which to grow. This necessarily includes our living environment (our home, neighborhood, and community), our social environment (our family and friends), and our natural environment (naturally clean water, air, and food).

Because of this, war, corruption, and greed of every kind are denounced. This includes the greed for power beyond one's own resources, the greed for money and wealth beyond the needs of one's own family, and the greed for social status (the desire to be viewed as more valuable or worthy than any other human being).

To paraphrase Lord Acton, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

When money and power are concentrated into the hands of a few, the people as a whole tend to endure poverty, inadequate nutrition and the lack of means to mature socially, creatively, intellectually, and in every other aspect of life, which means the community is unable to benefit from its individual members' contributions.

The mass murders ordered by our U.S. government officials spans some 150 years. I happened upon these historical events one by one over the past several years. And they continue to haunt me.

I've begun compiling a list of them here for people to see for themselves. I'll continue to add to this entry as the info becomes available to me.

I apologize to those who choose to ignorance. I was oblivious to the corruption for most of my life. But the historical facts have become overwhelming, and the personal choice to open my mind to the truth of how our income taxes are being spent, and what it means to be an American can no longer be denied. No doubt the World Trade Center attacks have impacted my need to understand the hatred against us Americans.

The following list is a work in progress, but I'll begin by awakening to the truth about the U.S. involvement in WWII. Japan did not bomb the United States. This is political- economic propaganda. As we look beyond the lies, we see that yes, Japan did bomb American battle ships, military aircraft, military outposts and soldiers at Pearl Harbor. These U.S. invaders had taken possession of the independent nation of Hawai'i which was not a state of the U.S. but an independent peaceful nation. U.S. invasions were no doubt encroaching too close to the Pacific homeland of the Japanese people, so the Japanese struck back. Was Japan on the list of next land for America to invade and conquer? Europeans had invaded Indochina, and now euro-americans began to invade the South Pacific. Japan had been isolationists for hundreds of years (refusing trade relations, guns, and other *modern conveniences*), but they witnessed invasions coming from all sides. China was in dis-array because it controlled such a diverse population, many religions (including muslims!) and nearly 30 different languages. The China was made up of various factions. The Japanese people, however, were united, and sought to resist the invasions into asia. Japanese soldiers were vicious in their rape and torture of civilians, but the slaughter of asians by the Europeans and Americans cannot be considered more civilized. The following is an itemized list of U.S. military invasions around the world:

1950's: Korea, Indochina and Guatamala


1960's: Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam



1970's: Iraq, Chile, Lebanon


1980's: Nicaragua, Panama, and Afghanistan


1990's: Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,
Boznia, Herzegovina, Somalia, Kosovo



As we confront the truth of our U.S. government corruption and propaganda lies to the people, we awaken from our sleep, throw off the chains that enslaved us to their sick and dying culture, and we create a new world, a new civilization.

Our tax dollars were used to create *capitalist* cultures/ consumer economies around the world. This required the destruction of the native people's agricultural and spiritual cultures. But provides new laborers for the billionaires who have turned the world population into consumers of their useless trinkets, while our Mother Earth is raped and stripped of everything that is good.

As an example, here is a quote from the CIA's website:

"Thereafter, South Korea achieved rapid economic growth, with per capita income far outstripping the level of North Korea"

They have used high-tech weaponry to slaughter the people, so they can set up puppet governments *to help them become economically prosperous*, *stripping* the developing countries of their minerals and oil, their chemicals, and anything else that could be converted into *goods and services* to accumulate wealth into their private bank accounts. They have used propaganda to convince the people they need to slave away for these new and improved *modern* conveniences - pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, bovine growth hormones, chemically-altered nicotine and pesticide-laced tobacco, the list goes on and on. The rate of cancer has increased exponentially due to the carcinogens created by the chemical/pharmaceutical/military industry. The billionaires of the world are consuming human lives in order to bulk up their bank accounts.

What is Sacred? Not money, personal greed, or living in the lap of luxury while children are starving to death.

Life is sacred. Being the fullest of our potentials, enjoying our oneness with all of life, with all of humanity, with our living environment, and all the universe is what I hold sacred.

 "Why do we continue to hurt one another?"5 comments
picture7 Jan 2003 @ 22:43, by cho. Communication
deleted  More >

 Communication and Evolution2 comments
7 Jan 2003 @ 20:52, by craiglang. Spirituality
Mark's article entitled "Tell Me About Me" soliciting feedback on communication style was a truly couragious act. He must have alot more personal security than I... 8^)
The comment by Alana, and later by Max, stirred up within me a deep soul-searching question. It is a question that transcends any of us - one about the very basic nature of communication, itself. In "Conscious Evolution", Barbara Marx Hubbard develops the idea of the emerging noosphere - of our species reaching a noetic critical mass. Yet how will we communicate in a newly-emergent world?

This leads to the question of what is the boundary of the self and the collective world in a society where communication becomes more open. What do we share as part of being honest with eachother in the collective mind? And what do we keep to ourselves as part of our own self-hood?
How do we maintain our private lives in a psychic society?  More >

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