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 We are being Disconnected5 comments
picture6 Nov 2002 @ 11:39, by devic. Ideas, Creativity
When will we awaken from this current state of being?
The answer is when we do, but for now,
We lick up the vomit from television.
Our eyes are painted over with entertainment........  More >

 The Elections: Be Careful What You Wish For17 comments
6 Nov 2002 @ 10:22, by craiglang. Politics
I was rather dismayed, to say the least, with the election returns last night and today. In front of my eyes (at least when I could bear to look) I saw the vote count piling up in support of the Bush Brothers, etc. I saw the senatorial candidate (Norm Coleman) who opposed the late Sen. Wellstone win - apparently with the support of the same energy companies that have gotten us into this mess.

But in a democracy, the peoples' voice is final. Having heard nothing yet to the contrary, I assume (perhaps nievely) that the election was clean. So I must conclude that the results do portray the will of the people - at least to some extent. Yet, the direction this decision takes the western world - and perhaps humanity - seems to be directly into the abyss. So what gives?

My only conclusion can be that a whole lot of people don't get it. The aggregate field consciousness of the US public seems to still be wishing for a convenient, materialistic, comfortable, don't-rock-the-boat world view. There seems to be an aggregate willingness to overlook the impending war. And it is more comfortable to ignore the coming environmental collapse. The blindfold fits well, and is very comfy to wear.

It is indeed difficult to change course. A western democracy has a very wide turning radius. And if our course is heading for oblivion, then to some it seems easier to cover one's eyes than to struggle to turn the steering wheel and avoid the collapse.

So, the (apparent) wishes of the people have been expressed. As the saying goes "be careful what you wish for, you might recieve it". And I suspect that recieve it we shall...

-Craig  More >

6 Nov 2002 @ 06:47, by spiritseek. Peace
We invite women around the world to join in a week of daily activities for the purpose of preparing ourselves internally and energetically for the Gather the Women event on March 8. Proposed daily activites are outlined below. We ask that you devote about an hour each day, if possible, to participate in these or similar activities with a circle of at least two other women. Soon we will be listing resources for the daily activities that participants can use, if needed, to help enhance their experience of each day. This is a co-creative endeavor, so we also welcome your input. If you have resources to share, please email them to

March 3: A Day of Prayer and Meditation

On this first day we invite women to form a resonant field of energy by joining in prayer with millions of women throughout the world as we prepare ourselves to gather on March 8. (Soon an interactive feature will be added to this website for women to post their prayers.)

March 4: A Day of Introspection, Reflection and Contemplation

On this second day we invite women to take an inward journey, examining how you've arrived at this place in your journey, reflecting on your contributions and the contributions of untold millions of women who have helped pave the way to the creation of this moment in time, and contemplating the power of billions of women joining their spirits and their energies to create together a world where all life is appreciated and held sacred.

March 5: A Day of Healing and Forgiveness

On this third day we encourage women to take all the pain from their inward journey— all the pain that women and children and all humanity has endured throughout the ages—and bring it into a healing circle of love and forgiveness. Without forgiveness for what is past, we cannot move forward in the spirit and energy of creating positive change in our future. Let us acknowledge our grief, mourn for what has been, release the past and move powerfully forward from a place of love for our planet and all humanity.

March 6: A Day of Connecting and Visioning

On this fourth day we invite women to set aside time for sharing from the heart, storytelling, listening to one another and being heard. Let this be a day when we open our hearts and feel our oneness with all women around the world, and from that place of oneness, envision a world in which all life is held sacred—a balanced world of harmony and peace. (An interactive feature will soon be added to the website to give women the opportunity to post their visions of the new world we are creating together.)

March 7: A Day of Purposeful Action

On this fifth day we invite women to take some action that will plant the positive seeds of change we wish to see in the world. (Soon an interactive feature will be added to this website to enable women to post their planned or suggested actions to create positive change.)

March 8: A Day of Gathering, Inspiration and Celebration

On this sixth day women worldwide will gather in groups large and small to inspire and to be inspired and to celebrate the dawning of a new way of world leadership, a new way of being, Harmony's Way. (Soon an interactive feature will be added to this website to enable women to post information about their planned local Gather the Women events.)

March 9: A Day of Gratitude and New Beginnings

On this seventh day may all humanity bask in the energy of gratitude for the healing that has begun during this historic week and to move forward together from a new place of being—a place of empowerment, commitment to positive action, partnership, love, compassion and joy. This is the first day we begin living Harmony's Way.  More >

 Laughter of Kids and a Tapestry of Hope1 comment
picture3 Nov 2002 @ 18:54, by craiglang. Neighborhood
Yesterday, as I was working outside my house, I got to meet and chat with our new neighbors. This family, who moved into our neighborhood only a few months ago, are immigrants from Southeast Asia. These folks are some of the nicest people you will ever meet - a delight to know.

Since I have not yet learned much of their language, my communication with the older family members has been somewhat sparse. But yesterday as I was working, the kids came over to talk with me and play in our yard. They are a delightful lot - aged 2 to 10 - and talkative as the dickens. They alternated between english with me, and their family's language to eachother. But their laughs and smiles were universal.

I thought to myself how adaptable these folks must be. I can only guess what their life experiences must have been, a collective life path which eventually brought them to the house next door.

The family living on the other side of us has several kids of their own. Since our driveway and sidewalk have quite a bit of space, we often let the kids from both families rollerblade and play games there. The kids from these two families - from such different backgrounds - get along as if their families had been together for generations. Their world cares little for the differences that adults notice. All they cared about was laughing and playing.

I realized that the biggest light of all, and the greatest hope for the future, are children like these. As kids from such diverse backgrounds grow up, they bring the threads of human history together. As they play together they are unknowingly weaving a tapestry of understanding and peace.

I believe that this is how humanity will heal the wounds of war. With their big eyes, big smiles and wonderful imaginations, to me these kids represent the future of Earth. They are the hope of humanity.  More >

 TRUTH, JUSTICE AND WISDOM: part 2. How Bush will go about getting support2 comments
picture3 Nov 2002 @ 18:42, by unity1. History, Ancient World
This is the age of transfromation, an age of awarness, and an age of awakening, the age of conscious action. Welcom to part 2 of TRUTH, JUSTICE and WISDOM.

Ever wondered in this insane, yet potentially awesome world of ours, how other Nations give their consent to war, despite objections and protests form their own citizens... well this is how daddy Bush did it in the first war on Iraq, so I guess the road has been paved for this article by John Pilger  More >

 Heavenly Being
3 Nov 2002 @ 17:38, by sharie. Spirituality
All things are possible.

So the question is: What do I believe in most?
What do I want most?

More than anything, I believe in eternal life.

I feel life eternal, both inside and outside of me. The Spirit of Life is eternal.

More than anything, I want Heaven on Earth.

The focus of my Newslog focus is becoming more and more about Heaven on Earth.

It's the best of all possible worlds - human, earthly, spiritual, and cosmic.

How does Heaven on Earth come to be?

Heaven on Earth is here now. It always has been here now.

The real question is "how do we come to be heaven"?

We have always been heaven on earth. It's simply a matter of awakening to the truth of who we are.

Humankind has a consciousness, which we experience in our daily lives.

Each of us has a mind of our own, and a vast spectrum of beliefs, experiences, and goals to choose from...
rather magnificent when you think of it, because there is so much we can comprehend and retrieve, inter-relate and construct.

The Earth also has a consciousness, an intelligence, a brilliance... a vast array of life forms, each with their own goals.

Minerals have a consciousness, a life form, which your body depends on (iron, magnesium, carbon, and so on) You'd be dead if it weren't for the life-force - the consciousness - in the minerals.

Gases have a consciousness too. You'd be dead without the life-force in oxygen, nitrogen, and so on.

The cosmos too has a consciousness, an intelligence, balancing the planets, the expansion and contraction of suns and solar systems...

The source of all of the physical realm -here on earth, human life, and throughout the cosmos - is intelligent. To some, it is God. Others call it nirvana. People around the world, from cultures of every variety, have their own name for the All-Knowing.

What is the meaning of this intelligent universe?

That the oneness of consciousness be embraced in all of life.

This is heaven on earth.

 Lewis Mumford ...
3 Nov 2002 @ 15:01, by scotty. Personal Development
"Too dull to think, people might read: too tired to read, they might look at the moving pictures: unable to visit the picture theatre they might turn on the radio: in any case, they might avoid the call to action: surrogate lovers, surrogate heroes and heroines, surrogate wealth filled their debilitated and impoverished lives and carried the perfume of unreality into their dwellings. And as the machine itself became, as it were, more active and human, reproducing the organic properties of eye and ear, the human beings who employed the machine as a mode of escape have tended to become more passive and mechanical. Unsure of their own voices, unable to hold a tune, they carry a phonograph or a radio set with them even on a picnic: afraid to be alone with their own thoughts, afraid to confront the blankness and inertia of their own minds, they turn on the radio and eat and talk and sleep to the accompaniment of a continuous stimulus from the outside world: now a band, now a bit of propaganda, now a piece of public gossip called news."

Technics and Civilization pp 315-316

( [link] )

Lewis Mumford
U.S. Social Philosopher

Every new baby is a blind desperate vote for survival: people who find themselves unable to register an effective political protest against extermination do so by a biological act.

The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity.

We have created an industrial order geared to automatism, where feeble-mindedness, native or acquired, is necessary for docile productivity in the factory; and where a pervasive neurosis is the final gift of the meaningless life that issues forth at the other end.

The vast material displacements the machine has made in our physical environment are perhaps in the long run less important than its spiritual contributions to our culture.

Unable to create a meaningful life for itself, the personality takes its own revenge: from the lower depths comes a regressive form of spontaneity: raw animality forms a counterpoise to the meaningless stimuli and the vicarious life to which the ordinary man is conditioned. Getting spiritual nourishment from this chaos of events, sensations, and devious interpretations is the equivalent of trying to pick through a garbage pile for food.

The settlement of America had its origins in the unsettlement of Europe. America came into existence when the European was already so distant from the ancient ideas and ways of his birthplace that the whole span of the Atlantic did not widen the gulf.

Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.

Today, the notion of progress in a single line without goal or limit seems perhaps the most parochial notion of a very parochial century.

Sport in the sense of a mass-spectacle, with death to add to the underlying excitement, comes into existence when a population has been drilled and regimented and depressed to such an extent that it needs at least a vicarious participation in difficult feats of strength or skill or heroism in order to sustain its waning life-sense.

However far modern science and technics have fallen short of their inherent possibilities, they have taught mankind at least one lesson: Nothing is impossible.

By his very success in inventing labor-saving devices, modern man has manufactured an abyss of boredom that only the privileged classes in earlier civilizations have ever fathomed.

War is the supreme drama of a completely mechanized society.

 Helpfulness Constitutes Peace1 comment
3 Nov 2002 @ 02:19, by tomsawyer. Personal Development

War is an opportunistic disease that can only exist in the absence of specific healthy activities between ordinary citizens over prolonged periods of time. The very utterance that war is thinkable is always a telltale symptom of a cataclysmic decline in self-evident helpfulness between members of the mainstream in private. Imaginary helplessness and selective unawareness is raw unhelpfulness times-two.

War is sometimes an impolite result of one's awareness that one's plight is not only known but meticulously maintained by the party most easily positioned to render the substance of mercy. And sometimes it is an impolite result of the belief that getting away with being impolite is an exhillerating proof that one is cooler than other kids. The survivors and refugees are left to discuss which motivation caused it while they pry apart the stuff that holds down the remains of the people they spent a lifetime seeking for company.

By the time war ceases to be an obviously gross mismatch with one's sense of life's purposefulness, civil and domestic unhelpfulness has definitely grown common, acceptable, and deep.  More >

picture2 Nov 2002 @ 20:01, by unity1. History, Ancient World
Greetings everyone.

Who are or what is truth justice and wisdom.... well long ago they were three goddess, or the three fates..but today however, they have been forgotten in favour of greed, aragence and war. However the return of the feminine essence in the form of these three most overlooked goddess is returning...not just in women, but in humainity as a whole....

She the symbol of JUSTICE is returning, with her she will bring TRUTH and together they will inspire WISDOM to stand with them.

Today in our world, every ordinary individual is forced to be accountable for their actions, no matter how small, whether it be avoiding paying your taxes, or runing a red light or driving without a current license...what ever it is there is someone to enforce some law whereby you will be forced to be accountable AND responsible for your actions.

However this is not so the further up the chain you go. Those in power who hold positions of influence have committed crimes against humainty in our name.

Under the guise of whatever office they hold they have got away with crimes that you and I as ordinary citizens would not. We need to understand the unlevel gobal playing field we are living in. We need to understand more about the people we are calling president..indeed the people behind the president need to be revealed for all to see and made accountable for their actions to their peers, (us) in a court of law, just as you or I would be.

Corporations and Industry who continue to use the rest of our world to their own advantages, will also stand accountable.

I will attempt to bring to you various articles over the course of the coming weeks in which you can see for yourself the extent of the actions of these so called leaders.

To do so is the ultimate form of love for humainty, for make no mistake it is a deep seated love for all life that these people need to be exposed and made accountable..and it is up to each and every one of us to expose the deciet and usher in the goddess of TRUTH JUSTIC AND WISDOM

Thus if we raise our voices from a point of knowledge and stand united, we may just be able to usher in a world where we can all live in harmony without fear of exploitation by our own governments.....

As an aside, for those of you who do not beleive in conspiracy theories...realise that for the past 20 or 30 years many if not all the conspircay theory's have become FACT...ONE the definitons of fact is...undeinable, often unpleasant TRUTH...with this in mind read Part 1 in this on going action. We can remain ignorant no longer.  More >

 Saturday, November 2, 20023 comments
picture2 Nov 2002 @ 16:44, by ming. Communication
  • I'm working on various changes in the NewsLog program. Not as easy as I thought it was. First of all I'm trying to better accommodate the format I'm trying to use myself here, of posting many little stories that add up to one daily issue published to my log. That's how most other weblogs, like Radio Userland, tend to be working. But it is a different underlying structure. And I'm trying not to break the way most people use this program right now, creating less frequent, but bigger, stand-alone articles.

  • Various U.S. news media had to run corrections of their reporting of the anti-war protest rallies last weekend. They had at first tried to pretend that it wasn't much at all. Just a few thousand scattered people. But they were barraged with complaints about their deceptive reporting. So, now, for example, the New York Times wrote:
    "The demonstration on Saturday in Washington drew 100,000 by police estimates and 200,000 by organizers', forming a two-mile wall of marchers around the White House. The turnout startled even organizers, who had taken out permits for 20,000 marchers. They expected 30 buses, and were surprised by about 650, coming from as far as Nebraska and Florida. A companion demonstration in San Francisco attracted 42,000 protesters, city police there said, and smaller groups demonstrated in other cities, including about 800 in Austin, Tex., and 2,500 in Augusta, Me."
  • I saw "Bowling for Columbine", a feature film documentary by Michael Moore. Powerful, excellent movie making about America's obsession with guns. Very provocative and direct. See it! It doesn't really give the answers, but mostly it adds up to the fear that is being promoted 24/7 in the U.S. media, and how it pervades the system from the top down.

  • When asked "Why is it so difficult for us westerners to understand the earth as a living system?", Elisabet Sahtouris answered:
    "It goes back to the Cartesian worldview, I think, in which Descartes proposed that God was a great engineer and his creations were mechanisms. That meant that all nature was an array of mechanisms created by God, the engineer, who then put a piece of his God-mind into his favorite robot -- man -- so that he, too, could create machinery. Now, whether you like it or not, that was a rather complete worldview that accounted for everything.

    "When the scientists decided that they didn't need God in their worldview, they eliminated God from their Cartesian worldview but kept the idea of an array of mechanisms. Now how do you explain the origin of mechanisms without a creator? By definition, a machine cannot exist without a creator. If they are there and couldn't have been assembled on purpose by an intentional creator, the only alternative is to say they came together by accident. So you got these bizarre theories that literally say that if enough parts of a Boeing 747 blow around in a whirlwind in a junkyard eventually one will assemble itself. This is going to appear to us as perhaps the most bizarre and perhaps harebrained concepts of how things work that has ever been proposed in the history of the world. And I think it will be seen that way in the very near future, because it is fundamentally an illogical point of view. The problem was that they thought you had to choose between God, the purposeful inventor, and accident. We had no theory of self-creation as a perfectly natural, biological, universal event. Now we do, so we don't have to invoke either hypothesis."
    Right on! The idea that everything in the universe sort of sprung into existence randomly and accidentally is just as wacky as the idea that some ornery guy with a grey beard commanded it all into existence. I think the idea of a self-creating, living universe is more simple and useful and satisfying than any of those. And if we all understood that a little better, there would be much less reason for us to fight each other.

  • Picture is by Burningbird  More >

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