29 May 2008 @ 14:56, by jhs. Shared Purpose
It was speculated, in especially by late 'founder' Hubbard, that the most valuable particle in the Universe would be an 'admiration particle' (why not a wave?) At the very least it appears to be the most sought after energy around and if this Universe would be really based on 'vanity', there must be a certain relationship between the two.
One way to look at it would be to see it from a causative Vs being-effect viewpoint. And in fact there is an interesting relationship.
If a Being's principal motivation would be showing off itself (vanity), it would seek to cause its own display in order to bring about a flow of 'admiration particles' towards itself, in other words making itself the 'effect' of an outside flow. (In narcissism, this flow is self-created).
Here something interesting occurs routinely: the Being thinks of being causative while RECEIVING an admiration (particle or wave, whatever) that was originally prompted by him, as a result ´swapping cause and effect´ viewpoints due to the neglect of differentiating between the two.
As a consequence the Being thinks it is the ONLY cause, disregarding the codependent factors of its creation (Gotamo Siddharto is still right, yeah!, see earlier articles on ´Cause&Effect`!)
This now is a simple definition of the "Yaltabaoth Virus" which could be seen as the most basic "bug" of this Universe. Yet, instead of a mere postulate, like in the Gnostic teachings, we can now imagine at least part of the mechanism leading to its creation. Furthermore we can start speculating from where the ORIGINAL deficiency
arrived instead of just blaming it on Sophia.
The cause/effect model is static and inherently limited, so let's look at it from the point of the more dynamic model of the be-do-have triad: More >
28 May 2008 @ 17:34, by skookum. Spirituality
Just a few thoughts written by a not so enlightened person. More >
27 May 2008 @ 14:45, by anandavala. Communication
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
In a recent
conversation here on NCN I indirectly learnt a great deal. Even
though it was not what one would call a functional conversation it
was nevertheless a very interesting experience...
Below is an article compiled from my part in the conversation. It
addresses many issues that are central to the conduct of a
progressive discourse, which can result in cooperative solution
seeking that is grounded in reality and can be genuinely effective
even in the face of cynical attacks and denial. These are just
thoughts on the matter. More >
27 May 2008 @ 13:31, by jerryvest. Medicine, Healthcare
You should not lose your self-sufficient state of mind. This does not mean a closed mind, but actually an empty mind and a ready mind. If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.”
In the beginner’s mind there is no thought, “I have attained something.” All self-centered thoughts limit our vast mind. When we have no thoughts of achievement, no thought of self, we are true beginners. Then we can really learn something. The beginners mind is the mind of compassion, it is boundless. Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, pp. 21-22.
Dear Colleagues and friends,
I believe that as social workers or health professionals, we should begin to examine our use and support of the DSM as it causes more harm than good for our clients and students as introduced in this article and in several logs that I have posted here and on my forum. Many of our schools of social work and Board of Social Work Examiners continue to support this handbook for mental health professionals and present it in classes and for professional examinations as if it is a scientific measurement for mental health disorders. I am hopeful that our profession will abandon the use of this system and share this information with students, colleagues, and clients.
I have introduced my views of this system on my forum and also with our NCN in several logs; however, I believe that Dr. Zur has made the best case for abandoning this flawed system and stop labeling our clients and others. If for no other reason, we should be aware that once a patient or client is labeled with one of these disorders, it remains with them for their entire life. I don't know of any program that is designed to change a diagnosis to 'cured' once they are identified with a diagnosis. And, because these patient labels/codes are not held in confidence and are added to numerous databases with insurance companies and other health resources, we are causing great harm to those who trust us and believe that their records are private or confidential.[link]
Diagnosing for Status and Money - A Critical Look at the DSM and the economic forces that shape it."
In principal, mental health diagnoses can be helpful to clinicians and researchers in their formulation of treatment, research and communication with other professionals. Unfortunately, the DSM has been shaped by economic and political influences rather than by scientific and medical ones. The DSM assigns diagnoses in a biased manner, resulting in more harm than good to our patients, their families and society at large while delivering huge profits to pharmaceutical companies. Women, children, minorities, lower income and older people are the groups most likely to be negatively affected by the biases presented in the DSM.
A newly published article: DSM: Diagnosing for Status and Money
Online Course for 4 CE Credits: DSM: Diagnosing for Money and Power
DSM Recap:
The DSM has been called the billing bible of psychiatry and has become one of the most influential texts in the field of mental health.
The DSM is a powerful tool of social control: its criteria are used to judge who is normal or abnormal, sane or insane or who should remain free or be hospitalized against their will.
Most texts and graduate and postgraduate courses present the DSM as an objective, scientific document. It is neither.
The DSM is primarily driven by the psychopharmacological industry, which reaps huge profits from each new diagnosis that can be treated with medication.
The frame of the DSM is distorted by a primarily intra-psychic-individual focus and tends to ignore contextual factors. It does not address what cannot be solved with a pill. It does not appropriately address patients who, in fact, are wrestling with social problems, such as sexism, racism, or homophobia, or existential anxieties regarding loneliness or death. Unfortunately, using the DSM, the dis-ease of such patients will be redefined as medically treatable maladies.
The DSM perpetuates the myth that the medical-mechanistic model can simply be applied to psychology.
Some clinicians have used the DSM categories as a form of "name calling".
Accordingly, the DSM gives some therapists an illusory feeling of power and superiority driven by the "power to name".
DSM-based research has repeatedly been shown to be of questionable validity and is, in fact, very unreliable.
Since its inception in 1952, the DSM has consistently viewed pathology as residing within the individual. Subsequent revisions in 1980 and 1987 have evolved toward a more firmly biological perspective.
In response to insurance companies' need for increasing specificity in diagnoses and the psychopharmacology industry's need for new markets, the number of available diagnostic labels rose from 297 in 1994 to 374 in 2000. The upcoming DSM V is likely to include hundreds more "new" (and profitable) mental disorders.
DSM is big business, not only for its publisher, the American Psychiatric Association, but even more so for the psychopharmacological industry, which profits from prescriptions written for the ever-increasing numbers of DSM disorders.
DSM pathologizes many normal and healthy behaviors:
Shyness: You are mentally ill if you are very introverted or extremely shy.
Grief: God forbid if you intensely grieve the loss of a beloved one for more than six months.
Depression: You must be mentally ill if you respond to real life issues or injustices with deep sadness and intense despair. (For more, see our online course: Depression.)
Anxiety: You must be mentally ill if your reaction to the existential reality of mortality or loneliness involves profound or debilitating anxiety. (For more, see our online course: Anxiety.)
Lack of Sexual Interest: Lack of sexual interest is often not a mental disorder. Many women may have good reasons to avoid sex that may stem from domestic abuse, overwork or other reasons. Kaschak and Tiefer (2001) discussed Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) as "a textbook case of disease mongering by the pharmaceutical industry..." or what they call the "medicalization industry." (For more, see our online course: Feminist Sex Therapy.)
Spirited Children: DSM casts a very broad net around the ADHD diagnosis, and often includes millions of spirited, strong-willed, and highly gifted and creative children. It results in huge profits for medicating psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies. (For more, see our online course: ADHD: Myths or Facts.)
Online Course for 4 CE Credits: DSM: Diagnosing for Money and Power
Over 90 Online Courses
Email Dr. Ofer Zur
Visit the Zur Institute website.
Phone: 707 935-0655
Fax: 707 935-3918
Do visit Dr. Zur's discussion on the myth of touch by our mental health professions:
I recommend that all of our members and students, visit Dr. Zur's website for the most thorough understanding of the myth of the use of touch by all professionals, health, education, and human service programs. [link]
More >
27 May 2008 @ 01:23, by athos. Economics, Financing, Banking
.... the characteristic that defines the field of economics, that tells apart economic from non economic relationships, is not the objective, which is the same for both, but the way, the mode. Economic relationships are those negotiated, measured and regulated in quantitative terms, those where quantity takes priority over quality... More >
23 May 2008 @ 12:26, by redwind. Investigation, Intelligence
Un pasaje de Comentarios sobre el Vivir.
La meditación es una acción muy importante en la vida;tal vez es la acción que te la mas grande y profunda significación.Es un perfume que no puede captarse facilmente,no se adquiere por el esfuerzo y la práctica.Un sistema puede dar solamente el fruto que ofrece,y el sistema,el método se basa en la envidia y la codicia.No poder meditar es no poder ver la luz del sol,las oscuras sombras,las aguas brillantes y la tierna hoja.Pero ¡cuan pocos ven estas cosas¡La meditación no tiene nada que ofrecer;no podeis venir a suplicar con las manos juntas.Ella no os salva de ningun dolor.Torna las cosas ampliamente claras y sencillas;pero para percibir esta sencillez,la mente ha de librarse sin ninguna causa o motivo de todas las cosas que ha acumulado a través de causas y motivos.Esta es toda la cuestión en la meditación.La meditación es la depuración de lo conocido.Perseguir lo conocido en cualquier forma es un juego de autoengaño,y entonces el meditador es el maestro,no existe el simple acto de la meditación.El meditador solo puede actuar en el campo de lo conocido tiene que dejar de actuar para que lo desconocido sea.Lo incognoscible no os invita y tampoco podeis invitarlo.Es como el viento no podeis capturarlo o acumularlo para vuestro beneficio,para vuestro uso.No tiene valor utilitario pero sin él la vida es inmensamente vacía.La cuestión no es como se ha de meditar que sistema se ha de seguir,sino¿que és la meditación? el "como"solo produce lo que el método ofrece,pero la misma indagación sobre lo que es meditación abrirá la puerta a la meditación.La indagación no reside fuera de la mente,sino dentro del movimiento de la mente misma.Al proceder atal indagación lo que resulta importantisimo es comprender al buscador mismo y no lo que el busca.Lo que él busca es la proyección de su propio anhelo de sus propias compulsiones,deseos.Cuando se ve este hecho,toda búsqueda cesa lo cual es en sí enormemente importante.Entonces la mente ya no está procurando atrapar algo mas allá de si misma,no existe el movimiento externo,con su reacción interna;pero cuando la busqueda se ha detenido enteramente,hay un movimiento de la mente que no es interno ni externo.La búsqueda no termina por un acto de voluntad ni por un complejo proceso de conclusiones.Dejar de buscar requiere gran comprensión.El fin de la búsqueda es el comienzo de una mente quieta.Una mente que es capaz de concentración no es necesariamente apta para meditar.El interés en sí mismo produce concentracion,como cualquier otro interés,pero tal concentración implica un motivo una causa,consciente o inconscientemente;siempre hay una cosa que ganar o descartar,un esfuerzo para comprender para llegar ala otra orilla.La atención con una mira está relacionada con la acumulación.La atencion que viene con este movimiento hacia algo o apartandose de algo es la atracción del placer o la repulsión del dolor,pero la meditación es esa extraordinaria atención en la cual no existe el autor del esfuerzo ni un fin ni objeto que ganar.El esfuerzo es parte del proceso adquisitivo;es la acumulación de experiencia por el experimentador.El experimentador puede concentrarse,prestar atención,estar atento;pero el anhelo de experiencia por parte del experimentadorha de cesar enteramente,porqueel experimentador es meramenteuna acumulación de lo conocido.Hay una gran bienaventuranza en la meditación. More >
23 May 2008 @ 00:01, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
The Responsibility For The Collapse Of The Constitutional
Government of The United States of America
the present task is to identify agencies and *individuals of the USA government who are responsible for the collapse of the constitutional democracy and the simultaneous formation of the current totalitarian state here. As may be expected the criminals and the terrorists of the two premier homicidal groups (i.e.: the fbi/cia) are also the spearheads of the nation's global intel operations, both overt and covert.** Other intel groups take orders (either directly or indirectly ) from the fbi and the cia.
due to the corruption, incompetence and outright felonious mindset of the members of the fbi/cia, all of the other intel arms of the USA government are unable to protect the country from the mounting threats by persons and countries who seek to stop this nation's assault on Humanity. The reason for the national intel failure, therefore , can be directly attributable to the fbi/cia and their foolish ***congressional and presidential Handlers.
as a result of this website and (www.sosbeevfbi.com) I have learned that the following intel groups study my material sometime in an apparent effort to comprehend why the fbi would attempt to frame (or neutralize) one of their own:
fbi- this group of thugs ostensibly operates under doj, but in reality the fbi is the boss;
cia- this group of assassins is a nation unto itself, operating completely independently of the US governmnet;
homeland security (responsible for many threats and assaults on my person)has an intel office manned by special agents and others who analyze data;
dea has an intel office for national security matters, but dea is largely controlled by fbi/cia; dea also pretends to function under the authority of doj;
the dept of defense is top dog in military intel, but they too take orders (or to put it mildly, "requests" from the fbi/cia)-within this dod group are army, air force, navy, marines (their respective intel offices);also under the dod banner are the dia, nsa, nro (national recon office), and the national geospacial intel office (Note that this office has extensively analysed my sites and for this reason I came to learn of their existence as a highly specialized tech office coordinating data both from earth and space);
the us department of state has its own office of intel which regularly reviews my material to determine whether I may be a candidate for a federal arrest warrant;The US depts of energy and treasury also each visit my sites in connection with their appraisals of finances, etc., in connection with my material and visits thereto;
the various intel groups have their own subgroups which also carry out mission oriented objectives globally. For purposes of this report the reader should understand that the United States of America is run by the intel services and that these agencies are so completely corrupt in their operations and influence that no one can touch them.
[Note that NASA visits www.sosbeevfbi.com periodically and purposefully as shown at the bottom of the following link:]
*the names of fbi and cia agents, operatives, thugs, assassins, etc., is a work in progress; see my sites (where I often identify perpetrators as operatives and agents who practice their evil trade ), newspaper reports, and perform other inquiries to identify the government rat bastards who look to imprison, torture, kill anyone who stands in their path.
**[Some of the above material is borrowed from the book, "Intelligence and National Security, A Reference Handbook" by J. Ransom Clark, Praeger Security International, Weatport Connecticut,2007.]
***The Senate of the United States of America responds by a June 4, 2008, visit to sosbeevfbi.com (via a co-ward,Terrance W. Gainer ) as though to express a resounding 'meow':
Domain Name senate.gov ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 156.33.86.# (U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms)
ISP U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
Time of Visit Jun 4 2008 4:05:02 pm
Sosbee to Gainer- stop your silly little visits to my site; you have nothing to say, except in a cryptic and childish fashion and I perceive your character as
contemptibly pathetic.
Then, on June 5, 2008, the punk Gainer sends Sosbee a confirmation of Gainer's petty lunacy:
Domain Name senate.gov ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 156.33.86.# (U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms)
ISP U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
Time of Visit Jun 5 2008 9:45:26 am
Visit Entry Page [link]
Sosbee to Gainer, Grassley, Leahy, Cornyn and their criminal associates in Congress:
This soldier is moved by your sickness, but you are all in the rear and not on the front lines; so, you are viewed as cowards and traitors to those of us fighting the battles.
See Gainer's original site meter visits to www.sosbeevfbi.com at:
Note: The Pentagon shows particular interest (see image below) in the above report because the people are supposed to be kept in the dark; I have a message for the Pentagon and the fbi/cia snakes that hang out therein: THIS LAND IS MY LAND.
Site meter visit by ARMY at PENTAGON [See also subsequent VA threat below, dated 5-30-08]:
Domain Name pentagon.mil (Military)
IP Address 141.116.10.# (Army Information Systems Command-Pentagon)
ISP Army Information Systems Command-Pentagon
State : Virginia
City : Annandale
Time of Visit May 23 2008 2:56:13 pm
Referring URL http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/05/376006.shtml
Visit Entry Page http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/
The Washington D.C. (non)Indymedia deletes the above article and attacks with the following statement by a fbi/cia foolish stooge (underling):
"The requested content was deleted with notes: Other = Excessive Weirdness. Really weird, rambling, paranoid rant. The FBI/CIA have an office dedicated to specifically monitor HIS output? Crank."
Most Indymedia groups across the USA refuse to publish this report; thus, by their actions these Indy groups are clearly controlled by the fbi and the cia. This subversion of Indymedia is further evidence of the totalitarian state that presently grips the USA and that violently threatens all nations (either with armed invasions or with stated plans to obliterate specific countries).
As of May 29, 2008, evidence suggests that the cia has ordered GOOGLE to limit coverage of Sosbee's reports, especially the one entitled:
The Responsibility For The Collapse Of The USA
Shortly after the order to Google, the world's leading search engine sends Sosbee a message that the ''cia versus fbi''(sosbee); see GOOGLE'S MESSAGE TO ME DELIVERED ON GOOGLE's on May 28, 2008, at
via the search engine as follows:
Google Advanced Search
Google SafeSearch is ON
Web Results 1 - 10 of about 264,000 for CIA versus FBI with Safesearch on. (0.15 seconds)
Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Agent of the ...
The incompetence and lack of leadership in the fbi coupled with the ever increasing fbi abuses of power within the context of the emerging fbi/cia sponsored ...
www.sosbeevfbi.com/ - 89k -Cached - Similar pages
From Harlingen, Texas
May 30, 2008
The VA this date sends a subliminal (and ominous)message to Sosbee that his name on the VA records payment center is hereby incorrectly and maliciously changed to:
"Gerald W Sosbe"
The actual entry looks like this in the bank records:
Sosbee accepts the VA's message as a threat by which the fbi and the cia intend to further intimidate.
Sosbee to VA:
This won't work, girls, as I am already prepared for the worst.
From Harlingen, Texas
June 2, 2008
After the above report on the 'Collapse of USA' the fbi turns up the intensity of the directed energy assaults against me, and thereby reveals an ability to completely incapacitate the Target at will. On a scale of one to ten, previous assaults have been about a five (or routinely about a four); over the past few nights the intensity jumps to about six. If the fbi and the cia elevate the intensity to eight , nine, or ten, I am certain that the Target would thereby have his brain entrained.
[Also, the fbi and the cia have apparently removed from the search engines all (or most) references to the above article as of this date.]
Note that Indymedia Scotland anonymously assaults this author at the following link by stating that the above article is hidden for the following reason:
"This article is hidden with message: conspiracy, paranoia".
Sosbee to the coward at Scotland Indymedia: Tell the world your name so that you will always be credited for your self induced retardation and genetic based malevolence.
For more info see the article dated and entitled as follows at this site:
[Category: News] 6 Aug 2008 @ 19:34
Hoover, the FBI, and Aafia Siddiqui
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 18:13:44 GMT
By Yvonne Ridley, Press TV
Aafia Siddiqui
See "Truth Suppression, Disinformation, Lies, Deceit and Deception
Thirteen Techniques for Truth Suppression".
by David Martin at:
fbi in dark alliance with Turner Publishing Company:
fbi and Turner Publishing Company delete from internet site the page which features whistleblower Geral W. Sosbee, even as the fbi continues efforts to torture and kill Sosbee.
On August 5, 2009, Geral W. Sosbee discovers that Turner Publishing Company deletes from public display on the internet a page from the book, Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI (1996) wherein Geral W. Sosbee is featured; also, Turner uses the word "false" in the on-line statement regarding the deletion, as follows:
Perhaps Turner would like to rewrite history, or cover up the dirty secrets of the fbi that Sosbee documents for the past decade. Note that the fbi and the US Army and others validated all data in the book prior to publication.
Turner Publishers previously entered the following favorable statements on page 11 regarding each agent featured in the book as follows:
"Turner Publishing Company is proud to have assisted the Society of Former Special Agents in compiling this volume of their history. The stories collected here, from the Bureau's history to the nearly 1,400 individual biographies, recount the courage, intelligence and integrity of those who have served in the most elite law enforcement organization in the land....Turner also would like to thank all former Special Agents and their families who contributed photographs, biographical or anecdotal material for the book...."
Today, Turner Publishing abandones any semblance of integrity by deleting without explanation data on fbi whistleblower Geral W. Sosbee. This is no cause , Turner, to be proud of your underhanded deed.
In any event, anyone who seeks to learn about the fbi punks, thugs and assassins, who continue their inhumane efforts to torture and kill this Target, cannot expect to benefit from publications which distort the truth and slander reporters. The fbi has found a loyal friend and satanic ally in Turner Publishing.
For more see:
Here is a copy of Sosbee's letter to Turner Publishing Company:
August 5, 2009
Todd Bottorff
Turner Publishing Company
200 4th Avenue North (Suite 950)
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
I request to know the reason for your company to remove from public display the page of the FBI History Book, entitled as follows:
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI (1996), in which I am featured for over thirteen years. Also, I would like to better understand the meaning of the word, “false” in the context of your statement on the internet concerning Geral W. Sosbee, as shown below:
Geral W. Sosbee
P.O. Box 3374
Harlingen, Texas 78551
22 May 2008 @ 06:24, by magical_melody. Energy Sources
A letter from Dr. Steven Greer
- Imminent scientific breakthroughs - will eliminate your monthly energy bills (and the world's) FOR LIFE!
Keep reading to learn how YOU can be a part of this exciting opportunity!)
Steven Greer is certainly one committed individual. I have had the pleasure and privilege to meet and be involved with Steven's CSETI project over 6 years in the states during the early 90's. To know more about this issue see: an Exclusive Interview by Jean-Noel Bassior published in Hustler magazine's November 2005 issue. Then Steven evolved his work to initiate the Disclosure Project. His current Orion project is involved with getting energy technologies out to the public.
You can view a google video that was filmed in 2002 about the initiative entitled: The Disclosure Project, May 19th, 2001, National Press Club
Dr. Steven Greer is tackling some of the most controversial issues; extraterrestrial presence and what the implications are in terms of cultural advancements as well as addressing the hot issue about the production and release of energy technologies which will soon revolutionize our lives. This has been an ongoing aspect of the co-creative reality, the issue of suppression of life enhancing and liberating technologies and resources.
I personally invite you to get involved either through a donation to the Orion Project, or your support in educating others around you. You may even consider becoming more politically involved thru contacting your local representatives and providing them with some of the research about these technologies and letting them know about the Orion Project.
Alana More >
21 May 2008 @ 06:34, by shreepal. Organizational Development
If we apply this defining feature of life to our surrounding universe, we find, surprisingly, all bodies – which are nothing but the systems of component parts – take birth, grow and finally die. Is there life in them? If yes, how evolved are these living systems? Can we communicate with them? They all are so near to us, almost in our midst. A cell in human body is a living structure; it is an independently living thing, though enabled by and thus connected to its surroundings network; it is as well a part of the whole system, which is human being. Can a cell communicate with nearby other cells? Can it communicate with its host, that is, the human being concerned who is highly evolved with the sense of a ‘self’ and whose simple component part it is? There are several kinds of pathogens, which are housed in our body (and now found that they pass on to our next generations through our own mutated DNAs); they are sometime component parts of our own life, our own DNAs. Can these pathogens communicate with the human being whose body houses them? No. Why can’t they do so? We know human cells and whole kinds of its activities but this cell does not know our evolved self. This is the problem that we face in this approach in our search of ET life that may very well exist in our midst, with all its capabilities beyond our comprehension (like fabricating devices a la UFOs, maintaining vigil over human activities on earth, intervening in human affairs by bringing their occasional destructions, which may look to us like innocent natural disasters, because in their estimation humans have gone astray in their activities of the desired course); this kind of life and their community, if existing, must be able, at least theoretically, to contrive things what we call UFOs, keep a watch over our thoughts and activities, while living in our midst and without ever being detected by us with our narrow outlook of life.
Could it be that there is life all around us and in abundance? Are we simply one of many kinds of life existing in material form? And, are we and these other kinds of life merely parts of a mega life existing in material form all around us? If it is so, how can we detect them? How can we communicate with them? What kinds of scientific tools would be required to communicate with our neighborly life? Can we employ mathematical tools to decode their k\life code? In this endeavor our knowledge of coding computer software and genetic coding may be a great help. We have to take their fundamental principles and apply them to our surrounding world. Even we may apply them to many phenomena present on earth, which in essence may be systems in operations.
In this approach to search ET life around us we assume that in a given case a particular kind of life program coded with the aid of concerned media is being executed through instructions. These instructions would be mechanism of elements involved propelling the whole system. In the life we have on earth, there is an intake of energy that comes from food. This energy propels the whole system geared to bring the programmed outcome, namely, the above mentioned three common properties of life.
Today we know that all other systems of bodies around us in universe behave in a way that amounts to taking energy from outside surrounding source and this energy keeps the system going on at the path of its programmed birth, growth and death. Are the component parts of these systems merely like cells of human body, which are simply executing a coded program? Definitely, all systems are nothing but programs in execution dependant on very many variants, which are akin to instructions. A system in action is akin to a cell in our body. But, we take for granted; these systems made up of inert matter are not living beings like our cells. Why do we associate life with ‘exclusively’ our kind of life? Why we are so narrow minded? We have come a long way on our scientific path.
We associate life with movement (trees do not move), with basic instincts (earth and its rivers try to repair damage done to them by humans), with procreation (there is constant cycle of birth, growth and death of stars, galaxies etc. going on in the universe and the differing time scale involved here in these different systems is not material. A life may very well have a span of time ranging from micro seconds to billions of earth years), with emotions like love, anger etc. and thoughts of humans. Are emotions like love and anger and thoughts possible of generating or expressing in the human-way only? Human thoughts correspond to something else independently existing in Nature; thoughts are the human mind’s version of inter-relations of material objects that already exist independently in Nature. Human way of thinking is not the only way of expressing these independently existing inter-relations of things. There can be very many ways to express them, though we would not be able to comprehend those ways because they would belong to a different kind of life. All working systems are equivalent to complex human thoughts. Or, rather, all systems are thoughts in concrete form, in material form, in visible form. Emotions like love and anger are, likewise, expressions in human-way of something else that exist independently in Nature. There could be very many ways to express them, which would be beyond our comprehension since they would be in the domain of a different kind of life. More >
20 May 2008 @ 15:32, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
A story from my childhood. More >
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Spirituality (391)
Systems Thinking (31)
Technology (37)
Transportation (9)
Travel (22)
Violence, War (103)
Visual Arts, Graphics (63)
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Information and opinions are the responsibility of the posters and do not represent any official position of NCN. Please do your own verification and make up your own mind.
