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 Page 333 comments
picture21 Aug 2002 @ 22:16, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
The civilization of the Desert
separates each of the four civilizations of the Forest,
One from Another.
The civilization of the Desert is Itself
separated by the Ocean.
The civilization on the Pacific
and of those who everywhere
live by the Ships of the Sea
is a steppingstone.
The civilization of the Ocean is One.
The civilization of the Desert is Twin.
The civilizations of the Forest are
the four leaves of the clover.
We who Live
within the Temple of Her-by-the-Lake
may turn our personal light and in-sight
into the Order of Listen and Speak.
Listen to the Voice of the Watery planet.
This is the first step.
Dawn is the Bridge between Life and Death.
She may be seen Twice a Day.
The Wo-Man in Blue in the Void of space
is the Sound in the stars of Our children playing.
33  More >

 Vacation5 comments
picture17 Aug 2002 @ 09:19, by ming. Recreation, Fun
I just came back from a very enjoyable vacation in Denmark for a month with my family. Well, I'd sort of have preferred to post a bunch of updates along the way, but I didn't really have the excess energy for that. I can't really just take vaction for a month, so I had to keep my main computer work going, and I had various headaches just getting my computers connected, etc. But at some point I hope to be so comfortably connected that I can report on things as they happen.

We spent quite some time re-discovering our home country, driving around and playing tourists and stuff. But for me it is really the little nostalgic things that make a difference. Walking through a street I haven't seen since I was a kid. Picking up bread from the bakery in the morning. Hearing people talk Danish on the street.

And I ate way too much. But it was worth it I think.  More >

16 Aug 2002 @ 12:42, by sindy. Children, Parenting
IT warms my heart once again to see
in the eyes of kids.. how much its important to care  More >

 The Wounded Land15 comments
picture13 Aug 2002 @ 19:31, by quidnovi. Environment, Ecology
26 August - 4 September 2002
Johannesburg, South Africa

"Andelain I hold and mold within my fragile spell,
while world's ruin ruins wood and world.
Sap and bough are grief and grim to me, engrievement fall,
And petals fall without relief...
Teary visions come of wail and gore."
---The Forestal's song, S. R. Donaldson [The Wounded Land]

Our Planet is ill, VERY ill...

 More >

 Procivilization Philosophy, Constitution, Code and Principles1 comment
13 Aug 2002 @ 16:10, by protech. Social System Design

This page will propose a philosophy for the Uni-v.e.r.s.e. Procivilization Community and a possible constitution with a code and some principles for participants to consider.

After reviewing the following, please comment on the insideUni-v.e.r.s.e. email list. As you'll probably guess from reading below, the Procivilization is still very much in an "under construction" or "birthing" mode. Until the "12 Principles of Collaboration" are completely implemented here (or in a offline model), then the "Code" will not be in effect and consequently the "Constitution" cannot be upheld.

However, we can begin by outlining a functional philosophy for you to possibly adopt, so our efforts can perhaps be more aligned.

I propose that the Procivilization rest on nothing more than a "philosophy" consisting of the following 13 words:

"What is is. Perceive it. Think about it. Act on it. Idealize it."

That "philosophy" rests upon one irrefutable fact: Existence Exists.

This linked Article goes into detail about this "philosophy".

In addition to that "philosophy", we have a "constitution" which, in summary, has only 3 "articles" as follows:

ARTICLE 1: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's self or property.

ARTICLE 2: Force may be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1.

ARTICLE 3: No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.

Read more detail about this "constitution".

Springing from this constitution resting on the philosophy is a "code". Originally the "Code of Ethics" for Terra Libra, the Procivilization Code has 12 points, as follows:

(1) Free Sovereign Citizens own their own lives, minds, bodies, and labor, and may do with them anything that doesn't violate the equal rights of others. This principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership is the foundation for all legitimate property.

(2) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to own property, which consists of all possessions acquired without coercing others. They respect the equal right of others to own property, which forms the basis for productive and cooperative human relationships.

(3) No individual, group, or majority has the right to initiate or threaten force, fraud, violence, or theft against Free Sovereign Citizens or their property.

(4) Free Sovereign Citizens have a right to choose whether to communicate or associate with others. These rights of speech and privacy follow directly from the principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership.

(5) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to associate with others and to enter into agreements and contracts. For a contract between Free Sovereign Citizens to be valid, it needs to be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.

(6) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to produce and exchange property, and to own the products of their labor and thought. No individual, group, or majority has a right to the labor, ideas, production, or property of a Free Sovereign Citizen, or any part thereof, without prior consent or agreement.

(7) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to defend and protect themselves and their property against coercive aggression, and to contract with others to assist them. The authority of voluntarily-chosen agents to defend or protect Citizens and/or their property is strictly limited to that defense or protection. (8) Free Sovereign Citizens consider a crime to occur only when there is a damaged person or property. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "victimless crime," and no Free Sovereign Citizen can commit a crime simply by disobeying the arbitrary rules of tyrants or coercive organizations.

(9) To be legitimate, courts and trials must be based on voluntary association and agreement, rather than on coercion. However, anyone who infringes on the person or property of another may be subject to a requirement for restitution by the damaged person.

(10) Free Sovereign Citizens recognize that social order and cooperation develop spontaneously in the absence of coercion. They also recognize that leadership by example and productive effort is more beneficial than leadership by force, violence, compulsion, or fear.

(11) The principles stated in this Code apply to all Free Sovereign Citizens without regard to age, race, religion, philosophy, background, birthplace, geographic location, gender, or sexual preference.

(12) For a right to be valid its exercise may not impose a positive obligation on another; it only depends on others not taking coercive actions. Free Sovereign Citizens respect the equal rights of other Citizens, and therefore do not expect others to contribute to their interests, except through voluntary transactions or contributions.

Next, and lastly, we arrive at the "12 Principles of Collaboration" (Civilization). Personally I think the implementation of these 12 Principles, packaged in the awesome software of Mongoose Technologies, is the next step for The Uni-v.e.r.s.e. and Procivilization.

Our work as a Community with a profound Purpose can be realised that much quicker with such software at this website. Part of my Vision sees us developing Complementary Exchange Models that would power the "Exchange Principle" of the Procivilization.

From the Mongoose Website, I quote a summary of the 12 Principles below:

Community exists because the members share a common purpose which can only be accomplished jointly.

What is the community about? What, in the minds of its members, is it for? Why do people join, come back, become regular visitors, contribute? What can be done there? How can members collaborate to get their joint purpose and accomplish their common goals?

Members can identify each other and build relationships.

Although members can be anonymous, they cannot be unknown. It must be possible for other members and the facilitators of the community to identify someone as the source of a series of items or actions. A persistent identity is the cornerstone to building other key community principles such as trust, reputation, and history.



Members build a reputation based on the expressed opinions of others.

Members must be able to tell how reliable or useful other members consider any member. Reputation allows them to act on advice with some expectation of its quality without the community website acting as reviewer or police. The desire for good reputation prevents or discourages bad behavior and encourages members to seek feedback from others that may build their reputation.

The facilitators and members of the community assign management duties to each other, allowing the community to grow.

Communities must be managed and governed. Members are involved in governing themselves and other members, and the formal facilitators take a reasonable role in managing the community, its standards and rules, and allocating responsibilities to defined members. Without some governance, few communities will grow or survive.


Members must be able to interact with each other .

Communities cannot exist without one or more mechanisms for member interaction. The best choice for communication tools depends on the purpose of the site and its members. For instance, a CFO site would thrive on shared spreadsheets, whereas a teen site would be better served by instant messaging.

Community members group themselves according to specific interests or tasks

All communities contain groups that focus on some subset of the community's purpose or otherwise segment the membership of the community. These groups are typically dynamic (they form, split, merge, end, etc.) and normally have subgroups within them. The larger and more diverse a community, the more the groups within it will drive its behavior and actions.


A synergistic environment enables community members to achieve their purpose.

All online communities exist within the framework of an online environment. To be effective, they must be integrated with the rest of the website so that navigation, appearance, etc., are seamless between community and non-community areas.

The community knows why it exists and what or who is outside and inside.

Boundaries define who is a member and who is not and what members can do and what nonmembers can do. Without clear definition, there is no incentive to become a member and no ability to control access based on membership. Content generated by the community must also be clearly identified.


Building trust between members and with community facilitators increases group efficiency and enables conflict resolution.

Without trust, a community cannot function. Members must be able to tell how much they can trust other members and must trust those that run the community not to abuse or exploit it.

The community recognizes forms of exchange values, such as knowledge, experience, support, barter or money .

Does the community exist to make money for its members? If so, how does it accomplish this? What role does the community play in facilitating commerce? Is it a revenue generator for the site? What monetary and non-monetary forms of reward exist in the community?


The community itself has a "soul" or "personality"; members are aware of what other community members are doing.

How does the community reveal the activity and preferences of a member or a set of members?

The community must keep track of past events and must react and change in response to it.

Communities should remember what has gone before -- and be able to forget things, too. What the community knows about a member must have some statute of limitations, but should be available to a member so that they don't have to repeat themselves. Those running the community should be able to learn from the past and apply this learning to the future.

As always, I propose you view these Principles, Code, Constitution and Philosophy as your own, and not just something "out there" or posessed only by someone else who appears better equipped to understand, express and apply them.

YOU are Universe! YOU are Community! YOU are Principle, Code, Constitution and Philosophy! So am I... aswell as everyone else. Having (space 3) you Be (space 1) in touch (space 2) with these facts is what The Uni-v.e.r.s.e. is all about.

So, all that you read above, as everything else on this website, can be looked at as something that is already yours, or something for you to strive for.

Keep Participating....

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 Page 290 comments
picture12 Aug 2002 @ 20:32, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
The eyes of the Earth embedded in the dirt
are staring up into the sky,
and to all who stand
and reflect into life within humus.
Such as it is before descent into the underworld.
Cross the black river of Night.
Paint a picture on the wall.
The writing on paper,
and painting on walls,
provide a window.

Civilizations pass away
as well as memories of written tongues.
Inscriptions may be interpreted.
That which passes through Speech is sure.
One way to see the other side of the mountain
is to take a boat across the ocean
which envelopes the globe.

The life of our body is tied to Rock
through the marriage of fire and water.
Gather around the Circle of Rock
which points to Surya and Luna.
The path of planets will always be Here
to follow and measure and weave tales through.
29  More >

 Three-dimensions world and True Love7 comments
8 Aug 2002 @ 12:09, by cosman64. Spirituality
This is a mail I wrote to Sindy, an active member of NCN.  More >

 Establishing truth by intimidation2 comments
7 Aug 2002 @ 19:45, by cho. Counseling, Psychology
deleted  More >

 A New Way of Measuring Wealth
6 Aug 2002 @ 15:36, by sharie. Spirituality
Are you convinced that wealth is determined by your bank balance, stock portfolio, and other assets?

The dictionary says that *wealth* refers to resources of value to exchange or use.

Since you are infinitely resourceful, you are infinitely wealthy.

Your talents, your brilliance, your insights, ideas, innovations, hope, and encouragement are your wealth, and since you are more flexible than material possesions, since you earn more interest than any bank account, and since your inherent worth is unlimited, your wealth is beyond compare.

No financial statement, stock portfolio, diamond mine, oil well or skyscraper can stand up to your value because your worth is eternal and ever-lasting.

Your love and joy is more valuable than all the treasures in the world.

That makes you the new measure of wealth.

( ... And so is everyone ... )

 Does Anyone Know You Are Going This Way?11 comments
picture4 Aug 2002 @ 22:08, by i2i. Ideas, Creativity
Hello, you are there, other worlds.
You are there past the little lighted room at the top of the stairs.
You are there at the other end of the silver string, beyond the wardrobe, through the hole in the sky.

And I want to carve you strongly.  More >

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