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 the beauty in others
19 Jul 2002 @ 12:37, by sindy. Personal Development
This part i Choose as my online diary.. a place where i can store my thoughts, my love and my wishes.. and also from time to time keep little things that other hearts share with me.. and or ever give to me*  More >

 Page 12_*_Graphic by Shakti_ma2 comments
picture16 Jul 2002 @ 09:53, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Breathe deeply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the New air.
The atmosphere on planet Blue
Has recently undergone various changes.
It is expected that the change in atmosphere
Will affect the Life forms of our planet
in various ways.
No one knows what will happen.
We who Live
Now entertain one thought.
Listen with one another,
and send Truth through the Dome of Skull,
through Blue.
Each may see a new light emerging through Blue,
The beginning of Violet.
Raindrops fall from the sky from the past
Into Earth now
to dissolve into Her
And grow out of Her,
Her next phase.

*12  More >

 Worldwide Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ONLINE PETITION to the UN1 comment
15 Jul 2002 @ 17:35, by adi. Extraterrestrials
With good faith in peace and equality we ask that a forum and a United Nations Body be set up to handle Worldwide Contact with Extra Terrestrials. Also that a landing place for initial contact be made available on United Nations Soil. That all information and such contact be bro adcast live Worldwide, using every available media. The belief that anything that effects the World as a whole should be dealt with the World as a whole. In the fact that we are all equal citizens of the earth with rights inherent to all life. It is these rights we draw upon as citizens of the earth universally. As it is The United Nations mandate to deal with issues and rights of the peoples of the world It is within the powers of the United Nations to deal with such an issue and phenomenon.  More >

 have we lost the plot?
picture15 Jul 2002 @ 14:09, by scottj. Networking
are we drifting without a star to guide us by?  More >

 Author Search : Map that changed the world with
15 Jul 2002 @ 00:57, by wcbn007. Economics, Financing, Banking
TITLE: Organised Absurdities : talk to author of forthcoming book previewed at

Ever felt really cheated by a company as customer, employee, shareholder, social neighbour, business partner. Please chat with me at as co-author about your story on or off the record And what about the conspiracy of ineptitude between corporates and governments – any stories or what ifs?
To take a serious example: why cannot governments and pharmaceutical companies organise the process for breakthrough drugs and life threatening disease better. Couldn’t governments of the world make a collective bid price known for solutions to life threatening diseases of different immensities? We give you X billion if you solve that and then produce the pills at cost, and we the governments of the world will decide which taxpayers contribute what share to this advance for humanity? For sure there are some political debates to be moderated there between how much to pay for different global cures but the internet is a good place to poll a concerned public…
Goodness gracious: we people are living through more organised absurdities than should be necessary in a world which is supposed to be living in a knowledgeable age. Tell us your stories and let’s see which important ones for humanity we can help publicise through book or web manifestos or other creative means

__________________________________ Further musings of a co-author
When you're a co-author of a mapping fieldbook like ours, you feel that there are so many people from different perspectives you need to interview so that their insights are connecting features of the map. Yet the catch 22 is : you don't always know how to discover all the people until after you've started conversations with them! So here are a few musings where we've tried to explain further by email who we are most looking to interview. Do please discuss ideas with us in case your perspective might be the biggest one we're in danger of missing...Chris Macrae, co-author The Map that Changed the World, Publisher : Wiley 2003
We're looking for people who enjoy relentlessly searching for links into best practices both within their area of expertise and connecting it across to others whilst also openly proposing any favourite frames which they like to engage people in
We're looking for people who can through experience or deep concern testify on behalf of a stakeholder segment who seem to be systematically under-represnted in terms of what they would value from organisations or where a clear organisational promise was broken and a basic human trust lost from which other companies should learn not to make the same mistake

 NCN: The Practical and the Poetic8 comments
picture14 Jul 2002 @ 22:59, by quidnovi. Recreation, Fun

"Being set on the idea
Of getting to Atlantis,
You have discovered of course
Only the Ship of Fools is
Making the voyage this year…"
---W.H. Auden

The variety of inventive ideas---and ideologies---that people can come up with never ceases to amaze me...

 More >

 Governments could issue interest-free money16 comments
11 Jul 2002 @ 19:57, by alchemist. Alternative Money Systems
In most industrialised countries, the vast majority of money is created by the banking sector as a debt in the form of loans. A small remainder is issued by governments in the form of notes and coins, as a debt-free injection into the economy.  More >

 The Anti-Machiavel3 comments
picture10 Jul 2002 @ 22:17, by quidnovi. Philosophy
"It was the wind that gave them life. It is the wind that comes out of our mouths now that gives us life. When this ceases to blow we die. In the skin at the tips of our fingers we see the trail of the wind; it shows us were the wind blows...."
-----Translated from the Navajo by Washington Matthews, 1897

Thoughts of the wind come easily to mind as I think of that past Saturday which was somewhat of a "forum butterfly" day for me as I took some time fluttering around from board to board, feeling where the wind blows (taking the pulse of the web, if you will.) And sometimes, just like a butterfly, I do bring back something with me... pollen...the fertilizing element of the blossoming web.  More >

 Sociocracy4 comments
10 Jul 2002 @ 18:00, by ming. Social System Design
I'm just reading in a new member site about Sociocracy. It is quite similar to what my vision would be of how groups of people ought to organize and make decisions. The main 4 principles are:

  • Governance by Consent
  • Circle Organization
  • Double Linking
  • Elections by Consent

    The "Governance by Consent" thing is almost the same as what I'm used to calling "Consensus". But in the text it is contrasted with Consensus. Which I can understand, because for many people "Consensus" means that everybody agrees. Whereas the Consent principle is more that everybody can live with it and don't have any specific and substantial objection.  More >

  •  Where are we in history?
    6 Jul 2002 @ 07:26, by chaiyah. Spirituality
    ...Is the Bible right on, or is it a thousand years behind the times?
    ...Is the Rapture coming, or did it occur a thousand years ago?
    ...Is the New Jerusalem still in the formative stages, or is that Level/dimension of experience operating simultaneously with Heaven and Hell now?
    ...How can and do physicists describe reality, in three sets of compacting particles, yet they have no sense of Reality as three levels of awareness--Hell, Physical and Heaven?
    ...Where are we?
    ...Events are rolling over us; and it's not a simple matter to predict whether they will move this way, over us, or that way, and move us onward.
    ...Peace is an effect. It's an effect that does not appear to exist at the level we are, and about which we are speaking.
    ...What appears to be the primary and predominant sense of this place is actually "Torment."
    ...Who do YOU KNOW, who is NOT TORMENTED by "what might have been"?
    ...I don't know ANYBODY.
    ...Now, think about this long and hard.
    ...Peace is the sum/total of works plus dreams. What we cannot accomplish in TIME, we must accomplish IN and BY reflection, in the Subjective while we sleep.
    ...There is no short-cutting the process to creating peace.
    ...If peace does not exist HERE, than the HERE we have accepted is not the Kingdom of God because THAT is NOT HERE.
    ...You can't just GO DO THAT, as if you were baking bread according to a recipe.
    ...You can't COMMAND the cooperation of others; nor the love; nor the respect.
    ...In fact, my experience says, you can't even command a hearing ear AROUND HERE.
    ...I am working on the issue of, "WHO is the chosen of God today?" AND "Where are we? Are we actually IN the Physical Kingdom of God [among us], or are we somewhere ELSE?
    ...Why is the nation of Israel in torment? WHY are the Jewish people today under accusation? Why are the Christian people today, also under accusation? What does THAT say about God and His physical earthly Covenants?
    ...I contend, God's Covenants are not operating HERE. So, where is HERE?
    ...God Yahweh was very clear that He has a people. Okay, I'm dealing with figuring OUT who that is.
    ...I'll let you know, when I get to a place that makes sense in view of what we are seeing with our eyes.

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