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 Bretton Woods and the path not taken6 comments
2 Jul 2002 @ 22:10, by alchemist. Activism
The Bretton Woods System takes its name from the 1944 conference that gave birth to three international institutions - the IMF, the World Bank and GATT (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). It was the basis for the post-war global economy.  More >

picture1 Jul 2002 @ 13:24, by magical_melody. Spirituality
What draws me here? What gift(s) do I bring here to NCN, and what do I come away with? What is the Gold that I reap from NCN Now? What are the pearls for me? What zips my doo-dah?  More >

 Denial is a problem we can focus on, to help redirect attention.
29 Jun 2002 @ 09:27, by chaiyah. Activism
THE U.S. HAS GONE MAD ...The way to facilitate problem-solving is to redirect attention back on problems people experience, so these problems can be dealt with. ...YET, in our social milieu in which violence is not only promoted, it is subsidized--the viewing of violence is fine, but any and all forms of anger that arise, in any setting are considered and judged to be dangerous [which they are], and so they are repressed and suppressed, not dealt with openly. ...Anger--even legitimate and appropriate outrage--becomes a forbidden emotion. Workplaces, social agencies and government all become very fearful and reactive to any form of display of anger--legitimate or not. ...Anger, in fact, is a natural and healthy part of human psychological make-up when frustration is the experience we obtain. Without anger, we would not have the energy we need, to actually solve a problem. ...If whatever organization you belong to and work for has a Human Resources Department, you already realize that anger is forbidden forbidden forbidden under rules of conduct--for any reason or purpose whatever. A person outraged over an issue is presumed to be an unacceptable employee, out-of-hand. Workers get fired for any breech of displaying anger. [No wonder, workers come back to get even, eh?] ....THAT is insane. Thus, every American organization that has a Human Resources Department in charge of its hiring and firing is insane. Every Security Department that attacks a person solely because they are experiencing anger is insane. Every Social Services agency that discriminates against a person because they are experiencing anger is insane. .....We need to realize, acknowledge AND DOCUMENT THE FACT, that this nation is gone off on a path to mass insanity over the denial of every kind of anger, outrage or human frustration. The only acceptable behavior, in authoritarian terms, is willing compliance, no matter how unreasonable a stimulus, demand or insult might be. .....We must stop indulging and appeasing these INSANE IDEAS--THAT VIOLENCE IS OKAY BUT ANGER IS FORBIDDEN. .....LEGITIMATE ANGER must be allowed to surface off the web's Conspiracy sites, and return to the halls of Congress, the State Capitols and City Hall. .....There's enough pain to go around, that we ought to be able to talk about it, without the fear of retribution. [JUST LOOK AT WHAT the Govt DOES to whistleblowers!] chai

 Product Secrets15 comments
26 Jun 2002 @ 19:50, by ming. Business
Grr, I really don't like monopolies that keep secrets from you in order to control you better. See this article about how car manufacturers keep the repair codes from their computers secret for anybody who isn't their own dealer. In case you don't know, all modern cars are controlled by an onboard computer, and very often the only way of diagnosing or repairing anything about the engine is by talking with the computer. But if you aren't allowed to know what its codes mean, you can't. The result is that around 10% of all car repairs can not be carried out, because the repair person doesn't have access to the computer codes, and he will have to tell the car owner to go away and go to a (much more expensive) dealer.  More >

 Wörgl's Stamp Scrip – The Threat of a Good Example?185 comments
26 Jun 2002 @ 01:50, by alchemist. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
On July 5th 1932, in the middle of the Great Depression, the Austrian town of Wörgl made economic history by introducing a remarkable complimentary currency. Wörgl was in trouble, and was prepared to try anything. Of its population of 4,500, a total of 1,500 people were without a job, and 200 families were penniless.  More >

 How long will we endure this great Cruelty?
24 Jun 2002 @ 06:25, by chaiyah. Activism
...What is cruel is indifference: "It was YOUR choice."
...What is cruel is dogma: "All I can do for you is..."
...What is cruel is stupefaction: "It's NOT my problem."
...What is cruel is avoidance: "Get outta here!"
...What is cruel is blindness: "You're just a blah blah"
...Wouldn't it be better to let our eyes see and our ears hear; let our hearts be touched or broken?
...Wouldn't it be better, if we begin to insist on getting to the Truth rather than lapping up excuses?
...Wouldn't it be better, if Congress were willing to do the job we gave them to do, and not knuckle under?
...What will work will be grassroots helping each other, despite our permission to be pre-empted.
...What will work would be for those who are fearless to organize themselves regardless of other affiliations.
...Then, we'll be able to care for the fallen and the vulnerable, when the time comes that some phreak out.
...Looks from here as if that time is coming relatively soon, from the painful immobilization we can witness.
...God said, the meek will inherit the earth. I'm counting on it. We all can.

chaiyah_448272 created this Question on Sat, Jun 15, 2002 10:49 PM.
Sent to Category: Ethics

 Modeling VIOLENCE creates a core of Fear in our people.
24 Jun 2002 @ 06:20, by chaiyah. Activism
...Having to witness violence makes people timid.
...That was the purpose of the Roman gladiator games, to pacify the Roman people.
...American society is creating a generation of couch-potatoes who are afraid to move off the sofa because they viscerally SEE effects of violence.
...This is part of Mind Control.
...Television hypnotizes viewers with flickering film bytes that keep the brain so busy, no independent thought is possible.
...Radio hypnotizes viewers with flickering sounds, in the same way.
...Schools teach conformity, sit still, only ask the correct questions, and study for the tests--not for self-reliance or broad knowledge--another form of Thought Control.
...Churches teach, "Do it OUR WAY because God said so." Never mind, that studied abstemiousness is a calculating ploy to dominate and control others.
...The realities of banking and money say, "Stay put; don't make waves; get a new credit report every three months and keep your credit grades up."
...Never mind, people need and want variety in their experiences. Never mind, that we have a desire to travel and see and experience and know MORE THAN what we can know by being immobilized--another form of Thought Control.
...We have adopted slavery to Mind Control and Violence, not because we wanted either one of these, but because we're so TIRED of resisting it all.
...Stop resisting. Just, turn it ALL OFF and listen to your own inner wisdom.
...Go stand in the yard in your bare feet and look up at the sky once more.
..."The meek shall inherit the earth, and they shall find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."
...God has promised, and She is not a politician. She has no vested interest in controlling our experiences, only in thriving humanity over Time.

chaiyah_448272 created this Discussion on Tue, Jun 18, 2002 1:20 PM. Sent to Category: Social Change

 AQUARIUS Birth of a New Earth!3 comments
picture 23 Jun 2002 @ 14:51, by magical_melody. Spirituality
A New Living Story of Birth for the Earth!

Golden Visions, Galactic Pulses and Mayan Portals as Symbols, all guide and quicken us to open to the inevitable changes of birth! The Dance has moved into its ecstatic stage, and no longer can we stay in the trance of our former selves and world! A new day is dawning!

Picture of Nasturiums on hillside at Muriwai Beach in New Zealand.  More >

 New Wireless Technologies7 comments
21 Jun 2002 @ 16:30, by ming. Internet
Long and technical but very interesting article from The Economist about emerging wireless technologies. In brief, it covers these technologies:

1. Smart Antennas for improved cellphone base-station capacity
2. Mesh Networks to make each wireless receiver also be a relay. I.e. each device connects to the device next to it, and the network gets extended to wherever there are people with antennas.
3. Ad hoc networking, which allows a network to form even where there's no centralized infrastructure. Existing devices just start talking with each other, and routing traffic between each other.
4. Ultra wideband, which currently can transmit 100 mbs wirelessly, but is only allowed to do it for a distance of 10ft.

In brief, it is becoming possible to have a very high speed wireless Internet, which is not dependent on any Internet Providers, but which will form itself wherever there are people with access points.

MeshNetworks is one of the companies working on this stuff. They have a nice presentation showing it.  More >

 Patterns in Virtual Spaces12 comments
21 Jun 2002 @ 01:52, by ming. Social System Design
It is very interesting how we perceive meaning in the way things are arranged. Different spaces will have different functions based on how they are arranged in relation to other spaces.

A classic book on this is "A Pattern Language" by Chris Alexander, who's an architect, which lays out how many different patterns in how spaces are arranged will affect what is likely to happen in those spaces. He is talking about physical buildings, but similar principles apply to virtual spaces.  More >

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