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 Declaration of Interdependence9 comments
20 Jun 2002 @ 13:19, by jim. Developing World
When in the course of human events, the transformation of civilization demands rapid change, and threatens the way of life we have become accustomed to, it is necessary that we reengineer our society to insure that the values we hold dear are not destroyed by our inability to face change. We have gone from dependence to independence and now face the challenge of attaining interdependence in the information age. We have transcended the call to arms and now face the call to empowering the individual to fruitfully participate in the collaboration we call government to create a sustainable future. The principles of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness gave us independence and our human rights. The principles of interdependence now defines our responsibilities.

[link]  More >

 Co-Intelligence3 comments
18 Jun 2002 @ 03:19, by ming. Social System Design
I recently re-discovered the website of The Co-Intelligence Institute which is one of the most important resources on the net, I think. Mostly the work of Tom Atlee. Very focused, but yet very deep and wide-spanning. It is all in one way or another about "co-intelligence".

It seems to be easiest to explain what co-intelligence is by first explaining what co-stupidity is. It is when you put a group of people together and they collectively become stupider than any of them individually are. So, even if it were very intelligent and well-intentioned people that came together, the group as a whole somehow lacks the ability to originate much intelligent activity.

Then, co-intelligence is when a group of people somehow becomes more than any of them individually are. They pool their personal intelligences and the result becomes more insightful or powerful than the sum of their individual perspectives.

Needless to say, if we can know how to get to that place more often, things might not look all that bad.  More >

 Pulser Pump1 comment
16 Jun 2002 @ 10:37, by gaiatech. Science
I invented (or perhaps reinvented) the pulser pump about 15 years ago. I call it the worlds simplest water pump. It is powered by a small stream or river and there are various uses. It has no moving parts! Usually I have used it to pump water to sheep and cattle in a shed or to water vegetables in a garden. But I have used it to
Wash and clean sand for mortar
Take waste heat from a chimney into a room
Make vacuum to try to quickly sundry vegetables
Make mist in a greenhouse
Power a "geyser" in a pool
Rot cow slurry quickly with better aeration.
Please look it up online. a google search will bring up my homepage
I would really appreciate it if anybody made a basic model and email me or reply to this posting (because a lot of people doubt that it works). The pulser pump has not yet been tested by scientists (but it works and has done so for 15 years
Brian White  More >

 Master of the World
picture15 Jun 2002 @ 18:18, by ergodicity. Knowledge Management
"If you want it
Come and get it
For crying out loud
The love that I was
Giving you was
Never in doubt
Let go of your heart
Let go of your head
And feel it now

Babylon, Babylon" David Gray

NCN is not an "Open Space" no matter how many times people may claim it is. A glorified chat room can never be such. Why do people delude themselves and others? Quite some time ago I had an extensive newslog on this place and at one time I stated that the main problem we face is the belief that ultimately nothing really matters, that each of us lives in a universe of our own, has our own reality to create and exercise. I shared that all of us suffer from this belief to varying degrees, in effect, we all have this psychosis. Here's wishing you all the good fortune to step beyond the ruse. Life is both precious and fragile as well as strong and immortal, incredible as it may seem. The fantasy of our ultimate worthlessness pushes us to adhere to our own limited grasp of things, sometimes to woefully inadequate ends. "Let go of your heart. Let go of your head. Feel it now." Yes, the ultimate wealth, feelings. My love to you all. May you find the strength to not seek to be "Master of the World."  More >

 The Proactive Revolution9 comments
15 Jun 2002 @ 00:38, by alchemist. Activism
I feel that the factors of technological change and specialisation are causing protestors to face a growing array of causes to get involved in, encouraging a parallel, oppositional, form of specialisation (which I would call the 'one issue' syndrome). While these activists can generally only hope to effect change on a moderately superficial level - the underlying attitudes of those who dream up such nasties often remain untouched - for the time being their work is vitally important.  More >

 Emerging Order14 comments
14 Jun 2002 @ 01:04, by ming. Social System Design
I'm very interested in emerging order in human systems. Meaning, self-organization amongst humans. Or, how a bunch of people might get something useful done, voluntarily, without being forced to do so. I'm most particularly interested in what might emerge amongst people of good will who are fully aware that they're free to make their own choices, and who live within a system that ensures that it remains like that.  More >

 Weavers9 comments
13 Jun 2002 @ 14:24, by ming. Social System Design
I believe one of the key roles in the building of better societies is that of what we could call a Weaver. We could say it is somebody who helps self-organization to happen, even if that sounds a little paradoxical. Somebody who notices things that are possible and assists them in emerging, by making connections where there were none.

In order to release our collective intelligence I think it is a firm requirement that creative diversity is allowed and nurtured. That people are inherently free to come up with different approaches to things, and they're free to move about and pursue them in the ways they find appropriate. In other words, a free market of ideas and activities.

But, as that will often seem rather chaotic at first glance, there's a great need for people who will assist in making what is going on clear and meaningful, and who will help new meaningful things in becoming manifest. There are probably several different distinct roles there. But let me talk a bit about the Weaver role.  More >

 Structures for Change Conference5 comments
12 Jun 2002 @ 22:10, by ming. Communication
I try to go to some conference every month or two, to stay in touch with what is out there, and to connect with real people. The conference I just went to,
Structures for Change in Seattle, represents what I most enjoy when I go. The focus was on the people who came, not on any presenters, because there largely weren't any. And it was run by Open Space principles.  More >

 Flemming's Heart7 comments
picture7 Jun 2002 @ 01:19, by ming. Medicine, Healthcare
I've been concerned about my own health recently. Which is in part why I'm going and taking different kinds of tests. Maybe I'm just going through an emotional experience, maybe I'm a hypochondriac, but it is probably a good idea to get a checkup once in a while. So, today I went and got a full body CT scan. That's where pictures are taken of 1 mm slices through the body, and a computer then puts it all back together into a set of 3D pictures. Rather fascinating. For example, on the picture to the right you see my heart, in the middle, with all the arteries going out from it. It is sort of seen from above and behind. In the lower part of the picture you see my back. The yellowish part is fat, and the reddish part is muscle. They could rotate that picture around in 3D space. And there was another, animated one, showing the heart beating, with the two major aorta valves opening and closing. Don't mean to gross you out. I found it very interesting. Particularly since they couldn't see anything wrong.  More >

 With two major protests scheduled for the next three weeks ...1 comment
6 Jun 2002 @ 17:38, by cho. Activism
deleted  More >

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