12 May 2008 @ 10:56, by erlefrayne. Spirituality
Almost everyone experiences fear, among which is the fear of the Devil. Why not re-examine your behavior, and one time or another you’d be going through the rituals of demonizing people around you: neighbor, fellow officesmate, Saddam Hussein, or anybody outside of you who would exemplify the Demon-incarnate.
Fellows, the demon is right inside of you, so please don’t over-bother yourself with looking for demons outside of you. True, there are ‘devils’(fallen angels, negative aliens of the Reptilian type) and ‘demons’ (interdimensional demented beings) everywhere, but you failed to see this Inner Demon inside of you. Mind you, we all have this petty demon inside of us, and it matters how we manage to rise above its dictates on us—through the Primal Self, or desire-driven pursuits.
Inside of us too is an ‘etheric double’ that looks just like us. It is our doppelganger, and at times it can disengage from us, show up elsewhere and materialize right there, looking exactly just like us, and then moves back to be re-integrated into your physical body. The doppelganger is the repository of everything negative in us, becomes our ghost when our soul departs with the astral body, and disintegrates after around 500 years or so. Our Inner Demon necessarily nestles in the doppelganger, they are One. More >
11 May 2008 @ 03:44, by anandavala. Activism
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
What's the connection between Pangea
Day and Unified Science?
Firstly, a bit about Pangea Day:
“Pangea Day taps the power of film to strengthen tolerance
and compassion while uniting millions of people to build a better
In a world where people are often divided by borders,
difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have
in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that — to help people see
themselves in others — through the power of film.
On May 10, 2008 — Pangea Day — sites in Cairo, Kigali,
London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro will be linked live
to produce a program of powerful films, visionary speakers, and
uplifting music.
The program will be broadcast live to the world through the
Internet, television, digital cinemas, and mobile phones.
Of course, movies alone can't change the world. But the people
who watch them can. So following May 10, 2008, Pangea Day organizers
will facilitate community-building activities around the world by
connecting inspired viewers with numerous organizations that are
already doing groundbreaking work.”
The Power of Understanding
Both believe in the power of understanding. Beings are inherently
“good natured” and exhibit cruelty only when they are confused
and traumatised. The better one's understanding of a situation the
more appropriate and effective one's participation will be. It is
through communication that we develop mutual understanding.
If we are to have peace we first need a common understanding of
our shared humanity, but this is just a start. First we must expand
our concept of 'us' to include all of humanity, but the universe does
not end there and unless we have a broader sense of 'us' we will
continue to encounter systemic conflict, such as between humanity and
the rest of the ecosystem.
More >
10 May 2008 @ 11:58, by jazzolog. Business
Great Buddha,
lap filling with these
flowers of snow.
It would imply the regeneration of mankind, if they were to become elevated enough to truly worship sticks and stones.
---Henry David Thoreau
A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.
---Paul Dudley White, M.D.
The Snowville logo [link]
It's been a pretty interesting couple of days, as local Krogers patrons registered concern about a single product lots of people seem to like. Snowville Creamery's milk can cost twice as much as other brands, depending on sale situations, but people are devoted. For an old dude like me it's reminiscent of childhood days, not so much of glass bottles the milkman brought to our doorstep---and which we washed out and returned for refill each day. It's because of the cream on top, something I never thought I'd experience again! Mom preferred we shake up the bottles before the first pour, but sometimes I couldn't resist stealing all the cream onto a bowl of Wheaties. Yum! It really was Breakfast of Champions then!
So Thursday and Friday there was a flurry of activity as word got out that for some reason Kroger's had reduced Snowville's shelf area and hiked the price by a buck. As people all over Southeast Ohio called, emailed, and went into the Athens store to contact management, various stories began to emerge. What we learned, if we didn't know already, farm and pharm are hotly competitive...and what the grocer's got and the doctor prescribes are similarly fought over. Lots of people are involved and it's complicated.
For instance, it's not unusual in the aisles of Krogers or in the doctor's waiting room to observe a salesperson pitching away to a department supervisor or the receptionist through the little window. I'll never forget sitting in Dr. Rothstein's one afternoon, and watching this woman push the latest mood-altering capsule. She was inviting the whole crew out to dinner---"someplace special this time"---and then pointed to her clothes which, she said, were specially designed to match the gay colors of the pill. Can you imagine the money involved to deck out the Merck sales force in this wardrobe, plus dinners at the resort? Wonder who pays for all that. More >
8 May 2008 @ 15:59, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
I continue to report evidence of the violent and criminal mindset of cops; in this report the corrupt cops (or their sycophantic supporters) themselves provide the evidence.
About a month ago I invaded the police forum for the purpose of investigating the mentality of the police, federal agents, etc., who post their ideas on the board. My main goal in doing so is to better understand the violent and decadent character of those cops (i.e., all commissioned officers nationwide, at every level, armed and licensed to kill) in whom the people entrust their most valued possessions, their lives and their freedoms. My work was well conceived and I posted the representative writings of the thugs in blue in the report dated and entitled as follows at this site:
An Introduction To Social Pathology Of Police And Federal Agents.
9 Apr 2008 @ 15:44
Shortly after I began my study of the criminal mind of the cops, several of the retardates on the POLICE board began to verbally attack me. This is to be expected; however, three items from the cops on the board are an unexpected treasure trove of data on the mental illness of the cops in the Brotherhood. The following three entries are taken from the above referenced article and the three statements were originally posted by the cop forum members at:
"I was just bored enough to actually read some of the stuff from his link in his first post. It is a quote from the article/info item he posted. I got to that part and got hung up on what kind of benefits you might get in the psychopath kill squad...you know: differentials, full-time or adhoc, are you essential personnel, get holidays off, what hours, on call pay, ect..."
"where did you see that? did he write that? if that's the case then I think he would've been taken care of a long time ago, before he could blow the whistle on the fbi's sinister operation."
"Originally Posted by KapsFB View Post
A village somewhere HAS to be missing an idiot.
Actually, after seeing some recent posts on here.....there are a few villages missing their idiots.....including where this nutty dude came from....
Note that the first cop references my reports of secret codes in the cop community which authorize the murder of suspects by psychopathic cops AND FBI AGENTS. Then, “IAmJeff” chimes in and suggests that Sosbee should have bee “taken care of” (killed) long ago BY the fbi. Finally, the foolish Bearcat adds his take on village idiots.
As of today the entry by IAmJeff and possibly the other two have been removed by Internal Affairs (“IA”, or other cop official) due to the criminal nature or intent apparent in the material (Note that I use the expression ”IA” to capture the identity of the administrator of the cop forum). The cops’ suggestion that the fbi should have killed Sosbee long ago is a good example of the police (and fbi/cia) mindset. Thus, my work in presenting the data is a complete success. Note also that when IA removed the evidence of criminal intent, the damage was already done: I had already recorded the vile entries (quoted above) and I had already lured the ignorant and cowardly cops into my sting operation. The IA's removal of the suspect posts constitutes evidence of a cover up of the very conduct I seek to expose,i.e., 1) Cops verbally assaulting me ,and 2) Cops suggesting that the fbi should kill me for reporting their secret “killing” codes.
I would like to thank the IA officer (possibly a federal agent) for providing me with the evidence that I needed to indict the law enforcement community by using their own words which reflect their murderous predispositions; and I am also grateful to the three cops who posted their insane ideas as quoted above. If IA had not removed the quotes I would have less evidence to use against them in the world court of public opinion.To see the posts of some of the cops , go to the links shown below:
Finally, note that from my personal experiences with cops I find the following traits to be universally accurate and applicable to cops (save a few exceptions):low intelligence, liars, *cowards, traitors, falsifiers of police reports,often violent and childish in nature ["No human being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does." (Henry D. Thoreau)], **dangerous to encounter and generally not helpful when victims (except those victims in ruling class) need assistance, etc. Often when I reported the crimes against my person by the fbi thugs, the police ignored my reports, or mocked me, or threatened to arrest me.Many of the police reports are referenced or duplicated on my website: [link]
As of May 8, 2008, the little anonymous cop/fbi armed and dangerous men in blue write of geral sosbee (in an apparent quandary):
"He's Back: Geral W. Sosbee - Police Forums & Law Enforcement ...law enforcement and police forums, web discussion and interactive bulletin boards.
forums.officer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90480 - 16 hours ago - Similar pages -"
Sosbee to the punks in blue (and their cowardly supporters): Your names are known and you will be remembered in history for what you are: criminals and Unidentified Felonious Offenders.
* Note that the Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff whom I previously identified by his silly pseudonym sends a hate message (see entry and exit links below) to me via the site meter entry shown below:
By Referrals > Visit Detail
IP Address 66.120.226.# (LA County Sheriffs)
State : California
City : Pomona
Time of Visit May 8 2008 8:24:22 pm
Referring URL
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
**On some ocassions the corrupt police help the fbi run illegal attempted stings on my person.See:
At about the same time that the above mentioned L.A. sheriff deputy sends his hate mail from the LA County Sheriffs office, his little rat companions on the opposite side of the uSA sends his hate message using the same technique:
By Location
IP Address 68.37.15.
State : New Jersey
City : Trenton
Referring URL http://www.sosbeevfb...atemail-partten.html
Visit Entry Page http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/hatemail.html
Visit Exit Page http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/hatemail.html
Then another from the Bronx sends a more subdued message:
By Location
IP Address 150.108.232.
State : New York
City : Bronx
Time of Visit May 8 2008 8:06:10 pm
Referring URL http://www.sosbeevfb...atemail-partten.html
Visit Entry Page http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/hatemail.html
Visit Exit Page http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/thisiswhy.html
The above visits appear to be coordinated and reflect a discussion between the police/fbi hate mongers and calumniators. Conspiracy takes many forms and the police are top offenders in the slander category.
As of May 10, 2008, the following data is noted :
The individuals named below use the corrupt cop forum located at the following link to spread their lies; see the statement below and visit the link to see the fraudulent portrayal of this author in the photo submitted by mental dwarf "IAmJeff" ; also note that his companion , dwelch1503 (another cop forum member), joins him in the poorly conceived attempted smear campaign on the national cop forum:
The following link shows a photo of an unidentified man wearing a tin foil hat; the cop forum allows the two members to falsely state that the photo depicts Sosbee:
cache link:
The two Frauds are identified by their pseudonyms as follows; note that the two liars seem to be same two persons referenced above from Trenton and Bronx:
Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Northeast
Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: New York City
7 May 2008 @ 14:12, by vector8. Spirituality
My mother's friend passed away recently. When she found out when the funeral was, she wondered how she was going to get to the church and the cemetery.
As I was walking home a few nights ago, a car pulled up beside me and a passenger asked me if I knew where a particular road was. I knew the road was in our neighbourhood but I couldn't remember where exactly. So I apologised and told the man I didn't know where it was. When I arrived home, I asked my mother if she knew where the road was. She said she'd seen it but couldn't remember where. More >
7 May 2008 @ 09:27, by anandavala. Systems Thinking
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
What is a System?
A system has two aspects, its
transcendent aspect is as a transitory pattern of transcendent
information that conditions the flow of transcendent information.
When the system is perceived from an empirical perspective by another
system within the common network of interacting systems, then it is
experienced via its observable attributes, which result in
information that flows into the observer system's inputs. This
results in an experience of a manifest form, which is the empirical
Subsystems interact to form
supersystems; i.e. patterns dynamically merge to produce larger
patterns. Whilst the transcendent patterns are what they are the
empirical forms exist only in the eye of the beholder. A system may
interact with other systems that are considered to lie 'within'
different supersystems so it may be considered a subsystem of either,
thus there are no absolute system boundaries. Different observers may
observe different interaction channels and thereby resolve different
system boundaries thus they experience very different empirical
Why should we care to clearly know
what a system is?
We are systems formed out of
interacting subsystems and we interact to form supersystems. All
manifest forms are systems. All events and processes are system
interactions. Our transcendent part we call our 'soul' and our
empirical part we call our 'body'. The empirical universe is a
construct of the experiential aspect of systems and behind this
perceptual veil there is an information theoretic aspect. Some call
this the quantum realm, spiritual realm, Brahman (Vedic), Hundun
(Daoist), Heaven (Christ) and so on.
Everything that is and everything that
happens is the experiential aspect of a unified transcendent process.
This is analogous to the way that a virtual reality is the
experiential aspect of a unified transcendent process.
Understanding the nature of systems
leads us to an understanding of ourselves, of the universe, of what
is happening and how we should respond in order to harmoniously and
effectively participate in the process of evolution that is underway.
What fundamental questions can it
help answer?
A deep understanding of the nature of
systems can help answer all fundamental questions except one, and it
can explain why it cannot answer that one.
There is only one true mystery – What
is the true nature of the fundamental reality generative process?
A manifest form cannot approach this via enquiry; e.g. a sentient AI
character in a virtual reality could realise many things about their
situation all the way down to the computational process itself, but
they cannot realise that the computer is a particular machine sitting
in a particular room, they can only ever know the computer from
within. Similarly, we can systematically comprehend all the general
principles of our reality right down to the fundamental reality
generative process and we cannot enquire beyond that.
Holism is a metaphysical paradigm that
focuses on the whole and comprehends the parts as discernible
features – objects of perception – within the whole. Reductionism
is a metaphysical paradigm that focuses on the many parts and their
interactions and envisages the whole as the product of the many parts
and interactions. Unified system science can comprehend both
paradigms and show how they relate to each other. Similarly it can
unify duality and non-duality. Transcendent and empirical. Subjective
and objective. For these reasons I propose that a unified system
science could provide a useful conceptual framework for the
development of a unified awareness that can flower into a new
consciousness for humanity.
Best Wishes,
John Ringland
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
6 May 2008 @ 13:57, by ming. Personal Development
L.A. Times: "Does your brain have a mind of its own?" - Why can't we stick to our goals? Blame the sloppy engineering of evolution. How many times has this happened to you? You leave work, decide that you need to get groceries on the way home, take a cellphone call and forget all about your plan. Next thing you know, you've driven home and forgotten all about the groceries.
Or this. You decide, perhaps circa Jan. 1, that it's time to lose weight; you need to eat less, eat better and exercise more. But by the first of May, your New Year's resolutions are a distant memory.
Human beings are, to put it gently, in a unique position in the animal world. We're the only species smart enough to plan systematically for the future -- yet we remain dumb enough to ditch even our most carefully made plans in favor of short-term gratification. ("Did I say I was on a diet? Mmm, but three-layer chocolate mousse is my favorite. Maybe I'll start my diet tomorrow.")... I thought it was just me. It seems surprisingly hard to make my mentally conceived plans stick. If once in a while I really feel what needs to happen in my bones, or in my gut, it happens. But if it is merely a good idea, however logical, coherent and important I conclude it is, it usually gets overridden by whatever distraction that shows up that feels more compelling in the moment. And my plans are easily forgotten.
The article blames it on faulty evolutionary engineering. I'm not sure I believe in such a thing, i.e. I don't quite believe that evolution is so dumb and blind, but he does have a point. Our animal instincts are well developed. A danger appears and we'll know how to jump aside, without thinking about it. Something delicious appears in front of our nose and we'll be munching on it it no time. Our abstractly thinking mental faculties are much more sophisticated, but at the same time they seem like an after-thought, not entirely wired into the machinery. We can make great plans, based on the processing of abstract information, aimed at desirable long term objectives. But a single piece of chocolate cake or a random interesting website might get us off track.
I suppose some people have something called discipline, which involves subordinating what one actually feels to one's mental plans and ideals. But that just seems so .. brutal. It would of course be better if one's instincts, emotions and physical desires actually were synchronized with the mental planning. Not subordinated to it, as the mental ideas aren't necessarily the ones that are right. But coordinated at least. Maybe I should work on that. Or maybe I'll see what's on TV. More >
6 May 2008 @ 12:56, by erlefrayne. Developing World
Food wars are coming, prepare for the contingencies! This is now a visible possibility, so all those enthused development stakeholders and peace-builders better insert an extra agendum on their ‘key result areas’.
Given the so many sources of conflict that are natural resources related, the latest ones being the ‘water wars’, it is no longer a remote possibility that food wars will erupt in some ‘hot soup spots’ in the world. Such hot spots are not those ones the world knows today (e.g. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan-China strait) that can be potential starting points for great wars. But somehow, the areas and the food wars coming can ‘cross-cut’ the issues involving conflicts in the hot spots we know. More >
5 May 2008 @ 04:19, by athos. Economics, Financing, Banking
The Dark Age started when a few groups of humans, in the Middle-East and China, began to produce their own food as fundamental means of sustenance.
The production of food permits, with a little strain, at least in the beginning, a conspicuous surplus of food supply, and therefore the satisfaction of the fundamental material needs of a high number of people in the same area. More >
4 May 2008 @ 02:25, by jerryvest. Medicine, Healthcare
Because breathing charts the life rhythms, the way we breathe signals the disposition of our energies. Agitation or excitement causes the breath to be uneven and rapid; but when we are calm and balanced, our breathing is even, slow, and soft. We can also change our mental and physical states by the way we breathe. Even when very upset, we can calm and balance ourselves by breathing slowly and evenly.
When you are aware of your breath, your whole life becomes balanced. Even when you find yourself in situations which arouse great anger, frustration, or pain, you can dissolve the disturbance by just being aware of your breathing, slightly paying attention and making the breath calm, slow, and rhythmical.” Tarthang Tulku, Kum Nye Relaxation, pp. 40-41
Warrior R & R Center - A Prototype for Soldiers-
This announcement is very good for our soldiers who are suffering and great opportunities for them to receive care and treatment. I am very proud to be part of this health care work with our Wounded Warriors. We are currently engaged in research to validate what we do with soldiers every day. Our Warrior Restoration & Resilience Center is one of a kind as Gates describes and we are all hopeful that our prototype becomes available to every soldier returning from war throughout the world. I have posted a couple of logs describing some of my experiences with the soldiers. [link]
Jerry Vest, ACSW/LISW
US Army Social Worker & Professor Emeritus
Warrior Restoration & Resilience Center
Wm. Beaumont Army Medical Center, Ft. Bliss
Gates Works to Reduce Mental Health Stigma
by Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
FORT BLISS, Texas, May 1, 2008 – Seeking mental-health care due to post-traumatic stress will no longer be seen as an obstacle to getting a government security clearance, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced here today. Video
Gates announced the new policy after touring the Restoration and Resilience Center that opened in July to treat combat veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. The center, part of Fort Bliss’ Beaumont Army Medical Center, uses treatments ranging from group and individual therapy to yoga, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic and hot-stone therapy.
Its goal, officials at the experimental facility explained, is to help troops recover so they can stay in the Army.
Gates told reporters he had an “extraordinary experience” visiting the new center and seeing work under way to help soldiers deal with combat stress.
“They are doing some amazing things here in terms of helping soldiers who want to remain soldiers but who have been wounded with post-traumatic stress disorder,” he said. “It is a multi-month effort by a lot of caring people, and they are showing some real success in restoring these soldiers.”
Gates said he’ll take the idea of possibly replicating Fort Bliss’ prototype program to other posts.
He also noted other techniques being developed in the combat theater to give troops additional tools to deal with the circumstances they face. “These are clearly worth additional attention as well,” he told reporters.
Gates called additional resources and capabilities to treat troops dealing with PTSD just one aspect of a two-part effort.
“The second, and in some ways equally challenging, is to remove the stigma that is associated with PTSD and to encourage soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen who encounter these problems to seek help,” he said.
But he acknowledged that not every soldier returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is getting the treatment they need. He cited an Army inspector general report’s findings that troops often forgo mental-health care because they’re concerned it could prevent them from getting a security clearance and potentially could damage their careers.
Gates cited “Question 21” on Standard Form 86, the government security-clearance form that specifically asks applicants whether they have ever received treatment for mental-health issues.
The question asks if the person has consulted with a mental-health professional or other health-care provider during the past seven years about a mental-health related condition.
Respondents who answer “yes” must provide dates of treatment and the provider’s name and address.
“For far too long and for far too many, this question has been an obstacle to care,” the secretary said.
The Defense Department has been working with other agencies for eight months to strike a balance that enables troops to get the treatment they need and the intelligence community to get the information it needs, he said.
“It took longer than I would have hoped, but it is done,” Gates said. “Now it is clear to people who answer that question that they can answer ‘no’ if they have sought help to deal with their combat stress in general times.”
New language for “Question 21” asks if the person consulted with a health-care professional during the past seven years regarding an emotional or mental health condition. It specifies, however, that the answer should be “no” if the care was “strictly related to adjustments from service in a military combat environment.”
Gates directed in a policy letter dated April 18 that the revised language be used by anyone completing the SF 86 form.
A letter being distributed throughout the military explains the new policy and its rationale.
“Seeking professional care for these mental health issues should not be perceived to jeopardize an individual’s security clearance,” states the memo, co-signed by Undersecretary for Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and Undersecretary for Personnel and Readiness David S.C. Chu.
“On the contrary,” they wrote, “failure to seek care actually increases the likelihood that psychological stress could escalate to a more serious mental condition, which could preclude an individual from performing sensitive duties.”
The letter urges men and women in uniform who are exhibiting symptoms of PTSD to seek help and makes clear that this is not going to put their security clearances or their careers in jeopardy, he said.
“The most important thing for us now is to get the word out as far as we can to every man and woman in uniform to let them know about the change, to let them know the efforts under way, to remove the stigma and to encourage them to seek help when they are in the theater or when they return from the theater,” Gates said. “So this is a very important issue for us.
“We have no higher priority in the Department of Defense, apart from the war itself, than taking care of our men and women in uniform who have been wounded -- who have both visible and unseen wounds,” he said.
Gates called the new Restoration and Resilience Center an example of new approaches the military is taking to provide that care. “This center here is illustrative of what can be done,” he said.
Thirty-six volunteers participating in the program, all diagnosed with PTSD after serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, receive care that combines group and individual therapy sessions with meditation, yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic and hot-stone therapy treatments.
“They are all volunteers,” Gates said. “They all come here because they want to.”
Robert M. Gates
Related Articles:
DoD Changes Security Clearance Question on Mental Health
More >
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