New Civilization News    
 The Case against Circumcision0 comments
picture1 Dec 2001 @ 17:52, by ming. Medicine, Healthcare
Not particularly a news item, but an ongoing issue. Circumcision is practiced in some cultures for religious reasons. But, particularly in the United States, it is practiced routinely, and for reasons that most people have forgotten. It was introduced in the Victorian era by a few doctors who wanted to stop young boys from masturbating. Later on other reasons were made up, and by now it is mainly happening out of inertia, and from parents figuring that what was good enough for the father is fitting for the son as well. Anyway, here is an article about the medical reason for avoiding circumcision. Foreskin is obviously there from nature's hand for a reason. Also, look at Mothers against Circumcision. Personally I find it a barbaric and violent tradition that has no place in a civilized society.  More >

 Recent UFO Sightings8 comments
picture1 Dec 2001 @ 06:19, by sea. Extraterrestrials
The recent increase in ufo sightings, especially in the U.S. have me wondering. Are occurences really increasing? Are we just watching the skys more after the events of Sept. 11, 2001? Or are we just seeing things out of paranoia due to the recent events? Just another 'point to ponder'.

Check out the following reports:  More >

 George Harrison, 1943-20011 comment
picture30 Nov 2001 @ 20:17, by ming. Peace
Ex-Beatle George Harrison died yesterday afternoon in Los Angeles of cancer. It is very refreshing to see the tremendously positive outpouring in all the media about it. As part of the Beatles he changed the world. And he was always the quiet, spiritual one. As a member of his family said: "He left his life as he lived it: conscious of god, fearless of death, and in peace". Here are some links: CNN - CNN Special - BBC - albums, songs and lyrics  More >

 More on Codex anti-vitamin plot1 comment
picture29 Nov 2001 @ 01:05, by ming. Activism
Below are some more quoted messages and links about the Codex commission, trying to regulate (control) vitamins and nutritional supplements worldwide.  More >

 Afghan female general criticizes western feminists0 comments
28 Nov 2001 @ 23:33, by ming. Violence, War
Afghanistan keeps being a surprising place. Here's an article about a female Afghan general, Suhaila Siddiq, who's also a medical doctor. She doesn't seem to have much respect for people in the west who according to her are making issues out of the wrong things about the situation of Afghan women.

 "My Life Matters" by John Robbins
28 Nov 2001 @ 13:44, by sharie. Personal Development

My life matters

It always matters whether I reach out in friendship or lash out in anger.

It matters whether I live with compassion and awareness or whether I succumb to distractions and trivia.

It always matters how I treat other people, how I treat animals, and how I treat myself.

It always matters what I do. It always matters what I say. And it always matters what I eat.

When I choose to affirm the dignity inherent in life and to uphold the beauty, the magic, and the mystery of the living Earth, something happens.

It happens whether or not anyone else recognizes my efforts, and it happens regardless of how wounded or flawed I am.

What happens is I join a long lineage of human beings who have stood for and helped to bring about a future worthy of all the tears and prayers our species has known.

My life becomes a statement of human possibility.

My life becomes an instrument through which a healthier, more compassionate, and more sustainable future will come to be.

Excerpt from "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins

 Are you killing yourself?
28 Nov 2001 @ 13:16, by sharie. Medicine, Healthcare
Animal fat is the number one killer in America.

Someone you love will probably die from it.

And many people you know certainly will.

Slaughtered somewhat like the cows and pigs.

Read this inside report of the propaganda hoisted upon us by the advertising industry/vultures/parasisites - I'm angry:


Are you questioning what you've been taught all your life. Guess who gets to go on luxury vacations while you're on your deathbed:


(Sorry, I'm still angry)

 Attempted control on Vitamins & Natural supplements!0 comments
picture27 Nov 2001 @ 03:10, by ming. Activism
This is posted a little late in regards to protesting about the specific meeting mentioned, but I'm sure the issue is far from over. The "Codex Alimentarius" commission, working with the U.N. and the European Union, is attempting to control and monopolize the rules for vitamins and supplements we're allowed to buy worldwide. This has been going on for several years and things are being decided mostly in secret, although the decisions will block the free choice of health practices for millions of people. The Codex commission is dominated by the pharmaceutical industry. Anyway, the website to go to is: [link]  More >

 FBI develops eavesdropping tools2 comments
picture27 Nov 2001 @ 02:19, by ming. Conspiracy
The software, part of a new "Enhanced Carnivore Project" code named "Magic Lantern", is supposedly capable of secretly being installed on a remote user's computer, and be able to monitor keystrokes. It functions in a similar fashion as a virus or "trojan horse" program. Article at Washington Post. Now, what I find more upsetting, however, is that one of the leading makers if virus protection programs, McAfee, is planning to deliberately leave holes in their detection to allow FBI's viruses to infect people's computers without setting off any alarms. Now THAT I'd call criminal.  More >

 New Gravity Map1 comment
picture27 Nov 2001 @ 02:02, by ming. Science
A new map of the gravitational field across the planet shows that if you want to lose weight you should go to India, where the pull of gravity is slightly less than it is elsewhere on the planet. Article at BBC News. Well, really the variation is only about 1% so I guess it isn't all that mysterious.  More >

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