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 System Oriented Modelling Paradigm
25 Apr 2008 @ 11:32, by anandavala. Systems Thinking

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Here's a posting to let you know what I'm up to lately. Like I said in the post on What exactly is SMN and how does it connect with other technologies? I've been focussing on concrete implementations lately, rather than on discussions. One project was an artistic collaboration with Glistening Deepwater, called Mystic Visions. I've explored quite deeply into semantic and web 2.0 technologies. I've implemented the core algorithm for SMN in Java and the system simulation engine now has full functionality and the models can be imported or exported as XML files (this is still in further development but will be available for download soon).

But the current project on my mind is the idea of a System Oriented Modelling Paradigm. To give you some idea of what I mean, below are some excerpts from recent design documents – they are just a brainstorm at present. If these ideas make sense to you and you want to get involved then contact me – it will soon be released as an open source project.

The project involves an analysis of general computational processes and general systems, which re-orients system modelling practices upon a coherent metaphysical foundation rather than on a commonsense naïve realist foundation. Traditional modelling practices are seen in a new light and minor optimisations are proposed that can considerably extend the potential and overall functionality of designed systems. A detailed example is given in the context of software engineering.

 More >

 Pascal's Triangle, Self-similarity and Phi4 comments
23 Apr 2008 @ 09:25, by johnjoseph. Systems Thinking

Pascal’s Triangle, Self-Similarity and Phi

In maths the simple operation of adding two consecutive elements in a sequence and then iterating, which process is well-known to us in the Fibonacci sequence, leads to many of the more remarkable properties we come across in nature and mathematics. The Fibonacci sequence, as I pointed out in my last article, is based on self-similarity and exhibits the mystical number and proportion called the “Sacred Ratio”, approximately 1.618… which is an irrational number.

Now something very similar occurs in that very famous table of numbers, known to the ancient Chinese, but known to us as Pascal’s Triangle. This is a symmetrical table, with ones at the apex and at each edge, with the intervening numbers created by adding together the two numbers directly above and to either side. Pascal’s triangle has a multitude, maybe indeed an infinite number of remarkable properties. Every interesting thing in mathematics more or less, can be found in different ways in this pyramid. Fibonacci itself, can be found in sequence if you add the short diagonals. This of course yields Phi, the Golden Proportion. However, this is a bit misleading, because Phi is conspicuously absent from the other patterns you will find in this triangle. This is because if you divide any two of the numbers in the table they will be a rational fraction, not irrational. Adding different numbers together, as in the Fibonacci example, is the only way to get a sequence which gives Phi. The whole structure is based on the iterative technique mentioned above, and I suspect that this technique is a cornerstone of self-similarity, though I can’t demonstrate it as convincingly here as I did in my previous article on Fibonacci.

I believe, since Nature produces Phi all over the place, and Fibonacci sequences in the number of petals of flowers and the spirals of shells, that at an early stage in the evolution of life, in plant RNA and animal DNA, the simple iterative technique I refer to, was encoded and passed down to following generations. Thus we find Phi everywhere in Nature. Why it leads to very remarkable properties in mathematics is another issue and one I will address in a later article.  More >

 Schools of Thought
23 Apr 2008 @ 05:48, by deepwater. Spirituality
It seems to be that there are many and various ways of approaching an understanding of the same thing. Within each of these ways there is a common language that helps the thinkers along that line to communicate effectively with each other and thereby evolve their understanding.

What if all these approaches were to come to some meta-level of understanding through a consensual clarification of the meaning of terms? Could we then begin to evolve an understanding that gives a holistic overview of that which we are all currently looking at from different angles?

This is the vision that I hold for humanity, a coherent, unified framework of understanding within which we can develop a clear overview and have rational dialogue, that transcends the current obstacles that arise due to lack of clarity and consensus on the meanings of terms.

I sincerely hope that other thinkers are willing to embrace this vision and that we can embark upon an amazing journey of conscious evolution.

 The Redemption Of Spring5 comments
picture20 Apr 2008 @ 17:08, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
Lose your mind and come to your senses.

---Fritz Perls

It gets late early out there.

---Yogi Berra

A mystical experience is not any more unique than a modern experiment in physics. On the other hand, it is not less sophisticated, either....The complexity and efficiency of the physicist's technical apparatus is matched, if not surpassed, by that of the mystic's consciousness....A page from a journal of modern experimental physics will be as mysterious to the uninitiated as a Tibetan mandala. Both are records of inquiries into the nature of the universe.

---Fritjof Capra

I stepped out my front door this early morning and started down the driveway. Head lowered in thought, time to fetch the Sunday paper in the box down by the road, when I heard the first spring song of a wood thrush in our woods. He must have come back yesterday. I notice the juncos are packing up and moving out to the North woods for the summer. I looked around and the world was transformed. There hadn't been much rain yesterday, but it was slow and steady...and enough to bring on the first real burst of new leaves. The daffodils are mostly done, tulips in full blast, and redbud coming on at its usual leisurely pace. I'm sure there's plenty more wild flower action in the forest and by the creeks. But that thrush's song lifted my spirits to a healing high.

I just had read an email from my sister, describing her early retirement from administration in local public health in our hometown. The job had become more than tedious, with constant and increasing mandates "to do more and more with less and less." It had become dangerous to one's health, life-threatening. Retirement at 59, with 32 years of service...and she listed 3 others in community and environmental health who did the same thing in a matter of months. No double-dipping for these people, they've had it. How many others who chose careers of public service, before Reagan declared government work a waste of money and Gingrich labeled its workers bureaucrats to be gotten rid of, have done the same thing over the last decade? How many thousands, tens of thousands, from the top ranks of the CIA through the military and into the social agencies? Every level of government affected by budget cuts and increased paperwork to prove accountability.  More >

 How we unconsciously resist becoming enlightened, and what to do about it!
picture20 Apr 2008 @ 10:57, by deepwater. Communication
Reflections on how the individual system responds to being confronted by its own actual state of being and the physical, mental and emotional manifestations of its resistance to becoming aware of and clarifying its understanding of the true nature of its situation (its relationship with reality), and the specific therapies best suited to address them.  More >

 Why the Inner Critic is Now My Greatest Ally 1 comment
18 Apr 2008 @ 11:09, by vector8. Spirituality
The other night, my mother and I watched some documentary on television about kids who were geniuses, and they made a big deal about how special these kids were.

"We are all geniuses in our own right," I said.

"You're right," mum said.

"Take you, for example, you make the best stews in the whole world," I said. "In my opinion, that's pure genius."

Mum smiled.  More >

 Jeff Goodell Shines The Light On Big Coal2 comments
picture18 Apr 2008 @ 10:02, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
The puzzled ones, the Americans, go through their lives
Buying what they are told to buy,
Pursuing their love affairs with the automobile,

Baseball and football, romance and beauty,
Enthusiastic as trained seals, going into debt, struggling —
True believers in liberty, and also security,

And of course sex — cheating on each other
For the most part only a little, mostly avoiding violence
Except at a vast blue distance, as between bombsight and earth,

Or on the violent screen, which they adore.
Those who are not Americans think Americans are happy
Because they are so filthy rich, but not so.

They are mostly puzzled and at a loss
As if someone pulled the floor out from under them,
They'd like to believe in God, or something, and they do try.

You can see it in their white faces at the supermarket and the gas station
— Not the immigrant faces, they know what they want,
Not the blacks, whose faces are hurt and proud —

The white faces, lipsticked, shaven, we do try
To keep smiling, for when we're smiling, the whole world
Smiles with us, but we feel we've lost

That loving feeling. Clouds ride by above us,
Rivers flow, toilets work, traffic lights work, barring floods, fires
And earthquakes, houses and streets appear stable

So what is it, this moon-shaped blankness?
What the hell is it? America is perplexed.
We would fix it if we knew what was broken.

---"Fix" by Alicia Suskin Ostriker, from No Heaven. © University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005.

America is so concerned about Big Oil! The owners at Big Coal like it that way. They do their mining in the light of day now, but still they're most comfortable working in the dark. Underground movements...where no one can see. Why be concerned about coal? Isn't that some old issue from the 19th century...that just kind of went away? Like the locomotive? Like that big old pile in everybody's basement, dumped loudly through a little window from the coal truck, well into the 1940s? Gone the coal companies abandoning the little towns, full of worker families, all across the hills of Appalachia? Take a look at this~~~


Yeah so? Electricity? The fossil fuel burned for electricity generation is coal. "Electricity Generation." I like that. We're the Electricity Generation, but how many of us think of coal as our plug-in connector? Jeff Goodell didn't. He grew up in Silicon Valley, he told us in Athens Wednesday night, and never saw a lump of coal until he was 30 years old. Nobody in Silicon Valley thought coal was behind the screens of these computers. He lives in New York now and tells us no one in New York thinks of West Virginia mountains when they flip a switch. The trouble is, as we've learned at Ohio University during its tremendous presentations this Earth Week, coal releases twice as much carbon into the atmosphere when it's burned than anything else. But I thought everything everybody's heard lately is about Clean Coal. What's going on here?  More >

 fbi and cia 0 comments
17 Apr 2008 @ 17:00, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
The following statements by the fbi and the cia are their public statements of their "PRIORITIES" AND * "MISSION".

"FBI Investigators with FBI seal in the backgroundFollow the links below for details on each of our investigative priorities."

• Terrorism
• Counterintelligence
• Cyber
• Public Corruption
• Civil Rights
• Organized Crime
• White Collar Crime
• Major Thefts/Violent Crime

"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers."
Sosbee writes:


The fbi and the cia engage in criminal offenses of the macabre type in each and every category listed above, both in foreign and domestic operations; they do so with complete and total independence from governmental oversight; **the Congress and the Courts (and the mainstream media) publicly aid and secretly abet these assassins and torturers in their global crime spree of torture, imprisonment,and murder .
Regarding the above list of priorities the following information is noted:

• Terrorism- Both the fbi and the cia are together the most serious threat to Mankind
• Counterintelligence- The two groups are experts in terrorizing, torturing and killing the Target by high tech methods (including space based weaponry & advanced bio/chem/viral new science) and by low minded street thugs in their employ as operatives.
• Cyber- Both agencies use Cyber as a tool for the planned total subjugation of human beings on earth and space permanently.
• Public Corruption-By selective prosecution, the fbi and the cia insure that friends will be protected, especially those in Congress, the Courts, and key employees in the executive and administrative departments and agencies.
• Civil Rights- The fbi's charade of investigating civil rights violations are more and more apparent as the people's rights are violated across the land every day by police, fbi, and cia outrageous trangressions.
• Organized Crime-The fbi and the cia are preeminently organized crime; their snitches, informants and assassins on the street (and a few others) know this.
• White Collar Crime- The fbi and the cia often wear white shirts in public to obscure their dark and homicidal personal characters.
• Major Thefts/Violent Crime- Both the fbi and the cia benefit from and relish violence and these government agencies often provoke violence in order to arrest or murder their Targets.

Finally, short of international criminal and civil courts convening to put thousands of members of the United States government (and popular media) on trial for crimes against Humanity, the world's population has no viable peaceful recourse against the government beasts whom I and others describe in our websites, etc.
*The real fbi/cia mission is total subjugation of all peoples and nations.
See recent USA threats of 'obliteration' of countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc.,when freedom fighters resist control by the USA or Israel.
fbi/police pretend to honor their fictitious heroes:

See excerpts below in quotes.

"Salute to fallen FBI agentTribute to honor hero slain in 1935 By Brenna R. Kelly • .//.b..kelly..@nky..///.com • August 17, 2008

gsosbee's comment has been removed for violating the terms of service...

Seventy-three years to the day after Klein was killed ... 100 FBI agents, police officers and family stood on a hill ... and remembered the 37-year-old agent.
Nelson Klein paid the ultimate price that any law enforcement officer can pay," said... a retired FBI agent."Klein was the first FBI agent killed in the line of duty after Congress made it a capital offense to kill an FBI agent."
Sosbee responds:

For the record the coward who removed my statements from the above article about falsely honoring fbi thugs exemplifies the corruption of the media for not allowing informed comments that the fbi/cia assassins find unacceptable.

My comments which were removed from the article were as follows:

fbi agents and operatives are thieves, liars, cowards, assassins, terrorists, traitors and calumniators; cry not for the fbi nor their operatives and sympathizers; rather cry for and honor the victims of fbi atrocities of years past (including those victims who were labeled by the fbi as 'criminals') and lament for those casualties of fbi/cia crimes ongoing and yet to come.For,
as people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee
*[The refusal of the dotcoms to publish my reports are hereby recorded as evidence of their complicity in fbi/cia crimes against Humanity and for the collapse of the usa into a totalitarian state.]
The fbi and the cia, uneasy about my recent documentations of their crimes, apparently urges the US Office of Patent and Trademark to analyze my work:

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 151.207.240.# (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
ISP U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
State : District of Columbia
Time of Visit Aug 26 2008 1:38:41 pm
Last Page View Aug 26 2008 2:36:40 pm
Visit Length 57 minutes 59 seconds
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Sosbee to uspto:
Help the torturers and terrorists, if you may, and remember you are now a part of the decadent history of the USA that I presently record; so, make no mistakes.  More >

 The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow 0 comments
15 Apr 2008 @ 11:30, by vector8. Spirituality
When I arrived at the library, I was told the Internet was down. I decided I would take a bus ride to Richmond and go for a long walk in the park. At Richmond, I stopped off at the local library to use their Internet. I also browsed a friend’s website of a House she is running in Scotland, which is for backpackers and a Highland retreat. I noticed one of the rooms was called the "Rainbow Room." I started day-dreaming about what it would be like to spend time at the retreat.  More >

 Oblivions Dreamer10 comments
13 Apr 2008 @ 10:06, by vaxen. Altered States
Lost on a Storm Tossed Sea
Of Cyber Windowed Blessedness
Oblivions' Sanctioned Dreamer

Animated desktop wallpapers, aladin,

OSS RA  More >

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