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 Phi is the constant of Self-Similarity2 comments
13 Apr 2008 @ 09:47, by johnjoseph. Systems Thinking

Mysticism and Science: A new Union

1. Phi is the constant of self-similarity

It is my belief that the way forward involves the coming together of mysticism and science, to give a new holistic discipline which will combine the quantitative strengths of science with the holistic and qualitative strengths of mysticism.

What I am writing is not “sacred geometry” or “sacred mathematics”, but just plain true knowledge. My first assertion is that the number or ratio Phi, known from antiquity, is the constant of self-similarity. Let me illustrate this with a simple numerical example. Take the Fibonacci sequence

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 … … …

each number is the sum of the previous two terms, thus 8 = 5 + 3. It is very significant that if you divide any term by the immediately preceding term you derive a fraction which is alternately greater then less than Phi, and which quickly closely approximates its value of 1.618…. For example 89 divided by 55 is 1.61818, whereas 55 divided by 34 ( the preceding number) is 1.617647058

Now, the next thing to observe is that this sequence is self-similar:

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
taking away each previous term, in sequence leaves a sequence which is identical to the original one. The whole thing appears to be nested and self-similar, and this process can be repeated ad infinitum.

Now let us look at the famous right-angled triangle and Pythagoras’ theorem. There are, it seems, hundreds of valid proofs of the theorem that the square on the hypoteneuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. One of the least well-known of these proofs is the one which uses the fact that the two small right-angled triangles formed when you drop a perpendicular from the original right-angle to the opposite hypoteneuse, are similar to each other and to the larger triangle. In other words this is another example of self-similarity. It is possible to construct spirals ad infinitum around the vertices of the ensuing smaller and smaller right-angled triangles which you can construct within these two triangles. And where you find equiangular spirals you will always find the ratio Phi, approximately 1.618

There are many other sequences e.g. the Lucas sequence, which like the Fibonacci show the Phi ratio, and they always display a form of self-similarity. I will leave it to you to investigate.

Phi is indeed the constant of self-similarity.  More >

12 Apr 2008 @ 10:04, by erlefrayne. Futurism
Let me share more thoughts about contemporary movies, about how they can be effective vehicles to reveal intuitive insights about future worlds. I’d focus this time on the film series Matrix and Terminator.

We can regard the texts of the said cinemas as allegorical, with some fundamental archetypes that can guide the viewer towards a deeper understanding of the script. We can also regard the texts as prophetic revelations about the future worlds, particularly the technotronic or technetronic society that is now shaping up.
As forecast by certain sociologists (e.g. Torraine) and futuristic writers (e.g. Asimov), the forthcoming historical epochs will be marked by the rise to prominence of cybernetic machines. The broader context of the society from which such high-technology innovations will be made possible was tagged by Daniel Bell as the ‘post-industrial society’, while the technology was dubbed as ‘third wave’ by Alvin Toffler.

Cybernetics, the informational-integrative science started by the eminent mathematician Norbert Wiener, will have to pass through its own stages of R&D revolutions before technotronics can be made possible. Eventually, this science must move to that point when the dividing line between human and machine can be effectively erased. With such erasure effected, humans notably the ‘low thinking ability’ class of folks—whom some elites pejoratively dubbed as ‘useless eaters’—can be controlled.  More >

 Happening9 comments
10 Apr 2008 @ 20:41, by b. Ideas, Creativity
By B Berez 3.21.08

On Earth
We humans live
Not on the moon

Human of Earth
That is where we are
We are in the universe

And we are here on Earth
To be free
Where are we?

Be here now
Stay tuned in
Choice of frequency yours

Trillions of particles

Human beings
All the other species

Live until point of death
Then live again
God is the source of zero point energy  More >

 What’s Working: Creator of Moments8 comments
picture 10 Apr 2008 @ 19:35, by hyphenate. Ideas, Creativity
[excerpted from DoingIt!, February, 2007]

I consider myself a Creator of Moments— one who throws out a pinch of magic dust into an everyday situation— a conversational tidbit, a zig where one would normally zag, a fat pitch of a comedic straight-line— a real zinger— tossed right over the sweet spot, dead over home plate for someone else to hit out of the park. My job description here is to create opportunities for us all to transcend the ordinary, ho-hum, hum-drum, mundane, same-o-same and be the better for it.

There is no accredited training program for this. One must become a journeyman and test it out on the journey, man.

As a Creator of Moments I have been pleased to see that I must descend from a line of them… as I am witnessing the work of my brethren and sisters (sistern?) shaking it up all over the place.

In a run of work out West of-late I have stayed on-occasion in currently-under-construction Topanga Canyon. This windy road has been being repaved section by section, curve by curve, to the consternation of many, for a reasonably long time.

In the opposing corner, however, has been this saint of a fluorescent safety-vest wearing, road crew goddess who has blessed, and wished good and great days, and smiled a cloud-clearing smile and waved happily at everyone who has driven past her.
 More >

 Survival5 comments
10 Apr 2008 @ 13:52, by democritus. Communities
Last night I was going for a walk in an inner city. I immediately noticed my senses were heightened, and that my "intelligence" could not stop focusing on it, even though it tried.

That really struck me. First my rational brain analyzes and senses the potential danger just from the general environment. Then the body responds with increased blood flow, and adrenaline to heighten the senses. I really thought about how the natural response of my body was a good thing, and that of course the best idea was to keep that just under the surface, just in case. However, I also noticed that I tried to reason away the potential danger for a few seconds. To me that feels the way of panic and not being in control of yourself, which is just silly when you think about it.

So then, after this minor personal event was over, I started really thinking about survival. Survival is so fundamental, so intrinsic into who we are. Our modern world masks and covers the illusion that all systems are about survival.  More >

 The Winds3 comments
10 Apr 2008 @ 07:15, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
a poem  More >

 Be Peace: A Call to Awareness8 comments
picture 10 Apr 2008 @ 01:20, by hyphenate. Liberty, Sovereignty
[excerpted from DoingIt!, May, 2006]

We need to be for... more
than we are against.

May 1st. May Day. Traditionally a day of workers and the downtrodden of many cultures standing in unison against oppression and inequities of all kinds. A good day to be playing with the following concepts.

Earth Day. Martin Luther King Day. Bastille Day. Demonstrations, rallies, boycotts. Many days, many festivals, many protests… many occasions for the socially-conscious to show their support of the world and each other… by exposing that which they are against.

I have really been looking harder at current practices and ways of being in the world of causes and activism, how their effectiveness in many ways seems to be lagging, and how the well-intended and action-oriented seem to be chasing off a significant number of the like-minded. Of late, I have really felt myself leaving events organized by these well-intentioned ones with much heaviness, and fighting a sense of having less hope than that which I came in with. I support the ends of these, my people, but see that there is a disconnect between these and their means, that needs to be remedied here.

In seeking to create our shambhala, our place in the sun, our heaven on Earth, our peace… we need to remember to begin first with finding that peace within ourselves and bring that forward.  More >

 An Introduction To Social Pathology Of Police And Federal Agents0 comments
9 Apr 2008 @ 15:44, by gsosbee. Violence, War
The police and federal cops are out of control in the uSA; in order to fully understand the low mindset and near total corruption of the men in blue (and their cowardly counterparts in fbi/cia) you and I may benefit from a study of their perverse and abusive thinking patterns (and those of other forum members who aspire to become cops or their idolators).


All citizens of the uSA need to understand the sickness that permeates the law enforcement community here. In order to facilitate the study of the deranged (or retarded) men in blue one needs to study the individual profiles and thoughts of these armed and dangerous thugs-as represented in their postings- who pretend to defend our lives, our liberties and our Constitutional Rights. Begin the pathological cop review by signing up on the police and federal agents' forum at:

Then begin studying the profiles and writings of the various law enforcement personnel who are active members of the forum. Soon after you post your first critical article of police methods and practices, you are likely to be banned, especially if you present evidence of fbi and/or police corruption and criminality. If you are not banned, then some foolish LA police sergeant, such as "IMACHU" may verbally assault you, or otherwise attempt to smear your work. Note that most or all of the cowardly cops (and federal agents) on the board post and assault you anonymously, as expected.For instance creepy cop degenerate supporter known as 'Bearcat 357' sends a threat to me as follows:
"Perhaps I should call the FBI and let them start re-tracking your nonsense...?
Oh...your time is short here....very short...." See:
[Sosbee to Bearcat357: you are the Living Dead. Your veiled death message reflects your cowardice and your violent mentality; if you are not a cop, submit your application as you are assured a spot on the sniper squad]

As I suggested above, you,the reader of the police posts may soon discover that the unprofessional conduct by the police and federal agents on the forum (such as 'Bearcat357')is exactly the same low minded reactions you are likely to encounter when you try to report police and fbi crimes (or other offenses) in person at your local police stations. Thus, you and I learn from the study that the quasi state action of repression of free speech is achieved by corrupt cops (and federal agents) in their private capacities through the internet, as they engage in wholesale verbal assaults and threats.

After I submitted my application to the cop forum for membership, I was accepted and I posted * two articles (outlining evidence of fbi crimes); then,I was promptly banned the next day from the forum. Before the ban, I posted a few statements in my defense, as the cops (and federal agent punks) continued to anonymously harass me; then, I posted my now famous article on the **'Living Dead' as such topic seems to perfectly apply to law enforcement officers who enjoy killing and imprisoning my Brethren.*** Below, see the message that the forum sent to me after the police and federal agents complained of my posting the evidence of their crimes.



"These Are Private Forums for Law Enforcement. We Reserve the Right to Remove Non-LEO Members, Anti-LE or Inappropriate Posts and Users Without Warning.
vBulletin Message
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never "
Sosbee writes:
This information will not be a surprise to the intelligent reader, but should serve as a reminder that "We The People" must now by vital necessity inform these sociopathic killers, or rude and uncivil public servants that their services are no longer needed; further, these illiterate cops and federal agent punks must begin to learn the meaning of humility; I am giving them a primer on the subject. For a more in depth insight into the mental illness of the fbi, etc., see their activities as reported at
Here are a few of the cop posts directed at me; read and weep for your lost country and in some instances your lost freedom and lives at the hands of these fools and retardates in police and federal law enforcement agencies across the land (some are written by cop-wanna-bees or cop/fbi sycophants)
"Who said few people care to be around them? I care to be around them you insensitive *****, lay off the angel dust and go back to the mental institution they shouldn't have let you go."

Originally Posted by TheChef
"Holy Sh*t!!!, Google this nutbars name in quotation marks & you get 500+ hits."
"And 497 of those hits refer to him as a nut job."

"Holy Sh*t!!!, Google this nutbars name in quotation marks & you get 500+ hits.
GERAL W. SOSBEE image from the interwebz:" ....
[Sosbee's note: The Chef fraudulent states that the above image is of geral sosbee; thus, the chef is a proven liar.]

Guams ( a sheriff deputy, or park ranger):
"I think we scared the troll away."
See more on Guams and note the total failure of his intellect;this cop is an ignorant and cowardly punk and best continue to hide his identity:
See more on Guams from the forum; this cop needs careful handling and a wide berth; also read some of the writings from these armed, cowardly and homicidal fools in blue who say (with tongue in cheek) that they are the 'good guys':
Old 04-08-2008, 10:57 PM #29
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"Geral Sosbee appears out of thin air. Everyone stops mid-stride, "Is he... is he really here?!, they think. Geral begins to fill the air with blatant, and comical, fallacies regarding the federal government. He unfolds a thin hat, silver in color, that makes a funny crinkling noise and places it atop his head. Everyone around him diverts their eyes so that the rays from the CIA satellites don't extract the contents of their brains. Geral says "


"I was just bored enough to actually read some of the stuff from his link in his first post. It is a quote from the article/info item he posted. I got to that part and got hung up on what kind of benefits you might get in the psychopath kill know: differentials, full-time or adhoc, are you essential personnel, get holidays off, what hours, on call pay, ect..."

"where did you see that? did he write that? if that's the case then I think he would've been taken care of a long time ago, before he could blow the whistle on the fbi's sinister operation."

"Originally Posted by KapsFB View Post
A village somewhere HAS to be missing an idiot.
Actually, after seeing some recent posts on here.....there are a few villages missing their idiots.....including where this nutty dude came from....
Sosbee writes: See 'Bearcat's' self portrait as he records it on the forum:
"Bearcat...? Oh, he's very popular Smurfette! The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude!"

From Harlingen, Texas
August 30, 2008
For more insight into the low mentality of cops (so-called law enforcement officers) see:
Note that the law of the jungle is the only language the police/fbi/cia understand; for this reason the world's turmoil continues as the usa with its pretense of a land under 'the rule of law' violates Human Rights and the laws of other nations with complete abandon; the law of 'rule by assassins' permeates the usa in all jurisdictions and no peaceful remedy seems apparent to date. Intensified directed energy assaults continue as a result of Sosbee's recent reports; the symptoms are consistent with a possible 8 or 9 level (on a 1-10 scale of intensity), causing severe sleep deprivation, dizziness and headaches, etc.
The police assist the fbi at evry turn of the murderous agenda; this means in part that the police employ against the Target at every opportunity:
harassment, false arrest or fraudulent stings,slander, threats, etc. The police regularly steal, lie, falsify reports, create false evidence, murder selected Targets, and assist the DA or the USA in arresting innocent men in order to gain plea bargaining scenarios for entrapment of the accused Innocent .
Thus, the violent gangs that call themselves police (fbi/cia) are thugs of the lowest order and must be viewed and dealt with as such. Blind trust in the local police is the domain of the ruling , elite class, not of the poor, the disenfranchised nor the targeted. This report does not represent a call for violence, but the police are on very shaky grounds as they continue to flaunt with outrageous arrogance their unlawful and tyrannical power over the people. "To Serve And To protect", is a false slogan of the police across the nation and the men in blue need to stop the charade.
If they do not, then I will stop it for them.
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become oppressors...."

Instead the individual must as I have demonstrated muster all the resources in heart, mind and soul to resist and overcome as best he can the bestial tyrants of his time; in the struggle the fortunate fighter maintains his dignity and prepares the way for successors to advance (with even more fury, resolve and purpose) the search for enduring Humanity in this often barbaric world.

Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., The Age Of Madness , Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, p.361.

Finally, see the infirm preoccupation of cowardly "Trooper82" as he hides his own identity while celebrating mine:


geral sosbee
P.O. Box 3374
Harlingen, Texas 78551
(956) 371-5210
I can be found almost daily at the US Post Office in Harlingen, Texas 78551, at around noon.

 Freedom and Self-Selection1 comment
8 Apr 2008 @ 18:19, by democritus. Communities
The largest facet of freedom is choice. With every action, whether the action is intended or unintended, it is the underlying choice that defines freedom within a society. A choice that is epitome to the individual, is that of location.  More >

 HopeDance And Waking Up38 comments
picture8 Apr 2008 @ 10:03, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
No more "evidence" of collapse is needed; it's happening here and now and with dizzying speed. I no longer feel a need to "convince" anyone; I'm simply sitting back and watching the inevitable unfold, and as I report the daily news, I can scarcely keep up with the events that have turned prophets into historians.

---Carolyn Baker, historian and psychoanalyst , her valuable site

We Bring Democracy To The Fish

It is unacceptable that fish prey on each other.
For their comfort and safety, we will liberate them
into fishfarms with secure, durable boundaries
that exclude predators. Our care will provide
for their liberty, health, happiness, and nutrition.
Of course all creatures need to feel useful.
At maturity the fish will discover their purposes.

---Donald Hall, from White Apples and the Taste of Stone. © Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007.

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.

---Rachel Carson

The photo is called "Kelley's Tiger Lily," though that isn't what the flower really is, and can be found at [link]

The news about climate and economy are so disturbing every day, that even people who never talk to me about current affairs are doing so now. People acknowledge impending disaster and don't know what to do. What is there to do? Are we doomed?

This must be brief this morning, as I have taken so much time to read. But among the first articles to show up was something Carolyn Baker sent along to subscribers during her fundraiser. It's from a free magazine in Southern California apparently, which is called HopeDance. I couldn't find it at the actual site so I don't know when it was written. It is lengthy but it leads one through the "syndrome" of waking up from this lifestyle of convenience most Americans anyway have fallen into over the last 50 years. It's not impossible and in fact it ain't even so hard. Take the time and you'll feel better at the end~~~

[link]  More >

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