8 Apr 2008 @ 06:31, by deepwater. Communication
much reading, research and web-surfing it has become apparent that
many people are operating with serious limitations upon their
cognitive equipment, of which for the most part they seem oblivious.
is, unbeknownst to many of us, an enormous amount of conditioning
that we bring with us in our most vital piece of equipment....the
mind. Without
the awareness that our minds are operating in ways that can distort
or corrupt information, we are powerless to apprehend the truth of
the subjects we seek to understand.
situation can lead to all manner of unnecessary miscommunications and
frustrations which can hamper even the most well intentioned
the suggestion that ones thought process may require adjustment can
lead to episodes of denial and reactionary behaviour that seriously
undermine even the best effort to communicate around any other
are multiple, inter penetrating layers of confusion, distortion and
pre conceptions which form and reinforce each other as a result of
the subtle nature of this conditioning of the cognitive lens of the
It is
worth bearing in mind at this point that each of us will find
ourselves in this predicament at some stage and that we are all
fundamentally innocent of any ill intention, it is just that we are
unknowingly subjected to a proliferation of conditioning influences
over which we have no control.
there are many tried and proven methods by which to become aware of
and overcome these conditioning influences with a willingness to
participate being all that is required.
that each of us has a unique, individual point of conscious
perception, then each of us will require a subtly different method of
approach to the clarification of their cognitive equipment. However,
clarifying the mind is the common and necessary goal for each of us
who seeks to operate effectively within the context of the best
possible outcome for all.
If we
can overcome the general tendency to consider our own self interest
as more important than the good of the whole, then we can begin to
work in the direction of manifesting a situation in which the greater
good can be served and the individuals who comprise that whole also
benefit as a result.
What I
am endeavouring to accomplish with this discussion is to suggest many
and various ways that individuals can approach the subject of mental
clarity, each to their own, with the hope that this better enables us
to reach a holistic understanding of the Nature of Reality, and a
greater ability to function in ways that foster right human relations
and greater peace and harmony between members of the human race.
8 Apr 2008 @ 05:04, by skookum. Spirituality
It was rather odd, when I came to realize it. Part of us is aware of course, all the time. Apparently, I was walking around clueless. More >
7 Apr 2008 @ 19:29, by hyphenate. Personal Development
Maybe I am just a numbskull.
I have a problem… but I believe it is a good one. I love it and hate it. It is the best and worst of me. In all of it there doesn’t seem to be a resolution. A minor war rages within. And it’s cool with me, most of the time.
It’s just that I get interested, enthused and excited… about everything. Well, many things. This has contributed to me being a jack of all trades, master of none. It keeps me perpetually interested in learning something new. It has me jumping from thing to thing. It makes me question my focus. It helps me to be a good “big picture person”, but to also appreciate and admire the “detail people”. It got me a shot once on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” with Regis. And I know enough to be dangerous on a lot of subjects, but am never really able to craft detailed arguments and stories that don’t ramble or ping-pong into all kinds of other areas. It helps me “get” the references in just about any Dennis Miller rant and to understand the nuances within most comedy and appreciate a lot of Charlie Rose interviews. It’s a real pisser when it comes down to answering someone’s question of, “So, what to you do?”
When listening to music I want to immerse into this genre and be able to play each instrument that comes forward with a solo… until the next song, that is of a different genre and highlights other instruments. On Saturday mornings I can find myself switching between the Topeka and Kansas City PBS stations, delving into the garden shows, home improvement shows, art classes, quilting shows, and cooking shows… and to then chastise myself for having spectated the morning away as opposed to having participated in one of these or any of my other interests during the same period. I think I sometimes freeze amidst maybe too many choices. At times I hear the echo of my feisty, New Yorker roommate from Annapolis, chiding me to, “Do something… even if it’s wrong.”
This universal interest in things makes me lose myself in front of a magazine rack or in a bookstore or on internet searches that take me from A to D to J and back to B, and 12:45 to 4:30 pm, without my having known how I got moved around the gameboard.
“Fires can't be made with dead embers,
nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men.
Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and
turns even labor into pleasant tasks."
-- James Arthur Baldwin
"Catch on fire with enthusiasm
and people will come for miles to watch you burn."
-- John Wesley
“Charisma is the transference of enthusiasm."
-- Ralph Archibold
More >
7 Apr 2008 @ 01:25, by joanaroma2. Spirituality
More >
5 Apr 2008 @ 20:29, by jhs. Music
The other day I finished a conversion from a 'normal' guitar to a fretless one, giving me the inspiration to consider anew some unresolved questions:
- whereas the ability to 'classify' is the hallmark for human intelligence (some schools using it as its actual definition), continued use appears to result in a degrade of the original ability to perceive what was classified).
The most dramatic example is human language, of course. Count Alfred Korzybski was going so far to base insanity in general upon the misuse of identifying (literally) an actual object (thing) with the word that is representing it. (see [link] )
Earlier this year I was experimenting with a new rundown to "remove the bias on perceptions". The results were astonishing and clearly demonstrate that language is just one example of self-imposed limitations and the problem lies deep in the Being's loss of the ability to differentiate perceptions.
But back to the 'fretless guitar': playing with frets only allows for playing combinations of the Western tone scale (if tuned to usual standards). Of course, one could detune the entire guitar but that would result in yet another closed framework of sounds. Like painting only with 7 colors in 3 or 4 shadings. On the other hand the modern guitar works exceedingly well the way it is. Going back, at least for the experiment, is quite a feat. Forces to listen carefully instead of just playing mechanically.
On my long, long list of actual perceptions (much much longer than Hubbard's confused arrangement of 57 perceptions) is the perception of the archetype of a person. Which is another perfect example of a lost ability even amongst most of those who think of themselves as experts, for example in the field of 'Orishas'.
Resetting the classification and 'refinding' it from scratch provided a great way to enhance perceptions.
Now I gotta get back to practice the guitar for some months (years?)...
oh well, hope my hands&arms don´t fall off... More >
4 Apr 2008 @ 13:12, by erlefrayne. Education
As articulated in earlier articles by me, institutions torment the ‘free spirits’ or souls with ‘individuated minds’. Institutions were designed for the ‘mass mind’ people, for the harbingers of the ‘folkspirit’ or folkgeist. I’d say from my own experience that current education is inadequate for the former, for gifted children and most especially for ‘star seed’ children.
As a young man of Age 22, Erle Frayne Argonza can be described as possessing a ‘conqueror’s psyche’. Barely starting in his work as a community development assistant, he was already very bullish in meteorically rising to top leadership and executive roles. At that age, he envisioned his entry to the presidential palace as an executive in the future, 25 years hence (at age 46 he did become a bureau director in the presidential palace).
Compare that young adult Erle to the boy Erle of preschool and school days. It was a stark contrast, to be sure. This tot was shy, melancholic, and was deeply communicating with his own inner self or detached from the crowd. He went through a traumatic childhood, and he with the ‘gifted mind’ and ‘star seed’ went through a process that, to his surprise, was undergone too by other ‘star seeds’. More >
3 Apr 2008 @ 20:25, by democritus. Education
I'm 17 now, just about to take my A-levels. I do well, I get into the university I want, get a degree, get a job. Welcome to the rest of my life.
I was at a party recently. Kids with dyed hair and catchy tshirt slogans. What are they going to be doing in 10 years? Most of them, I think, will be sat at a desk, thinking back to those good times, wondering where everything changed. And you say 'Well they have the choice to do something different.' More >
3 Apr 2008 @ 18:10, by gsosbee. Violence, War
Few care to listen to the pleas of the tortured among us, until they begin to realize that the names of the homicidal perpetrators (and their silent supporters) will eternally be known as the human beasts doing the torturing. Further, the murderous minds of the uSA's sociopaths which hold sway over the media and the general population now enjoy a certain sense of infallibility as they (the hoodlums engaging in global killing, imprisoning and torturing) meet with little resistence from their apathetic and sycophantic public. However, the uSA's reign of warfare over Mankind is fast coming to a close as the entire world takes aim at the assassins who serve the uSA war machine. **The fbi and the cia are for the most part, the brains behind the atrocities being plotted and waged globally; their participation in and sponsorship of war crimes on behalf of the United States is an indictment of all three braches of government; at the same time, the citizenry who do nothing to stop their out of control government in uSA are seen as cowardly fools, and the military of this nation is seen collectively as brazen criminals let loose on the world's people.
"To the depths of depravity that the United States has fallen to...", The New York Times compares themselves to last centuries Nazi Empire as follows:
"Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those "good Germans" who professed ignorance of their own Gestapo. It's up to us to wake up our somnambulant Congress to challenge administration policy every day. Let the war's last supporters filibuster all night if they want to. There is nothing left to lose except whatever remains of our country's good name."
In the madness of war and horrific destruction being visited upon the Muslim peoples of the World by the United States, and its dwindling allies, it is interesting, but sad, to note how far these once free people fallen in barely 100 years from their truest ideas as a new war with Iran looms before them , and as we can read:
* As President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1906 State of the Union address, "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered." See:
2 Apr 2008 @ 13:30, by mike7997. Conspiracy
Hi All,
I've not found anything on this site about Orgonite, so I thought I'd tell you about it.
Orgonite is a simple mixture of fiberglass resin, metal flakes, and quartz crystal (the crystal isn't absolutely essential, but it increases the strength of orgonite).
It was researched and developed by a man named Don Croft, with the help of his wife Carol Croft. These two got the base concept and principles from the work of the late Dr.Wilhelm Reich. You can find out all about orgonite and what it does on the Crofts' site at: [link]
Orgonite is a very strong positive energy device that anybody can make in their own basement or backyard. All you do is pour resin and metal shavings into a mold (muffin pans are great molds), drop in a crystal, and let it harden. What pops out of the mold is a device that draws in negative energy and converts it to positive. This energy has gone by many names, the Chinese call it Chi or Qi, in India it's known as Prana, and some call it Life Force. The Crofts decided to follow Dr. Reich and call it Orgone energy, hence the name "Orgonite."
Thousands of people around the globe are making and distributing orgonite in their local environments, and getting great positive changes as a result. They often leave them near cell towers, nuclear plants, powerlines, and any other sources of nasty radiation energy. This activity is known as "orgonite gifting."
I can tell you from personal experience that it really works, so I encourage everyone to try it. Be careful though, there is quite a bit of disinfo out there about orgonite. If you stick to ethericwarriors.com and the sites they link to you won't be lead astray.
Orgone The World
1 Apr 2008 @ 12:27, by vector8. Spirituality
Last night while I was sitting in meditation, I saw a fleeting image of a hand full of vegetables that looked to me like okra. I did get a sense of the hand offering me these vegetables. I opened my eyes.
"I've just seen a hand full of okras in my mind's eye," I said to my mother.
"Okras? That's weird!" More >
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