New Civilization News    
30 Mar 2008 @ 09:34, by erlefrayne. Children, Parenting
At this moment I wish to share my reflections about the great boon that an Old Soul would bring to a household. And baneful it is for a certain household to have a lack of or throw away an Old Soul most specially an authority figure who’s the Light of the home.

As already clarified in previous article, an Old Soul is one had evolved way ahead of the rest of the population. We mystics call them ‘evolved souls’ while ancient Chinese call them ‘old souls’. Being evolved, they are those who can coach and mentor other younger souls—the ‘laggards’ (or ‘young souls’) and the ‘middling souls’ (no more laggard but short of being an old soul)—so that the latter can hopefully evolve faster in their respective Paths.

For a planet like Earth that is considered ‘fallen’, or trapped in dense energy veils (e-veils or evils), it is such an enormous boost for all souls to have old souls among them. Needless to say, in the micro-setting, a family would perform optimally in the evolutionary path if an authority figure of the old soul type is present.  More >

 Aromatic Blessings Article - March 25 - 200840 comments
picture 27 Mar 2008 @ 18:10, by joanaroma. Natural Health & Healing
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 When I Expect Wonder, I Experience Wonder0 comments
27 Mar 2008 @ 13:49, by vector8. Spirituality
So the Voice within said to me this morning: "Get up now, there's something I want to show you!"

"OK, I can't wait!"

I was now very curious about what it was. After I got dressed, I asked my mother if she wanted me to do anything for her before I left. She asked me to pick up a few items at the local shop. Then I went to catch my bus.  More >

 Green Energy Development7 comments
picture27 Mar 2008 @ 11:26, by jazzolog. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
The most alarming sign of the state of our society now is that our leaders have the courage to sacrifice the lives of young people in war but have not the courage to tell us that we must be less greedy and wasteful.

---Wendell Berry

The essence of the problem is about consumption, recognizing that a society that consumes one third of the world's resources is unsustainable. This level of consumption requires constant intervention into other people's lands. That's what's going on.

---Winona LaDuke

What we are calling for is a revolution in public education. When the hearts and minds of our children are captured by a school lunch curriculum, enriched with the experience in the garden, sustainability will become the lens through which they see the world.

---Alice Waters

The quotations can be found in the April/May 2008 issue of Mother Earth News, and at the website .

Perhaps your idea of food production in the future resembles the illustrating photo (which I found here [link] ) and you may be right. Many people are preparing for a post-petroleum world by forming small self-sustaining communities of like-minded individuals. Fortified by stocks of food in individual cellars and possibly an arsenal of collective weapons, they await the apocalypse. I understand Tom Cruise is building an underground shelter.

With that kind of worry, on Tuesday I entered Ohio University's Walter Hall Rotunda (not the most environmentally sound structure, we discovered) for something called the Green Energy Development Summit. The forum was sponsored by US Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, OU's Consortium for Energy, Economics and the Environment (CE3), and the Pew Environment Group (which is one of the Pew Charitable Trusts). That's a pretty formidable team for a small college town in one of the most destitute parts of Appalachia. Was rescue coming at last?
Apparently the idea for the summit was cooked up by Tom Bullock, a representative for Pew in Ohio, and Scott Miller, who directs the energy and environment programs for CE3. They both contacted Senator Brown's office to get at least his name connected and some representatives here, remembering perhaps he visited Athens during his campaign for office to bless the solar array then opening on the roof of Athens Middle School. The senator himself came to Athens yesterday for a review of the conference and to meet with university and business leaders. I sat next to a representative of Governor Strickland. So there we were: a lot of suits and a bunch of blue jeans.

A half dozen of the people in neckties turned out to be presenters, each alloted about 20 minutes to tell us of business initiatives in which they were involved. Now I had 2 problems with this already. First of course is my prejudice that it's free market capitalists that have messed us up to the point where chunks of Antarctica the size of an average country are falling off and dissolving. Second is my ignorance, both about business marketing and the engineering that invents the products. That means I'm not such a great candidate to be telling you about this...but I'll try my best. What I want to accomplish is at least to get something on the Internet about what we learned that day, and hopefully attract some reaction from people who do know what they're talking about.  More >

 A Return to the Land of My Birth2 comments
picture27 Mar 2008 @ 05:18, by solomoreno. Neighborhood
Not really. I wasn’t born in what we Ohioans call “the county.” In fact, I lived only on the edge of it from the ages of seven to twenty-four. Yet, it is in my blood…and I forgot.  More >

 Is it time?31 comments
picture24 Mar 2008 @ 20:50, by quinty. Politics
For Hillary Clinton to step aside? To “suspend” her candidacy?

A political analyst parsing the race the other night on TV claimed Hillary would have to acquire at least 64% of all the remaining delegate vote to top Obama. That numerically she can not win the primary race without a miracle.  More >

24 Mar 2008 @ 09:34, by erlefrayne. Futurism
By: Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza

[Writ 01 March 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

Good afternoon, dear Fellows!

It is still politically hot in PI (Philippine Islands) as I write this piece. I like this libertarian spirit of the people, the middle class in particular, who choose to right some wrongs via a civil way (senate investigations, mass actions) rather than take up arms. This is a sign that the modern islanders, dubbed Filipino by the late patriot Dr. Jose Rizal, are of a newer breed compared to their warlike ancient pedigree.

While the islanders are busy massing up for larger political storms, another cabal which we shall simply dub as Fallen Ones are making sure that the Philippines must never rise as a wealthy and globally powerful nation. For many centuries now they have been working behind the shadows to make sure that they’d be able to fragment Southeast Asia and control the Philippines and its people in particular.

The oligarchic Anglo-Saxons (British, Americans) who play the lead-role of storm troopers for the wars of the Fallen Ones, make sure that the Philippines will remain weak and secondary a force in global affairs. The American elites in particular fear the Philippines, fear a sphinx-like rise of the Filipinos to wealth and fame. And the few who sharply observe this Saxon (to shorten Anglo-Saxon) feelings about Filipinos or Pinoys are baffled by the American elite’s paranoia and bellicose attitudes.

More than a century ago, mystics from the West, India and Tibet released to the world a humungous amount of knowledge about the planet’s evolution, and that of humanity’s. Theosophists, led by HP Blavatsky (see Secret Doctrine), became the lead documentors and messengers for the revelators (spiritual masters). Those documents are immensely significant, because they revealed for the first time the true history of the planet and the Earthans or Terrans (Earth’s humans).

Among the revelations heralded was that the Philippines is a remnant of a subcontinent of the ancient continent of Mu or Lemuria. That subcontinental was then called Maharloka or Great Land. The term came down later in another version as Maharlika, which had since denoted nobility. Lemurian culture was the greatest civilization ever built on Earth, and maybe the only ones that can match it are those ones that are yet to come (called 6th and 7th Root races by Blavatsky).

Another revelation was that the Maharlokans (Pinoys being the descendants) were the very center of the world civilization at that time (tens of thousands of years back). The most powerful kingships of Mu were in Maharloka, in much parallel way today when the most powerful polities are the Caucasians’ (Saxons, Russians, Europeans). Such kingships were necessarily the center of warriorship, the ancient Maharlokans being the most feared in terms of warfare. Warriorship and offensive war acumen is therefore in the blood (genes) of the Pinoys of today, and there would be instances when such traits, long dormant in the collective subconscious, will waken up (e.g Phil. Revolution, 1896-1900).

An equally important phenomenon that shouldn’t be brushed aside is the presence (per revelation from Filipino mystics) in the astral-etheric belt above Palawan, of the stargate. This gate is the hyperspace doorway to and from the other galaxies: passage through it can short-cut the way to other galaxies, and likewise short-cut the travel from those galaxies to Earth.

Linking up the two phenomena is now quite an easy task. Being seeded by cross-galactic beings in ancient times (e.g. Orions, Lyrans, Pleadeans, Draconians, Andromedans, Sirians, Vegans), it is but logical that the stargate area is the location where the greatest civilization, in both antiquity and the future, will flourish.

Per my own knowledge of earlier revelations (see theosophy, Himalayan notes) and those of the present (see Sal Rachele’s contributions), the stargate was decidedly closed by those cross-galactic intelligences or CGIs upon their retreat later. Since then, it was difficult for CGIs to come to Earth as hyper-space travel was delimited by the stargate’s closure. Longer ways have to be traversed, whether by space or hyper-space travel modalities.

However, past the midway of a 555-million year period (that midpoint was in 1934) in human evolution, as humanity began to move upward in the ascending arc of its evolution, the Earth had also begun to evolve and has since been increasing its vibratory frequency. This upward evolution of Earth is now opening up the stargate naturally, and sooner enough the CGIs will be coming around with ease.

Suffice me now to say that the Fallen Ones, the elite builders of the evil New World Order or NWO, dread the coming of some CGIs whatever those beings are. For how could you explain such a paranoid dread, that they now go to the extent of fast-tracking the NASA, Russian and European space programs to be able to escape from Earth at any moment in the near future? They dread the CGIs, maybe the top-gun CGIs both from the ‘Light’ (Galactic Federation) and the ‘Dark’ (Orion-Reptoid Alliance) sides.

Let me now stress another equally important phenomenon: the Planetary Chi’s positioning in PI during the Aquarian Age. As I explained in my book 13th Gate Unveiled, every time that the Solar system is situated within a constellation’s force-field, for a period approximately 2,166 years long, the chief energy vortex or Planetary Chi will be located in a specific spot among the Earth’s 70 or so major energy spots or centers. Of those 70 energy spots, around 7 to 12 are the chief ones, Mt. Banahaw in PI being one of them.

Whenever the solar system transfers from one constellation alignment to another, the Planetary Chi also transfers to another major energy spot. There it will remain for 2000+ years. And where that energy vortex stays, civilization will rise like the sphinx as evolved souls will mass up in the area to hasten techno-economic, cultural and political development. Chances are that polities in the area will rise to world power prominence while the Planetary Chi is located there.

In 1994, when this mystic was initiated into the cosmic order of Light Worker mystics’ lodge here in PI, the news came to my ears that the Planetary Chi will transfer to Mt. Banahaw from Glastonbury (England) during the Aquarian Age. And no less than couples of Tibetan masters came here in a rush to find out what makes PI so special today, and perhaps noted the immense potentials of the Pinoys to rise to power during Aquarius. They also helped local mystics prepare for the coming events ahead.

So that information explains why the Saxons and Continental Europeans from France to as far as Russia woke up for 2000 years. From ‘barbarians’ those tribes were catapulted to world power prominence in all human fields, and among them all the Saxons (British, Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders) were to benefit the most from the awakening induced by the beneficial powers of the Planetary Chi during the Age of Pisces (from Jesus’ time to around 2004).

And such is the same reason now why the Saxon elites, led by Fallen Ones, fear the decline of the West as the Chi has transferred to PI. That the Pinoys or Maharlikans will rise to world power status in the future is no longer a myth nor ancient legend of foregone Lemuria but is an unfolding fact of life.

Now, couple that rise to power of the Maharlikans (and Asians in general) with the opening up of the stargate, and you can see in the near future the arrival of CGIs right in PI’s backyard to concur agreements, diffuse technologies and philosophies, and fast-track Maharlikans’/Majapahitans’ (Southeast Asians’) meteoric rise to space-age power and cross-galactic travel capabilities.

The question we ask now is: what CGIs did the Fallen Ones (elites) concur treaties with if ever? Why are they so scared of some reprisals from some CGIs? Why are they so desperate in controlling PI and its people? Do they desire to control the stargate eventually, so as to block all CGIs from coming here, so that they alone—Earthan global elites—can own the planet and do everything at their disposal? Or do they intend to block only the Galactic Federation that had in fact pre-positioned itself in the Solar system and nearby star systems for nigh 3000 years or so already? What armaments with such devastating firepower can they use at any rate against those CGIs?

Let me remind those Saxon-Western elites led by the Fallen Ones that their attempts for global domination is futile. They cannot escape this planet as the Federation forces are up there guarding the solar system. They cannot use nuclear devises to destroy the planet, as the same Federation will come down from hyperspace to destroy the same devises.

It’s not too late yet for the Fallen Ones to choose Oneness, choose the path of cooperation and dialogues of civilizations, and share the Planet with all the souls herein residing. And they should stop those futile efforts to exterminate or neutralize the Light Workers, notably the mystics who they hold with such fear and contempt. Dead mystics of Light are soon replaced by new ones, remember.

And they should accept that the time of the ‘decline of the West’ and the rise of Asia has come. Among all Asians are especially the Maharlikans whose zeneath of power will be seen around the years 2700-3300 (peak period of the Aquarian Age). And, yes, they better accept the destiny of Maharlika, show kindness and friendliness to our people. For being bellicose at all times to Pinoys now may cause them devastating backfire in the future as the more war-like, space-age savvy Maharlikans will make no qualms in leveling off niches of the bellicose Fallen Ones and their elite subalterns.

If they now think of destroying PI with the latest Tesla Earthquake Inducer, it’s too late a thing for this evil act. Pinoys have been scattered all over the globe, precisely as a Plan B by the cosmic hierarchy in case that the islands will be destroyed by geological cataclysm or by WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Pinoy nations will be rising in other continents in the future, as the Filipino race is programmed to be the 6th sub-Race of the coming 6th Root Race of more advanced human prototypes.

In conclusion, one should look at the conflicts now taking place in RP as machinations of the Fallen Ones. The conflicts are ‘organized chaos’ cover-ups for the true events happening behind the scene. They fear RP, the Maharlikans, the CGIs who will team up with future Maharlikans, and their efforts to destroy us here are futile. “It’s the Cosmic Plan, stupid!” would be an apt campaign line against the Fallen Ones. They have no way out here, and they better choose Oneness or perish in the future worlds coming.  More >

 Love Thy Will be Done5 comments
picture 21 Mar 2008 @ 19:52, by jewel. Music
Prince wrote this song of songs for Matika. There is supposed to be an amazing story behind it. Tamar used the lyrics for it as the finale' song in the Rooftop Serenade event we put on in the summer of love 2005 on the rooftop of S'Amuser and on the street, literally stopping traffic!

"No longer can I resist (no..) the guiding light (guiding light)
The light that gives me the power to keep up the fight
I couldn’t be more satisfied (no…)
Even when there's no peace outside my window
There's peace inside
And that's why I can not longer run
Love thy will be done..."

And this is the continued Quest.
And this is the eternal Promise.

Love Thy Will be DONE.

To choose this, to know, gno, this - aint that what it's all about?

In order to do that, there must be a continued Point of Choice, that we move eternally back forth towards,
and reset IN... for that is our making.
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picture picture 20 Mar 2008 @ 12:07, by magical_melody. Spirituality
Hello All,

I felt that this message really conveys what we have been experiencing and perceiving to be true and being it is articulated so well...felt to pass it along.

Affirming Heaven On Earth!


Heartstory Website
HeartMagic Blog  More >

 Barack Obama: Rock Church, Rock33 comments
picture20 Mar 2008 @ 10:13, by jazzolog. Shared Purpose
Chen-Lang approached Shih-Tou and asked: "What is the idea of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?"
"Ask the post over there," Shih-Tou said.
"I don't understand," said Chen-Lang.
"Neither do I," said Shih-Tou.
Suddenly Chen-Lang saw the truth.

---Zen saying

There ain't no answer. There ain't gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. There's the answer.

---Gertrude Stein

Let Him be only that He is and as He is, and make Him no otherwise. Seek no further in Him but subtlety of wit.

---The Cloud Of Unknowing

The photo shows the soundboard and interior of the Trinity United Church of Christ on the south side of Chicago. It appears at a blog entry by audio engineer Matt Satorius from last September. [link] More about the church can be found at its website [link] .

The response to Barack Obama's speech on Race In America has been all over the place. I thought the response would be almost as interesting and profound about us as the oration was about him. I needed some time to observe it and feel things settle inside my own being.

Nothing really confused me about the speech. I loved it. Some people know my own personal background with integration goes back to childhood---and I don't know why. My family didn't promote it particularly...and my mother discouraged relationships even with people who didn't have blue eyes, for Christ's sake! (I know some people from various races have blue eyes, but she didn't.) Once jazz entered my picture in the form of Benny Goodman's Sextet Session in 1947 or so, I knew integrated music was magnificent in every way---and represented democracy too.

I hadn't rushed right out to investigate Rev. Jeremiah Wright's sermons. I didn't need to. The man's name is Jeremiah, and I've read that book in the Bible. I grew into manhood hearing Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael. I lived on Chicago's South Side during the summer of 1961, and trained for Freedom Rides. I knew there were streets there that, if I crossed over and walked on the other side, I could encounter Black Muslims who might insist I get back where I "belong." I'm not shocked by black rage and understand where it comes from. I understand white rage too, and resentment from any group that senses preference granted to another. But I like integration better, and celebration of differences.

My own experience of Chicago clouded my impression of what Mr. Obama's church might be like. I pictured something old and dark and maybe run down. I had heard yesterday that many professional African-Americans are members, but I figured even if the congregation was upscale it still probably was a humble facility. This morning I finally visited the website. The joke's on me.

Americans know what black worship is like. Everybody's at least seen The Blues Brothers I hope. It's a jumpin' joyous business! A preacher in there is a jazz solo to me. The guy takes off and goes. If he honks on that tenor, falls down on his back, still blowin' with his feet kicking in the air, that's the way it's done sometimes. And if you're into that way of expression, you know white players and red players and yellow players all do it too. And when it's done, everybody's let off steam---and hopefully nobody got hurt.  More >

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