20 Feb 2008 @ 01:25, by jewel. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
"Meanwhile, we are beleaguered. We hold the pass.
The fragile hold the pass precariously, hiding behind boulders of ego and dogma.
The heroic hold the pass a bit more tenaciously, gracefully acknowledging their follies and absurdities, but insisting, ever toward life.
Life is largely material, and there is no small heroism in the full and open enjoyment of material things.
The accumulation of material things is shallow and vain,
but to have a genuine relationship with such things is to have a relationship with life and, by extension, a relationship with the divine."
-- Jitterbug Perfume
I am grateful that I have had this genuine relationship with all things, with things, and have been able to discard and flow, to always take care of the bohemian bourgeoise artistic sensitivity....
I am at a point now where I've realized where the innate shadow voices instilled via patriarchal matrixes of what a fraud/ fake we all are (thank you Tecia!) - what that is all about. IT's always us, the supra conscious creative sensitive geniuses that unlayer and unlayer the onion of that ridiculous thought patterns. That we are going to be found out for our fake fraud self. Well guess what? We are when we try to play in 'their' raindeer games! We are a fake when we are pretending to be what we think is required instead of showing up WHOLEY as ALL we are! In our fullness!
I'm at a point now where I am realizing where I am not and have not been showing up fully in my glory my power and truly living my life OUT LOUD. This is the impulse.
I am here to make manifest the glory inside. I am here to SHINE in the radiance of that which I KNOW is inside of me. I have Shown Up in so many ways, in so many places, but I've played the double agent game also. Gave up and got diplomatic. Tried to see how the other slices of pie were whole also but had also forgotten. The trick is tho, I can't be a slice next to their slice to remind them. I have to reflect the sphere the orbit the revolving explosion of pure fire phi light love truth freedom!
I am grateful for this knowing.
That today, this moon, this week.
I know my worth is not in the false games of material accumulation. My worth is not contingent on the bank account or a failed or successful business. My worth is in the Gnosis, the experience, the journey, the wealth of my wisdom, right here in each moment.
And I expect that worth to be reflected in my earthly experience. I expect the players to take the centre stage with me, and that the peers who are COMMITTED to BE that change, to BE and embody that transformation - will want to play with me and want to invest right here right now in the shared dream, the shared promise, the shared experience, of ALL of that!
I am grateful for the divine expression of my humanity. And it's weight in gold. More >
19 Feb 2008 @ 21:28, by weneedadream. Politics
Senator XXXXX,
Are you willing to take a leap of courage, faith, and vision?
Are you willing to challenge Americans to reach higher?
Are you willing to lead America to a higher purpose?
If so...
a few ideas:
1)Mission/Vision/Values for America
If co-created by "We The People", this could inspire, unite, and empower ALL Americans like never before.
2) WeNeedaDream.org
Offers many ideas to unite and inspire enemies on a shared vision, a higher purpose, a new American Dream... towards Heaven on Earth.
3) Nonviolent Communication
I've seen this process transmute "impossible" conflicts into win-win harmony.
4)America's Higher Purpose
Few Americans are aware of the higher (and spiritual) purpose behind the founding of this nation. You could champion a return to this purpose. More info in the attached paper.
5) Soul of America
A deeper perspective of who we are
6) Partnership Way
Possibilities for shifting our exhausted dominator paradigm to an energized partnership paradigm
7) Conscious Evolution
A higher perspective of what's happening
Yes, we can...
Carl Landsness
Madison, WI
"And so, my fellow Americans:
ask not what your country can do for you,
ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world:
ask not what America will do for you,
but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
JFK More >
19 Feb 2008 @ 13:20, by vector8. Spirituality
As more and more people are realising their spiritual nature, there are all these fine and wonderful ideas being shared in books, on the Internet, and floating in the ether. How come people are still experiencing fear? Is it possible the ideas are stuck in the ether i.e. subconscious and not being released into the conscious mind?
As I see it, as long as life seems to be working perfectly, there's no incentive to live out these principles; until there is an emergency situation when you really get to demonstrate whether you are truly a spiritual being or blowing hot air. More >
19 Feb 2008 @ 02:34, by owenwaters. Spirituality
The Inspiration of Humanity
by Owen Waters
The universe is designed to be reflective. Whatever you put out comes back to you. This is called the Law of Action and Reaction, the Law of Karma, or is simply referred to using the phrase, “What goes around comes around.”
However, in spiritual work, there is a way to increase what comes around. What goes around can actually come back as more than you gave, and this involves a paradox... More >
18 Feb 2008 @ 10:26, by jazzolog. Politics
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
Although the wind
blows terribly here,
the moonlight also leaks
between the roof planks
of this ruined house.
---Izumi Shikibu
Ultimately, let’s hope that the nation turns back to the task it abandoned — that of ending the poverty that still poisons so many American lives.
---Paul Krugman, in his column this morning, entitled Poverty Is Poison
It's so easy to not want the Clintons back in the White House. It's like that temptation to get with your old girl friend again from a few years back. It should have worked out, it could have worked out...but... There was all that nastiness, and stuff going on behind your back. The trust factor. Has she changed? Did she really do anything wrong? Yeah, ultimately everything got ruined. My whole life got ruined! Eight long years of hell while I tried to get over it. Now...do I want to risk going back to that?
We're a forgiving people. But worse, we're a forgetting people! We don't seem to learn from history. And we've become even more loud, pushy and obnoxious than we were accused of when we were only tourists. Now we insist of owning and controlling everything---and we dare to call that condition for others democracy and freedom. We only are interested in getting our own little piece of the pie...and then, shotgun in hand, bragging that America means no one can tell me what to do. The Clintons again? Isn't there another woman somewhere to run for this office?
And so we find ourselves turning around to see what Barack Obama is about. People ask and write What are his programs? Is this happening to you too? I've been replying that I'll wait to see if he wins the nomination and then get after the details. But how many presidents actually do what they say in their campaigns anyway? So what difference does it make? Well, we're having this primary in Ohio in a couple weeks. I've got to vote for one of them. Both families are running all over the state at the moment...but nobody's come down here yet. Bill Clinton was in Marietta last night, but we couldn't get up the stomach to go see him. They've got to get to Athens sooner or later.
And so it's with this kind of anticipation and disenchantment that I came upon a new website for me. It's called the Black Agenda Report, and it looks as if I'll be visiting there everyday from now on. The insolent montage illustrating this introduction comes from there. At the moment it's a place to go where people have had some history with Mr. Obama. The managing editor of the site, Bruce Dixon, has other issues to discuss, but right now he wants to share some concerns he has about this candidate. It think we may be hearing a lot about this site in coming days...and about these concerns. Here's Bruce Dixon last Thursday~~~ More >
17 Feb 2008 @ 22:34, by jewel. Spirituality
you came to me again from a new possibility - the sacred hi desert mohave land - and when i walked on your soil and drove in a sacred spiral - laying lay lines throughout the southland in that ethereal space time between christmas and new years... lax to brentwood heights - to palm springs arts festival - to letecia's family gathering - to amara and thomas' return to sell their sacred wares - to their home in yucca valley - 3 nights visioning with priestesses / sisters/ keepers of the eternal visions, letecia and amara, and then the time on amara's untouched land with the earth crust unbroken, the Vision came, the mind map revealed for 2008: a return to the city of angels immediately for me, and a new home life for chantal and i .... then sunday 30th december we drove via glendale - to ojai - and had sacred spring renewal, celestine prophecy awake dreaming... new years with jay and cynthia meeting the hilarious dog archetype / oracle game... and then new years day dinner with jennifer in la and drive to la jolla .... meeting on the beach 2nd jan with he project 8 production team.... slept 2nd back in brentwood then 3rd in santa barbara with allen the golden hearted new keystone for my perfume business remergence in la.... and then back to ojai to collect tecia and land on the 3rd at marigrace's new home old sacred space centre... to an incredible climax with marigrace and letecia on friday the 4th.... spent the whole day 5th jan at lax writing new names for s'amuser... the eternal muse..... i am grateful for the huge VISION this trip gave me, the mind map i have on my wall here in glastonbury and the KNOWING that this is all UNFOLDING now, and that the new life in the city of angels will be fulfilled immediately. i am grateful for he knowing that if i put forth the dream, the plan and feel the worth of this in my cells, that doors will open and it will be realized in flow ease and total abundance for ALL. om shanti om.
i am grateful for the Vision - for the Sisters - for the Support - and for always and forever the Love... More >
15 Feb 2008 @ 17:18, by jewel. Spirituality
I have been wanting to write and create a gratitude journal for some time. I have a few zillion journal entries written on my heart....
Today is the moment I've been waiting for. I am grateful for the child before me, your innocence trust and ability to feel deeply in your cells and atoms and dancing molecules. I am grateful you were sent to me to bless and uplift my life. I am grateful incredibly for the honour of raising you and showing you a magical wonderful world. I am grateful for the fact that you might not fully know all the activities and haunts of the insane 'i's that collapse from the Shared Space of the Eternal. I am grateful for your presence in my life, and that it reflects purely the essence possible and awarded to me by the angels. You are a gift to Life, to me your mother and to all our kin. To our blood family and the Aquarian family that has stayed in sacred union and touch even if we are far apart. I am grateful for the opportunity to cherish you and nourish you and protect you and to teach you that Life supports you. I believe this FOR you even when I forget it for my small self. I am eternally grateful that I believer in THAT reality being created for you, by me, through our small 'family' unit.
I am grateful for all that Chantal brings to my life and the world. I just look at you, touch you, engage with you --- and I remember - everything! More >
13 Feb 2008 @ 19:26, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
the sun is out... can you tell? More >
13 Feb 2008 @ 08:36, by koravya. Education
Has it been nice to live with a cozy little live fireplace through a winter! Getting on to mid-February now, and at this latitude and elevation in a river valley flowing through a desert, there’s still some cold nights ahead, but fewer than are behind us. Midwinter is gone. More >
12 Feb 2008 @ 15:41, by vector8. Spirituality
There's been a lot of focus on the "Law of Attraction"; some have even called it a "secret." The "Law of Attraction" is no secret. Solomon, King of Israel, made this realisation thousands of years ago:
"For as he thinketh in his heart so is he." -- Proverbs 23: 7
In other words, one attracts what one believes or thinks about the most. Here are a few examples of the Law of Attraction in my life experience.
Yesterday evening while I was at the bookshop and enjoying the tranquillity, a man sat next to me. He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. He had a booming voice. For a split second I wondered why I had attracted that experience then I remembered how much I love listening to the Italian language. My friend beside me was speaking fluent Italian just for me. I probably would have taken offence if he was speaking English. Haha. More >
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