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 Self-Sustainability0 comments
1 Feb 2008 @ 18:07, by bagelhole1. Preparedness, Self-Reliance
The website, is a place where individuals, groups, and communities can share their knowledge to help others and themselves learn practical ways to move toward self-sustainability. With so many systems on the planet on the edge of collapse, it makes sense to become as self-reliant as possible. It also is more efficient and ecological, whether there is a collapse or not. This non-commercial website wishes to utilize the internet to create a database which is easily accessible to help make this happen. To be truly successful, it needs the participation of as many people as possible. I would like to invite you to take what you need and share what you have.

 Peace and Happiness
1 Feb 2008 @ 11:00, by owenwaters. Spirituality
Peace resides in the human heart. Inner peace creates outer peace in your relationships and in the effect that you have upon the global consciousness.  More >

 The King of Mountebanks?30 comments
picture31 Jan 2008 @ 19:53, by quinty. Politics

If the Devil is at play here, and he is setting us up for the one two punch, then Barack is his main man. The perfect front.

For after eight years of George Bush, of nightly seeing a President of the United States on television smirk, lie, mangle the language, and smile confidently and broadly as countless die, all at his hand, the dignified portrait of noble and eloquent sobriety Obama brings us is the perfect contrast.  More >

 A Bigger Flag to Fly2 comments
picture picture 30 Jan 2008 @ 18:06, by hyphenate. Communities
The home page of the One World Flag ( has buried within it an initially ominous sounding phrase-- "Now More Than Ever". This could be slightly misleading if one didn't know from whence it came.

It is not that this "Now" in which we are living is any worse than any "Ever" that has preceded it. I am not Chicken Little, and, perhaps more than most, I am certain that the sky is not falling. Rather, I feel as a "cheerleader for humanity" the constant call to urge us all on to higher and higher ideals, increased possibilities, more joy, expanded awareness, self-expression, sharing of our unique expressions, creations, selves, etc... at all times, and in increasing degrees as we are able.

Those who haven't tried seeing and maintaining the light through supposed darkness, the positive for all the so-called "reality" we are faced with, the forest for the trees... might consider such an outlook naive.

In the midst of myriad distractions, illusions, priorities, shiny baubles being waved at us from all directions... pressures, agendas, and all of the hubbbub, fal-da-ra, doodads, tchotchkes, flotsam and jetsam and information overload crossing our paths and jamming our radar...

... a little couple in Kansas--the heartland-- is attempting to sound two calm and steady voices from the wilderness, reminding us all to hold, from centered places between the cacophony and the din, the continued, expansive Vision of what is actually possible... despite all of the propaganda to the contrary.  More >

 Making The Best Of The Toxic4 comments
picture30 Jan 2008 @ 10:27, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
There is pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is rapture in the lonely shore,
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music is its roar.
I love not man the less, but nature more.

---Lord Byron

In my middle years I became fond of the Way
And made my home in the foothills of South Mountain.
When the spirit moves me I go off by myself
To see things that I alone must see.
I follow the stream to the source,
And sitting there, watch for the moment
When clouds rise up. Or I may meet a woodsman;
We talk and laugh and forget about going home.

---Wang Wei

To establish ourselves amid perfect emptiness in a single flash is the essence of wisdom.

---Dhammapada Sutra

The photo, taken by my daughter Ilona, is of the toxic iron/aluminum mix constantly flowing out of an abandoned coal mine at Snow Fork, Ohio. Snow Fork is the most heavily polluted stream in the Monday Creek watershed. A look at what it takes to clean it up is at this pdf [link] .

When the company moves on to---uhhh, greener pastures and meadows, it seems as if the taxpayer gets handed the bill for cleanup and care for displaced workers. I don't know who thinks this is such a great system. I know there's nobody cheerfully cleaning up any mess I may leave out from day to day. But then, I guess I don't provide wages to people for jobs that create my mess. I guess that must be the secret of success and wealth.

I suppose there are some companies that clean up the mess, and maybe even do it out of gratitude to a community that provided workers---rather than for a tax incentive. But the coal companies didn't in Appalachia, and the people left behind, many lured from homes elsewhere, sometimes struggle for generations to get back on their feet. That people eventually drink the water from Snow Fork is a testament to what can be done---but it's costly.

In other areas where coal was king around where I live, people are turning their legacies into historical projects. At New Straitsville, there's a cave where disgruntled workers huddled to form a union, and the United Mineworkers was born. Now there's a park and museum at the beautiful site. Inside you can learn about a misguided job action that purposely set a fire in the mine 125 years ago, and it's still burning today.

Up the road apiece at Shawnee, a place that once was a boom town is rebuilding. Grants are needed and slowly they are gathering. The architecture at Shawnee is unique and amazing, but the town is very poor and first the people need to become inspired. An astonishing theater at Shawnee is being restored, but it takes years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to do something like that. If it gets done it will be a showplace for the whole region. The owners run a giftshop across the street, and you should stop by.

These are a couple of the towns of a ravaged area becoming known as the Little Cities of the Forest...or of the Black Diamonds. Chunks of coal used to be called black diamonds when they were the main fuel of US industrialization. Since the State ended up with a lot of the land, Ohio has established state forests these past 70 years for recreation and hiking. The museums and restorations are coming along as people regain the pride they have for these towns, many of them built by the companies but now Home for 3 generations.

In neighboring Pennsylvania we hear about another approach. Erik Reece, who teaches at the University of Kentucky, has written about radical strip mining over the last few years. Most people in coal country know his name by now, because he has brought so many Appalachian problems to national attention. He has a new article in the current issue of the Orion magazine, and it's about turning the mess into art...which transformation takes quite a stretch~~~  More >

26 Jan 2008 @ 11:35, by erlefrayne. Sexuality
Love that is stifling, encumbering, or love that consigns one to cul de sacs isn’t true love. Love that is selfish, love that is meant to procure the greatest attention to oneself, love that is Attention Deficit satisficing, love that forces one to accept the Self which in effect rationalizes inaction towards the greater goal of self realization or inner transformation, this is the love that isn’t love but domination, manipulation, conceit, abomination.

Love must be free, love must be liberating for both sexes, love must make lovers move forward in soul evolution. I heard the lines first from one my first philosophers in high school life, John Lennon, in his many songs. “Love is free, free is love!” summarizes his philosophy. I couldn’t but agree with this popular bard.  More >

 An Open Letter To Amy Goodman21 comments
picture26 Jan 2008 @ 11:33, by jazzolog. Globalization
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.

---Benjamin Franklin

Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrations), too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.

---Thomas Jefferson

For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

---David Rockefeller
from his Memoirs, p. 405

The photo shows David Rockefeller at the 2005 annual Bilderberg conference held that year in the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, Germany. [link]

Poor Amy Goodman. People look to her, as we do to Bill Moyers, to speak unfettered truth to us. There are not many these days, who can punch through the myriad barriers to stand free and clear above the media storm. Like Moyers, Ms. Goodman has managed to get herself an interview kind of broadcast, which can be seen or heard in limited areas where demand is great. She's on the cover of The Progressive this month, and an interview with her is inside. Democracy Now! has a website where the programs can be streamed. [link]

One man who has supported her and Public Radio for many years is Sean Madden. He's an American expatriate living now in East Sussex, UK, where he maintains an interesting blog called Mindful Living. [link] His impressive credentials are listed there too. He blogs his concerns about the States, particularly political and economic, at, and it was here yesterday that he unloaded a pile of frustrations in an open letter.

I think he is not so much attacking Amy Goodman here, as he is sending her, and us, a perhaps startling wakeup call. Mr. Madden is not alone in doing this. Many of us have been screaming about Iraq, Bush, Dubai, global warming and all that for years. But with the bursting of the American housing bubble, talk of impending recession...and maybe worse, and yet another opportunity to bail out some banks, the scratchy voices of economists are joining the chorus of doom. Madden's rant (and a rant it is) to Democracy Now! is along these lines, but without a lot of jargon for which you need an accounting degree. I've included a couple links which I encourage you to follow. There are more hyperlinked at the original, all of which should explain why David Rockefeller illustrates this article.  More >

 Smell of Air63 comments
picture 26 Jan 2008 @ 09:57, by monique. Ideas, Creativity
Smell of air
Smell of clarity
Enters my nostrils
Chases my solitude...  More >

 time wave zee-row10 comments
picture 26 Jan 2008 @ 05:10, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
whenever i get a sense of needing affirmation,
i listen to Terence McKenna, on cassette or youtube  More >

 Sluicing With The Krewe38 comments
26 Jan 2008 @ 00:03, by vaxen. Conspiracy
As a writing experiment I'm going to just have some fun and take from here and there in the vast corpus of collected docs and papers that I have in my 'net' archives, willy nilly, and see what, if anything, makes sense and what doesn't...

There might be a few nuggets and gems worth keeping. This blog was originally suggested to me as a kind of experiment in creative writing but...that idea got lost somewhere along the line. Gezi makes mention that his own blog is - for him.

Yeah, I sure am not going to solve the problems of the world. I don't even care to anymore. It's an old planet as planets go and there is more than just a little 'proof' that we make it up as we go along. Here goes...  More >

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