18 Dec 2007 @ 08:48, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
When to the new eyes of thee
All things by immortal power,
Near or far,
To each other linked are,
That thou canst not stir a flower
Without troubling of a star.
---Francis Thompson
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
---William Blake
When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.
---Kikuyu Proverb
The chart illustrated an article by Les Blumenthal in Sunday's McClatchy newspapers, under the headline "Oceans' growing acidity alarms scientists."
Last week my wife of 25 years fired off a letter to the editor. She didn't used to do this kind of thing, but world developments in recent years have convinced her wake-up calls like this are crucial. She comes from a family tradition of citizen involvement in current affairs. There's a big difference between a demonstration with folk singers and the hard work of political organizing. Increasingly she's going to community meetings nearly every evening, some of which she chairs.
The letter went to our biweekly newspaper, The Athens News. It was about global warming. The editor, Terry Smith, emailed back saying the piece was too long for the letters feature, but offered to publish it in the occasional Reader's Forum on the Opinion Page. He asked her, though, to compose a blurb about who she is. Well, that's kind of hard to do so we sat down together and came up with something simple and to the point:
"Dana Carlson has been a teacher for 30 years. She's been an advocate for sane environmental policy even longer." Here's her article~~~ More >
16 Dec 2007 @ 23:23, by jhs. Investigation, Intelligence
ARA, From the land of Michelangelo, da Vinci, et alii, sent me the following expansion of EFT, translated and annotated by mememe.
In this new version of EFT (valid in a generalized manner also for GIRAPOLI, DEPOLARIZATION, and QLFP) the affirmation procedure is applied directly to the spatial source area of the negative emotion, uneasiness, emotional charge, pain etc and specifying which part of the person's composite feels what sensation.
Advantages: even more rapid charge eliminations as well as a growing reality on the roles of spirit, soul, and mind in the creation of charges in general.
Step 1) Ask the person where it feels the negative emotion. This space can correspond to an area of the body, an inner point of the body, an area outside of the body, in general in the person's energetic space.
ATTENTION: there can be more than ONE such point.
Step 2) Prompt the person to put the hand (or both hands) over that area. In the case of a point inside the body, have it indicate the direction with a finger. (In other words, don't just put the hand on the 'I' or the 'heart' point)
Step 3) Ask the person WHO Or WHAT feels this unbalanced energy, annoying emotion, pain etc... Have the person proceed with caution and make sure it is always aware of the source, notices it's charge, uneasiness etc..
Step 4) Have the person clarify for itself WHICH part (SPIRIT Or SOUL Or MIND Or an EXTERNAL IDENTITY) is experiencing exactly WHAT sensation within emotional distress and verify that it is effectively "that part" that feels that emotion, irritation etc. For example. a despair of the soul, an impatience of the spirit, a confusion of the MIND.
Step 5) Continue with the usual affirmation, specifying the part that was located (spirit, soul, mind, or external identity). in the formula.
Note: don't forget itself to verify in a new unit of time the intensity of the charge, etc on the scale from "0" to "10" and get ALL the parties involved in the trauma.
It finally becomes fun to put some order in one's space :-)
Happy trauma hunting! More >
16 Dec 2007 @ 17:48, by vaxen. Conspiracy
Here is some information that you may not have considered or may not have been privy to. I suggest that you run down the links and download a few of the .pdf's and then make up your own mind. Also take a real good look at Al Gore and stop believing everything you hear just because it comes out of the mouth of a greasier than grease politician! Ever ask yourself the question why fat man didn't rebut? If he lost the election because it was fraudulent, and it was, then why didn't fat man challenge the results? I know the answer to that but do you?
The following is from Ken Adachi's site. Not that I agree with everything that Adachi is doing but I do think it imperative to at least examine the opposite view of the status quo Globaloney machine...
Global Warming
“The IPCC review process is totally flawed. … The scientific basis for the Kyoto Protocol is grossly inadequate.”
Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, director emeritus of the Royal Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands in 2005
"The Fourth Report of the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] might just as well decree the suppression of all climatology textbooks, and replace them in our schools with press communiqués. ... Day after day, the same mantra - that ‘the Earth is warming up’ - is churned out in all its forms. As ‘the ice melts’ and ‘sea level rises’ the Apocalypse looms ever nearer! Without realizing it, or perhaps without wishing to, the average citizen in bamboozled, lobotomized, and lulled into mindless acceptance. ... Non-believers in the greenhouse scenario are in the position of those long ago who doubted the existence of God ..".
- Marcel Leroux (from What is Wrong with the IPCC? by Hans Labohm)
[Editor's Note:Feb. 3, 2007. Currently, we are being bombarded with a torrent of propaganda titled "Global Warming" Every TV and radio news broadcast, every TV talk show that touches on politics, every radio talk show, every major news stand magazine and newspaper are singing in almost perfect unison: "The Sky is Falling Unless We Do Something Soon about Global Warming"! More >
15 Dec 2007 @ 11:05, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
ouch More >
14 Dec 2007 @ 06:52, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Winter makes me think of Robert Frost... and that makes me think of poetry..
so.. In honor of traditional poem writing..
here is a winter poem
pic is from this site.. and is free..
[link] More >
14 Dec 2007 @ 02:55, by a-d. Environment, Ecology
At least it presents a growing challenge for me... and most likely for many of us... and for those, who already are doing all that can be done; please, tell us, who still are working on it as the saying goes, and let us know step by step how and what you did, eh? Can't wait to get some Hands-On tips! More >
12 Dec 2007 @ 04:58, by bushman. Environment, Ecology
I so love the way NASA explains things.
Anyway they have sent up so many solar observing sats, and other devices, makes me wonder why all of a sudden its so important. But thanks NASA, you do open my eyes to some truth. :}
"THEMIS has also observed a number of relatively small explosions in Earth's magnetic bow shock. "The bow shock is like the bow wave in front of a boat," explains Sibeck. "It is where the solar wind first feels the effects of Earth's magnetic field." When a knot of magnetism within the solar wind hits the bow shock--"Bang!" he says. "We get an explosion."
The technical term for these explosions is "hot flow anomalies" or HFAs. HFAs boost the temperature of solar wind particles ten-fold (as high as 10 million degrees) and they can stop the solar wind dead its tracks. "This is no mean achievement considering the fact that the solar wind moves at supersonic speeds near a million miles per hour."
It dosnt say where this heat goes, but seems to me that 10 million degree solar wind could heat up some part of our atmosheric layers. So they don't really say it has anything to do with global warming or climate change, but seems like it could. So how many of these so called HFAs hit our planet's magneticfield during solar max? Guess we will have to wait a few more years to find out, but in the mean time, lets sell carbon credits and make some bank, lol.
Heres the link again if you missed it at the top:
[link] More >
11 Dec 2007 @ 21:05, by freo7. Activism
December 11, 2007: I have had this date on my calendar since last January - this is IT and IT'S BIG...
Hi Everyone, How are you this fine December evening? Well - this is going to be one of those weeks when you receive several emails from me. Things seem to happen in extremes these days, or as the old saying goes: "feast or famine." This week surely is a feast; and so there may be a plethora of emails coming your way!
I am in awe as I look a head to this month and discuss it with my metaphysical and astrological compadres. I almost don't know where to begin when I take in the breadth and the sheer majesty of what is happening in December 2007. I have heard some say that it is a "Grand Finale" of an epoch. Epochal, that is a good word to describe the times we are living in - indeed the IMMEDIATE times we are living in. This month we are dealing with cycles of 12 years, 90 years, 250 years, 3,000 years, and even 26,000 years. All coming to fruition NOW. In the dark of the velvet (5th) night...
As one of my previous emails discussed, we have just entered the 5th Night - the turning point of the 6 days and 7 nights - of the Mayan Calendar (as calculated by Carl Johann Calleman). NOTE: if you would like to read my article and many other posts/information on the Mayan 5th Night, click here: [link]
It is no coincidence that we are now peering into a very powerful Stargate Portal, just after we stepped into the 5th Night. The 5th Night is the backdrop (a velvety deep luxurious backdrop, like the indigo night sky) upon which all of this will play out. We have a New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday (12-9-07) which opened up a portal involving a momentous planetary conjunction on Tuesday: Pluto and Jupiter conjunct at the Galactic Center. Then later in the month at the Solstice we have the chance to hit the RE-SET button on our lives and start fresh, REALLY start fresh in 2008. More on the Solstice later. For now I want to focus on Pluto/Jupiter at the Galactic Center.
Many are asking me: "What does Pluto on the Galactic Center mean exactly?" Truly, it's hard to say; we can only talk in energies and potentialities. Like every other planetary or celestial alignment - especially those involving Pluto - it is an opportunity for spiritual evolution. The choices that we make as we walk through the Stargate determine our experience.
To understand this conjunction, we have to back up a bit. Those who have been receiving my newsletter for several years have been reading about the (dwarf) planet Pluto traveling over the Galactic Center .
What is the Galactic Center ? It is the Core or HEART CHAKRA of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. In fact, the Galactic Center is a Black Hole which sucks energy (all matter) toward it.
In addition, on either side of this Prime Black Hole, we find Pulsars which pulse info to us about the past and the future. This means that we are especially open to transmissions from Spirit at this time. The December 11th conjunction occurring at 28 degrees Sagittarius is exact on the Pulsar that gives us a glimpse of our future. (Read more info on the nature of the Black Hole at Galactic Center => More >
8 Dec 2007 @ 23:53, by ming. Knowledge Management
An article I had meant to comment on for some time: "Playing Go - Braille Alphabet - Cognition - Creativity - Intelligence / Choice" by Heiner Benking. I don't always understand everything Heiner says, but we're on the same wavelength.
In today's information world I feel rather blind. There is more information available than ever before, and it is more easily and more instantly accessible. But it is hard to make sense of it, other than in little pieces at a time. I feel like a bat without my sonar, flapping around in the dark, bumping into stuff.
To make sense out of what is going on, you don't just need a lot of data. You don't just need a zillion disjointed pieces of information. It helps a slight bit that I can search on information by keywords, or that I can get chronological lists, but not much.
For information to have meaning, it needs context. You need to know what it relates to, and how. You need the background, you need to know how it came about, and you need to be able to cross-relate it with other information.
We do have new ways of discovering context and supporting information in the internet world. I can more easily than before find out more about an author of some piece of text. I can more easily get to talk with them. I'm more likely than before to already know them, and have some idea of their history. But the information we're talking about is still isolated clumps of somewhat arbitrary data. Articles, blog postings, comments, e-mails. People can organize them, bookmark them, tag them, link to them, quote them, but they still fit together rather badly.
A fundamental problem is in how our language works. It consists of words strung together. That is adequate for telling stories, or for working out how to work together on common ventures, or for sharing our day to day experiences with each other. Even for discussing deep philosophical issues. But it is not very adequate for examining, understanding or sharing something that is really complex. It can be done, but it is really cumbersome.
Yes, 10s of thousands of people might work together to design and build an A380 airplane, despite that none of them could do it alone. That takes 100s of thousands of documents and diagrams and complicated communication system. And they still discover when they try to put it together that the pieces the Germans made don't at all fit into the pieces that the French made. Nobody could see it, even though it was obvious once you saw it. Because large amounts of information don't necessarily add up to seeing the whole.
And it is seeing the whole thing we have a dire need for. The rapidly more complicated and complex inter-connected globalized world. Hardly anybody can see what really is going on, so we each specialize in some little slice, which we can gather enough information about to be able to seemingly talk intelligently about.
The computerized information revolution is mostly amplifying the little part of our minds that we could call the analytical or logical mind. Left brain. You know, where we try to focus on some facts in order to deduce their logical consequences. The same part of our mind that is incapable of focusing on more than 5-7 different things at the same time.
But we're not getting much help for the bigger part of our minds, the sub-conscious, the intuitive, the wholistic, the right brain. Which probably is atrophying rapidly.
Oh, the internet world has lots of raw material one could be creative and intuitive with. But it is not particularly wired to amplify our wholistic, intuitive way of seeing things.
I get back to dimensions again. The space of information we now live in has a great many dimensions to it, many more dimensions than we've lived in before, many more degrees of freedom. Yet all our tools have only a very small number of dimensions to them, and many limits and restrictions. You move around on the net and read documents, you can get lists of them, organize them on your desktop. You use an assortment of different applications that all have their own features, limitations and peculiarities. Much of that is cool. But all of it either has too few dimensions or not access to the data I'd want to see.
I'd want to not just have access to 100 billion articles, but more direct access to the actual information sources. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic channels, digital channels, all the raw numbers. And I'd want to be able to organize and visualize that as it suits me. Again, not as a catalog of articles, but as a mostly visual information space with many dimensions. And, since I can't make sense of it all alone, I need ways of navigating in multi-dimensional information spaces shared with others, and model shared meaning within them.
I'd certainly need the semantic web along the way there, or something better. A universal way of storing information so that it can be cross-related with any other information at will.
As to how to look at it, I don't know how exactly that will look, but I do know it has to be several quantum leap paradigm shift orders of magnitude above the collaborative newspaper interface we have to the net today.
It can happen in many small steps, of course. Google Earth and iPhone multi-touch interfaces go in that direction. Simple intuitive ways of accessing vast amounts of information quickly, without it ever getting complicated. More clever inventions like that might take us somewhere.
Anyway, back to Heiner's article a bit. He references some concepts and terms that hint at some of the thinking needed. And envisioned solutions like: COGNITIVE PANORAMA
A conceptual superstructure that defines and identifies topics as logical places, displays relations and connections within these topics or issues"
This concept has been introduced by H. BENKING. The following comments are BENKING's explanations, plucked from a series of papers and lectures (see bibliography)
"The cognitive panorama is a metaparadigm to counteract cyberculture's anticipated impact due to its: 1)open-ended universality, 2) loss of meaning' 3) loss of context"
It is now obvious that we risk drowning in an ocean of incoherent data which could lead us to total conceptual anarchy.
According to Benking, the proposed cognitive panorama "allows us to embody and map concepts in their context and develop common frames of reference"
Such a conceptual superstructure " helps us to locate and become aware of: 1) what we know or miss, 2) where we are and what we think, 3) where we miss, underuse or manipulate information. By avoiding a "flat" chaotic mess of data which leads to the known "lost-in space" syndrome, we actually define cognitive spaces.
Through reflection on conceptual positions, outlining and embodying situations or topics (logical places or containers) we can follow meaning into embodied context and semantic spaces, and also scrutinize abstract "realities" by exploring participatory and collaboratory approaches.
®Conceptual navigation; Convertilibilty of meanings; Ecocube; Harmonization; Knowledge map; Underconceptualization Yeah, I'd like one of those.
I think humanity has the potential for a great evolutionary leap, or several. But just like software lags years behind the capabilities of hardware, our information structures lag years behind the actual information. I hope we somehow can catch up, so I can feel a little less blind. More >
6 Dec 2007 @ 21:15, by freo7. Activism
Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year
channeled by Carol Fitzpatrick... [link]
"We are here my dear ones because you have called us to you. We are
Yeshua from the House of David, and Jehostephat brother and son John,
Corinna, sister, and Mary of the Magdalene. We are coming to you as a
collective consciousness because your beloved family of humanity is
preparing to play out the grand details of life in the physical.
Creation cycles that have been in play for millennial, well before the
time of our tribe, have come into the movement, a creation that is
about to explode with possibility. Many will look back at the end of
your time on the planet and realize that this year of 2008 is the
year that your path as a race of nations pivoted and changed the
course of human history. We cannot reveal the details of this
dramatic unfolding, my dear ones but in the telling of the creation,
you will find your way to your own choice. Your choice will be made
in the quiet of your very own heart. Your choice will change the
course, set the ship right, onto a different course.
You have been playing out the games of self-destruction for a very
long time. There have been many of the original tribesmen who have
been prophesying the coming choice, but to no avail. We beseech you
now to come into a collective adjoinment with one another.
It is now time to repair the breach among you as brethren of the
light. You will find that as you soften your heart, and atone for the
creations of old that the Divine light that you are it will become
heir apparent to even the most hardened of hearts.
There are many among you who will say, "I saw it coming all along,
but there was nothing that I could have done differently."
We say to you, our sons and daughter of the light, that you are the
last of the cycles of hatred and violence to set up this earthen
plane. Beyond the time of 2007, there will be no more. We are
preparing the way to light all hearts with understanding that
violence against the collective self must now be finished.
As you open your hearts to receive the Grace of God the Father, you
will find your Divine Mother there waiting for your embrace.
We open our hearts in all manners of being. We are the Essenes."
* Click here to read more by Carol herself => More >
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