New Civilization News    
 THE 5TH HOOP, Message from Brother Larry Merculieff2 comments
picture picture 24 Oct 2007 @ 02:28, by magical_melody. Environment, Ecology
(Also see Mayan Calendar)

Hello Everyone,

It was just three days ago that my husband Max and I were given a message from the Earth about the upcoming shifts for the next cycle and a couple days later we received this message from a friend within our community confirming what we had been told.

This wisdom as expressed as the 5th Hoop is also referred to as the Fifth Night within the Mayan Calendar, for more information see the previous article within this log about the upcoming Fifth Night. We encourage you to read this very important message from our brother Larry.

Heart Blessings,

Alana & Max

Heartstory Website  More >

 Ore the Land...1 comment
23 Oct 2007 @ 23:57, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
Ore the Land

When the weight of this world takes its toll,
Then it's off to the forest I go,
Oh to sit by the stream, just to gaze and to dream,
on the waters as they slowly flow.

How my Spirit it longs to be free,
From this lonliness that's haunted me,
Yet here by this stream, as I gaze and I dream,
I am glad of its good company.

CHORUS: Ore this land....... how the waters do flow......
Above this land.... how the winds they do blow...
On this land..... all the green and the gold....
Soon this land... will be covered in snow.

As I recall the seasons and years,
Watch a slow parade of smiles and tears,
Here I still by this stream and I'll gaze and I'll dream,
Till I'm one with these waters so clear.

CHORUS: Ore this land....... how the waters do flow......
Above this land.... how the winds they do blow...
On this land..... all the green and the gold....
Soon this land... will be covered in snow.

Words and Music
By A. G. Jonas
(c) 2007 Canada  More >

 Questions for Al Gore
picture 21 Oct 2007 @ 10:13, by feecor. Activism
Al Gore might want to answer one or more of these questions which were posed to him for his comming-out in Berlin next Tuesday.

There are more questions and the people can vote which one they consider most relevant for him to answer.
Pls. visit this link, and maybe even vote here

And now my questions: 1-4 (in full in the body below)
1. Apollo Alliance, 2. Earth Literate or Ignorant Leaders ? 3. Participation, Inclusion, Empowerment, Co-Creation, and shared agreed Actions? 4. Have you revisited "The Problematique" from 1970?  More >

 ANOTHER KIND OF EPIDEMIC... as dangerous as any!
20 Oct 2007 @ 19:44, by a-d. Shared Purpose
India’s Agrarian Suicides

The Indian peasantry, the largest surviving body of small farmers in the world, is currently facing an epidemic of suicide. For thousands of years farmers have depended on the Earth to sustain their families. Now, in the twenty-first century, their livelihood, prosperity, and the well-being of their families for generations to come are being threatened by globalisation and the shift in the linkage of agriculture from the Earth to a few profit-driven multinational corporations.

Read the rest here: [link]


The Assault on Iraqi Agriculture --- U.S. Agribusiness Targets the Fertile Crescent

* By Daniel Stone
Coastal Post, August 2006
Straight to the Source

Blessed with abundant fertile land and water, Iraq, the cradle of civilization, the center of the Fertile Crescent of ancient Mesopotamia, the birthplace of agriculture 13 millenia ago, has, in the past, not only been able to feed itself, but to supply other areas of the world with its bountiful harvest of grains, pulses, dates and vegetables. How unfortunate that now these proud people are receiving most of their food as "aid." Over the past 20 years, due to the Iraq-Iran war, the two U.S. Gulf "wars," and the brutal, illegal, U.S.-driven sanctions over 13 years, during both Republican and Democratic administrations, Iraq's agricultural sector has been devastated."]
Read the rest here: [link]

Monsanto, Cereal Killer GM and Agrarian Suicides in India
by Alejandro Nadal; La Jornada; January 06, 2007

The Green Revolution is dead. Its hybrids and high-yield varieties allowed for significant increases in the production of crops like wheat. But its negative side effects have intensified rather than gone away.

The technological package of the Green Revolution caused severe salination of the soil, indiscriminate exploitation and choking of aquifers and intense pollution with all types of pesticides. More seriously, it sowed an economic, social and environmental crisis in the life of poor farmers that takes more lives every year. One example is that of Anil Khondwa Shinde, a small farmer of Vidarbha district in Maharashtra state (in mid-western India). He killed himself two months ago consuming a powerful insecticide. He was 31 years old and died within minutes. The difference between the production costs and the retail price did not allow him to pay back to the providers the credit extended to him for the inputs.

An isolated incident? Not at all. The Indian Ministry of Agriculture admits to the following figures: there were 100,000 suicides by farmers between 1993 and 2003. And between 2003 and October 2006, there have been some 16,000 suicides by farmers each year. In total, between 1993 and 2006, there were around 150,000 suicide by farmers, 30 a day for 13 years!

The Maharashtra government itself accepts the figure of 1,920 farmers’ suicides in Vidarbha between January 2001 and August 2006. Farmers’ organisations of the district state that there were 782 suicides by agricultural producers. Data for the past three months indicate that on average there was a suicide every eight hours.

What conditions give rise to a suicide rate of about 30 farmers a day? It is said that the reason for this is indebtedness, but the ultimate reason is the imposition of a completely unsuitable agricultural technology, as much from the economic as from the environmental viewpoint.
Read the rest here: [link]


"WTO Kills Farmers": India Free Market Reforms Trigger Farmers' Suicides

By Jessica Long

Global Research, August 12, 2007

Many of us remember the crucial failure of the WTO's Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico in 2003. It was on this day that Lee Kyung Hae, leader of the Korean Federation of Advanced Farmers, discovered that his loudest voice was in death.

Wearing a sandwich board that read, "The WTO kills farmers!"- Lee took a knife and stabbed himself in the chest. His death was ignored by the WTO and the mainstream media. Given the lack of attention, many argue that his violent end was in vain. Sadly, his dishonored death is one of thousands being ignored by corporate mainstream media.

In 2003, 17,107 farmers committed suicide. In the last few years, the number of documented suicides in India's rural areas has skyrocketed. These suicides have become so commonplace that they are mystifying a nation and polarizing the debate over biotechnology.

On the surface, the massive numbers of farmer suicides lack the social unity and revolutionary opposition other revolutions employ. In fact, the local Indian government refuses to address the correlation between agrarian suicides and economic exploitation, making it difficult for the international public to apply real social forces to these farmers’ actions.

However, research shows the massive numbers of farmer suicides are linked not only with economic disparity, but with corporate exploitation by multinational agribusinesses.

Whether addressed as "agrarian martyrs" or merely desperate peasantry, exploited Indian farmers, like Lee Kyung Hae, have found that their loudest voice is in death.

In a religiously and ethnically segmented nation, their actions have founded a cultural unity that confronts the evils of globalization. Thus, the insanely high volume of farmer suicides serves as a shockingly unique medium of proletarian outcry.

The Republic of India is one of the top twelve nations in the world in terms of biodiversity. Featuring nearly 8% of all recorded species on Earth, this subcontinent is home to 47,000 plant species and 81,000 animal species. Simultaneously, India is home to the largest network of indigenous farmers in the world. Yet biotechnology has led to extreme environmental degradation in the region, threatening to replace its diverse ecology with corporate hybrid monoculture. The original Green Revolution was supposed to save 58 million Indian hectares. Today, 120 million of the 142 million cultivable hectares is degraded- over twice the magnitude that the Green Revolution attempted to save! In the Indian state of Punjab, 84 of the 138 developmental blocks are recorded as having 98% ground water exploitation. The critical limit is 80%. The result has had devastating impacts on the agricultural community, leaving exploited farmers with little choice of action. In the past six years, more than three thousand farmers have committed suicide in Andrha Pradesh, that is six to ten farmers everyday! When did this start? Why is this occurring?

And why have such little media attention been given to this crisis?

There are three potential causes for the onset of these self-inflicted massacres:

1) exploitation by multinational agribusinesses

2) severe economic disparity and

3) a means of resistance by exposing the abuse of the agrarian sphere.Read the rest here: [link]  More >

 FactCheck Checks Itself In...And Out20 comments
picture20 Oct 2007 @ 12:23, by jazzolog. Knowledge Management
Great doubt results in great enlightenment, small doubt results in small enlightenment, no doubt results in no enlightenment.


A hundred thousand worlds are flowers in the sky.
A single mind and body is moonlight in the water.
Once thinking ends and information stops,
At that moment there is no place for thought.


All wisdom comes out of one center, and the number of wisdom is one.


I thought it was a good thing when showed up a few years ago. I immediately subscribed to its occasional dispatches. A Karl Rove in power was reason enough. "Spin" was the middle name of this White House and, while acknowledged, journalists didn't seem to do much about it. We heard about "framing" your presentations so that particular words would hook your audience. We learned that "reality" is a hindrance to true economic marketfreedom. It seemed evident that lies repeated over and over finally sink in and become accepted as truth. What's a mother to do? FactCheck stepped up to the plate to test the veracity of political ads and politician claims. That seemed to be a help.

But I find I don't read everything FactCheck sends out, and sometimes I don't find the "facts" particularly convincing. I confess I probably am rooting for my good guys and don't like it much when FactCheck goes after them. The site is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, a research group of impeccable far as I know. So I'm glad FactCheck is around, particularly during endless campaign seasons.

But last month the Washington Post published an intriguing article that said the whole strategy of creating myths depends on the assertive statement of the story. The Post implied that by emphasizing these myths FactCheck actually is defeating its own purpose. People read the myth and that's enough to keep it going no matter how the facts check out. [link]

That was enough to send FactCheck to the couch and after a month of analysis, it has emerged with a special report on its soundness of mind. Beware: they've gone all the way back to Descartes and Spinoza. There's some deep slogging here, and it's perfectly possible you may emerge with the belief Spinoza invented spin. Maybe he did. That part's hazy. Anyway, here it is~~~  More >

 Mother's Last Gift1 comment
19 Oct 2007 @ 05:59, by skookum. Death & Dying
true story...  More >

 The Phantom 132 comments
picture 15 Oct 2007 @ 04:54, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
pic from

I write a Halloween poem every year. Hope you enjoy it. Just fixed the typo lol  More >

 Use of Touch & Integrative Methods5 comments
picture14 Oct 2007 @ 14:27, by jerryvest. Medicine, Healthcare
Social capital refers to that willingness to step in. Communities, paralyzed by fear, are themselves a victim of violence. Do nothing and your worst fears will be realized. Residents have to become co-producers of safety. (No More Throw-Away People, Edgar S. Cahn - Creator of Time Dollars and Time Banking.)

Integrative Health Methods can provide a viable option for most persons currently referred to mental health centers and hospitals -, See our Mission Statement for the 15-Minute StressOut Program. [link]

For example our StressOut Program and Forum, reaches out to our colleagues as we make friends around the world. During this past month 39 different countries connected with our StressOut & Home Page and we average over 5,000 clicks a month by all populations around the world. We have many creative social workers engaged in advancing the use of technology through our forums, logs or blogs. I would especially recommend the New Civilization Network as another option for advancing our work. The 13,000 members share their common interests, goals and experiences with us as a network of Global Citizens who recognize that "Improvement for One is Improvement for All!" (Oscar Ichazo-Teamwork, Cooperation and Interaction Training)[link]

Case in Point-- I am interacting about the Cautions and Questions related to labeling and the DSM. Comments by participants usually include other resources to help us meet our goals. For now, I am throwing up a Red Flag!!!

Let's join together to move our profession in a healthy direction with and for those we serve as partners. This is not new, there are volumns written about the value of becoming one with your partner rather than treating them as a patient-- promoting helplessness, hopelessness and dependency. There are many alternatives to labeling and giving humans a psychiatric (#)number and a phony identity based on voting by committee without scientific evidence--reliability and validity tests.

Also, it is a human violation for mental health systems and workers to give the patient records--personal and confidential material and code numbers to others without security and protection measures. These records go beyond anyone's control and labels are rarely if ever changed, should the patient recover from their 'disorder.' When people are in pain or in need of our services, they should not have to accept our program's or system's disregard for their privacy. As one health practitioner stated: "To objectify people and treat them with such a lack of feeling is, in my opinion, a serious disorder of its own."

About Our Forums - Helps us become informed, develops our writing and reporting skills and advances our knowledge-

I have been interacting on the Newstudent forum and recently responded to a question that BT (anonymous) had about labeling his clients as required by his mental health program:

BT, I suspect that I am in the minority and have taken some abuse for stating my opinion in this forum; however, I feel that it is important for us as social workers to speak out and abandon the use of the DSM and let the Psychiatrists and Psychologists live with their unethical and harmful effects of labeling mental health clients/patients.

There are numerous articles and reports related to this subject and I have included many of them as links in my logs on the New Civilization Org. Perhaps this brief excerpt from an article will clarify some of the dangers, but it is well worth your time to visit this program:


All doctors, including psychiatrists, take the Hippocratic Oath, which states "Do no harm." I believe that the DSM-IV diagnosis protocol, itself, violates that oath.

When people are labeled in this way, it does them harm. It is a judgment on their person, their character, and their value. It is a subjective opinion that places them under the control of so-called experts and will haunt their personal record for life.

In the wake of such a judgment, clients often conclude that there is something fundamentally wrong with them. Such a message can injure self-esteem, increase a sense of despair, depress the immune system, and endanger physical health.

We are not numbers. We are not labels. Our problems cannot be reduced to lists and multiple choice. To objectify people and treat them with such a lack of feeling is, in my opinion, a serious disorder of its own.

People already know they have problems - that's why they come for help. They don't need labels, they need understanding. Since emotional issues are a whole-person phenomenon, their causes and healing cannot be reduced to single categories. In fact, labels, by falsely simplifying, obstruct the healing process.

Professionals argue that they need the criteria and a common diagnostic language in order to discuss and act on the many "cases" they have to process. This is itself an indictment of the assembly line mentality of modern health care. If specialists took the time, and treated those in their care as people - not just cases and numbers - greater healing would take place at a lesser cost, without the need for numbers and labels.



How can we trust the DSM when it is controlled by the drug corporations? It is clear that the DSM Board and the classification system is a hoax and our profession continues to support this lack of integrity. Do read this article from the "Chicago Tribune." [link]

BT, you are right to question this sick care labeling system that endangers your/our clients and places them at great risk for life. Your question shows that you hold respect for others and do not wish to harm them. We need more social, health and medical organizations with allied health professionals to come forward and prevent further abuse, neglect and disrespect maintained by these corporations and psychiatry. And, I hope students, teachers and others who blindly follow and teach these labeling practices will put themselves in the 'shoes' of their clients and experience some empathy, respect and compassion. Do No Harm!!!

Finally, this latest investigation by Congress will hopefully improve the reporting, oversight and ownership of the research that is published by scientists. And, with this report I will go on to other important health opportunities, especially those related to children and their families.

Dear gerald,

Congress has given final approval to a bill that will significantly improve the drug review process at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and hold the FDA more accountable, protecting us from unsafe drugs. Thanks in part to your calls and letters, the law includes transparency language that will shine a light on the FDA drug approval process. By opening up the drug review process and documents to public scrutiny, the manipulation of research results becomes much more apparent and thus easier to counteract.

This legislative victory is crucial to public health and safety. Last year, when UCS surveyed nearly 1,000 FDA scientists, one in five reported that they had been asked by their supervisors to provide the public, the news media, and government officials "incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information." When the unbiased research of qualified scientists was suppressed and distorted, flawed data led the FDA to approve drugs such as Vioxx, Avandia, and Ketek, which later proved to be harmful.

This bill requires that the views of drug reviewers are heard and not suppressed or ignored. In addition, the bill also protects scientists' right to publish their research, another way to safeguard the scientific integrity of FDA scientists and their work. Unfortunately the bill doesn't go far enough to restrict conflicts of interest on FDA advisory panels. Nonetheless, the new law will improve the FDA's drug review process and set the stage for similar reforms at other federal agencies.

Transparency is the cornerstone of scientific integrity—it's vital to the work of the FDA and all federal agencies to ensure that the work of scientists is not manipulated.

We will closely monitor the FDA’s performance, tracking whether the public gets full access to the information they need. And we will again rely on your support as we continue to push for similar reforms at other federal agencies where science has been politicized and scientists have been intimidated.

UCS surveys have revealed similar problems at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But as long as scientists and citizens continue to play an active role in the fight to ensure scientific integrity and transparency, I am confident we will prevail.

Thank you for your continued dedication to scientific integrity and all you do to help UCS work for a healthy environment and a safer world.


Michael Halpern
National Field Organizer
Scientific Integrity Program
 More >

 Mayan Calendar Shift into the FIFTH NIGHT in November!3 comments
picture 10 Oct 2007 @ 07:11, by magical_melody. Developing World
Note: We discontinued the Relationship Report in June 2008.

Welcome to the Relation-Ship Report!
October 2007 Issue #36

Image is of Carl and Ian in Cancun.

Carl Calleman was born in Stockholm, Sweden at noon (May 15, 1950, Mayan Sign 5 Jaguar) and Ian Xel Lungold (January 26, 1949 - November 16, 2005) Mayan sign 12-Sun-Ahau, worked together for many years deciphering and interpreting the Mayan Calendar. Ian passed away 16th November 2005.

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Subscribe to keep abreast of what we are up to! AND receive 'The Key' as your subscriber gift! Want to know more? Visit Our digital bookshop  More >

 !!Coming Soon!! The Lights Of Love Membership Circle™2 comments
10 Oct 2007 @ 04:44, by freo7. Activism


The Lights Of Love Membership Circle™

!! OPEN To Join Free SOON!!

A Soul Family.... gathering now from around the world to
embrace each other in the common consciousness of
ascension as a life-style path of mutual growth and

This community is forming in a location not subject
to time or space - nor, race religion creed or
nationality. *The one thing we all know in our hearts
and our spiritual core is the ONENESS of our being soul
brothers and sisters eternally already.

Divine guidance called and we have answered by creating

Lights of Love Membership Circle

a members only Soul Family Organization to be hosted
on and currently under construction.

Do you feel a call from within to be a FOUNDING MEMBER?

FOUNDING MEMBERS will have access to instant downloads
of All Ascension Life-Style Mastery eGuide & interactive
Workbooks ~ One on One Mentoring Services - with -
Custom Recorded MP3 Guided Meditations and membership
participation in ALL Energy Work Groups and Law of
Attraction Work-Shop Conference Calls scheduled within
Lights Of Love Treasure Chest

All Potential FOUNDING MEMBERS will receive an mp3 gift copy
of the HOW TO BE ZERO - The Cleanng/Clearing Series by Joe Vitale
and DR. Hew Len in their last 3 day - Live-Time Seminar on the page
following, when you fill the Founding Member form to receive email notice below.

These mp3 tracks were the basis for Joe's new book Zero
Limits. *Just hearing from DR. Hew Len in a live-time
seminar is worth it's weight in gold as per what YOU GET
in your spirit by resonance with a master practitioner
of the modern Ho'oponopono healing by clearing method,
not to mention the realizations you receive listening to
this mp3 series in your own private sacred space.

*These Ho'oponopono seminar mp3 recordings are a
definite MUST GET!! And they are a huge compliment
before or after reading the book Zero Limits, by Joe

If you feel you are called from within to be a FOUNDING MEMBER

and you would appreciate having this Soul Family's Treasures in the

Lights Of Love Treasure Chest
and you would like to be *notified by email*
the moment the
Lights of Love Membership Circle
comes online and is *FREE TO JOIN* then... Please
Enter your full name & email address in the form after clicking this: I AM READY LINK

*And The next page you see is THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU with the link to
CLICK AND LISTEN or *right click and 'save link as'
to receive the 1st track of "This SH_ _ Is Gonna Hit The Fan!" MP3 Series from
Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len's last 3 day LIVE-TIME Seminar as
OUR GIFT to you!

*Visualization to Uplift
Mass Consciousness and Gaia... PLEASE CLICK HERE!

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