9 Oct 2007 @ 15:32, by craiglang. Personal Development
Another entry transferred over from my Yahoo 360 diary. This one is on a recent dream I think is symbolically important to the life path of myself and others. Read on and let me know what you think... More >
6 Oct 2007 @ 20:17, by quinty. Broadcasting, Media
Now that the Democrats control the Congress the possibility of reinstating the Fairness Doctrine has been raised.
By Democrats, of course. And by liberals and those who feel mute and unheard today over the nation’s airwaves on the left. Certainly not by the rightwing.
When Ronald Reagan was president he put an end to the Fairness Doctrine by simply signing an executive order. Handing the nation’s airwaves (which are the property of the American people) over to corporate America was that simple. More >
6 Oct 2007 @ 18:14, by a-d. Natural Health & Healing
Ever since our thread on DAN 1's Blog, where we started to touch Epidemics/Pandemics of Infection-diseases like Small Pox,Black Plague,Scarlet Fever, Cholera & such; all VERY CONTAGEOUS, yet they are NOTHING in comparison to Mental/>Emotional/>Spiritual INFECTIONS.
This is a subject matter I have been observing -and studying- since my teens and with acknowledged intention & focus ever since my first years as an RN. I have been thinking of starting to share my own Insights about the Subject matter. This article I just happen to find, seems to be a "Good One " to start with... : )....cause -at least- half of Humankind will have interest in it.... or quite frankly most likely some 95 %....(that would -of course-include a looot of women wanting to understand this weird obcession, that -especially- men seem to have for pornografy...I instinctually knew this in my mid-teens!... It just was as if written all across the SKIES in the Heavens!... Maybe it wasn't...since only I seemed to know this for so long. I am so happy that there indeed have been others, who have seen the "TEXT - ON -The WALL", so to speak..... and started to share their insights and research results in tandem.
I guess that this "Official Research" is what makes an Insight OK and justified in the eyes of the Blind Ones).
So without any more ado I let you delve into the World of the Mystery Disease called IMPOTENCE....and indeed it IS IMPOTENSE -OF THE SOUL!!!
I will eventually follow this article with my own observations of other Pandemics. They all need to be taken out from the Closet and allowed the Sunshine to transmute them -and thus HEAL US!!!
The Impotence Pandemic
By Dr. Judith Reisman, PhD
10 -5 -7
Sex therapists and pornographers have long prescribed pornography to correct male impotence and to "spice up" a couple's sex life. However, the broader meaning of "potency" is "power, authority a person or thing exerting power or influence."
The proper contextual definition of modern impotence, then, is not the narrow classification of "erectile dysfunction."
One is not "potent" if one requires little blue pills, sexy pictures, or immature victims for sexual satisfaction. It is more accurate then to define men as impotent when they are unable to be conjugallyintimate with their chosen beloved.
Princeton University professor of psychiatry Jeffrey Satinover said, "The pornography addict soon forgets about everything and everyone else in favor of an ever more elusive sexual jolt. He will place at risk his career, his friends, his family." More >
5 Oct 2007 @ 20:54, by vaxen. Activism
The first principle of psywar is never repeat the talking points of your enemy.
The second principle is to deny them a platform to misinform.
WRAL TechWire, Oct. 1, 2007
The American education system is not mobilizing to support science, technology, engineering
and math.
Today's generation of kids is the most technology savvy group that this country has ever
produced. They are born with an iPod in one hand and a cell phone in another. They're text
messaging, e-mailing, instant messaging. They're on MySpace, YouTube & Google. They've got
Nintendo Wiis, Game Boys, Play Stations.
Their world is one of total interactivity. They're in constant communication with each other,
but when they go to school, they are told to leave those "toys" at home. They're not to be
used in school. Instead, the system continues teaching as if these kids belong to the last
century, by standing in front of a blackboard.
EE Times, Oct. 3, 2007
Cyborg insects with embedded microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) will run remotely
controlled reconnaissance missions for the military, if its '"HI-MEMS" program succeeds.
The Hybrid-Insect MEMS program hatched earlier this year at the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency plans to develop cyborg bugs to patrol, gather intelligence, penetrate secret
meetings, track targets, retrieve samples and more.
For now, the DARPA program is concentrating on micro-miniaturizing MEMS sensors that can
stream data back from video cameras, audio microphones and other sensors the insect is
carrying. Next, they plan to incorporate microfluidic devices that can pack different
chemicals to be delivered as payloads--for instance in a bee sting--and to dispense
pheromones to control the flight of swarms. But Darpa's ultimate plan is to eventually hack
into the insects own natural senses, allowing the remote-control operator to look out of the
insects own eyes, instead of attaching a video camera for it to carry.
[link] More >
2 Oct 2007 @ 20:26, by craiglang. History, Ancient World
I posted this on my personal blog, but I thought I'd add it here, too.
It's a note on the lecture I went to last night, by the author and historical researcher, Frank Joseph.
I'm not an expert, by any means, on these topics. Yet I found them both fascinating and a bit reachy. What do you think? More >
1 Oct 2007 @ 18:49, by chaiyah. Government, Public Sector
"The end justifies the means," is at work in the USSA as it was in the USSR.
The Constitution by which our nation was organized has been overturned.
"Authorities" can now break into your home in the middle of the night, arrest you on a trumped-up charge, create a kangaroo trial with false information --
create a false news story about what happened to you--
based on false scientific or legal information trumped up at the Federal level --
and execute you without the knowledge of your family or friends.
Three nations have been obliterated for all time, by depleted uranium armaments and radioactive waste: Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq ... for what? For NOTHING.
There has been a sequence of covert violence and assassinations since 1963 which the mainstream media has methodically LIED and perjured themselves about --
So, what's goin' on around here? Anybody notice this stuff?
Anything you want to be concerned about?
1 Oct 2007 @ 15:31, by cor. Activism
As the civil war in northern Uganda winds down there is a need to think about how to resettle hundreds of child-headed households: families where all of the adults have been killed by the war or HIV/AIDS. In partnership with Opok Farms, Life in Africa is working to create a self-sufficient resettlement village for 150 child-headed households. The village will include a special learn-by-doing model school to help deal with the educations that have been repeatedly interrupted for the last 20 years.
A foundational component of this project is building an emotionally and spiritually supportive community that helps children grow personally, while at the same time learning through working on routine group tasks and projects that benefit the entire community group. To begin this deep community building process, a series of workshops will be held at Opok Farm in 2008 to help participants learn how to listen deeply and speak lovingly to help each other deal with the personal challenges they have faced in their short lives. At least 60 households of orphans will be invited to participate, along with targeted groups of adults.
The intended result of this time spent together will be a cohesive social group of people who intentionally decide to build a residential village and community school at Opok Farm together, on land that is allocated for that purpose. The human community that forms through shared workshop experiences in 2008 will have autonomy over how and when to build what on the Opok Farm land that is allocated for that purpose.
Our first challenge in forging the community of Ugandans who will develop their own joint priorities and visions for the village they will build, is to provide the basic infrastructure that can enable that process to begin. Our proposal for using the $10,000 Razoo grant addresses the following immediate project needs for enabling Ugandans in the project target groups to spend time working together at the site.
* $3,000 will provide water treatment to purify water from an existing source on the farm.
* $3,000 will provide for group sleeping facilities.
* $2,000 will provide for the building of sanitary facilities.
* $2,000 will provide for materials to have fellow Razooer Cory Richardson build a bamboo and canvas dome to act as a multipurpose meeting structure.
All of this work will be photo documented in the group space here at Razoo and there will be fully disclosed, transparent accounting for the expenditure of each penny of the funding.
Planning the Opok Farms project is a global grassroots collaboration that involves a number of active Razooers:
* Linda Nowakowski in Thailand will be bringing a group of Ubon Ratchathani University students with with experience in Buddhist economics and SUfficiency Economy Philosophy to participate in community building workshops at Opok Farm March-May 2008.
* On his visit to Uganda in November 2007, Cory Richardson from Canada hopes to help build a geodesic bamboo dome to serve as a multi-purpose community meeting space at Opok Farms.
* David Bale in the UK is helping to research eco-tourism development possibilities
* John Powers in the USA is providing research and ideas on urban planning and housing construction techniques
* Christina Jordan in Uganda is the Director of Life in Africa - a 400+ member community of families in Kampala and Gulu, the majority of which are directly affected by Northern Uganda's war. (Christina's Ugandan husband owns Opok Farm).
To date, 6 individuals have contributed a total of $9,000 to clear and plant an initial 70 acres of farm land intended for village community use. Harvest proceeds will help to clear an additional 230 acres over the course of the next year.
Additional photos of Opok Farm are online at Flickr
Additional planning discussions about the Opok Farms project are online at Ned.com
If you are interested in helping with this project - raise your hand - post a message, message Linda. If you are interested in being a financial supporter please go to [link]
Join us: [link] More >
29 Sep 2007 @ 23:50, by jerryvest. Old Age, Retirement
We can create a beautiful universe. When our problems become our friends and supporters, like gifts or contributions, we no longer have any problems. Then we have freedom from inner conflict; we have inner peace, the highest freedom there is. (Tarthang Tulku, Openness Mind)
Volunteers Needed Throughout the World--Come Join our New Civilization, Global Touch Project - Humanity Needs Us Now!
Global Touch Program-
Our Las Cruces Health Promotion Team with Elders would like to introduce and teach you to give the 15-Minute StressOut Program with Elders—a program designed to give ethical, safe, skillful, and nourishing touch with elders.
Our StressOut Program Experience is often described as {link:http://jerryvest.pages.web.com/id5.html
Using acupressure and other skillful techniques, coordinated with the breath to balance our body, mind, emotions and spirit, is a heartfelt or empathic experience for both the giver and receiver of this partner massage.
While systematically applying pressure points and introducing the 'laying-on-of-hands,' we ask that givers and receivers maintain an awareness of their breath throughout the activity. While we refer to our "stressout program" as a chair like massage, it may be more accurate to describe the mindful experience as a partner meditation - relaxing, yet energetic. (See 15-Minute StressOut Program - [link]
During this past year, our volunteers – seniors, NMSU social work, nursing and health science students, caregivers, in-home care workers, senior staff, and others gave over 3,800 “stressouts”(chair-like massage) in nursing homes, diabetic health clinics, day care and in-home care services.
1) Volunteer for minimum of 2 hours per week in one of the settings identified;
2) Participate in orientation and training session;
3) Administer (6)stressouts with friends, family, colleagues, others;
4) Report (6)evaluations of your work.
1) Free Instructional DVD, Protocol & Guidelines for the Ethical Use of Safe, Skillful and Nourishing Touch;
2) Partnership & Certification in our healthy touch organization committed to advancing the quality of lives, health and relationships of elders on a global scale; [link]
3) An exchange of energy, love, respect, and good will knowing that you have contributed through skillful touch to help support the basic human need requirements for elders and others to live a healthy, dignified and respectful life.
Jerry Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT, Professor Emeritus, New Mexico State University, School of Social Work, (505)524-2379 and email: geraldvest@comcast.net
Francesca Smith, LBSW, City of Las Cruces, In-Home Services Manager, (505) 541-2460 and email: fsmith@las-cruces.org
SEE ATTACHMENTSincluded in our Homepage – [link]
1) Protocol
2) Ethical Guidelines for Safe, Skillful and Nourishing Touch
3) Partner Certificate (example)
4) Good Samaritan News
NOTE:The American Diabetes Association selected our research article, "Alternative Health Practices in Ethnically Diverse Rural Areas," using the 15-Minute StressOut Program as the primary intervention, with diabetic patients and their families as "Best Practice Research" during the past decade.,(See Abstract No.8--point & click on this link)
Become a Global Partner-
If you wish to be a volunteer, schedule an in-service training program in your agency/community or know of care-givers and others who may be interested in learning our ethical, safe, skillful and nourishing touch program for all populations, please let us know.
We will help you develop your orientation workshop/training program and send you a free Instructional DVD and Power Point Program Outline. We suggest that our volunteers/givers, give a minimum of 2 hours a week of skillful touch-"stressouts." After meeting our requirements and submiting your evaluations, we will add your name to our list of Certified Team Members}. [link] More >
29 Sep 2007 @ 12:38, by jazzolog. Globalization
Nobody sees a flower---really---it is so small it takes time---we haven't time---and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.
---Georgia O'Keeffe
Let us be moral. Let us contemplate existence.
---Charles Dickens
We learn something by doing it. There is no other way.
---John Holt
Many of us here in the coal mining regions of Appalachia can hear Jean Ritchie's sweet voice in our imaginations by just reading her lyric in the title up there. Black water refers to the toxic sludge that kills all life in the creeks and streams near mining operations, particularly what's called mountaintop removal. Sometimes whole hillsides of the stuff falls down on top of properties owned by people for generations. Folks have been killed in those landslides, but there's little recourse since Bush made the previously banned practice legal 5 years ago.
So when I learn a good Republican Christian boy decided to name his private security company Blackwater, and stick it in North Carolina, I thought there must be some kind of---er---black humor involved. Maybe there is. Erik Prince was making the Navy Seals his career until his mother died and left him the family fortune. His sister was the chairperson of the Republican Party in Michigan, and wife to gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos. Erik moved South, set up Blackwater, and also sits on the board of Christian Freedom International, a group helping "Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ". [link]
This was 10 years ago, when Erik was 27. Now, we learn, "Blackwater is currently the biggest of the US State Department's three private security contractors. At least 90% of its revenue comes from government contracts, two-thirds of which are no-bid contracts." [link] To be well connected thus seems the best way...and maybe the only way...to really get in to the true American liberty we call global capitalism. Papa Bush introduced it as The New World Order, but wasn't that a mite Roman Empire? So the following presidents just talk about the freedom and democracy of globalization. We know quite a few families have gotten very rich from all this, but many of the rest of us look at our tax bill and feel we're financing the whole thing. Are the returns worth it? More >
27 Sep 2007 @ 00:46, by ming. Science
Doesn't really say much, but that's good news. Breibart:Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science".
The parallel universe theory, first proposed in 1950 by the US physicist Hugh Everett, helps explain mysteries of quantum mechanics that have baffled scientists for decades, it is claimed.
In Everett's "many worlds" universe, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits. Given a number of possible alternative outcomes, each one is played out - in its own universe.
A motorist who has a near miss, for instance, might feel relieved at his lucky escape. But in a parallel universe, another version of the same driver will have been killed. Yet another universe will see the motorist recover after treatment in hospital. The number of alternative scenarios is endless.
It is a bizarre idea which has been dismissed as fanciful by many experts. But the new research from Oxford shows that it offers a mathematical answer to quantum conundrums that cannot be dismissed lightly - and suggests that Dr Everett, who was a Phd student at Princeton University when he came up with the theory, was on the right track.
Commenting in New Scientist magazine, Dr Andy Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California at Davis, said: "This work will go down as one of the most important developments in the history of science." Actually it doesn't tell us anything about what they figured out. But there is a parallel universe somewhere, in which that would have been a more informative article. And there's another one where I would have been able to understand the math in that more informative article.
Now, the next question is: Does the universe split all the time, in all possible directions, or only on special occasions, like just before you buy lottery tickets, or when you're leaning out the window in a tall building? I'd say it does it all the time, but that the idea of "splitting" gives the completely wrong idea. It is just a matter of having enough dimensions. Does the North/South compass direction split into East or West in millions of places? That's an equally silly question. If you're walking North, you're free to stop at any time and walk East, and you're free to walk back and go SouthWest. The place you came from didn't disappear just because you left it. That's the magic of being able to move in two dimensions. Parallel universes is just the same kind of thing, and only sounds magical because we folks are dimensionally challenged. We think we're walking in just one direction, even though we're changing tracks all the time. And of course there are multiple choices of tracks in a great many places. Whether there's somebody who took all the possible paths is, I think, a question that math alone will not solve. The universe doesn't need to split, because it has plenty of dimensions. But what about you - do you split? More >
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