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 Our world as a simulation13 comments
picture 15 Aug 2007 @ 17:17, by ming. Philosophy
NY Times article about researcher/philosopher Nick Bostrom, who has concluded that there's a high mathematical probablity that we're all living inside a computer simulation, created by technologically advanced descendents of ours in the future. Although his gut feeling tells him that it is only 20% likely that we actually are living inside a simulation.

I always find that kind of conversation stimulating. We very well might live within The Matrix. It might be a computer simulation. Or this might be a universe created by some advanced race from a previous universe. Or the quantum soup universe might just basically work as if it is a simulation, where the reality we experience is the result of our laser beam of consciousness hitting the neutral stemcell type of quantum particiles, which happily will be whatever you want them to be.

But there are things that bother me. Huge fallacies that tend to appear in such a discussion.

There's the very widespread AI superstition that if you make a computer program that is sufficiently complex, it will be conscious and have its own thoughts and feelings. And that this simply is what consciousness is. So that if we make a simulation of your brain, it will think that it is you. That's a load of hogwash, in my opinion, and nobody has succeeded in demonstrating anything remotely like that. The corrolary of the idea is that if you're a sufficiently good simulation, you wouldn't know. Which is a very upside down way of looking at things, and if you believe it, you ought to be worried as well about your soul being stolen when somebody takes a picture of you.

And then there's the God thing. People who have this kind of discussion, of intelligent simulations in artificial realities, are usually atheists, and will usually take time out of their schedule to explain to you why you're a complete moron if you think the universe somehow is intelligently designed, or there possibly could be any intelligence guiding its evolution. And in the next breath we're having a discussion about exactly the same thing, the possibility of you just existing as a simulation in the computer of some advanced alien, who might or might not be benevolent, who might turn you off when he feels like it, if he doesn't like what you do. Uhm, sounds a lot like that God in the sky with the grey beard. So do you believe in it or not?

I don't. But I do believe in the primordial existence of consciousness, and I do believe I exist. The world responds as if me being in it makes a difference, and I can obviously guide my own path to a considerable extent. But I haven't seen any sign of outside influence, of anybody arbitrarily breaking in and changing things. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, and the whole thing shuts down tomorrow with a "Memory Full" message. But I think it is very unlikely.

I'm sure we in the future will become able to simulate whole universes. But we won't be succeeding in developing artificial intelligence before we have addressed it from a totally different angle. And once we actually figure it out, it doesn't really matter if we're in somebody's simulation or not, and there'll be no need to worry about whether robots will become smarter than us.  More >

 Notes from NGH 20071 comment
picture14 Aug 2007 @ 17:32, by craiglang. Natural Health & Healing
We just got back yesterday from the 2007 convention of the National Guild of Hypnotists, in Marlborough (Boston) Mass. A truly fascinating time - and for me, a totally unique experience.

This time, I spent most of my time in the vendor room, selling The Cosmic Bridge rather than in seminars and workshops. However, I did sell lots of copies of Bridge and got to know a lot of folks in the guild that I probably would not have met otherwise.  More >

 Spiritual revolution/The Final Freedoms0 comments
14 Aug 2007 @ 15:38, by robertal. Spirituality
Review: The Final Freedoms/©free

On the horizon appears an approaching religious [and scientific] furore so contentious, any clash of civilizations may have to wait. On one side,a manuscript titled: The Final Freedoms, against all the gravitas religious tradition can bring to bear.

The first wholly new interpretation for 2000 years of the moral teachings of Jesus the Christ is on the web. It focuses specifically on marriage and human sexuality, overturning all natural law ethics and theory. At stake is the credibility of several thousand years of religious history and moral theology and will undoubtably impact many fields of intellectual inquiry.  More >

 Creating the EarthStar Creation Civilization
13 Aug 2007 @ 22:18, by adi. Extraterrestrials
The EarthStar ascending space life forces are now becoming increasingly pervasive throughout this planet. This is providing the basis for this planet's ascending space life creation civilization.

As this develops, it will become easier for the ascended ones of the Intergalactic Civilization and ascended universes to become active here.

This process is being guided by the Universal Space Life Creator Avatars Who are now incarnated here as the Originators of the Mother Universe.

Adi Avatar

The EarthStar Ascending Space Life Forces of Creation are now increasing throughout the planet, and the Ascending Masters of Creation are now able to become a unified body within the EarthStar Ascending Life.

We are creating the EarthStar Living Creation Civilization together.

The EarthStar Living Creation Civilization is unique and original to this planet, and able to interact with the other ascended civilizations and universes.

The preparations for the planned August 25 event have made this possible, and there may be further assistance given as needed.

Creating the EarthStar Creation Civilization:

There are many advanced ETs now incarnated on this planet, and they/we are able to begin the creation of the ascending space life creation civilization here. The EarthStar Space Life Grid Envelope is already available for this to occur.

If you'd like to coordinate with me, my e-mail is  More >

 Somewhere, Over the Rainbow
13 Aug 2007 @ 00:12, by a-d. Spirituality
Over The Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?


I was compiling Rainbow Warrior site today on the Net, hoping to find enough for everyone here to find their own site among these.

This is (one of ) my favorite/s ( from this link:

Do you know what a rainbow is ??
Yes, a beautiful bow of colors in the sky.
Do you know what a warrior is ??
A warrior is a brave person.
One who has courage instead of being afraid.

Now let me ask you a question.
Do you love animals or hate animals?
Do you love trees or hate trees?
Do you love people or hate people?
Do you love the rainbow or hate the rainbow?

Well, if you love animals and trees, people and
rainbows, then maybe you are a
"Warrior of the Rainbow".


This is a fun one; you can see beautiful photos of real Rainbows in the Sky! : )

Some of these sites are just beautiful and some have very important info and all invites us to join Life from a new perspective -as does the Rainbows in the sky! : )  More >

 Carbon Strike3 comments
12 Aug 2007 @ 17:54, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
August 12, 2007


well I just heard about this young medical doctor from down east here in Canada
who has been on a carbon strike for about two years. He said he thought it would be difficult but when he actually did it it was rather easy. What drove him too it was watching the disapperance on a show about the Arctic Ice Fields. He said he couldn't bear to be party to that much destruction and change.

He pretty much bikes everywhere and takes his bike on the bus and subway as much as 50 km distant.

He says the hardest part is the social aspect losing girl friends and getting the gears from his mom. He won't get in a car apparently and won't take a plane. He even went as far to go to Croatia by boat and he lost a girl friend over that one too. Girls turning down Green Doctors well good luck with that.

Well I can vouch for his experiences having gone with out a car from 2000 to 2005, I suppose I finally broke down and got one when I hit fifty living on my own and running out of steam. but I can't see why young strong folks need a car to pollute their air and such and get in to accidents and sqeual their tires and rev there motors and crusie up and down the main street. They shouldn't really let anyone under 45 drive. It is hard socially though especially when you have few friends and are disabled. So you have to tough that out.

He also is on a local organically grown diet which is hard in canada with its 4 month of warm weather but I must applaud this young doctor and encourage him to keep it up at least till hes 40 or so. if he can.

The show was on CBC tv here in Alberta this morning

sir ed  More >

 Beneath the Towering Spires5 comments
11 Aug 2007 @ 20:36, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
a friend on The Daily Grail remarked on my last poem...

"aren't poems supposed to rhyme?"

so... I wrote one that did lol  More >

 Dare to Be Love?1 comment
11 Aug 2007 @ 10:47, by vector8. Spirituality
"Life moves pretty fast… If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -- : Ferris Beuller

There are some films I watch over and over again and still find joy in them: Ferris Beuller's Day Off is one such film. I watched it again on television last night and I love it.

Ferris Beuller is a teenager in his final year at school and about to graduate. He wakes up one morning and decides it's too beautiful a day to be in school so he tells his parents he's not feeling well and he would like to stay home. They leave him tucked up in bed.  More >

 Destiny6 comments
11 Aug 2007 @ 04:46, by swanny. Investigation, Intelligence

June 11, 2004

I suppose, that we as humans, at some point, have to appreciate, accept, and understand, more, that we cannot control or dominate the natural order of things.
I suppose as well though, that we do, in some sense, have a collective "influence" upon it but even with our super computers, space stations, internet, particle accelerators, nao and bio technology and nuclear energies, we are and most likely will always be, to some degree, ever part of the natural order and never exactly equal to or above it.
Now this may seem dismaying and disquieting, that we are not the definitive masters of our destiny, yet the more we come to understand the nature of the natural order, the more we can begin to see how wonderously complex and miraculous it truly is.
To ever think, that we, even at our very best, could ever fathom its total depth, length, breath and time, is, well most presumptuous to say that least, yet even in its majestic and unfathomable scope and diversity we do still, at times, hold a cherished and dear place and harmony within its scheme.
Take heart too, for it would seem that this world, this galaxy, this creation is evolving and that perhaps such is the new frontier of which we now face. To evolve in harmony and grace with this evolving natural order. To fit in, as it were, with this dance of evolution as it progresses on its way, in time and its continuum of existence. It is truly both frightening and exciting simultaneously
Now, there are new steps to learn, new songs to sing, new feeling to master,
new dreams to construct and new love to experience.
Can we muster the courage and resolve needed to master the challenges of this dance. This wonderous and tricky dance of evolution. Not our evolution per sae but the evolution of this, the natural order.
Is the Natural order changing then? and is change the same as evolution?
Is change the same as evolution? an interesting question and one which we will
have to study and give more thought too in the days and years to come as we find our new footing and rhythm in this, the Magical Dance of Evolution.

A. G. Jonas
Earth  More >

 Global StressOut Program - Update8 comments
picture9 Aug 2007 @ 20:45, by jerryvest. Natural Health & Healing
So, to a significant extent, longevity and the quality of health are conditions that are within our control. That is the main conclusion of all studies devoted to the matter, to wit that our personal health must be our personal responsibility, and not something we leave to the physician. (Growing Young, Ashley Montagu)


I designed this 'healthy touch' program, in collaboration with the Associated Students Organization - New Mexico State University (NMSU), Health Promotion Team, NMSU School of Social Work and the Family Preservation Institute, as one alternative for improving health and wellbeing in our university, society and beyond. After giving over 10,000 "stressouts" over a 10 year period, we learned that the 'stressout program' is safe to use with all populations. We use our skillful touch program with individuals, groups, couples, and families.

This program also introduces and teaches mindfulness as an intrinsic awareness program for givers and our receivers of touch and meets basic human needs for physical interaction. Earlier this year I posted an update describing our work with elders and our Global Touch Project as we want to use this intervention around the world to support the health and wellbeing of others, especially our elders who are often ignored, lonely and isolated.

Dear team members and friends,

This is a summer report on our stressouts in our health clinics for April, May, June and July. Earlier, I sent an update describing our work while giving over 3,800 stressouts in health clinics and other senior resources averaging about 150 chair type massages a week.

During the past four months, Elizabeth Frost, Ann Twohig and I gave 270 stressouts at Mesilla Park, Eastside and Munson diabetic clinics. Francesca and Imelda introduced our program and gave orientation/training programs with the staff at Village at Northrise and with the Herritage nursing homes. Do contact Francesca if you would like to have a training program in your area--her team is very experienced and knowledgeable about working with elders. Special thanks to Cher Gurerrero for maintaining our statististical reports and for her work with our team.

I know that others in our global network are also giving stressouts, so please let me know about your work in advancing the use of safe, skillful and nourishing touch with individuals, groups and communities. I would also like to include any comments, experiences and evaluations that you receive on our web site.

The Good Samaritan Terrace Times, Aug/2007, published a very excellent article describing the numerous StressOuts our NMSU, "Social Work Practice with Elders," class gave during our Spring term. I posted this article along with others on our website, so do visit us regularly and encourage others to join with us in improving the quality of lives, health and relationships with elders. 15-Minute StressOut Program [link]

We are preparing for Professor Linda Schaberg's nursing classes to begin their work with our elders during the Fall semester and we are eager to extend our work into all of the nursing facilities in our service area as an ongoing activity.

Thanks for staying-in-touch. Come and join with us and become part of our growing health program.

Best wishes,



If you wish to be a volunteer, schedule an in-service training program in your agency or know of care-givers and others who may be interested in learning our safe, skillful and nourishing touch program for all populations, please let us know. We will help you develop your workshops and send you a free DVD and Power Point outline.  More >

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