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 G Is For Genocide -
8 Aug 2007 @ 17:44, by a-d. Violence, War
W Is For War
By Mary Sparrowdancer /// [ [link] ]
© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
8-7-7 /// posted by a-d from [ [link] ]

Webster's defines war as "a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations." It defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group." While many people have been deliberately misled by the mainstream media to think that there is an ongoing "war" between the state of Israel and "Palestinian terrorists" bent on taking Israel's land away, the truth is that only one side in this "war" has tanks, drones, Apache attack helicopters, F-16s, unconfirmed nuclear weapons, a deadly navy complete with gunboats, an army equipped with sophisticated and offensive weaponry, a sophisticated air force and billions of dollars in military funding. Only one side is even recognized as a state. The other side consists of millions of largely unarmed Palestinian refugees who have been running for their lives for almost 60 years now. They have been running for their lives on their own ancestral lands, which have been violently confiscated from them by the state of Israel. It is the Palestinians who have had their land taken away. Not Israel.  More >

 A Prayer for the Earth5 comments
8 Aug 2007 @ 06:26, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Sweet Universe:
A Prayer for the Earth  More >

 911 can easily revisit USA, as fbi and cia incompetence and corruption continue1 comment
picture7 Aug 2007 @ 18:59, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
From brownsville, Texas
August 7, 2007

The USA continues to be at risk of imminent terrorist attack in part because the fbi and the cia obsessively continue their criminal, covert, and inhumane assaults on people worldwide.


As I have documented on my website at [link]
the fbi and the cia conducted criminal operations against my person from about 1998 to the present time, 24/7, worldwide, without cessation, without the slightest hindrance from Congress, the Courts, or the legal system. See my letter dated
August 9, 1999, at:
Also note that in March of 2001, I reported that, due to fbi and cia corruption and incompetence, the United States faces a dangerous crisis with respect to intelligence failures.See
In 1999, I reported fbi and cia crimes to the United States Attorney in Honolulu, Hawaii.See:
Then, I filed a lawsuit in the United States Court in the year 2000.See:
I pursued all legal channels to report gross incompetence and corruption in the fbi and the cia, as reflected in the appeal dated July 9, 2001, as seen at:
Then, in the same month I filed the Writ to the U.S. Supreme Court, again detailing the gross abuse of power and criminal operations committed against my person by the fbi and the cia. See the Writ at:
and see the implications of the denial of the Writ at:
The U.S. Supreme Court had my Writ under consideration at the time of the 911 attack on the United States; the high court subsequently denied the Writ on 10-1-01. See
Throughout the entire period of time during which the 911 terrorists planned and executed the attack on the United States, the fbi and the cia were running covert criminal operations globally, 24/7, in efforts to silence me from reporting their crimes. Not a single government official, not a single judge, and not a single representative of Congress commented on the fbi and the cia criminal operations as one of the causes for the attack on the country.
Further, in about 1998-1999, the FAA discovered through its own intelligence operations that Bin Ladin and al Qaeda posed a hijacking threat to the United States; the FAA also stated that the FAA was aware that a part of the plot on 911 included the "...possibility that the terrorist group might try to hijack a commercial jet and slam it into a U.S. landmark." See 911 Commission Report, page 632, published by Barnes and Noble, 2006.[ Members: Kean, Hamilton, Ben-Veniste, Kerry, Fielding, Lehman, Gorelick, Roemer, Gorton, and Thompson].See also:

The conclusions to be drawn from the sorry record of inaction by the government (vis a vis 911) are in part that the officials are afraid (for a number of reasons)to directly hold the fbi and the cia responsible for their criminality and incompetence that led to 911; that the secret and criminal fbi and cia attacks on citizens of the USA are not subject to any government oversight, even when the national security is threatened by intelligence failures, especially as such failures are attributable in part to fbi and cia obsessions to silence (or force into suicide) certain whistle blowers (and others) who seek to stop these hideous agencies from a continuation of their worldwide commission of crimes against Humanity, as well as other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Finally, nothing has changed in the fbi and the cia concerning their obsessive continuation of criminal offenses which I have outlined over the past decade. See:
and see:

The failure of our leaders to address these issues signals to the world that the United States of America is a nation in decline and that the civilization that permits the atrocities advanced by such low minded and homicidal groups is failed.


From Harlingen, Texas
October 26, 2013:

As a result of fbi/cia crimes globally (including rendition, imprisonment, torture, mass murder & assassinations, and generally stirring up trouble on the planet), many freedom lovers send *messages to me and to the fbi that such crimes against humanity must not go unanswered.

Note also that the **main stream bans or blocks me from posting my reports and that few Americans are paying attention to the many crimes and provocations that I and others relay.See for example:


In the site meter entry shown below the visitor from India echoes these notions and suggest that the 911 attack on USA was the direct result of fbi/cia gross incompetence and murderous/macabre corruption.


Here is the message referenced above where the visitor directs the readers attention to Page1 of my Writ where I repeat my observation about some of the causes for the 911 attack and its possible sequel:

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Oct 26 2013 5:30:58 pm  More >

 Genealogy9 comments
picture 6 Aug 2007 @ 20:17, by ming. Children, Parenting
I somehow got hooked on online genealogy research.

My brother and I had talked for a while about researching our family tree, and he had gathered a bit of information from relatives, but it was only after somebody introduced me to that it really got anywhere. (Thanks, Thomas!)

There are many genealogy websites on the net, but Geni does it in a more accessible Web2.0 kind of way, mainly through a flow chart kind of display one can scroll around in continously. Article about geni in L.A. Times yesterday.

Now, I used to think that family history was an extremely stuffy thing to be into. My stepfather once got very interested in his family tree, filled up a wall with old photos of sour-looking ancestors, and bragged to no end about his 10th great grandfather being Christian IV, king of Denmark. I thought it was so not interesting. Who cares about boring long dead people.

Now my own immediate family ironically thinks I'm equally nutty, happily spending hours looking for ancient ancestors. For those who don't find genealogy interesting, it often seems like a particularly offensive waste of time.

But I'd say it ought to be of some kind of concern, where one comes from, genetically speaking. I wouldn't be here without my parents, and they of course wouldn't have been there if it weren't for their parents, etc.

I've learned a variety of interesting things from this new time-wasting hobby:

- There's an enormous amount of information available on the net. Lots of people have uploaded their family trees. Countries have scanned in and uploaded church records, census records, immigration records, etc. And the Mormons have created enormous online databases of just about anybody's ancestors they can get access to. The result is that I often can look up the name of some ancestor 5 or 10 generations ago, and he or she actually shows up in Google. Wheras my contemporary relatives mostly are invisible on the web, my older ancestors are not necessarily. There's something surreal to being able to track the lives of unknown nobodies of hundreds of years ago from my computer.

- Researching history is an interesting puzzle of trying to piece together what really happened based on a few sketchy visible traces in bad condition. The source materials are hard to find, and their information is often hard to decipher or erroneous. In this case, the gothic writing in church records from the 1700s is a bit of a challenge, and census records are sloppy with the spelling of people's names. Yet, if you find several pieces of information, you can triangulate approximately what happened.

- There are websites like that aim for gathering a database of everybody who ever lived that there's a record of, the One World Tree. How's that for a collaborative application of the Internet?

- This is essentially social networking for dead people, which is kind of weird. You track down people from many years ago, add stuff to their profiles, link them together, and make the whole thing public on the net.

- Imagine how over time more and and more historical information will be digitized, and better search mechanisms will be developed, including for fuzzy searches. In principle, if there's enough data, and the search algorithms were clever enough, a computer program would eventually be able to build your family tree for you, or do similar feats with other kinds of fuzzy historical information. That connects in with the inevitable capability to record and index everything about our own lives in the not too distant future, and the interesting part is that it also can include historical information, from before anybody thought of such things.

- Despite it being fascinating to find them, I must so far conclude that I have had a rather undistinguished family. All the way back to the early 1500s, I find almost nothing but plain people who've been poor, unskilled workers. A relatively few of them have had a profession, like blacksmith, and the most distinguished have made it to be land-owning farmers or civil servants. Nothing wrong with that, I'm quite proud of being working-class, but I'd have expected to have found some kind of nobility by now. Which in part would be fun because I right away would find a lot of ancestors there. But, no, we're mostly talking day laborers who all got 12 kids, half of which became servants for more well-off people. Many died young. If the husband died, the rest of them ended up in the poor house. Life back then seems somewhat depressing seen from here, although I don't know what people actually felt about it at the time.

Anyway, there's (only) around 350 people in my family tree so far, so a lot more to find. So far it has lead from Denmark to Norway, Sweden and Germany, and the earliest ancestor is so far a farmer named Eivind Stangaland from Norway, born 1505.  More >

 America The Vindictive44 comments
picture6 Aug 2007 @ 11:40, by jazzolog. Social System Design
In the scent of plum blossoms,
Ah! the sun appears---
the mountain path.


When we have seen Reality, there is not a grain of dust which has not a sublime meaning.

---J. Vanderleeuw

It is like archers. If they start out competing, they'll never become marksmen. It is only long after practice, with no thought of winning or losing, that they can hit the target. Same with the study of the Way. If even a single thought of winning or losing appears, you will be chained by winning and losing.


The painting is called The Indian Prisoner, created by William Gilbert Gaul, 1899.

In one of the first essays I ever attempted online, I mentioned how I happened to come in contact with the famous folk music collector, Alan Lomax. I said at one point he called me "puritanical" and how stung I was by the remark. [link] It still bothers me, but I've soothed myself somewhat with the balmy knowledge that he knew of my New England education---and I was aware of how he felt about New England. I've also tried---and been forced by reality---to ease up on the rigidity of my views of 30 years ago.

I'm glad that at the time I did not begin a range war with Alan, since Texas always was home to him. I doubt any Texans have been called puritanical (unless one happened to be born and educated in New England before relocating----hmmmm) but we do know something about justice in the Wild West. Whether or not the scores of Westerns I saw at the Saturday afternoon matinees gave me an accurate history, I've grown up thinking resentments are a particular weakness in the American fabric. I think we tend to be a people that transfers our problems rather than inventories them in order to change. We go to workshops that teach us to transform failures into opportunities for growth and expansion. We spin.

When I came to Southeast Ohio, I learned that until recently spanking students with big wooden paddles was legal and routine. At first I thought they were joking. No teacher ever laid a hand on me in New York, and I couldn't conceive of it. One time in Lincoln Junior High a science teacher made a kid stand in the corner on his head for a while, but that's the worst I saw. When I worked among people here, who didn't necessarily go beyond the local high school education, I was similarly amazed when they spoke of "beating" their kids, specifically the boys I guess. I didn't think it was my place to ask for details, but I thought maybe again this was a term for strict discipline but not actual physical pain. "Beating their butt" is common parlance around here among many parents.

I've been feeling that during my lifetime the American character has changed markedly and the rest of the world is noticing. Maybe we all were mistaken, having been mislead by World War II propaganda---as Clint Eastwood hints in his film Flags Of Our Fathers. We were the fun-loving Yanks liberating Europe with dollars and chewing gum. If we never were that actually---or even if we were---do others feel we now are vengeful opportunists, motivated essentially by getting more for me and mine? Do we care if injustice is done to others in our name? Do we listen intently to testimonies of people released from our "detention centers" about what was done to them for years---or don't we want to hear about it? Have we gone off the deep end and become cruel?

I've worried about this and tried to deal with it personally, convince myself the behaviors I endure everyday by others driving cars are just momentary. The aggression will fade away when the war on terror is won and we all return to normal. But maybe it's something more permanent, a trend not so easily reversed.

And so it was this morning I came upon an article in the Boston Review. Well, maybe Boston is the best place to review an oppressive morality! The title is simply Why Are There So Many Americans In Prison?, and was compiled by Glenn C. Loury who is the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences in the department of economics at Brown University. A 2002 Carnegie Scholar, he brings very recent statistics to bear on how Americans are using punishment to solve problems.  More >

 Math Terms & Gender2 comments
5 Aug 2007 @ 14:10, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
August 5, 2007


just a casual observation here, I was trying to see if mathematics has any gender qualities or terms or distinctions and apparently just skimming the surface the answer seems to be no. math does not seem to address or distinguish any gender specific qualities or phenomenon.
Now is that a gross oversight or just ?
Language on the other hand has many gender attributes and terms and such.

the info available though seemed to suggest that men are better at math which appears gender neutral
and women are better at language which is gender specific or aware.

this seems somewhat mysterious ?

ed  More >

 Some Intriguing Mathematical Properties of the Mayan Calendar
4 Aug 2007 @ 18:21, by anandavala. History, Ancient World

Some Intriguing Mathematical Properties of the Mayan Calendar

This is a brief mathematical analysis of the cycles of the "Tun" or the transcendent Mayan 'calendar'. The analysis reveals some very interesting numerical properties, which show that it is certainly not a random concoction but in fact describes a complex and finely tuned process.

The general process relies on a system of cycles where each cycle is 20 times shorter than the previous cycle. Hence it tends asymptotically toward some point in time (year 2012). The cycle periods become shorter and shorter so that as the cycle number tends to infinity the cycle period tends to zero, i.e. the cycles become infinitely fast.

The so called 'calendar' is not a description of linear time like contemporary calendars, it is a model of cycles of creative activity. Hence it describes an evolutionary model where each creative cycle unfolds and produces the basis for the next cycle of creation. In such a process each cycle becomes faster than the previous one, as is seen throughout biological and human history. Initially there were long stretches of time between innovations but as the reservoir of innovations builds up the process of innovation accelerates. This process has been accelerating very noticeably especially in the last few decades.  More >

 Israels' Jewish Problem12 comments
4 Aug 2007 @ 17:01, by vaxen. Violence, War
Despite the absence of any threat to Iran’s Jews, the Israeli media recently reported that the Israeli government has been trying to find new ways to entice Iranian Jews to Israel. The Ma’ariv newspaper pointed out that previous schemes had found few takers. There was, noted the report, “a lack of desire on the part of thousands of Iranian Jews to leave”. According to the New York-based Forward newspaper, a campaign to convince Iranian Jews to emigrate to Israel caused only 152 out of these 25,000 Jews to leave Iran between October 2005 and September 2006, and most of them were said to have emigrated for economic reasons, not political ones.  More >

 Synchronicities positive and negative - Catch God on a whisper3 comments
3 Aug 2007 @ 21:51, by craiglang. Spirituality
(Adapted from article on my Yahoo 360 blog site)

This week has been a helluva week - and beneath it, I sense a very meaningful chain of synchronicites.  More >

 Transformation on the Path to Fulfillment
picture2 Aug 2007 @ 20:14, by zendor. Personal Development
I've quested for connection since early childhood and have constantly been reminded that intention brings us both deliberate and non-deliberate manifestation. Our thoughts and feelings can bring us together in a sublime experience or rip us apart through anger and depression... chaos in our internal experience. I was drawn to this web of life-giving support by that sublime experience we tend to call love. I'd like to offer an acronym that perfectly submits this understanding to our available cognition - Limitless Oscillating Vibrational Energy.  More >

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