New Civilization News    
25 Jun 2007 @ 22:05, by a-d. Space Exploration

I'm posting this because so much expresses thoughts, that have been popping up in my mind lately as well!

Thought of the day from June 20, 2007


June 20, 2007 posting ... almost the first day of official summer ... actually june 21st should be the MIDDLE of summer as it is the longest day of the year ... just a quick comment .. turns out the queen (excuse me ... the elderly lady that lives in england that calls herself the queen) attended her own birthday party but remember that if and when the real act goes down ... little qweeny (not mispelled) will bolt from england ... jim mccanney

thought of the day from June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007 posting ... after looking at the "facts" ... the gov agencies all moving to the center of the country ... just imagine ... the incredible detail of just moving all the computer and communications equipment ... these types of items do not move or travel well and is an extremely complex job ... just from this fact it tells you that this "move" has been anticipated and planned for a LONG time which tells you that someone has known for a LONG time that something was going to happen ... is it a natural event or are they planning to simulate a "natural event" ... Katrina worked well to move populations so how about the following scenario which i actually have talked about in the past on radio shows ... imagine someone setting nuclear charges off the west coast of the canary islands to create underwater land slides (on already fragile volcanic rift zones) in the eastern pacific and creating a massive man made tsunami that before anyone could awake and move ... would wipe out the population of the entire eastern USA and they could blame it on a natural event ... and also it would do considerable damage to england (thus the queen's visit to the USA to take residence in the tunnel systems) ... has anyone noticed goddard scientists moving to new locations ... this would be another "indicator" ... the key to understanding is the mass movement of US security agencies prior to the alleged "event" ... in a real natural event there would be no such preparations would there ??? kind of like bill clinton contacting donald trump 2 weeks before katrina hit new orleans to get donald's investment ok to rebuild certain parts of downtown new orleans ... i am quite tired tonight so with this thought i will go for some much needed rest ... the past weeks have been very taxing ... talk to you in the morning ... and keep an eye out for the new somewhat revised web page (same content and rules but with a menu driven front page) ... jim mccanney  More >

 Mission Ignition 07/07/07 UPDATE:"BREATHE Your Gift of Love & Light"7 comments
picture25 Jun 2007 @ 18:08, by freo7. Activism
the act of forgiveness is a quantum leap in the consciousness of soul growth and learning ... simply forgiving is non-attachment to expectation of outcome ... for there is no right or wrong ....

better or worse .... but only choice to grow through the allowance of joy and love ... or through the restriction and attachment of pain and misery .... the choice is always yours ....

there are no consequences in helping or not helping an innocent turtle cross a busy and dangerous highway ... for to think in terms of consequences is to think in terms of gain or loss .... past and future .... there is just living now .... in sanctity of pure life/love ... exploration and self-discovery ....

[R: sidetracking here .... a week ago there was a fatal shooting in Melbourne ... we don't have guns here ... a lady was being dragged by her hair out of a taxi cab by her angry husband / boyfriend

in broad daylight ... three men went to her rescue whilst others stood by watching ..... the husband/boyfriend pulled out a gun .... shot the three rescuers (one young man died on the scene) and

then shot his wife/girlfriend ... did the three men think in terms of consequence .. gain or loss ... what was in it for them? .... what was in it for the one who died?]

one bally-hoo that many newagers rally-to is karma .... there is no such thing .... there is no punishment and judgment .... all lives are existing in parallel in the one same moment .... in the one now .... time is only an illusion ... to have karma implies there is a past or future ... which then implies there is no now .... you ... here are a fragment of many multiple selves all co-creating your lives dynamically in parallel from unlimited potentials in the now expressing with a myraid of multi-faceted experiences all in a parallel now ... the separation of time is a limitation set by ego and the density vibrational fields of your universe .... [blue on density mechanics at the end of this transmission]

fear ... love ... apathy .... pain ... compassion ... control ... service ... passive .... your greater-selves in the unseen create the reality based on what you need and not necessarily what you want ...

your external reality is the biofeedback loop ... reflecting your inner position ....

the world ... universe .... and all of you are one ... existing in one singularity of space and time .... all as one you are co-creating and expressing unlimited potentials for the pure purpose of

experience of self which by the way need not be in pain ... hate ... illness ... disease ... as this was not the divine intent or design ... in your current and previous perception of time ... you have

been shrouded in a fog on a cloudy day ... unable to see far outside your very limited fields of frequency perception ... the fog is now lifting to reveal a brand new day .... and a new world in the

distance on the horizon ...

many ask ... "what can we do to help .. to win ... to beat ... to ensure harmony ... peace ... survival ... etc ... how do we beat the bad " ... there is nothing to do ... but simply a shift in focus/intention

... a choice .... you all each do your part ... no matter have great or small ... in your own way ... it is all equal and valid .... there are no spectators here ... only participants ... including all life forms

... inclusive of nature and animal kingdoms .... planetary and cosmic .... simply there is no separation here ...

many pray for assistance from the unseen .... intervention and assistance exists ... but only in matching and reflecting what you put in and choose to resonate to ... there is no free ride here ...

every word ... every breath ... every feeling .... every touch ... every action and intention feeds the morphogenetic resonance fields ... simply every choice ... every participating event and action

in every moment builds and creates ..... involvement .... you are all instruments ... part of a greater symphony .... you can choose to play in harmony and tune or you can choose to play

out-of-sync and out of tune ... it matters not ... or you can choose not to play at all ... then end result is what you hear and feel and get ...

most of all ... any choice of action you take must be made in self love and self respect ..... every choice is an opportunity to develop and grow towards authenticity ... integrity ... unconditional

love ... truth education ... allowance and freedom ... empathy and passion ...prayers and sincerity ... healing and embracement .... upliftment and fulfillment ... grace and community ....creative

freedom and expression .... as well as support and service not only to self but to others ...

engage .... involve ... participate ... every choice and action .... even helping the old lady cross the road is just as valid and important as is some mass global action on a grand scale ... teaching

and allowing a child a new creative expression and experience .... watching a flower grow ... listening to the wind .... comforting friends and loved ones in need ... being involved in community ... serving food in a homeless shelter ... even turning a screw or sending an email .... BUT ... all this must come from self-love and respect ... i.e. to say the intention must be not for gain or loss ... or motivated by fear or ego ... it must be unconditional with no expectation of outcomes .... only then it is true/real service towards fullfillment of a new humanity .... for any other doing would be a judgement which breeds more of the same ...

it is not what happens to you but how you deal with it ...your over-souls dream for growth ... experience and learning ... in this now-lifetime ... may be different than your conscious dream for yourself at any given moment ... the more you are in resonance with true love ... peace ... allowance and unity ... the closer you will be to your oversoul and its parts ... the indicator is synchronicity .... for there are no accidents ... and no co-incidents .... resisting new patterns of growth through love and peace and harmony only magnifies the motivation through fear to move you to the same destination that growth through harmony would have got you to ... easily and without sufferance ... anguish and pain ... it is choice ... you can take the high-way or the by-way ... and when everything is in a rush you find yourself in utter standstill ...

appreciate the beauty in each other and care for all that is life .... towards humanity .... through love ... forgiveness ... healing ... caring and community at the local and global level ... respect each others sovereignty but work together and not against each other for gain or loss ....

understand this ... the greater the resistance to grow ... forgive ... love ... allow and so forth .... the noisier and more chaotic the means to get the message across .... for you are the messenger to yourselves ... it is quiet simple really ....

open your hearts and prepare for ignition point to a new humanity .... awaiting to be birthed ...

with every awakened breath you breathe .... breathe something new ..... and with every taste ... taste something true .... shine your light across the darkened night .... and with every touch .... touch to hold and help others through .... with every breathe .... breathe your soul within ... breathe your gift of love and life to make others breathe ..... breathe your honesty ... breathe your innocence and purity .... breathe your words and breathe your love to set you free ....

Blue / Raphiem
posted here in NCN by Brenda
Blue's universal structure from a 24-dimensional existence =>  More >

 Your Dreams Miss You - 411 comments
picture25 Jun 2007 @ 15:14, by Unknown. Altered States

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 When Christians Torture25 comments
picture25 Jun 2007 @ 11:12, by jazzolog. Religion
O to be delivered
from the rational
into the realm of
pure song...

---Theodore Roethke

Remember these teachings, remember the clear light, the pure bright shining white light of your own nature. It is deathless.

---The Tibetan Book Of The Dead

The healthy person doesn't torture others. Generally, it's the tortured who turn into torturers.

---C.G. Jung

The Torture Of St. Victor was created by an unknown painter in 1490.

I've never been comfortable with the notion of the United States as a Christian nation. Even as a child, I wondered what trusting in God was doing printed on all our money. Was it supposed to be a reminder not to get too involved in the things of this earth? If so, I'm not sure that strategy has worked.

I knew no Pagans, Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus in the 1940s, but Jews were among our neighbors and family friends. A classroom assignment in the second grade in which we were supposed to write a paragraph about our family's Christmas celebration and then read it aloud reduced a Jewish friend to tears when it was his turn. He read, "In my family we have no Christmas. We have no Christmas tree. There is no Santa Claus or presents." And he put his head down on his desk and cried. That's a long time for me to remember that essay. Obviously it changed me forever.

In the 1950s during the "Red Scare" and McCarthy's era, I remember distinctly when "under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. We said the pledge in school everyday, and at first nobody could get it right. The teachers finally said we didn't have to say the new thing if we didn't want to, but just be silent during the time others might say it. I still don't say it.

So it's been quite a stretch for someone as old as me and so often described as a kid who always was thinking about things to get my head around the policies my government has evolved the last quarter century. Bush described his foreign policy at first as a Crusade. He quickly was shut up, not so much because it didn't describe the spiritual nature of Globalization, as his family saw it, but because the term obviously brought back some memories for followers of Islam...and after all, some of those guys are clients.

When the first photographs from Abu Ghraib came out, I thought sure the White House game was up...and I said so. I remembered a couple of photos from Viet Nam that lost us that war, or whatever it was. But the years and months and deaths have dragged on since then. Aren't Americans affected anymore? And what of the Republican "Christian base?" How do they theologize treatment of "detainees?" Do they think about it? Do they pray for them? Do they forgive? Do they love?

As I've written before, we have a new priest at The Church of the Good Shepherd. Bill Carroll and his family have been with us a year now, and so I'm glad to let him know he's not "new" to me anymore but instead a wonderful leader and accepted easily as my personal priest. His wife Tracey is a priest too, although understandably she ministers as Mother more to their 2 children than to us right now.

Both share strong academic backgrounds and Bill clearly is a biblical scholar and Anglican historian. Sometimes his sermons reflect a prior career of lecturing to theology students...which is fine with me. Perhaps there's some of that in the message he delivered yesterday. He used as his text a line from Psalm 63, which we had chanted earlier in the service, and spent most of the sermon differentiating between an idol and an ikon. That's an important distinction to make in one's worship, in whatever religion, but why am I writing to you about it this morning?

It's because at the end, he suddenly made a connection between idolatry and the frame of mind it must take to torture someone that I find stunning. And of course it's because Christians worship Christ who was tortured to death.  More >

 Global Assembly now accepting sign ups11 comments
picture24 Jun 2007 @ 23:17, by mre. Networking
The prototype Global Assembly Dialog is set to begin in late July 2007 using a web rating technology to vote on messages written by the participants. Please join us. Your part will be to write a message and to read and rate messages written by others. The highest rated messages will be distributed back to everyone by email. The goal is to go global with massive numbers so that the "elected" messages truly represent the entire human race.

The Dialog is sponsored by the Unity-and-Diversity World Council. See Co-sponsors wanted. Contact UDC's Rev Leland Stewart at or Roger Eaton at

At this point we have about 4000 email addresses, which will likely equate to between 400 and 800 active members. Once we hit critical mass, estimated at 10,000 active members, we should be able to zoom to planetary size in three or four years. Please join us as we build a world that works for everyone.

We are betting that democracy on a global scale is the solution to the ever more obvious shortcomings of the nation-state system. We love our nations, but we have to rise up to the global level to solve global problems. Unifying mankind, if we do it right, will mark the beginning of a golden age – and it is in our reach.

We have two plans to bring the online GA Dialog down to earth so it will have its effect. First, as we recruit groups and networks for the Dialog, we will be asking them to add a mention of Dialog results to their local agendas and to provide representatives to an annual in-person Global Assembly meeting. The annual Global Assembly meeting is expected to evolve into a global institution that sits permanently, something like the U.N. General Assembly, but organized bottom up from groups and networks rather than top-down from the nations. Second, we have high hopes for a Nonviolent Service Arm (NVSA) of the Dialog as described below.  More >

 Collective Meditation to Counter the Collective Ego
24 Jun 2007 @ 07:20, by anandavala. Activism

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Collective Meditation to Counter the Collective Ego

I'll first summarise, in a paragraph, a conceptual lead in to this discussion. Everything can be conceived of as a complex system, cells interact and integrate to create cellular civilisations, these form centralised power structures that call themselves 'I' - this is the ego - it is not the real being but just a thought construct that arises via commonsense realism. Then these egos interact and integrate to create human civilisations, these form centralised power structures that are increasingly coming to think 'I' - this is the collective ego - it is not the real civilisation but just a cultural construct that arises via commonsense realism. Just as commonsense realism and the ego are the ultimate source of all delusion and dysfunction in humans (cellular civilisations) commonsense realism and the collective ego are the ultimate source of all delusion and dysfunction in society and the world at large. Just as meditation can help to overcome commonsense realism and the tyranny of the ego in individual humans (cellular civilisations) resulting in liberation and bliss it can also be adapted to help overcome commonsense realism and the tyranny of the collective ego in human civilisations resulting in liberation and bliss.

This discussion consists of excerpts from my yet to be released e-book "The Gaian-Ego Hypothesis", which follow on conceptually from the preview article The Gaian-Ego Hypothesis and the article Ego and the Denial of Complexity. It is also closely related to Commonsense Realism and the Ego, The Scientific Case Against Materialism, The Mystic Meaning of Original Sin and this comment about thinking outside the box and the ego as the box maker. These all provide conceptual background that will help you understand what this article is about, what meditation is useful for and why macro-meditation is required. I recommend familiarising yourself with those ideas but the first paragraph above gives the gist of them.

In the quotes below I have made a start at adapting the principles of meditation for collective purposes. This is just a start to indicate the general outline of what I feel is required. I strongly urge others to think about this and help to further develop these ideas, in your own way or as an extension of these strategies.  More >

 Elementary magic7 comments
picture 22 Jun 2007 @ 22:18, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
A simple principle that appears in many forms:

- An purposeful element in a changing environment is more likely to succeed, the more fixed its purpose is, and the more random motion there is in the environment. -

OK, that probably doesn't make it clear, so some examples and metaphors...

Let's say some extremely rare butterfly is looking for a mate. If it is in a very static environment, like your kitchen closet, and there's no other butterfly of that kind of around, it is out of luck. But if you drop it somewhere where thousands or millions of species live, and all of them move around a lot, it is more likely that the right kind of lady butterfly will flutter by. Some wind might help, bringing in specimens from elsewhere, or carrying our amorous butterfly somewhere else where other opportunities might exist. So, more movement helps, more random interactions, more flow, more chaos, even. But only if the butterfly remembers what it is looking for. If it gets confused by all the commotion and starts sniffing pretty flowers instead, it might not fulfill its purpose.

It is in part a matter of the number of possible combinations, of course. You have one item you want to match to another, and statistically speaking, the more random possibilities you bring by, the more likely it is that one of them matches.

But it is more than that. A fixed element will also tend to align and order and command fluid elements around it, under some conditions. The examples would have to get a bit more psychological or metaphysical to make sense out of that.

Let's say the US Immigration service rounds up a bunch of illegal immigrants on the street in L.A., drives them to Mexico and dumps them in a random town. There they are, confused and disoriented, not in control. And in front of the bus stop, there's a big friendly sign that says "Get a job here!", or "Cheap hotel rooms" or "Information" or something. Chances are, they'll probably go there.

Human minds like fixed, calm, coherent, comprehensible, consistent stuff. Simple, normal stuff that makes sense, and that orders the world. So, if you're confused, being thrown around by circumstances outside your control, and somebody offers you a simple solution or a simple answer, you're so much more likely to take it. More likely than if you were already in a well-ordered, stable and understandable situation.

Said a different way, humans are much easier to influence when they're out of balance. You're more likely to change if you're perturbed than if you're comfortable. And that's both good and bad. You're more likely to make a breakthrough towards something better when you're under pressure and everything's on fire. But you're also more likely to adopt a crazy new idea or join a new religion under those circumstances. Much easier to sign you up in a new cult if you're in trouble and somebody tells you that Guru Joe has the answer for you.

It is also a method of hypnotizing somebody. Confuse them with ambiguities or unexpected events, and then give them something to grab on to, a suggestion. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It is a good thing if you were stuck in a situation that didn't work for you, and the suggestion you adopt ends up working better for you.

However, seen from the opposite angle, there's a powerful tool there, for getting what you want in life.

Let's say there's something you very much want, like becoming an astronaut or getting a new car or going on vacation in Bora-Bora. There's still the first part of the principle there. The more people you get in contact with, whom you all tell that you want to go to Bora-Bora, the more likely it is that one of them will have a lead for you that somehow makes it happen. If you talk to five people, probably you aren't going anywhere. If you talk to a million or 100 million , chances are that one of them happens to have a ticket to Bora-Bora on hand which they don't need.

At the same time, if you're very firm and unwavering in your desire to go to Bora-Bora, and you'll proclaim this desire loudly, whenever you have a chance, no matter the occasion, something more will happen. You'll influence your environment in a more active way. You'll be known as the Bora-Bora guy for one thing, and others will talk about you. You're likely to become a sort of reference point for others. You might also influence others to organize around you, or align with you. If you meet some other people who don't know what to do, they might decide that it is more fun and meaningful to want to go to Bora-Bora, and they might join you in your quest. The more the world around you is in random motion without purpose, the more likely it is that chunks of it will align itself with what you're suggesting.

The Law of Attraction kind of thing inevitably will happen. If you focus your mind strongly on your want, and you surround yourself with symbols of what you want, and you talk about it, and you ask for it, and you look for it, and you keep at it, persistently, for a long time - you're very likely to get what you want. You're more likely, the more firm you are in your desire, and the more loudly you present it, and the more conviction you have. You're more likely to get it the more different environments you go through and the more people you meet. And it is both for statistical reasons and it is because you influence your surroundings. Nothing super-natural in that, but it can be quite a magical thing, nevertheless. You set yourself up as a strange attractor that chaos can order itself around.

You'll know other variations of it, I'm sure. Like:

"Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity"

You know, if you want good pictures, and you keep a camera in your pocket, and the right opportunity comes along, you take it out and get a great shot. It is luck, but then again, it isn't.

It's an elementary recipe for magic. There are two parts of the world, the internal part (of you), your thoughts, desires, emotions and immediate actions, which you can control, with a little practice. And theres the external part, the big wide world around you, which you don't control and which is in constant motion. If you fix an objective in your mind, if you desire it, feel it, and act accordingly, and you then expose yourself to as many different experiences as possible in life, exposing yourself to lots of people, lots of situations, lots of opportunities for furthering your desire, some of them will inevitably work out. Sometimes in direct ways, sometimes in indirect ways. But one way or another, the simple fact that you keep your desire alive and consistent will both align the rest of the world around it and bring opportunities to you.  More >

 The Mystic Meaning of Original Sin
22 Jun 2007 @ 00:44, by anandavala. Spirituality

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The Mystic Meaning of Original Sin

This was inspired by comments from Astrid. She associated it with selfishness and greed; the need to take from the world. I agree but the original sin, I think, can be clearly identified, let me explain...

Firstly regarding sin, in all the mystic traditions that I have studied my understanding of the concept of 'sin' is that it is associated with illusion and delusion, which causes us to get out of synch with the harmony of the cosmic symphony. This then gives rise to acts that are out of harmony with the whole and creates dysfunction and suffering that spreads like ripples through the interconnected system. The act isn't the sin, it's the delusion that is. It is only in mystic traditions that were corrupted for political / authoritarian purposes that this meaning was twisted to mean certain actions that were prohibited by the set of rules imposed by the authoritarian structure.

As for original sin, I agree, it doesn't mean "in far distant time", it means the originating illusion as in the root cause of illusion. This operates in each moment of awareness. As each impression is interpreted by the subconscious it becomes distorted by false beliefs and agendas. This distorted impression is then experienced by the conscious mind which is oblivious to the fact that it is experiencing a subjective impression and it assumes that it is experiencing "the world" as it is "out there".

It is this last step, called commonsense realism or naive realism that is the root cause of all further delusions. NAIVE REALISM IS ORIGINAL SIN. Even with a mind free of other false beliefs this last step soon fills the mind full of false beliefs. It is the cause of our "fall from grace".

In reality: “That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal space around us, fills everything completely from within and without, that Supreme non-dual Brahman – that thou art.” (Sankaracharya)  More >

 Pete5 comments
picture21 Jun 2007 @ 23:37, by quinty. Relationships
At this juncture in the Age of Bush (six years down, two to go) the gap between those who still believe and those who at least doubt has become so wide that any serious debate would require a return to rock hard fundamentals. And the fundamental facts and truths are so deeply buried beneath heaped-on piles of rhetoric the thought of going back to those seminal beginning can be mind boggling. Not after all this time. For a giant earth mover would be required to expose the actual story beneath all the heaped up rhetorical fallacies, six years now into the Age of Bush.  More >

 Systems Analysis of Economic Social Engineering
21 Jun 2007 @ 00:10, by anandavala. Economics, Financing, Banking

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This is a follow on article to the discussion on The International Banking System in the subject Economics, Financing, Banking.

All of the key flaws in the economic system are well known to any who look beyond the web of deception that permeates mass culture - the discussion here at NCN is similar to discussions happening all over the globe, discussions that have been occurring throughout the last century but to little avail. What do all these phenomena point to? Is there some overarching paradigm in which they can all be made sense of? Is it a matter of an elite wielding control or is it something deeper? Is there something practical that can be done about it?

Economics plays an important role in all of the key changes happening in the world but aside from our traditional rationalisations, what purpose does it really serve and what do the many changes signify? From the perspective of system theory, cybernetics and complexity theory the answers are startling!!!!  More >

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