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 The Divine Feminine9 comments
picture1 Jun 2007 @ 07:00, by jazzolog. Spirituality
There is not a petal of a flower or a blade of grass that does not configure the Way.


Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth.

---Richard Whately

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.

---Federico Fellini

Offering of Fruits to Moon Goddess, 1757
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
(b. 1727, Venezia, d. 1804, Venezia)

I have to be very careful here. Here I am offering up an article about a (The?) feminine perspective, and all the quotations up there are by guys. Is it a (The?) male perspective to explain things and solve problems, as those gentlemen are attempting? Women often respond by telling me what's wrong with my thinking and ignoring my solutions.

And of course there is a thin line between reporting and advocacy. I've had a whole life of trouble through advocating things, albeit worthwhile. Civil rights, anti-nukes, peace, organics, education and citizenship, cleaning up fraud and corruption, anti-consumerism. But of all the movements I tried to support, the feminine one has been the trickiest around which to maintain objectivity.

So I'm going to try just to report something here that I think may be significant and of interest having to do with what some call a particularly feminine outlook. Actually Cathy Holt is going to report it, so I'm hoping to get pretty much off the hook. I've subscribed to Cathy's occasional newsletter almost from the first day I got onto the Internet. Originally she wrote about natural foods and the alternative lifestyle, but from the vantage point of someone still struggling in the mainstream. That appealed to me because I try to do that. But a couple years ago, she decided to involve herself in an experimental community of people in North Carolina, who want off the grid and out of the rat race. As far as I know, there she has stayed...and while she doesn't write much about the struggles of such attempts, it seems to be going OK.

This article is a bit different, as she reports on a workshop she attended. Since most of the people who read what I send out---or at least skim through the ones with intriguing titles (before hitting delete)---have an interest in what direction the species seems to be headed, I'm hoping Cathy's effort will be helpful and inspiring toward hope!  More >

 Being Enthusiastic and giving Encouragement to Children2 comments
picture31 May 2007 @ 14:49, by jerryvest. Children, Parenting
Everyone needs appropriate encouragement-

As I have been discussing in my Learning to Learn & Play with Children blog, it is essential to support children with what Ashley Montagu describes--"Appropriate Encouragement." Dr. Montagu beautifully describes this concept as follows for all ages:

"Babies are new to themselves, and all that surrounds them is novel. Children of all ages feel much the same way; it is a feeling and a view of life that can last a lifetime. To see the world always with a fresh eye means that one brings encouraging things to every experience a habit of feeling, of experiencing, a not-taking-for-granted the everyday scene, but finding something new in each time one encounters it. And this can only come about naturally by encouraging the child, at every age, to be interested, curious, and experimental minded. This is what babies and children are, and what all humans are capable of being all of their lives, if only they receive the appropriate encouragements." (Montagu, p. 222)

I believe that Professor Montagu is one of our most outstanding human development specialists, yet few professional social workers and allied health professionals are aware of his contributions to understanding and applying his concepts of "neotenous traits." I wrote a previous article introducing these 26 basic needs that are so very important for the development of the child and for the adult to maintain and support throughout his/her evolution.

All of these basic needs are elegantly described in Growing Young and in this article I am focusing on the importance of teachers, families, care givers and other adults to support and encourage this basic need for children to sustain their interest, curiosity, and experimental mind throughout their lifetime. It appears that many children in our schools are abandoning this requirement for healthy living as they enter secondary schools and become more like or emulate adults. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps if we could be more enthusiastic about our children's work while continuing to encourage them and support their interests they would continue to improve, learn and advance their knowledge and skills.

I have found that using photography and theatre offers a great means for children to learn to express themselves and also provides encouragement for them while sharing their creativity with others. This past weekend, Ariana introduced her art work with us. Daeja, her younger sister and I, served as photographers. We posted this short introduction on Google Videos so do let her know about your impressions of her work and you can apply this concept and contribute "appropriate encouragement."

[link]  More >

 The Sudden Death of Ken Ogger29 comments
picture31 May 2007 @ 11:00, by jhs. Death & Dying
On Memorial Day, May 28th, 2007, Ken Ogger, aka 'the Pilot', was found dead in the swimming pool of the house he lived in North Hollywood.

Ken had an extremely strong motivation to help others with his writings, some of which originated from his own thinking, and much of it from the thinking of others before him. At the same time, he engaged in a fierce fight against those who want to institutionalize the philosophy of L.Ron Hubbard.

His writings are accessible at many places, see for example at [link] . No entry (yet) in the new newagewiki.

Even though I lost contact to him in recent years, I will always remember his fascinating, vivid monologues about the creation of our Universe and wish him farewell.  More >

 A symposion and co-laboratory to grapple with the global crisis ...
picture picture picture 30 May 2007 @ 18:45, by feecor. Environment, Ecology
Around the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-15) in New York a side event took place to propose a SYMPOSION AND CO-LABORATORY to look back 30+ years with some movers at that time and grapple with the challenges of Humanity and Earth.  More >

 People ARE waking up!
30 May 2007 @ 01:03, by a-d. Violence, War
but don't take my word for it!.... Just read the first page of this web-site
[ [link] ]
See if you feel as "jazzed" about it happy as I did when I found it! : )

Feel free to comment on anything said in this link, eh? We need to discuss and share our experiences and thoughts around this Awakening "Thinggggg"...: )  More >

 Imaginary L.A. subway map14 comments
27 May 2007 @ 01:49, by ming. Travel
Wow, I wish it really were like that when I lived in Los Angeles. Would have made the city feel completely different. Here you find the bigger version. If you're not familar with L.A., it is not like that at all, it is an elaborate imaginary exercise. L.A. does have a subway, but for most people in the city, it isn't very relevant, because most people live nowhere near a station. I've never even taken a ride on it. I wanted to, I meant to, but strangely didn't get around to it, because there was nothing really useful I could do with it, and it would take a bit of travel to get to a station. Now, if it had been like on the map, I can right away see how I would have used it. For years I commuted from close to where that Verdugo Rd station would be to 7th street in downtown. Took about an hour to get home on the bumper to bumper freeway.

The funny thing is that Los Angeles used to have an electrical rail system very much like the imaginary one. Or, rather, that's not funny at all, it is rather tragic. Take a look at the Red Car line that existed in the early 1900s. You can read its story on Wikipedia. There were various reasons for its demise, including that it didn't work very well and was in need of serious modernization. But a greatly contributing factor was the well-known conspiracy between General Motors and Standard Oil, forming a company that bought up rail lines in order to shut them down and replace them with cars and busses.

(Via BoingBoing)

Now, looking at the current Mass Transit System for Los Angeles, I notice there are new developments since I moved. Like a fast bus line through San Fernando Valley where I lived. But the Map is still very unimpressive compared with cities that have a good mass transit system. Somehow it doesn't feel like a very relevant system. And, wow, while I lived in L.A. I was under the firm belief that there was a subway from downtown to Santa Monica along Wilshire, and I just realize that it never was finished. Strange. I clearly remember when they were working on it, and there's even been movies about it, and it doesn't even exist. Some polical maneuvering held up the funding for it and it was never completed.  More >

 The Halloween Massacre19 comments
26 May 2007 @ 16:32, by vaxen. Economics, Financing, Banking


1) What is money... how is it created and who creates it?

2) Why is almost everyone up to their eyeballs in debt... individuals, businesses and whole nations?

3) Why can’t we provide for our daily needs - homes, furnishings cars etc. without borrowing?

4) How much could prices fall and wages increase if businesses did not have to pay huge sums in interest payments which have to be added to the cost of goods and services they supply...?

5) How much could taxes be reduced and spending on public services such as health and education be increased if governments created money themselves instead of borrowing it at interest from private banks…?

"If you want to be the slaves of banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the banks create money…" Josiah Stamp, Governor of the Bank of England 1920.  More >

 Mars cave11 comments
picture 26 May 2007 @ 02:26, by ming. Space Exploration
Closeup of one of several likely openings into recently dicovered underground caverns on Mars. This one is 100 meters wide.
At its highest resolution of 25 centimeters per pixel, the HiRISE camera can see the detailed shape of the slightly scalloped edge of a hole on the flank of Mars' Arsia Mons (left), but no amount of image enhancement (right) can bring out any further details inside the hole. That means that the walls of the cave are overhanging -- the cave is larger below the ground than the entrance we can see at the surface -- and that it is very deep. Mars' dusty atmosphere produces enough scattered light that "skylight" would illuminate the floor of a shallow cavern well enough for HiRISE to detect it.

The hope for the HiRISE images was that we could see some details from inside the hole. But as you can see by the highly stretched version at right, there is absolutely nothing visible inside that hole. It's black black black black black. HiRISE is a very sensitive instrument, and Mars' dusty atmosphere scatters quite a bit of light around, so there is certainly light entering that cave hole and bouncing around the interior. But it seems that the cave is so big and so deep that almost none of the light that enters the cave comes out. It's deep, and it's big; the hole that we see really is just a skylight on a big subterranean room. How big? We'll never know for sure without visiting it, but I expect that Cushing and his coauthors and the HiRISE team will be crunching the numbers on the illumination conditions and the sensitivity of the camera to put a lower limit on how deep that cave must be for HiRISE to be able to see nothing at all inside it.

Think about that. All these orbiters at Mars, and most of them are just seeing the surface and atmosphere. To be sure, there are two instruments up there -- MARSIS on Mars Express and SHARAD on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter -- that are probing the shape of the subsurface with ground-penetrating radar. But neither of those instruments have the resolution necessary to tell us what the inside of this cave looks like. It might as well be in the greatest depths of space. Here there be dragons. What's down there? Are there stalactites and stalagmites and crystals, or is it just a vast open room or tunnel?
Yeah, might just be something boring, like a parking garage.  More >

 oikos & ecumene & ecodomy - (sacred)spaces as fullness/emptyness/potential
picture 25 May 2007 @ 13:34, by feecor. Spirituality
The International Symposium Nature, Space and the Sacred: TRANSDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES, an international, inaugural conference of the European Forum for the Study of Religion has brought together politicians and scholars from theology, architecture, geography, anthropology,... to discuss space and sacred spaces. My contribution was about metaphors & models for oikos & ecumene & ecodomy - spaces as fullness/emptyness/potential and tragic translation errors...
see powerpoints and links.
 More >

 WE ARE NOW in the 5TH Dimension INDEED, by Dinesh Kuwar 2 comments
picture24 May 2007 @ 21:42, by freo7. Preparedness, Self-Reliance

PART 1... We are now in the Fifth Dimension meaning that the mechanism of our Reality is based on the workings of the 5th Dimensional Gadgetry. It is a a Point of No Return (Unless you Time Travel).

I Know this like I know there were some butterflies in my tummy when I got up this morning. I was filled with stunning hyped amazement yesterday evening knowing and feeling that I could instantly Create through Powered Thought and it all became complete clarification this morning.


THANK YOU Lightworkers, Every Being that contributed, Higher Beings and All Encompassing Creator. You are the ones that are Fundamental for bringing the Divine Decree into a new World just as Source is Fundamental for Creation.

What has changed ? ? --------------------

Basically, our World Earth now works of Fifth Dimension "Hardware" (Heart)

-This 5D World is now more than just Physical Density. -Creations appear quicker in Reality. -The Scope of Creation goes beyond limitation. Anything that can be thought of has an equal possibility of manifesting as anything else does. It depends on a Critical Mass of Beings of this world to Focus on bringing it into Reality. With Divine Decree and the Additional Energy influx of Higher Beings, this will be brought to manifestation in Divine Timing so that All are comfortable with it.

-First Contact by Extra-Terrestrials is highly possible now since we match their Vibration. They are the ones that will be fundamental in advancing all kinds of (not just Transistor) technology including Scientific, Political, Social...

-The Construct of Time in the measurement sense that we've "invented"is falling away.

How to Align with 5D --------------------

The 5D Hardware and Pure Raw Energy Source is available to All who are housed on Earth. What's required is to be in alignment with it through adjusting the Mind ("Software") to make use of it's Complete Potential. This means that all Older Frames of Mind (Restriction) need to fall away.

You have to believe and trust that Strongly Focused Thought and Powered Intent is the method of operating the 5D mechanism so that Source Energy can be conceptualized, put into Production and also reveal Undiscovered Existance.

What do You do Now ? ? ----------------------

*Learn how to Create accordingly.

Now that you are Conscious of this New Earth, learn the methods that harmonize with it. Learn how to create efficiently and effectively.

I encourage Lightworkers to continue so that more miracles can be brought to fruition and I would like to see more and more Awakening to the Divine role of Lightworker. In that way we could continue to essentially Crank away up the Dimensions until we're completely Surrended in Love.

Do you want to shift into the role of Lightworker?

Lightworkers are crucial. Being a Lightworker (if you can't identify yourself as being one now) gives you access to what you have now and more and they work towards the Wellbeing of All. Access is granted to All the wonderment and ability of the Potential that's unconditionally available so I would recommend it with a boost to those that choose to want to Walk the Path of a Lightworker.

----- *see care2firethegrid Light Worker Group Here we have 110 beginners and about 25 advanced lightworkers participating and classes (by phone conference usually on Saturdays) in BEGINNER and ADVANCED group energy work to date.

----- *Familiarize yourself with the workings of this New World for it is as Realistic Truth as the core Crystalline Grid of This Evolved Earth IS. *We ALL have Ascended since we reside on the same Planet*. Some of us are Aware of it and some may be not. Which one are you? What do you want to do about it?

PS. Please don't mind me (Dinesh Kuwar) for sounding like a Technical Artisan. It is just that this all happened today! May 21, 2007

"Atlantis has Risen like an Indestructible Brick Wall standing stunned and flowing a million tears of Passionate Pride in all remembrance of what IT was and what IT is NOW"  More >

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