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 Profile of a Sociopath
23 May 2007 @ 01:11, by a-d. Politics
With the discussion in mind, that NCN members have just recently had on Celeste's Blog, I thought it would be important to make ever more people aware of the MENTAL/ EMOTIONAL =SPIRITUAL ILLNESS that has a tight grip of Mankind.

It has held Mankind in its grip for the last 5-6000 years and only spread ever wider and deeper in our social stratas as they were "built"/orchestrated into being.


 Who Is Davis Mac-Iyalla And Why Is He Here?23 comments
picture22 May 2007 @ 10:08, by jazzolog. Religion
Do not attempt to become Buddha.


Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds himself loses his misery.

---Matthew Arnold

The more deeply we are our true selves, the less self is in us.

---Meister Eckhart

Photo of Nigerian Anglican Gay activist Davis Mac-Iyalla in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, during the Anglican Primates' Meeting February 17, 2007. He was there to confront Peter Akinola, the Anglican Primate of All Nigeria, who has pressed for the world's most sweeping anti-Gay law. (The Rev. Scott Gunn)

The simple answer to the question is he has made his first visit to the United States from Togo, where he is in exile, to tell his story. It is the story of a young man born in the south of Nigeria (an important geographic distinction following civil war there some 40 years ago) who happened to get asked to run a church school and accepted. He did so with some fear because at age 14, he realized his sexual desires were for other males. In Nigeria you could go to jail if you acted on such impulses. His work at the school was so successful that it came to the attention of the Anglican bishop of the area at the time, who invited him into his administration. In 2003 Bishop Ugede died suddenly of tuberculosis. The new administration, appointed by Archbishop Peter Akinola, fired Davis and removed any priests who supported him. Within 2 years, Davis had become the center of a growing movement of gays and lesbians in Nigeria demanding rights for their way of life. Archbishop Akinola responded with support for legislation, currently pending, that will make it a crime for any citizen to associate in any way with someone identified as homosexual. The term of imprisonment will be 5 years.

That story is the simple answer. At the same time, the American branch of the Anglican Church, known as the Episcopal, consecrated a bishop in New Hampshire who is openly gay and has a partner. Within hours, Peter Akinola in Nigeria declared the overwhelming majority of archbishops and primates in the area known as the Global South would not recognize Gene Robinson as a bishop. He said the church now was in a "state of impaired communion" and declared he refused ever to be in the same room with a homosexual person. Conservative Episcopal churches in the United States have moved to support Akinola financially and even explore ways to join his diocese in Nigeria. It is possible the entire Anglican church, numbering millions of members worldwide, will divide over this issue. The Archbishop of Canterbury will make his first visit to the States since all this blew open at the end of the summer...around the time Davis will conclude his tour in California. Can this one man have any impact on the situation?  More >

 Getting any lately? Sleep, I mean.0 comments
20 May 2007 @ 12:24, by neva. Spirituality
I know, for myself, there was a previous pattern of being awakened between 3:15 and 3:30 a.m. for months at
a time, back around 1993-94 and also 1995-96. I know now that these were actication periods and that ET
energies were involved. It appears that these disrrupted sleep cycles are returning.  More >

 Effective Caring3 comments
18 May 2007 @ 04:46, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
May 18, 2007


Well maybe there is money or cost recovery in caring but perhaps only in "reasonable or effective caring."
Effective or reasonable caring thus takes the money and or accounting and expenses process into consideration while haphazard or "magical caring" doesn't usually and as a consequence doesn't get the caring job done or done in an effective or sustainable way. Cause there is not to much point to caring if it doesn't achieve something constructive and sustainable results or outcomes, although sometimes care is necessary just to get some through a rough patch or the day. People for instance with permanent disabilities have a hard time finding the will to live and part of caring for them requires that others give them reason and hope just to brighten there day and make their lot a little sunnier but even these people I have oft found can give the most amazing "acts of grace" in times of their caretakers rare or occasional times of their own struggles.

So I guess then theres educated, experienced, effective and sustainable caring and the other less effective sorts.

True you do not necessary care for the money or profit but you have to accept the realities of covering your own necessities, legalities, overhead, taxes and expenses, even though it could be said to take a bite out of your caring effect and effort but given the fact that the heart in this wisdom pumps back a little blood to itself while it is pumping blood to power and sustain the rest of the body suggests that this is just basic caring physics. How much well I'm not sure I suppose it depends on the total load at different times but may be say 10 or 20 % depending.

So then you have the reality that caring is not easy and it is not cheap or free either but it is still mostly the right thing to do but must be done in a way as to accommodate the realities of modern life to be done in a logical, effective and sustainable way.

So then caring starts with giving but remembering to give a portion of what is given back to ones self. This then is meant to cover the "caring costs" or the cost of caring.

So then if we say we care and we profess to care then in true fashion and in order to care effectively and sustainably we must make and consider the effort to recover the 10 or 20 % caring costs or effective caring costs. Generally such costs can be written off for business and tax purpose as expenses and or as basic personal exemptions.

Darn who would have thought caring could be so complicated but I suppose even caring has some basic standards.

Alfred G. Jonas  More >

 We've Changed Earth's Climate: Now What?34 comments
picture17 May 2007 @ 09:45, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
That which man acquires by contemplation he should spend in love.

---Meister Eckhardt

All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.


Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.

---Mark Twain, August 27, 1897

Mark Twain's famous remark remained funny for about a hundred years. Then we began to wonder. With all our technology, why can't we change the weather in some places if we want to? But at the same time, gloomier forecasts were accumulating that in fact humanity, in that same hundred years of industrialization, was changing not only the weather but the very stability of the planet's current climate arrangement. We've had at least 10 years of raging argument about this, and still we have "scientists," mostly in the pay of corporations who can't find a profit motive yet, who tell us it all is too complicated for people to understand and it's better to do nothing. Most people, in the States anyway, seem to believe there's global warming or whatever we end up calling it, but feel it's too big for them to change any behavior about. I mean, what is one guy supposed to do?

On Tuesday, the government's NASA site called Earth Observatory put up the 2005 photo you see here with this comment:

"Perhaps the most visible sign that Earth’s climate is warming is the gradual shrinking of its glaciers. In North America, the most visited glacier is the Athabasca Glacier, one of six glaciers that spill down the Canadian Rockies from the Columbia Icefield in western Canada. Visitors who return to the glacier a few years after their first visit will notice the change wrought by warming temperatures. In the past 125 years, the Athabasca Glacier has lost half of its volume and receded more than 1.5 kilometers (0.93 miles), leaving hills of rock in its place. Its retreat is visible in this photo, where the glacier’s front edge looms several meters behind the tombstone-like marker that indicates the edge of the ice in 1992. The Athabasca Glacier is not alone in its retreat: Since 1960, glaciers around the world have lost an estimated 8,000 cubic kilometers (1,900 cubic miles) of ice. That is approximately enough ice to cover a two-kilometer-wide (1.2 mile-wide) swath of land between New York and Los Angeles with an ice sheet that is one kilometer (0.62 miles) tall.

"Melting glaciers, dwindling sea ice, rising global temperatures, and rising sea levels. Little by little the evidence is adding up to show that Earth is getting hotter, and scientists are almost certain that people are to blame. A number of activities from burning fossil fuels to farming pump heat-trapping gases—greenhouse gases—into the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, these gases stay there for thousands of years, absorbing the heat that comes from the Earth and re-radiating it back to the surface, enhancing Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. Between 1906 and 2006, the average surface temperature of the Earth rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.08 to 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit), while greenhouse gas concentrations reached their highest levels in at least the past 650,000 years. Most climate scientists believe that there is a connection and warn that if greenhouse gas emissions continue, temperatures are likely to go up 2 to 6 degrees Celsius (3.6 to 10.8 degrees F) by the end of the 21st century.

"While this might seem like a small change, it will probably lead to big changes in the environment. Warming temperatures will likely lead to more frequent heat waves, bigger storms, including more intense tropical cyclones (hurricanes), and more widespread drought. Since water expands as it heats, and melting glaciers and ice caps have dumped more fresh water into the world’s oceans, sea levels have already started to rise. Higher sea levels lead to more erosion and greater storm damage in coastal areas, many of which are densely populated. As much as 10 percent of the world’s population lives in vulnerable coastal regions that have an elevation less than 10 meters (32 feet) above sea level."

At that point, in a move not at all typical of this site---and I visit it everyday---the reader is referred to another page where begins a lengthy treatise on Global Warming. It is illustrated with many striking photos, maybe most of them taken from satellites circling the Earth. [link] Well, it's a dot gov site, so where's the policy? Must we wait for the dot coms to sell us stuff to solve it? How organized are all the dot orgs? Is the species finished?  More >

 Wisdom Goddesses30 comments
16 May 2007 @ 21:08, by vaxen. Spirituality
Nicolas' recent article inspired me to forage some of my ancient roots and reacquaint myself with elden loves.

Here then is a hodge podge of e-redacted lore, a simple bit, that I may, or may not, edit - later on - for clarity...

We'll see.

In any case there is a lot here, links as well, that may inspire someone to go beyond the present cacaphony of the world and rediscover things worth while...deep within themselves.

When you look around you at all the wars being perpetrated by the perps of the monied set, thieves and bandits all, and the horrors they generate, it begins to look a lot like the ancient Maha Bharata...

Hope you, whoever you are, who actually reads any of this, find your own, true, way amidst the discord of this worlds' illusions, and thus end delusion for your self and, perhaps, future beings...who've grown tired of the lies of the well schooled charlatans of political and educational dog-ma.



Wisdom Goddesses : Mahavidyas and the Assertion of Femininity in Indian Thought

There exists in India a group of strange Goddesses, ten in number. One of them is shown holding her own freshly severed head, which feeds on the blood flowing from her headless torso; another holds a pair of scissors while sitting triumphant atop a corpse;


Shodashi the Goddess who is Sixteen Years Old

Shodashi or Tripura-Sundari is believed to have taken birth to save the gods from the ravages of a mighty and wrathful demon. The tale begins when Shiva burnt down Kama, the god of love, who tried to distract Shiva from his meditation. One of Shiva's followers then scooped off Kama's ashes and formed the image of a man out of them. This man then persuades Shiva to teach him a powerful mantra. By the power of this mantra, one could gain half the might of one's adversary. But because he was generated from the ashes of Shiva's wrath he is transformed into a fierce demon. Intoxicated with his new found power he proceeded to rampage the kingdom of the gods. Apprehending defeat and humiliation, the gods all propitiate Goddess Tripura-Sundari to seek her help. The goddess appears and agrees to help them. Taking the battlefield she heaps a crushing blow on the mighty demon, thus saving the gods.

Iconographically this Goddess is shown seated on a lotus that rests on the supine body of Lord Shiva, who in turn lies on a throne whose legs are the gods Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Rudra.

[link]  More >

 Poem, Love's Addiction7 comments
13 May 2007 @ 03:44, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
yeah it's mushy..don't ya love it? lol  More >

 New Civilizations24 comments
11 May 2007 @ 21:30, by b. Communities
Somewhere new civilizations will materialize. The ideas for new civilizations occur constanly to people all over the planet Earth.  More >

 The REAL Secret6 comments
11 May 2007 @ 12:04, by vector8. Spirituality
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and beings called Humours. God blessed Humours and gave them power to create joy and humour. God also warned Humours to avoid the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or they will die.

Humours had a whale of a time being happy and jolly and having a ball. Life was always fun.  More >

 Odu of 20076 comments
picture11 May 2007 @ 04:16, by system21. Natural Health & Healing
Lukumi make a Ceremony to Know the Ruler Odu of every year.
This year come Chango talking in Obara Tonti with Olokun and Egun governing. The prediction is more Hot and a large amount of Deads because the bioavailability of oxygen on Atmos. This Deity is associate with Olodumare.
Odu also talk "the Spirit of Fire is inmortal".
Solutions? Ebo on all body levels.
Bioenergetic activation through Lukumi ritual techniques directed to propitiate the fullfilment of Destiny and bioenergetic activation through electronutrition --ask me about that-- providing oxygen with ions of nutrientes to the electrical level of the Cells and restoring the biochemical level of the ecologic body.

Obakinioba Obatesi  More >

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