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 Aerosol Detection2 comments
10 May 2007 @ 17:58, by bushman. Environment, Ecology
Right, like they didn't notice Jets laying down thick contrails that spread out and blot out the blue sky till the Sun goes down. Oh gee guys, lets just sneek this in as a normal everyday thing, the kids will never know that 20 years ago jets didn't lay down cloud cover, like we your gov, have always had to do this to protect the planet from solar radiation. But we are just going to say it's a new discovery. Your jokeing, right? Dudes, give it up and force the big corps to break out the high tech clean power. Don't you corperate super rich people think youve made enough money? Rather than clean up your production practices, you all chip in on reflecting sunlight back into space. You put the guilt of global warming onto the citizen that can only make the choice of burning fuel or walking to survive/basic comforts. When the facts show that millitarys use and burn most the fuel produced. Just one plane flight across the country uses more fuel than I could burn in 20 years in my truck plus cooking and heat and lights.


"We found that the region affected by this cloud field 'twilight zone' extends to tens of kilometers beyond the identified cloud edge," said Koren. "This suggests that 30 to 60 percent of the atmosphere previously labeled as 'cloud-free' is actually affected by cloud-aerosol processes that reflect solar energy back into space."

Full Story:

And be sure to check out the related links at the bottom of the page. :}  More >

 Death Of A Bebop Wife5 comments
picture8 May 2007 @ 08:58, by jazzolog. Music
In the photo Grange boards plane to meet Al. (1960)

Death Of A Bebop Wife
by Grange (Lady Haig) Rutan
Published by Cadence Jazz Books, Redwood NY 13679

The modern pianist has a very special relationship with his drummer and his bassist. As his instrument has hammers, it resembles the drums; and as it has strings, it's like the bass. His position in the rhythm section is more detached, and more ambiguous than that of his partners, the bass and the drums. If he feels like it, he can stop playing for a few bars and let the bass define the harmony and the drums ensure the rhythm. He can suggest new harmonic directions, fall into step with a soloist, then break away a moment later. On again, off again. He opens or he closes. He's present at the heart of the rhythm, then suddenly he's gone.

---Laurent De Wilde
from chapter 5, p. 21

There's a scene in Grange Rutan's long-awaited book about her first husband Al Haig in which the legendary piano player introduces his young bride to Miles Davis. The men had played together with Charlie Parker in the tumultuous beginning years of bebop, and Al was pianist on one of Miles' Birth of the Cool sessions. By the summer of 1960, Miles Davis was packing in crowds at the Blackhawk in San Francisco, but Al Haig was scuffling for work. After turning down Miles' urgent invitation to sit in with the band, Al sheepishly confesses he and Grange have no place to sleep. Without hesitation, Miles reaches into his pocket and hands Al Haig the key to his dressing room. It was there, on a stained mattress in a shabby back room of a nightclub, the couple consummated their marriage. The bride looked brave, despite 2 black eyes.

Much about jazz, its artists, its working conditions, its devoted followers, and both the generosity and freakouts, is revealed in that passage. There have been many books written about the history of the music, including the death-defying years of bebop, but here's one long overdue from the perspective of a woman who loved a man who created some of it. And Grange Rutan goes beyond her own marriage of 2 1/2 years with Al Haig, into his next marriage which that girl did not survive. Rumors of murder persist to this day, and Grange presents her view as to whether Al could have done it.  More >

 Cascading Cross Defaults36 comments
7 May 2007 @ 09:38, by vaxen. Globalization
I am only reprinting this article here, not because I believe that 'the Christos' was anything like the 'peaceful' soul this man likes to paint him to be, but because of the subtext message going on that should be read, and understood, by all people everywhere.

Also because I spent the evening reading a bunch of 'milblogs,' and seeing the absolute, and dreadful, mind-wash going on to these deluded fools who, even though state courts are taking their children away (Those single parents who had custody before "deployment" to Iraq, Afghanistann, and related Archipelagos, in the greedy game where their lords and masters profit and they die and lose their children!) stand in Manchurianesque oblivion to the realities behind Kissinger, Rockerfeller (Chase Manhatten etc.), Bush, et al, wars - where might is right and truth a casualty.

Idiot Americans brainwashed into believing that they can shut up and not be held accountable by us, their fellow Americans, for the genocide going on in OUR name all over the world!

On the eve of the new EUUSA union they are being led to the slaughter by an ilk 'the Revelation' dreamt of, and labelled, albeit cryptically. So, here goes:

Preemptive Truth: 'What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?'

by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy [link]

Like one who…
Made such a sinner of his memory,
To credit his own life.
~ William Shakespeare
The Tempest [link]

The above Doonesbury comic strip of October 19, 2002, puts the lie to ecclesiastical, civil, commercial and media hierarchs and drum majors who try to defend their moral rectitude in relation to their support of the invasion of Iraq by saying, "If I had only known the truth, I never would have supported this war." By October 19, 2002 what they insist they did not know until years later was public knowledge – to the point that mainstream comic strips and cartoonists could satirize the obviousness of the lies being employed to justify turning Iraq into a killing field?

After the "overwhelming atrocity" of the Vietnam War, I watched bishops, priests, ministers, theologians, politicians, celebrities, academics, columnists, university administrators, former students, TV talking-political-heads, labor union leaders and members, judges, prosecutors, police officers, FBI agents, ordinary people in the pews or in bleachers, as well as institutions – who were politically and/or morally supportive of that war or cleverly and silently indifferent to its carnage – re-write their personal and institutional histories. This revisionist project was undertaken to make it appear they were "really against that awful thing" but did not feel that speaking out publicly in opposition to it was right, since they didn’t have all the facts at the time because of government lies that confused them or kept them completely in the dark. At the time, I had close encounters of the intense kind with a few of these faux neo-adversaries of the Vietnam War. I therefore know as a fact from personal interaction with them what they really thought, what they really did and cooperated with, and how they and their interests handsomely profited from their choice to support or to remain silent.

This should not be permitted to happen with the present "overwhelming atrocity." Being dead wrong on the morality of an act of organized mass murder should disenfranchise a person from even being considered as a candidate to lead people in the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque or the State in matters of serious moral import. If a person cannot morally see murder when it is mass murder, or worse, if he or she sees it and justifies it or ignores it, they should be spiritually and humanly disqualified from telling other people what to do and from being given access to means of coercion (physical, psychological or spiritual) by which to force other people to do what they want them to do.  More >

 The Real Scandal At The World Bank
7 May 2007 @ 04:27, by a-d. Globalization
Published on Thursday, April 26, 2007 by The Independent/UK
The Real Scandal At The World Bank
The Bank is Killing Thousands of the Poorest People in The World
by Johann Hari

While the world’s press has been fixated on the teeny-weeny scandal over whether the World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz helped to get his girlfriend a $300,000-a-year gig next door, they have been ignoring the rancid stench of a far bigger scandal wafting from Wolfie’s Washington offices.

This slo-mo scandal isn’t about apparent petty corruption in DC. It’s about how Wolfowitz’s World Bank is killing thousands of the poorest people in the world, and knowingly worsening our worst crisis - global warming - every day.

Let’s start with the victims. Meet Hawa Amadu, 70-something, living in the muddy slums of Accra, the capital of Ghana, and trying to raise her grandkids as best she can. Hawa has a problem - a massive problem - and the World Bank put it there. She can’t afford water or electricity any more. Why? The World Bank threatened to refuse to lend any more money to her government, which would effectively make it a leper to governmental donors and international business, unless it stopped subsidising the cost of these necessities. The subsidies stopped. The cost doubled. Now Hawa goes thirsty so her grandchildren can drink, and weeps: “Am I supposed to drink air?”

She is not alone. Half a world away, in Bolivia, Maxima Cari - a mother - is also thirsty. “The World Bank took away my right to clean water,” she explains. In 1997 the World Bank demanded the Bolivian government privatise the country’s water supply. So Maxima couldn’t afford it any more. Now she has to use dirty water from a well her villagers dug. This dirty water is making her children sick, and she is sullen. “I wash my children weekly,” Maxima says. “Sometimes there’s only enough water to wash their hands and faces, not their whole body … This is not a nice way to live.”
The newly elected socialist government of Evo Morales is planning to take the water back - and he is, of course, condemned and threatened by the World Bank.  More >

 State Of Mammality Address7 comments
7 May 2007 @ 02:47, by swanny. Spirituality
May 6, 2007


Greetings and salutations to you, all mammality!

We come now and give to us all, this First State of Mammality Address, on this 6th day of May, in the year of our Lord 2007 AD, here from the Province of Alberta, in the Nation of Canada, to all of the planet Earth, here in the Sol Star System, of the Milky Way Galaxy.

After some 220 million years since the first inception of the Mammal Class or roughly one Galactic Year ago, we find the current state of Mammality now, to be,
though somewhat weathered, still in a fair and well established position here on this planet. Derived as we are, from the Phylum Chordata, the parent Mammal Class, Mammality has yielded to date approximately, some 4,800 Orders of species from it, one of which, Primates, we, our human species are descendant and derived of and from some 60 million years ago. Well done Mammality.

To note now, then, some of the achievements of the Mammal Class in this time, we see now that there are flying mammals, civilized and space going mammals, burrowing mammals, building mammals and aquatic mammals. As well mammals can range from quite small in size, to the very largest of creatures of life upon this Earth.

While the state of mammality thus, is practically and statistically in fair to good condition, we have had to, over these millions of years, face numerous hardships and challenges, and some of the species of our Class, are sadly not represented alive any more here today, and to them we pay our respects and thank them for the contributions made towards our current fair fortunes. May you rest in peace.

Looking forward though, to the next galactic year, the future looks promising thought daunting as well. Have you all heard? We have discovered a sister Planet, in the constellation Libra, around the Star Gliese 581, a planet called Gliese 581c or Aprilla as I like to call her. This should proof an interesting find to study and investigate and perhaps, God and time willing, one day for the mammals of the future to visit perhaps. Perhaps, in the fullness of time. Still though, we will sadly, face many of the same challenges we have faced before over these millions of years, like want for good food, clean air and water and healthy habitat and environment, and problems such as weather, earth quakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, climate change, war, disease, asteroids and other such. We pray and ask that good fortunes guide us and help us through once again.

But let us remember though that together as we celebrate this first galactic year of our existence, together let us and we will strive to show the same spirit, will and strength as those mammals that have gone before us, giving thanks and praise to the our Good Host the Earth and the Lord and Great Spirit above for providing for all of us, for all this time and for now and hopefully the morrow. For your gracious gifts and grace we are grateful and now give thanks.

So thus thank you for your attention to this matter and here ends the Annual Galactic Year State of Mammality Address.

Sincerely and humbly...

A Fellow Human Mammal, AGJ.  More >

 The 6th Great Die-Off14 comments
picture5 May 2007 @ 10:44, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
Without the bitterest cold that penetrates to the very bone, how can plum blossoms send forth their fragrance to the whole world?


Each something is a celebration of the nothing that supports it.

---John Cage

The horse's mind
So swiftly
Into the hay's mind.

---Fazil Husnu Daglarca

All the artwork is by Richard Ross.

Something like 60 years ago I spent some summertime at YMCA Camp Onyahsa on Lake Chautauqua. It was only several miles from Mom and Dad in Jamestown, New York, but I didn't thrive in the situation. The highlight of the whole experience were a couple nature hikes with a young man named Bob Sundell. The boys all called him "Bugs." He had an intensity about what you could see in Nature and how to look that was contagious. Even other boys who weren't into this whole camping thing that much were completely involved with this guy when he showed up. Off we'd go...and immediately there was a snake or a hawk---"It's a Cooper's hawk!" yelled Harold Smith, who later had to wear a ball and chain in the cafeteria because he kept trying to escape...but "Bugs" said, "Hey, that's great!" when he knew that hawk, and Harold was proud. Or there was a flash in the fast I didn't see what it was: a bright blur. "A redstart," "Bugs" whispered...but it was gone and hiding.

Redstarts became my favorite bird and I always wanted to see another one, even though I hadn't really seen the first one. Maybe it was "Bugs'" influence and the way he engaged us little boys. I don't think I ever saw Bob Sundell again although I often thought to look him up when I was back in my hometown. I think he's lived in Western New York all his life, teaching at a community college there and prominent with the Roger Tory Peterson Institute Ornothological Club (Peterson was from Jamestown too) and the local Audubon Society...especially the annual bird count.

The other day, down by the main creek of 3 that run through our woods, I saw another redstart. My second. It's been 60 years! I suppose if I had really gone out and looked in the meantime---made a project of it---I could have seen a bunch by now. But I don't seem to interact with Nature that way. I'm more an alert-and-see-what-pops-up sort of guy. It may be those 2 redstarts are bookends of my life, and I'd be content with that.

I never minded when neocons snarled "treehugger" at the way I feel about Nature. They've called me a lot of things in the past 40 years, but I think hugging trees is a wonderful experience. I much prefer it to knocking down every one I see. A couple weeks ago I threw a father and son off my land because they'd brought in their 4-wheelers. I did it with so much rage I frightened myself. I don't mind hunters---as long as they let me know---but I find those recreation vehicles obscene today. When I look at my neighbors and how they interact with Nature, I feel doomed. What should I do?

And how much time do we have? Which brings me to the dire task at hand. Before today, there's always been a sense of joy or sharing or work-to-do when I've recommended information to people I know. But now I feel more like it's duty to report this. The June issue of Mother Jones magazine carries a cover story by their environmental reporter Julia Whitty. That cover is here illustrated, and the little card next to that specimen reads "Homo sapiens: -Large brain, opposable thumbs, -Primary cause of Sixth Great Extinction". After the warming and climate change, this is next and more biologists are telling us this everyday. The entire article is online and I believe was picked up by The Independent in the UK, but it's always good to support magazines at the newsstand. I'll warn you Julia begins with a graphic description of death by dehydration...but we need to know how fast it happens and after a certain point no matter how much water they give you, it won't help.  More >

 garden., step two4 comments
picture 5 May 2007 @ 05:32, by skookum. Farming
here is the beginnings of the Spring garden. As you can see the summer garden beyond isn't quite ready. These pics were taken by my daughter Krystal.  More >

 Happiness from childhood1 comment
5 May 2007 @ 00:35, by sunimal. Personal Development
Everybody can be happy. Everyone needs to value others and not hurt their feelings. If someone needs assistance -provide it - you will be rewarded with a friend forever. Allow your child to identify his/her talents and promote their development, children will love you forever. If a person you supervise is weak, coach him/her to be better - he/she will be eternally grateful. Never fire an employee-assist him/her to select a position aligned to his/her talents - the world will become a better place.  More >

4 May 2007 @ 08:15, by vaxen. Globalization

Fairchild Industries Corporate Manager, Von Braun Spokesperson, Dr. Carol Rosin
When Wernher Von Braun [father of modern rocket science] was dying of cancer [1974], he asked me to be his spokesperson. Von Braun actually told me that the reasons for space-based weaponry that were going to be given—the enemies that we were going to identify—were all based on a lie. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics; that first the Russians are going to be considered the enemy. Then terrorists would be identified. Then we were going to identify third-world “crazies.” We now call them Nations of Concern. The next enemy was asteroids—against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons. And over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up the last card. “And remember, Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens, and all of it is a lie.” He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details. I am not sure I would have absorbed them if he had told me the details, or even believed him in 1974….In 1977, I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War Room….They continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these enemies and at some point, there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War. Now this is 1977! pp. 255 - 259. See also Dr. Rosin’s website, [link] .


Steven M. Greer, M.D., Founder and Director, Disclosure Project
The government—as you and I might think of it—is really quite outside the loop. Indeed the situation is so dire that senior Joint Chiefs of Staff leaders in the Pentagon who I have briefed have no more access to such projects than any other civilian—unless they are on the “inside” for some reason. We have found that the technologies to replace fossil fuel usage already exist and need to be exploited and applied immediately to avert a serious global economic, geopolitical, and environmental crisis in the not-so-distant future. As daunting a disclosure may be, with all its potential for short-term instability and change, continued secrecy means that we will destroy the earth through our folly and greed. We do not have 50 more years—the earth’s ecosystem will collapse before then. There are no easy choices. But there is one right one. Will you help us make it? pp. 567, 491, 570. See also Dr. Greer’s websites at [link] , and [link] .  More >

 How Spirit Becomes Matter
picture3 May 2007 @ 22:29, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
There is essentially no difference between what appears to be two things, the only difference is in it's vibratory rate.

From the smorgasbord that life spreads before us we choose our beliefs and by so doing we choose our reality. We think it into being; we ‘feel’ it into being. We attract what we most focus on, believe in and take for granted.  More >

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