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 Nefarious War8 comments
21 Apr 2007 @ 23:43, by vaxen. Violence, War
Nefarious War

Last year we fought by the head-stream of the Sang-kan,

This year we are fighting on the Tsung-ho road.

We have washed our armor in the waves of Chiao-chi lake,

We have pastured our horses on Tien-shan's snowy slopes.

The long, long war goes on ten thousand miles from home,

Our three armies are worn and grown old.

The barbarian does man-slaughter, not plowing;

On this yellow sand-plains nothing has been seen but

blanched skulls and bones.

Where the Chin emperor built the walls against the Tartars,

There the defenders of Han are burning beacon fires.

The beacon fires burn and never go out,

There is no end to war!—

In the battlefield men grapple each other and die;

The horses of the vanquished utter lamentable cries to heaven,

While ravens and kites peck at human entrails,

Carry them up in their flight, and hang them on the branches of dead trees.

So, men are scattered and smeared over the desert grass,

And the generals have accomplished nothing.

Oh, nefarious war! I see why arms

Were so seldom used by the benign sovereigns.  More >

 What if our thoughts are creating Global Warming?6 comments
20 Apr 2007 @ 21:19, by Unknown. Environment, Ecology

Global Warming is a classic example of a collective delusion that feeds on itself and which is getting alarmingly out of control.
 More >

 Symbols, Thoughts or Feelings 0 comments
20 Apr 2007 @ 10:46, by vector8. Spirituality
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." -- Matthew 6: 33-34

There is a television advert for a furniture company whose sale always ends on Sunday. I often wonder which Sunday they're referring to. Next Sunday, first Sunday in March 2008, last Sunday in December 2010, first Sunday in Never?

People, including myself, are constantly saying "See you later." What do people mean by later? 1 minute later, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 years later, in the after life, when?

What about when people say "I'll see you in a sec?" A second lasts only one moment and it's gone. That means most of us are lying.  More >

 If I Hear "Robust" Once More, I'm Gonna Puke10 comments
picture20 Apr 2007 @ 09:57, by jazzolog. Legal, Justice
Religion is a way of walking, not a way of talking.

---Dean William R. Inge

I have realized that the past and the future are real illusions, that they exist only in the present, which is what there is and all there is.

---Alan Watts

A Zen master's life is one continuous mistake.


God, how this White House loves that word! Everything they do is ROBUST. The Surge is robust, the economy is robust, our schools are SO robust, anti-abortionists are getting much more robust, and the Gun Lobby never has been so robust! Rove is just busting with robust. He and Bush are in Ohio all the time because we brim with robust!

I suspect it may have been Rove (or his people) who came up with "robust." It has the first 2 letters of his name so that satisfies egomania, and of course "bust" is in he can think of breasts and milk as well as allegiance to his President. What could be better?

The only thing better would be if all Repubs use it...and they do (even when wearing the pink necktie of apology and surrender). Yesterday Justice Department spokeswoman Cynthia Magnuson used it against critics who say the Executive's legal people have been using federal attorneys to wipe out the opposition. She said the department has "a completely robust record when it comes to enforcing federal voting rights laws." The Justice Department not only is robust, it's COMPLETELY robust. It's like Heaven on earth there!

I love this photograph by Doug Mills for The New York Times this morning. There he is, the Attorney General of the United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave. The man used the "can't remember anything" approach to his testimony. At least it's more down-to-earth than the "best-of-my-recollection" song and dance other attorneys general have used. A busy man has to have people on his staff who remember things for him. I understand that. Do you suppose there is someone at Justice who remembers who is supposed to remember the content of meetings? Maybe they can search around.

In the meantime, you might take a look at Greg Gordon's article for the Baltimore Sun yesterday that contains Cynthia's robust remark...and see if you can detect any "legal" strategies in there about crushing free election. And then I guess I have to like best Lara Jakes Jordan's coverage for AP of Gonzales' pathetic appearance yesterday.  More >

 WOUNDED HEALER20 comments
picture20 Apr 2007 @ 02:40, by sprtskr. Medicine, Healthcare
My name is Spiritseeker, a screen name I gave myself when I started using the internet. This name has played a very strong part in my life. I am a Chippewa indian which makes this name even more important. I have lived my life like a champion for the poor,neglected and abused but not as well as I could have. In 2004 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had one chemo treatment. I read many articles about it on the net and found that chemo and radiation is a steady killer that will kill you faster then the cancer. After refusing more treatments I became healthy and stronger then I had been in a long time. Well this wasn't to be the end of my cancer. It showed up last august as bone cancer. I was told the cancer had traveled through my blood and caused this along with lung cancer. The next stop could be brain cancer but I'm hoping to beat it. Every month I have became stronger in my positive attitude that the cancer levels have lowered with each blood test I got. There isn't anything I did that should of done that. The will to live is still the best cure out there. I do take vitamin B17 which gives me alot of energy when I remember to take it. Outlawed by the FDA because they couldn't make money from it and chemo makes over 7 million a year. You can get it from the internet with Mexico or Canada. It does cost but its worth it to me these last few months. I do get the zometa for bone growth to heal the holes the cancer eats away at. I grew two inches from it which they said I would. A nice bonus I suppose but now my pants are too short. An numerologist said I was a WOUNDED HEALER by the number it got from my name. I knew my path was to be a healer in this life but didn't know how I could be when time was running out. Well I just might have more time then I thought.Everyone has cancer cells in their bodies, the amount is up to 45 for normal and anything above will mean cancer has mutated and is attacking normal cells and causing them to become cancerous. The lack of oxygen is what causes cells to do this. We need a way to increase the oxygen in the cells. Just taking in extra oxygen through a tank or deep breathing exercises isn't enough. There are ideas out there that can help prevent and cure cancer normally and without harsh chemicals. Chemo is nothing more then poison that kills cells in its path its not aware of which ones are cancerous or not. This form of so called healing causes other parts of your body to be attacked with this poison and wreck havac on your other organs. The most you can get is 8 sessions of treatment. One out of three patients die from chemo alone. It averages 5 years for chemo to kill a patient and 5 years for cancer left untreated. Where is the cure in this? Like oranges help prevent scurvy apricot seeds 7-9 daily will prevent cancer. But how do you get apricot seeds from a government agency that bans the packaging of apricot seeds? B17 has the vitamin that apricot seeds has its called latril. Clean water especially oxygenized water will clean out your body better and healthier then tap water. Most people know tap water is very dangerous to drink because of its chemicals. Chlorine in our water during a shower causes it to enter our pores when their open from the hot water. You can buy a filter for your showers and I recommend everyone do that. Food has added chemicals that also are cancer causing agents in them. Every year there are more people getting cancer. Make a wise decision and read all you can. So don't wait til cancer is found growing in you help prevent it now.I spent time thinking about what I'm about to tell you that I have come not to the answer but to the question. Its not how I got cancer but why I chose to have cancer. I believe we choose to get sick to a certain degree. During this last three years I've delved deep into my psyche in deciding do I want to die or live. Of course I want to live but to what degree of life will I live. Slowly declining in health, growing pain levels and not being able to clean myself,eat or walk. Would it be better I die quick so I don't live a long time in pain and my family won't have to take care of me and do the things for me that I can't do for myself. Bathe me,change my diapers maybe,hear me cry in pain. Now I may live longer but putting death just farther down the road and to start all over again with accepting it. Its time I stop sitting on the fence and really decide to die or really LIVE. Unless I do I won't be able to heal myself for long until I start to decline again. What we believe becomes our reality if done long enough and if we want it strong enough. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I am retired now living on a disibility check which is a nice sum of money but I would rather work then have all this pain. I hope to come back here and give another good report of my progress. So until then keep on keeping on.  More >

 Request for help ..
picture 19 Apr 2007 @ 13:55, by bimbo. Medicine, Healthcare
Dear friends,

Fighting Breast Cancer needs your help! and it is free... it won't cost you a cent !








*Image - Lumpectomy
Woman with lumpectomy.

A dark area indicates tumor

B light pink highlighted area indicates tissue removed at lumpectomy

 Helo Uncut (Part 1 of ?)17 comments
picture19 Apr 2007 @ 03:41, by jhs. Children, Parenting
(from Helo)

My personal observation in relation to male doctors in Brazil coroborates fully the observations stated by a-d, an RN from Scandinavia, in the commentary to the previous article by Max.

Furthermore, these are not just some isolated behaviour patterns. There is an entire image with all of its interrelations that intrigued me ever since I was confronted by it, at first academically (at the University), then in my years as a psychologist, and especially during the births of my three children.

Here are some of my basic observations:

- the male doctors are unable to confront the existence of the vagina, this magic opening out of which springs life and out of which they themselves emerged as a child.

- With the take-over of the birth process by clinical medicine in the recent decades, male doctors replaced the traditional midwife and this basic problem proliferated dramatically. As one of the consequences, the number of unnecessary Cesarean births went up to scandalous dimensions.

- the male doctor takes seemingly total control of the birth process, posing as if it was him that was producing the baby and NOT the woman. In the case of the Cesarean, he even pretends to create the equivalent of the opening of the vagina by opening the belly of the woman. With his hands and tools he digs out the newborn as if it was his own creation.

- the compounded agressivity versus the female is culminating in the agression versus the newborn (more about this in a future post). The hate of most doctors in this process is typically so strong that is cannot be concealed any more.

- the more uneducated and socially disadvantaged the woman, the more she is subject to this total domination. She is not able to confront what is happening to her. The exception from the rule are women with the archetype known as Oya. These (wo)men will try to take control of the process themselves but then fall into the same trap of non-confronting their own femininity. For example, they will make an appointment for a Cesarian already weeks before the expected day birth. They will schedule this "event" right after the hairdresser, the only feminine aspect in this context, and then proceed with a taxi to the hospital all by herself. She will be likely to command the doctor around, and, obviously she already will know, if she will bear a female (preferably) or a male child.

- the macho doctor's behaviour is embedded in the context of contemporary INVASIVE medicine, with predominantly phallic tools and objects. The phallic symbolism continues with the premature cutting of the cord with a knife. This destructive act will take the basic support of the newborn away and endanger gravely the health of the baby. But this in turn will justify the "work" of the male doctor, not only for the moment but for many years to come. My own work with the Rebirth Method provided me with countless examples of this.

- it should be mentioned that the rare female gynecologist typically emulates the behaviour patterns of the average male doctor completely. One personal experience for me was the birth of the first of my three children. The doctor was a woman with a male biotype, attractive but with a small beard. She appeared all OK but when the time of birth arrived she showed her true face. Which was the face of her woman profoundly unhappy about herself as a woman.

- at this point I would like to emphasize what I already mentioned briefly above: at the time of the birth, the hour of truth has come, literally: none of the participants can hide their true face, neither the doctor nor the woman. Often neither the father of the baby, present or not. Especially the woman is not her 'normal' self: she feels and acts like a wild animal giving birth. (I should add that the midwife of our daughter has made exactly the same observation in more than 30 years of professional experience with childbirths).

- the archetype of the typical surgeon of our times, like Ed Dawson pointed out, appears to be Ogun, with all his attributes, the knife, his postures during the process, and his medicines (the name for allopathic medicine in Yoruba is oogun!). But for me there is still an open question in respect to the script enacted during the actual process of birth. We should not forget that Ogun is defending the pregnant female unconditionally. What I know of personally is the dramatization of the super archetype of the male dominator of this Universe, already conditioned by the academic institutions, who uses masks to hide his true identity. In the very moment of childbirth he is stepping in, using a mask of a combination of saviour and creator archetypes but is in truth himself, acting against the archetype of the grandmother, trying to assume control of the creation, pretending to be the sole creator of everything.


(from Helo)

pictures from the online book of Frederick Leboyer Birth Without Violence  More >

 The TRUTH is that HEALTH Unites ALL Life
17 Apr 2007 @ 17:33, by a-d. Medicine, Healthcare
... just like ILLNESS separates -and eventually destroys ALL Life!

For your consideration: Death By Medicine -Do We Have A Choice? /// By Steve Bhaerman

Note - These 5 Paragraphs From The Story That Follows Are The Core Of The Destruction Of Our Health Freedom -

"The goal is simple: through a "Guidance" about the regulation of "CAM" (which they conveniently define as "Complementary and Alternative MEDICINE') the FDA hopes to serve the interests of Big Pharma by eliminating all CAM practices and products. ALL of them.

Here's how this deadly game is played:

1. By using the term "Medicine" rather than "Modality" for CAM practices, the FDA sets the stage so that anyone who is not a licensed physician is breaking the law by using these modalities since they are therefore 'practicing medicine without a license'.

2. By using the term "treatment" rather than "therapy", the FDA limits those who can perform these practices to licensed physicians and, again, anyone who is not a licensed physician is breaking the law by using these modalities since only licensed practitioners can treat. So people using these modalities are therefore 'practicing medicine without a license'.

3. By using the terms "Medicine" and "treatment" instead of "Modalities" and "therapy", all substances, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, co-factors, etc., automatically become untested drugs since they are being used to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure disease states. Such use can only legally take place with FDA approved drugs. "

4-16-7  More >

 Climate & Economy7 comments
17 Apr 2007 @ 16:15, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
What is a climate friendly economy though?

Draft Def: A Climate Friendly Economy is an economy that monitors, controls and limits its' greenhouse gas emissions, to being under a certain standard or target.

What target?
Well as stated a previous less disruptive target say the year 1850.  More >

 The Ascended Masters
17 Apr 2007 @ 15:43, by bimbo. Altered States

The Ascended Masters shared their wisdom through channeling.
From these channelings two e-books were compiled.

The first book is about The Ascended Masters, Multi Dimensional Consciousness, contacting your Soul-Fragments, what is 3-D and 4-D and much more.

The second book is about Unconditional Love, Thought, the change in you and more.

Download these e-books here: [link]

( Not at all sure that I believe The Ascended Masters myself however I find the subject interesting )  More >

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