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 We've had enough!9 comments
12 Apr 2007 @ 14:33, by vaxen. Violence, War
"Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. Your wealth has been stripped of you by unjust men... The people of Baghdad shall flourish under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred laws." (General F.S. Maude, commander of British forces in Iraq, 1917)

"Peoples of Egypt, you will be told that I have come to destroy your religion. Do not believe it! Reply that I have come to restore your rights!" (Napoleon Bonaparte, 1798)

If... the machine of government... is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law: Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobediance, 1849


Thought I'd 'putz' this in here just for the fun of it. Not that I, in any way, countenance Eugene Iacocca, but herein you can see some fundamental hypocrisy mixed in with the mans' burden of seeing the monster 'Amerika' for what it is now and always has been.

I grew up in this land and saw the fundamental insanity close up from an early age. This is not my government that sits in the marble halls of an Architectural monstrosity (The "White" House)...

Anyone with half a brain can see the writing on the wall. I will not allow myself, ever again, to participate in the insanity of a supposed 'political' process nor will I listen to supposed 'leaders' shout out their calumny and vapidness expecting me to 'pay' for their errant foolishness at thinking that what they have to say is worth a peanut in a hull rotten with the wasted lives of countless generations of fools who believed that someone else could ever have their best interests at heart.

No, Washington, you've never been ought by pomp and circumstance for me. My earnest desire is to see you and all your denizens sink into the darkest of holes like the ones you create for all earths peoples everyday with your traitorous assumptions to and usurpations of 'our power.'

To me you'll always be nothing but flotsam blowing in the wind and I yearn for the day when we free our planet forever from the likes of you whether you sit in the Kremlin, Jerusalem, or Timbuktu.

Iacoccas' Shpiel:  More >

 Moon Landing 0 comments
11 Apr 2007 @ 13:39, by vector8. Spirituality
Last night's Horizon documentary was called "Moon for Sale." Experts believe that the moon has tons of energy that man can exploit. Those who can afford it are already staking their claim on the moon. So it's only a matter of time before there will be shuttles to take people to live on the moon. I wonder whether the new inhabitants will consider themselves Mooners. Will they be practising the ancient art of mooning?

Experts have been telling us that we are depleting the earth's natural resources. As a result of this the earth is experiencing global warming. Animals are getting extinct. Even though we are frantically recycling, the energy can only go so far. It's only a matter of time before we run out of energy and have to look elsewhere like the moon.  More >

 24th Anniversary3 comments
11 Apr 2007 @ 12:56, by swanny. Spirituality
April 11, 2007

24th Anniversary

Well its about the 24th Anniversary of my glory experience.
Who could have imagined where we would be at now. I mean all the details would have been hard to conceive. Not great mind you but not to bad. We survived the "cold war" I suppose so thats perhaps a bonus or did we survive ? Well somewhat what. A little worse for wear. And we have the internet. Who'd a thought? Sort of came out of the blue it did. A bit of "blue sky" thinking then.

Well anyway happy anniversary glory.



11-04-04, 07:43 am (PDT)
TOUCHED BY GLORY(A true story)

The year was 1983, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I was living in a small house on the outskirts of the city. Strangely enough it was the house our family had lived in, in my first 2 or 3 years of life. It had been relocated from its original place and brought to this place besides the Black Mud Creek.
After a rather uneventful life, I had just gone through a divorce and was working for the government of Altberta. My divorce had so distrubed me that I had sought out professional help, also from the government. I was sort of diagnosed as having had some sort of trauma during the first two years of my life. Eventually it was revealed and remembered by my mother that I had had a convulsion at the age of 2 and had stopped breathing. My father was called and assessed the situation with the aide of a medical book and revived me a short time later by turning me upside down and spanking me. The hospital was called and I was placed under observation. Unfortunately my parent were recent immigrants to Canada and as a result I at that time only spoke German. Memories reveal that at that time I had cried for water and to go home repeatedly but no one could understand or aid me. I cried incessantly until sometime later an old cleaning lady came to my aide explaining to the charge nurse that I needed some water. I suspect the damage was done and had taken its toll. A toll that would effect me throughout my life.
At any rate, after the divorce and my breakdown, I was residing by myself in this small home. One night a friend came over and we listened to music and perhaps got high. Prior to this evening I had been experiencing flashes of red light. They would appear at odd times but usually accompanied with intense emotions and music. I felt somewhat possessed and obsessed with and by them. I had no idea what they meant. I was also experiencing time loss and electrical sensations from
household appliances. It was to say in the least, a highly disturbing time. I would sometimes have visions of myself floating in space above the Earth and looking down upon it.
I because of all this tried to get some time off work but I had exhausted all my leave time and they said, my government employer, that I would need a doctors note to gain further leave. I was under a professionals care at the time at my own expense and asked if he could provide me with that. He seemed to indicate that my situation was adverse but would not provide me with the necessary documentation so in a kind of desperation I felt I had no options left and found it necessary to quit my job and hope for the best. Little did I know what the future held in store.
I think this period was sometime after the death of John Lennon the Beatle yet one night perhaps it was the radio, I had a connection there some how. Anyway much was occurring it seemed on many and every level. Our city hockey team The Edmonton Oilers were battling for the Grey Cup. Hockey fever was in full swing and so it seemed was the cold war. It was a rather stressing and distressing time all around. I guess it was the logical progression of a breakdown and perhaps the final receiving of an uncontested divorce papers, I don't clearly remember but it signaled the end or something. I was finding it too then most difficult to separate thoughts,fantasies and realities from one an other.
My friend had come over that night for what reason I'm not sure. I think he may have been concerned for my welfare. At any rate we were perhaps high or something and then it happened. I was seated in my chair looking south across the living room. I glanced at my friend to the east of me and he seated as well seemed zonked out and preoccupied with staring at the floor. And then it happened the room sort of seemed to dissolve and I appeared to be there but it was like I was in a kind of hazy red fluid.
Everything was melted and I was simply an other melted part of it. It was heaven, timeless spaceless heaven...... the sea of Love..... I was thinking to myself I want to stay here forever or I've been here before. I had been having some thoughts about the womb around that time period ..... Feeling perhaps the Love abundant there....
My songs of the time reflecting this....." Wheres my Love"... a line from one and....
"Cinderelli where are you"..... " and it could be poetry in time if the lovers kept singing"......... and "Sunlo begone"..... a fantasy of a dragon that I was trying to slay or chase away from the children of the world who seemed in danger. Well we were all in danger it was the cold war afterall.
Here I floated in this sea of Love or heaven and then something or someone appeared there and ahead to the southeast of my chair..... I was a presence a personage of some sort that I recalled it seemed from somewhere before because I said "YOU" silently to myself..... and "knew" this but didn't know or understand it. This glowing red light hovered for a while there about 4 feet away and then came over to me and passed its hand or something through me where my heart was and where incidentally I had spilled a pot of boiling water on me at the age of
Somehow there appeared to be some kind of exchange of information or something and just as suddenly it seemed it and the sea disappeared and I was left
sitting there with the worst splitting headache. I looked east to my friend and he was still zonked staring at the floor. I abruptly said I had to go to bed and left because it was all to much somehow.
As much as I have thought about it over the years I have been unable to make sense of it . What or who was this red light that hovered at heart level above the ground. How or what had it done to me by touching me. The touch was like a certainty of something..... death perhaps. I felt that that touch should have killed me but I lived if you can call it that somehow. I struggled endlessly to identify and sort out that night until I just had to let go of it because it haunted and possessed me so over the years. I dared not tell anyone perhaps only one or two because it was too real or at least so real that I felt I could not deny it. Yet I had to come to deny it myself because it was or seemed so creditless somehow. Certainly it would have been considered crazy talk or such. So over the years the memory has diminished and the quest left unanswered. Yet just recently I read a passage about "GLORY" and a kind of certainty came over me. A ringing true of what it was.
I then on that night of spring of 1983 had witnessed and been touched by Glory.

Nov 4 2004
Canada  More >

 The All New Archetype (Orisha) Crossword Puzzle7 comments
picture11 Apr 2007 @ 03:08, by jhs. Recreation, Fun
Today I had a hard time finding something to do that I never did before (I try to find something new every single day to beat the routine way of thinking, yeknow).

Our daughter's sudden love for crosswords inspired me to create one of those. Amongst all the "free" downloads that don't yield free programs after all (what a shame!), I found a crossword generator that is really FREE (ware): Eclipse Crossword. Very recommendable!

Here is the Orisha/Ifa puzzle: printable and here the online version...  More >

 Go Orange for Animals!1 comment
8 Apr 2007 @ 03:41, by nemue. Activism
I haven't posted for some time although I pop in every now and then to see what is going on.

Life for me has been very busy over the past 12-months. My husband has been very ill (but thankfully recovering now) and that has taken up a lot of time in caring for him. My business has been extremely busy - there are never enough hours in the day. I hear so many saying this of late...

That said, I just couldn't let this opportunity pass by to promote the Go Orange for Animals Day on April 10.

In celebration of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Day, show your love of animals--and your support for the mission of the ASPCA--by going orange for animals! Dress yourself, your pet (even your community!) in orange, take a picture, and post it here. You'll join with animal lovers across the country and in deed the globe in going orange for animals!

Without animals our lives would be diminished. Let us show them we love them. It would be wonderful if you signed the petition attached as well. Blessings...

[link]  More >

 The New Species of Man 2 comments
7 Apr 2007 @ 11:49, by vector8. Recreation, Fun
While I was taking a walk, I noticed a fair at the other side of the park. I stopped and watched people on the fair rides. One ride was shaped like a boat that swung round until it turned upside down. It reminded me of a ride I went on years ago at Margate called "Mary Rose." I could hear people screeching inside.

Another ride swung from side to side then went as high as the top of the trees. I noticed a boy was eating a sandwich during the ride. What a cool cat!  More >

 There Are No Conspiracies 44 comments
picture7 Apr 2007 @ 11:05, by jazzolog. Government, Public Sector
Western laziness consists of cramming our lives with compulsive activity, so that there is no time at all to confront the real issues.

---Sogyal Rinpoche

Tu Fu comes from a saner, older, more secular culture than Homer, and it is not a new discovery with him that the gods, the abstractions, the forces of nature, are frivolous, lewd, vicious, quarrelsome, and cruel, and only men's steadfastness, love, magnanimity, calmness, and compassion redeem the night-bound world.

---Kenneth Rexroth

The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life. To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despair.

---Walker Percy

Photo: [link]

I first became aware of the chief weapon of the new conservative around 1960. The weapon is mockery and it was used effectively against my friends and me at Bates College. The school had a requirement to attend chapel a few times a week for programs of a non-religious character---but it was a chapel of vaguely Christian architecture. You also had to take a couple religion courses and fees were collected from all students to support the Christian Association. The CA had a locked bulletin board, to which I had a key and where I used to post rather leftist material.

The emerging leaders of culture war attacked all of this. Their models and mentors appeared to be Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley Jr. Buckley particularly was on television all the time debating liberals. His method of discourse always was a sneering dismantling of the bleeding heart of concern for the downtrodden. If you are lazy and stupid you should expect to be trod upon in this life. I remember 2 hours of excruciating embarrassment as Buckley mocked out James Baldwin for his passion on civil rights. I recall Buckley concluded one of his "Firing Lines" by warning the audience America is being watched on all sides by greedy eyes in faces "upon which there are no smiles." Mockery was established firmly upon a foundation of fear.

When questions arose surrounding the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, the phrase "conspiracy theorists" showed up. We learn there always will be unanswerable questions about such events carried out by lone nutcases, and if you won't accept that reality you will be mocked. Questions about 9/11 and the Twin Towers? Same deal. We don't have time for this stuff: we must put it behind us and move forward. Weapons of mass destruction. A mushroom cloud could result if we delay our preemptive war. The Christian right delivered Shock And Awe, and there was talk of Judgment Day in the Cradle of Civilization. (At this time of year, one wonders why Jesus didn't move preemptively against Judas.)  More >

 Follow the Animals3 comments
6 Apr 2007 @ 14:38, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
April 6, 2007
Good Friday

Morning , well I thought the children would save humanity but alas they have been silent, perhaps to far removed though not as much as we from the Planet.

I was thus in ponderation? New Climate Report out, somewhat disturbing but...

The animals, the birds and bees thus, they should know as they "knew" about the Tsunami in 2004, we must follow their lead.

It is perhaps backed by the realization that climate change has occurred before.
The 10 to 12,000 BC the climate was changing. Some nomadic tribes in Asia moved to the North and then to the East perhaps following the buffalo herds or ? their food . Then and there they found the land bridge at the Bering Sea and the aboriginals "discovered" America. They over the years thus found refuge here until the climate change that conquered the Mayans and Incas.

Let us watch then the animals and birds and bees and ants and live more like them. They are still more in touch and intuitive with the planet. They might act as guides as how to live in a sustainable and climate freindly manner. Apparently though we may lose 1/4 of the earths 50 million species but perhaps new ones will emerge.

sir ed  More >

 the sun has come out
picture6 Apr 2007 @ 06:15, by tochtli. Ideas, Creativity
sittin' at the park. i sigh, feeling the warm grass on my butt. i feel mother gaia's energy strongly vibrating, mingling in perfect rhythm with my root chakra's dance. i look up and spontaneously smile at Father Sun who kisses my skin with his light. this is a day of abundant beauty..  More >

 Can you believe this is really happening?!?....
6 Apr 2007 @ 04:40, by a-d. Economics, Financing, Banking

FORECLOSERS in America. TWO and a HALF MILLION this year!
I suggest you guys just click on the link and read it all from there. It looks too complicated for me to try to post!  More >

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