5 Apr 2007 @ 17:49, by Unknown. Performing Arts
Picture: Brazil (Terry Gilliam - 1985) Tag-line: "It's all about flights of fantasy. And the nightmare of reality. Terrorist bombings. And late night shopping. True love. And creative plumbing. It's only a state of mind."
Yellow Alert!
Very serious and alarming stuff from the Executive Director of the International Council for Economic Development here:
"I spent three days searching the Internet for articles and websites about disinformation, 99 out one hundred sites were communist propaganda about so-called conspiracy theories, and only one site was moderate in its approach. Nowhere I could find references to the most deadly weapon used by the old Soviet Union to weaken the US and discredit American Institutions for over four decades: the KGB disinformation war.
After September Eleven, for a brief moment, the patriotic spirit, spurred by that tragedy and pain, cleared the minds of media reporters, politicians and most of the public. Now the constant repetition of well-designed lies, contorted logic, and half-truths is clouding the minds and the judgment of many, including many prominent people. The Internet is becoming the platform where lies can be multiplied and spread like highly infected viruses. Its primary target hosts: younger people. Being an emotional triggered program, its easiest hosts: people with emotional imbalance such as, resentment, fear, hate, and frustration. The new Department of Home Security should try to install confidence and peace of mind, and not fear and uncertainty. Even the economy can work better only if surrounded by confidence and trust, while fear, lack of trust and insecurity can only bring depression… as in the Great Depression.
But the root is the same: brainwashing through highly emotional issues, and constant repetition of simple intellectual concepts."
---George Lombardi
Executive Director
International Council for Economic Development
More Here: The Twin Towers, Babylon and Saddam
Now you know and you have been warned. Britney Spears said it best, remain confident and trust in our President. Have you heard about the secret: Do not add to the negative energy. More >
5 Apr 2007 @ 14:31, by jerryvest. Organizational Development
Dear friends and Team Members,
I want to thank everyone for your contributions to our Las Cruces Health Promotion Team with Elders during the past year (April 1, 2006-April 1, 2007). We certified 65 team members and gave 2,445 stressouts in our 4 health centers and nursing homes during this past year. This is very impressive and I'm sure that we have contributed to the health and wellbeing of our participants and wider community.
These figures do not include the 90 caregivers who participated in our stressout program during the City-wide Conference. Also, the LC In-home Care Program includes the stressout as part of their daycare program with Alzheimers so their clients receive the stressout regularly. Our BSW students gave stressouts every Tuesday morning during this Sp 07 term, along with Christy with these participants.
It is great that our College of Health & Human Services -social work, nursing and health science students-- are all represented and working together in our touch program. Our elder team members, Ann and Elizabeth, are the pillars of our organization and they are to be commended for giving stressouts every week at Mesilla Park and East Side Centers. Our goal is to have at least 2 team members in each diabetic clinic.
During the next few months, Francesca and her staff will be introducing and teaching our program with nursing home staff and in the Fall Semester, we are hopeful that nursing and social work students and others will continue to join with us in our outreach activities.
Finally, as one of our students mentioned today during our stressout program at Good Samaritan..." I felt as though I was receiving much more energy in return for giving the stressout." Integrative Health Forum
Cher, thank you for maintaining our records and for supporting our teams. Aurora, you are a great strength. Nice going.....best wishes to you all as we start a new year and continue to advance safe, skillful and nourishing touch with our elders, families, friends and others. You are wonderful.
PS Please feel free to add anything you wish with this report as I love to hear about the many experiences our team members and participants have while giving touch. I have not included the skillful touch given by our global team members, but will add them as comments as they arrive.
15-Minute StressOut Program More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 19:44, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
The world is a wonderment of complex simplicity.
Every child comes into this world in a native state – mind pure/slate clean.
She also arrives at just that point of coincidence attracted by his past awareness.
As the child develops, demands are placed on her. The native state is corrupted in this process. Seeing the world thru clear eyes of wonderment is replaced by the false lenses of other’s perceptions and illusions. More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 19:03, by Unknown. Spirituality
I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission... Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma...
I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.
Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex
Found at Karin Spainks site: The Fishman Affidavit
In view of the fact that so many people here (including the founder of NCN) are Scientologists, or, at least, ex-scientologists, or neo-scientologists (members who at one point or another left the Church, but are carrying on with some of the work of "the Commodore"), this is probably a good place to ask. is this what you actually studied - I mean beside becoming "clear" and all the early Dianetic stuff? (Since this is supposedly OT VIII material, it would only apply to those of you who made it all the way to that level, I suppose.)
I wonder.
This is not intended as a criticism of Scientology or anything, or of anyone's faith or religious persuasion (or lack thereof), and I understand that "there is no Spiritual or Religious basis to NCN." Etc. Besides, if you are a Scientologist, "what is true for you is true for you", right? And "reality is a function of agreement" - or something like that? And to each his or her own and no disrespect intended.
The Church of Scientology officially denies the authenticity of the above material , and says it's a forgery to smear the Church. More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 18:54, by swanny. Travel
04 04 2007
I was intrigued by the word "the crossing" today for some reason.
Some how it had a certain ring to it and yet I couldn't quite place and then
ah yes I remembered my "Train Ride" in spring of 1977 accross Canada from London Ont
to Edmonton... Alberta
Ah yes it was a two or 3 day journey on the train and we pulled out and shared our
guitars and played and sang and watched the scenery unfold as we trekked slowly accross the "great lands."
A sense of fellowship soon developed with help of the music and we shared our meger resources, food and stories and the hopes and dreams of us young people returning home from school or just journeying to destinations anew.
Hadn't really realized the impact of it. Meeting people from every part of the country and developing close bonds in such short times and then each of us bidding adue and on to a different path but richer and "changed" perhaps for the meeting and sharing.
All and all though tedious at times a good adventure for a young soul on his own.
But I suppose wits are well advised to be on alert as some goods went missing but still the fond memories outweigh them by far and are still there I see.
ed More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 18:40, by freo7. Activism
Creation Beloveds, Creation ~ posted here by Brenda
And God said:In every moment, there is a dying. It is death of the past. The past cannot stay. You might say it lives on in your memory. It lives on in your imagination, and that's all relative life is, beloveds, something that you imagine.
You imagined something occurred. You imagined its appearance, and you imagined its significance, and you imagined its disappearance. You let your thoughts have an effect on you. Understandably, it all felt real to you. That is what the relative is. It is an illusion of reality that you accept at face value.
The past is like a wave in water. Water simply flowed into itself. There was movement in the water. The water rose and fell on itself. It was water all the time, and nothing but water. We could say that the water had a dream of itself, just as you dream away moments of this lifetime of Ours on Earth.
There is a strength in water, whether it be the ocean or a lake or a fishpond. Even the water in a glass has great power. We can say that you are like a glass of water of the Infinite Ocean. You are not less than the Infinite because you happen to be in a glass. And all the glasses of water are no more nor less than you are in your glass. They are the same as you. The glass holds you within it. The glass you see through makes you think you are separate from all the other glasses when you are actually One and the Same. Oh, yes, the glasses appear different. ==> More >
4 Apr 2007 @ 09:58, by jazzolog. Violence, War
The squeaking of the pump sounds as necessary as the music of the spheres.
---Henry David Thoreau
Do not recite sutras. Do not make portraits of me. Just bury my body in the back mountains. It is enough that you cover me with earth.
---Takuan's final wishes to his students
How could the drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on.
---Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Photo by Matt Taibbi of tattoo on the foot of Sgt. Stephen Wilkerson, Baghdad 2006
I once heard a friend make a case for oil and its markets having been the fundamental cause of all the wars of the past century. I had begun the conversation, I guess, by proclaiming loudly the need for conservation of the resource. My friend replied, "The sooner the earth runs out of oil the better!" I was amazed to hear this, and it was then he launched his theory.
At this hour Tony Blair continues his call for "direct" negotiation between Britain and Iran over UK sailors picked up for prowling around some ocean borderlines. [link] Yesterday he said he'd give the process another couple days before matters become "fairly critical", whatever that means. Iran has replied they're glad to talk...but at the same time we have these curious rumors floating via "Russian intelligence" that the US is ready to let fly with the missiles on Friday (or thereabouts). [link]
Are we poised for another "regime change"? Halliburton has moved its headquarters to Dubai, perhaps so trade deals for oil can be accomplished with Iran whether there's peace or war. I believe the United States has not had relations with Iran in about 25 years, and Halliburton can't do deals with them from here. If oil is the deal and soldiers are needed to secure the wells for Exxon/Mobil, time is of the essence. But should we be doing better at our occupations...despite all the claims of progress by Madman McCain and the Bushie loyalists?
The last few days I've been catching up with an article from last summer in Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi. The long piece is called Fort Apache, Iraq, and it took me some days to read it. The writing is intense and Taibbi often launches off into a kind of loony poetry that made me stop and think a lot. Last May he spent some days tooling around the bloody roads of Iraq in a Humvee with a group of National Guardsmen from Oklahoma, and followed that up with 3 days locked in a jail cell in Abu Ghraib. Out of these experiences he fashioned this article that expresses vividly for me just what it's like for us Yanks to be over there...and how we look. This isn't the first time Matt Taibbi has put himself into very radical situations for the sake of journalistic truth. Someone has put up a Wikipedia article about him that gives his history along with a ton of links. [link] For our purpose today I'll select some excerpts from Fort Apache, Iraq, and give you the online link to the whole thing. More >
3 Apr 2007 @ 18:25, by hgoodgame. Spirituality
Even though Mr. Rogers did his best to remind us of this one essential awareness:
“Everything grows together, because we’re all one piece..”
This profound truth seems to still escape us to this day.
What we have now are parts thinking they have separate beingness. Ahd yet, just as the whole body depends on all its parts functioning in a healthy manner, each in their own highest capacity to remain healthy, so can the part understand there is a greater living organism they are supported by and part of. What would happen if for instance, the liver tried to do the work of the kidneys, the brain wanting to take over heart's work. It can’t work that way, each has it’s place and each place is valuable both to itself and to the whole. More >
3 Apr 2007 @ 15:20, by vector8. Spirituality
One question I've often wondered about.
Why is it that I can go for hours and hold my pee in, but the moment I get to the toilet to have a pee, I'm so desperate I nearly wet myself? Surely, as I've been holding you in for hours, you can wait for a few more seconds until I get my pants down?
These days I treat peeing the way one trains a dog. When I get to the toilet and I feel the pee dying to come out I relax and I think or say out loud: "Stay! Stay! Stay!" until I'm ready, then let it out. After that I say "Good dog!"
Yay! Now I can take my dog to Crufts.
Related articles: Fetch! Sit! Good Dog!; My Function and Body are One More >
2 Apr 2007 @ 21:10, by ming. Communication
Scott Adams on Dilbert Blog:I’m reading a great book called “Influence: Science and Practice” by Robert B. Cialdini. It’s full of research and anecdotes about how to influence people. It’s a real eye-opener.
One of the most potent forms of persuasion has to do with people’s innate need to be consistent. Studies show that people will ignore logic and information to be consistent. (In other words, we are moist robots.) According to the research, humans are hardwired for consistency over reason. You already knew that: People don’t switch political parties or religions easily. What you didn’t know is how quickly and easily a manipulator can lock someone into a position.
For example, researchers asked people to write essays in support of a random point of view they did not hold. Months later, when surveyed, the majority held the opinion they wrote about, regardless of the topic. Once a person commits an opinion to writing – even an opinion he does not hold – it soon becomes his actual opinion. Not every time, but MOST of the time. The people in these experiments weren’t exposed to new information before writing their contrived opinions. All they did was sit down and write an opinion they didn’t actually have, and months later it became their actual opinion. The experiment worked whether the volunteers were writing the pro or the con position on the random topic.
Most of the truly stupid things done in this world have to do with this consistency principle. For example, once you define yourself as a loyal citizen of Elbonia, you do whatever the King of Elbonia tells you to do, no matter how stupid that is. And your mind invents reasons as to why dying is a perfectly good life strategy. It's an odd thing. We bend over backwards to appear to be normal and consistent and logical, and in doing so, we tend to become easy to manipulate, and we'll do crazy things without even blinking. More >
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