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 The Lowdown18 comments
2 Apr 2007 @ 20:47, by swanny. Communities
so the industrial revolution is the cause
climate change the effect...
and quantum weirdness the sucker punch or red herring.

is that how anyone else reads it?

sir  More >

 Extreme Strategies for Survival - the killer moth (caterpillar)12 comments
picture31 Mar 2007 @ 09:37, by jhs. Environment, Ecology
Last month my better half worked in the garden and all of a sudden started screaming, nearly passing out. A bit overreacting, I thought at first, before locating the source of her excruciating pain: a moth caterpillar, see photo (and see Lonomia in wikipedia).

A few people are killed everyday in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo by this cute little bugger but strangely there are no good pictures of how it actually looks like.

This moth caterpillar is not straight from Mothvana land, hehe, (see Polar Dynamics by Sandor&Dawson if you want to know about Mothvana Land). Still trying to isolate its exact location Orisha (archetype) system. Apparently belonging to the Ossayin class but the colors and other indicators are pointing towards a 'lone rider' Shango type.

In any case, it has NO natural enemies that would dare to eat it. Only one rare type of fly manages to leave their eggs in it (how?) and the eggs will eventually eat the caterpillar from the inside. Since this kind of fly is nearly extinct, it can be expected that this killer caterpillar may be even more of a problem in the future...

In the language of Tupi, the caterpillar is called Taturana, 'fire hair', sometimes also called Ruga. The only known antidote exists in the Instite of Butanta, away only 30 minutes or so, risking a few radar tickets, oh well, but luckily it wasn't necessary for us to get there.

After looking at their webpage...  More >

 Photography as art2 comments
picture 28 Mar 2007 @ 07:27, by skookum. Visual Arts, Graphics
Oh that glorious Springtime...when the youth inside is reborn.  More >

 The Tyee - Vancouver's Online Newspaper5 comments
picture28 Mar 2007 @ 05:36, by ov. Internet
The Tyee is Vancouver's online daily newspaper, that is an alternative to Canwest the neo-conservative mainstream. Vancouver has the biggest media monopoly in North America. The Tyee was started a few years ago, it has content that is applicable to local politics, and each article has a comments section. The site has some good comments along with the usual lefty righty squabbles. A couple of weeks ago I joined to meet up with local people and to make myself know. This blog post is a copy of my introduction, and a post on syncronicity and dialogue.  More >

 Death Vans.4 comments
27 Mar 2007 @ 16:30, by bushman. Violence, War
A model of efficency? So far only in China. Anyone ever see that scary church film? I think it came out way back in the early 1970's. Basicly a christian 666 film, where they had these retroed UPS vans that went around forcing people to get the mark of the beast, and if you didn't get the mark, they had this guilatine. A really scary film to show to preteens.

Full story:
[link]  More >

 A380 in L.A.2 comments
picture picture
27 Mar 2007 @ 12:04, by ming. Travel
A guy named Bob has a couple of pictures from when the A380 came to Los Angeles recently. And he gave this nice overview:
The Airbus A380, the largest passenger plane in history, landed at LAX (Los Angeles airport) on March 19 2007. This eight-story-tall (80 feet from bottom to the top of the tail), 1.2-million-pound jet- “Airbus 380”, more than 239 feet long, which can carry 555 passengers and has a 261-foot wingspan, was making its inaugural test flight from the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, France. It carried only 22 crew members, but was full of added instrumentation for the test flight.
An identical A380 (this had about 550 passengers aboard and tested all boarding/flying procedures) landed in New York within minutes of the Los Angeles touchdown. A 380 has two decks.
End of 2007: Singapore Airlines becomes the first carrier to put the A 380 in the air with paying passengers, with about 480 ticket holders; Summer 2009: Lufthansa begin flying the plane with about 549 passengers.
The European made Airbus A 380 produces half the noise of a Boeing 747, mostly because of its state-of-the-art Rolls Royce engine. Its designed to have more than 850 seats in the future if necessary.
I see A380s almost every day. They start and land constantly, for testing, and we live next to the incoming flight path. And we know quite a few people who work on it at Airbus. But it is still something new to see it in L.A. Not that this particularly looks more like L.A. than anywhere else.

I ought to feel like Los Angeles was still my hometown too, but somehow I don't. Felt like home when we lived there, and it was even something to be a bit proud of. But every time I landed there in a plane, after having been gone a few weeks, it felt sort of strange. You land into a brown soup of city as far as the eye can see in all directions. And it never felt exactly friendly to arrive in LAX, even if it usually was warm. Long passport check lines, an endless stream of courtesy vans, taxis and police cars, and then out on the wall-to-wall freeways. But after a few days it felt normal again.  More >

 The New Antinomy21 comments
picture27 Mar 2007 @ 10:30, by swanny. Science
March 27, 2007

The New Antinomy

Well went searching for the laws of quantum physics and though they seem to get a lot of press there was no agreement on what they were and no place they could be found.
Is it thus "logic" or "weird"....?????
No agreement there and some purport it is "logical and weird" at the same time. Well thats just great.
Logical and weird at the same time well how insane are we to tolerate...? Or is this the new "reality" or new "TRUTH" logic and weirdness living in harmony.
Well most irreconcileable to those of practical and conservative natures.
Logical and weird at the same time well how conveinent and intolerable but then perhaps but even such must have some basic "laws"...otherwise would it not be total anarchy at will?

So then what are the "laws" of simultaneous "logic and weirdness" well we will have to take a fall back position and apply Mosaic Law in the intern... For now thus
the ten commandments are the "Laws of Logical Weirdness" until further notice.


ten link = [link]

well wikipedia might not be perfect but the internet was not created in a day you know.

sir ed  More >

 The Profit2 comments
picture26 Mar 2007 @ 19:25, by Unknown. Legal, Justice
The Profit is a feature film written and directed by Peter N. Alexander in 2001. Little seen, it is notable primarily because worldwide distribution of the film is prohibited by an American court order, the result of a lawsuit by the Church of Scientology.

The producers of the film have a court hearing today to ask that the injunction on the film's distribution be lifted.  More >

 The Only Answer To Organized Money Is Organized People48 comments
picture25 Mar 2007 @ 10:15, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
Painting of Bill Moyers by Robert Shetterly

Thomas Jefferson said the only justification for mandatory public education is to teach children their rights, and how to defend those rights. We need lots and lots of us addressing students of all ages, to let them know their rights, and that we’re sorry we’re handing over the mess the country and the world is in.

---christie svane

You can’t lay bricks on top of a crumbling system. It must be torn down first. If the system had been healthy to begin with, we would never have come to where we find ourselves now. I strongly disagree with most American’s premise of what they think America stands for. It never was all it was cracked up to be. It must be made better if it is to rise from the ashes of tyranny. I doubt Americans have the grit for the work that must be done to re-invent America in the image of truth.


like so many others i have wanted more than anything to make a real and true picture of our beautiful world
and for its own sake but not its own sake alone

i confess right here that ive wanted to correct or possibly infect the mind of whoever crossed paths with my poem
i mean i look around these days - all days really

its easy to see the cars on the freeway and the shopping malls spread under the rise of the moon and feel doomed.
anything else is a sucker punch.

anything else is a refusal to see, ive said, and more than once, and meant it, and do - even right now - do you see?


The sayings that introduce this post are comments at in reply to a talk given at Occidental College last month by Bill Moyers. At the moment there are 35 such comments since Thursday when CommonDreams put up the speech. Rarely have I seen Internet folk so thoughtful and inspired. Mr. Moyers has given a lot of addresses around the country since he retired from his weekly program on Public Broadcasting, and they all are worth seeking out urgently. Many people are so moved they call upon him to run for President...but he won't. He believes in his work as fearless spokesperson for a Free Press, and it is as journalist that he delivers A Time For Anger, A Call To Action. As in the time of Tom Paine, here are words to be published and posted at every site, to be handed from person to person. It is time again for Americans to shake off our lethargy, our complacency, our hopelessness. Here Bill Moyers helps us with that work.  More >

 Nuremberg Rules4 comments
24 Mar 2007 @ 17:24, by vaxen. Violence, War
Of course this has all been said before and anyone who knows the American Military knows that the situation for the 'grunt' is far worse than Karen can portray here. The question, then, is why do so many think they have to play this dirty game whose winners are those who bankroll every single war and make obscene 'profits' whilst the fools that fight the wars die in ignominy like the good little slaves that they are!

I like Karens style and could, theoretically, see someone like her running for the Office of the President in the Big Shit House in Washington D.C. otherwise known as the "White House."

So here is one of her latest articles which I hope will make you think as you contemplate the liers in wait who are running for the highest office in the land.

Abject liars every single one! Vote? Tear the damned White House down and stop posturing!

Her article:  More >

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