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 Áine, the Forest Queen1 comment
3 Jul 2006 @ 04:51, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Maybe you have seen her?  More >

 Where is Abel thy brother?8 comments
picture3 Jul 2006 @ 01:48, by i2i. Spirituality
Picture 1 (left) is from a DVD cover of Godfrey Reggio’s 1988 movie, Powaqattsi. Powaqattsi is a Hopi Indian conjunctive from the word Powaqa, which refers to a negative sorcerer who lives at the expense of others, and Qatsi - i.e., life.

Picture 2 (right) is Wayne Forte’s acrylic on paper Cain and Abel IV '89 - 80” x 50”.

After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him, "Where is Abel thy brother?" Cain answered, "I know not; am I my brother's keeper?" Cain's words have come to symbolize people's unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows - their "brothers" in the extended sense of the term. The tradition of Judaism and Christianity (the "Good Samaritan," "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and "Love your enemies") is that people do have this responsibility.

Commentators of old, those who searched through the Bible for allegorical content, saw in the two figures of Caïn and Abel only one person, only one entity in conflict with itself. It is the first schizophrenia of humanity. It refuses a part of itself.  More >

 One individual for humanity7 comments
2 Jul 2006 @ 13:35, by ming. Systems Thinking
It is a well-known story, but can always bear being told again. Here's a quick summary a key turning point in Buckminster Fuller's life. From here, written by Amy C. Edmondson.
The inventor of the geodesic dome—a structure light enough to be lifted by a helicopter yet strong enough to withstand hurricanes—achieved his eventual acclaim by never breaking a bargain he made with himself in 1927 as he teetered at the edge of suicide. A series of business failures, compounded with lingering grief over the death of his daughter five years earlier, had made Fuller increasingly despondent. Then he was fired from his job as president of a construction company he had founded with his father-in-law, and a second daughter was born. Overwhelmed by a sense of failure, he felt he must get himself out of the way, ensuring that relatives would take care of his wife and their baby.

He went to Lake Michigan, intending to swim out to his death. Then he was struck by what he called a vision, in which he saw that he didn’t have the right to do away with himself. “You do not belong to you, you belong to the universe,” he was later to explain; for all his mistakes, he was the custodian of a unique package of experiences that just might have some utility for mankind. He would trust the “anticipatory intellectual wisdom which we may call God” and allow himself to live, and he would never forget that he was a “throwaway.”

Thus began the fifty-six-year experiment of “guinea pig B”—for Bucky—in which “an average healthy human being” resolved to become a problem solver “on behalf of all humanity.” One can only imagine the reactions of family and friends when the thirty-twoyear-old Fuller announced this. He further determined to dispense forever with the idea of “earning a living,” which to him meant advantaging oneself at the expense of others; if he concentrated on doing what needed to be done, funding would take care of itself. He decided to devote himself, broadly, to the technology of “livingry,” as opposed to weaponry.

Fuller moved his wife, Anne, and infant daughter, Allegra, to a one-room apartment in a Chicago slum, withdrew completely from all friends and social contact, and vowed not to speak again until he really knew what he thought. And then he began to think. His virtual silence lasted for almost two years and was the beginning of what he one day called “a blind date with principle.”
That is usually presented as sort of a "Wow, he's special!" kind of thing, like something crazy that one in a billion individuals might do, and it actually will work. Where Bucky's point was exactly that he wasn't all that special, but he just chose a different perspective: that of being of service to all of humanity. Which doesn't just necessarily mean that you become a monk, sitting around being nice, eating rice and beans, if somebody gives them to you. No, the point is the different perspective, of actually working on humanity's problems.

My reason for mentioning that is also personal, in that I notice that I personally tend to do better when I focus on crazy big global things than if I try to act normal and make a living. I'm not Buckminster Fuller, and I haven't considered jumping into Lake Michigan, and I'm not going to be quiet for two years. I simply notice that things tend to flow better for me in periods of time when I focus on bigger things, like the problems of humanity, and things flow worse when I try to do what I'm "supposed to do". You know, get a job, pay your taxes, plan your retirement, drive within the speed limit. I'm not very good at those things in either case, but they tend to sort themselves out better if there's something else that really is more important to me.

And I notice that recently, as I've tried to be more "normal", that isn't particularly working great for me. I'm not sure I know how. I don't even have much to say when I'm just being normal. So, just an observation that maybe I should think a bit bigger again.

Btw, the global climate might be more suited for that now than when Buckminster Fuller was around. You know, the Internet. It is a lot more feasible now for somebody to solve some little piece of what humanity needs, and communicate and distribute it to others easily, and more likely that they incidentally will be remunerated for it. The open source kind of thinking. Solve something that needs solving, solve it really well, and give it away, and most likely you'll indirectly see some kind of benefit from having done that.  More >

 UFOs, Rainbows and Bare Earth4 comments
1 Jul 2006 @ 16:19, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
Today I am having one of those skeptical days... Several times, over the years that I've been doing UFO investigation, I have reached a wall. At times like this I wonder, is there anything at all to this? Or are we just chasing rainbows?  More >

 All is Light and Light is Love 2 comments
1 Jul 2006 @ 14:15, by vector8. Spirituality
[[Profound and tranquil, free from complexity,
Uncompounded luminous clarity,
Beyond the mind of conceptual ideas;
This is the depth of the mind of the Victorious Ones.
In this there is not a thing to be removed,
Nor anything that needs to be added.
It is merely the immaculate
Looking naturally at itself. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche)]]

All is Light.

When the Light was first revealed during meditation, I lost all sense of "I"; I was a drop of water merged into the ocean. Words cannot describe the bliss I felt, so I won't attempt it. As I never realised one could experience Light in my every day life, I saw life as polarised: the ordinary life that seemed devoid of bliss; and my real life as Light that I could only experience during meditation. Unfortunately, as I wasn't able to experience the Light all the time, I was depressed a lot of the time.  More >

 Eye to Eye5 comments
29 Jun 2006 @ 22:44, by vaxen. Violence, War
I'm terrorized in my own land
And the blame is put on me.

But I will not rest, I shall never settle
For the injustice my people endure.
Palestine is OUR land and there we'll remain
Until the day OUR homeland is secure.

And if that time shall never come,
Then we will never see a day of peace.
I will not be thrown from my own home,
Nor will fight for justice cease.  More >

 Tensegrity of Star-Tetrahedrons and Internal Structure of Odu (proto energy) 10 comments
picture29 Jun 2006 @ 16:24, by jhs. Systems Thinking
The binary code of the Odu of Fa is a reflection (or better an abstraction) of the internal structure of proto-energy.

A more comprehensive model is viewing every proto energy of having the geometry of a double, or "star"-tetrahedron. Wikipedia seems critical of this name without offering a better one. The issue is confused by some claiming it to be the mythical 'Merkabah" of Melchizedek (Enoch?).

In any case, it appears to be close to the basic structure of any "thing", any manifestation within our Universe.

This observation finds support in the tensegrity model of Buckminster Fuller. For the record, the "Synergetics" discussion group of the early/mid nineties on the New Civilziation Network voted for the 4-dimensional "Mayan Time Star", a name originated by Steingrubner because of the close link to the theories of Jose Arguelles about the Mayan "Code of Tzolkin" which consists of 260 proto-energies.

I used a long, hot Brazilian night to make a steel model of the Star-tetrahedron for purposes of better visualization/meditation (see picture)...  More >

 Betrayal of Krishna - Part 4 – The Texts & Schoolmen by V.S. Ferguson0 comments
28 Jun 2006 @ 21:46, by inanna. Spirituality
Krishna Chaitanya/KK Nair explores the betrayal of Krishna in the texts and men who taught the schools that grew up after 150 BC and Vyasa’s Bhagavad Gita.

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 The One Thing You Must Do12 comments
28 Jun 2006 @ 14:49, by ming. Spirituality

There is one thing in this world you must never forget to do. Human beings come into this world to do particular work. That work is their purpose, and each is specific to the person. If you forget everything else and not this, there's nothing to worry about. If you remember everything else and forget your true work, then you will have done nothing with your life.

- Jelalludin Rumi, from "The One Thing You Must Do",
The Soul of Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
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 The Rainbow People17 comments
27 Jun 2006 @ 20:23, by swanny. Recreation, Fun
June 27, 2006

The Rainbow People gathering is happening
next week in colorado

Link = [link]  More >

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