24 May 2006 @ 04:16, by koravya. Environment, Ecology
The world is going up in flames. The great fire is beginning. Nuclear weapons are no longer necessary. The planet is cooked. More and more individuals are going to make more and more decisions about what they think they need to do.
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Ice-Capped Roof of World Turns to Desert
By Geoffrey Lean
The Independent UK
[link] More >
23 May 2006 @ 12:00, by jstarrs. Ideas, Creativity
"Soup and fish explain half the emotions of life."
Sydney Smith More >
20 May 2006 @ 12:05, by beto. Ideas, Creativity
A few decades ahead humanity will be decimated by the climate disruption and the ultraviolet no more blocked by the ozone layer. The last man on Earth had a project: The Egg of humanity. More >
20 May 2006 @ 04:54, by nemue. Medicine, Healthcare
The question of vaccination, the worth of and the impact of has been a question that has concerned me for sometime. Of late I have ‘parked’ this vexing question because I have been too busy. That said, I have read and researched a lot of material in the past. As a result I am firmly of the view that rather than aid mankind that ‘forced’ vaccination programs serve a different purpose. That ‘forced’ vaccination programs and many vaccinations in general rather than assisting and helping mankind have the opposite effect and I am firmly of the belief that most of us are ignorant to the fact.
This is not to say that many of do not hear of or read stories about the impact of ‘forced’ vaccination. There has been any amount of material published with respect to the outbreak and spread of HIV/Aids within the gay community in NY and the massive outbreak in Africa. The link to vaccination is frightening to anyone with a logical and questioning mind. Generally however the impact is within a select community or in a third world country. The impact on our families and us generally too far removed. We perhaps care initially, take interest for a flickering moment and then get on with our lives.
Now I don’t live in America as many of you know, but if I did and if I had children, I would be taking a very active interest in the following story that surfaced on the Care2 site. It is about_
A08761 Summary:
SAME AS Same as S 5794-B
Amd SS2164 & 613, Pub Health L
Requires immunization against pneumococcal disease of every child in this state born on and after January 1, 2008 beginning with enrollment in any public,private or parochial child caring center, day nursery, day care agency, nursery
school, kindergarten, elementary, intermediate or secondary school; authorizesthe commissioner of health to develop and supervise the execution of a program of immunization, surveillance and testing against pneumococcal disease.
See link below for full report of the Bill.
In Australia we haven’t as yet moved to mandatory pneumococcal vaccination for children before they are permitted to start school. That said a free program was announced 1 January of this year. The information available to parents in Australia is both scarce and misleading.
Please read carefully the vaccine ingredients. This is what is being pumped into the bodies of our children. This is absolutely terrifying.
Vaccines contain ingredients such as antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (CANCER causing and used to embalm), aluminium (associated with Alzheimer's disease and seizures), glycerine (TOXIC to the kidney and liver - can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damages and DEATH), lead, cadmium, sulphates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin. The ingredient making the press is Thimerosal (more TOXIC than environmental mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines - it is NOT easily eliminated and DOES cause SEVERE neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). Vaccines are grown and strained through ANIMAL and/or HUMAN tissue - such as monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of ABORTED FETUSES), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain!!!!! THERE ARE *NO* LONG-TERM SCIENTIFIC STUDIES PROVING THE SAFETY AND/OR EFFECTIVENESS OF VACCINES! WE ARE BEING *FORCED* TO INJECT THESE POISONS INTO OUR FRAIL BABIES AND INNOCENT ANIMALS, WHILE USING ANIMALS AND CHILDREN AS EXPERIMENTS!!!!!
The article goes on to state
“Think about it, since the rise of the mass-vaccination schedule ALL childhood disease is rapidly on the rise and countless new diseases are surfacing. Scientific studies prove that the polio vaccine started polio outbreaks and they have linked that vaccine to CANCER. Just before vaccines became mandatory, society became more sterile and clean and THAT was when disease became less horrific, not b/c of "vaccines".
The medical associations and congress sit on the pharma boards and hold more financial stock than anyone. This is a trillion dollar industry and these people are pocketing BILLIONS of dollars every year at the expense of our children and animals. Conflict of Interest. Our animals and babies are experiments. Our community has decades of scientific proof and evidence yet it keeps getting covered up.”
I haven’t copied the full story, just the relevant parts.
In closing I will say this. The human body is very tough however we are weakening the ability of our body to work effectively because over many years our bodies have been pumped with rubbish such as that listed above. It is bad enough that our food supplies are full of ‘foreign’ chemicals but at least with our food we do have some choice and we still have some control over what we eat. This is getting harder of course. Now children face the possibility of having no choice, if they want to go to school they have to be vaccinated as part of the Pneumococcal Vaccination. I intend promoting this story to the best of my ability. We need to have this out in the open, to have this issue debated and for people to hear the truth. It is up to us; if we care then speak out. It is no longer acceptable for either animals or people to be used in such a shameful and destructive manner
This isn’t Africa (not that this should matter if it were, in fact Africa requires even more help as for many there can not stand-up for defend themselves) this is happening in America and as is the want you can bet your life at some point vaccination will become mandatory in my own country. This has got to be stopped.
I have added a number of links, there are hundreds but I hope the attached at least sparks your interest to look further.
[link] More >
18 May 2006 @ 11:18, by ashanti. Ideas, Creativity
These are interesting times. Never before have there been so many channels with claims of direct contact with ascended masters. Pending the release of the film version of the Da Vinci code, there are all these e-mails asking people to take “on-line DNA” tests to determine if they are descendents of Jesus and Mary. 99th generation. (riding on the coat-tails of the Da Vinci code, of course).
Rome is in a snit, but it is all so artificial. So scripted, orchestrated. Like 9/11. The conflict between Rome and the Da Vinci code is manufactured, structured, planned, timed.
Never before in human history has so much bull-shit floated through so much of our patch of the time-space continuum. "Dearest Ones, Beloved Lightworkers, you are close to Ascension", and so on and so forth. What’s with this mass psychosis? There’s a bunch here in South Africa trying to lure people into their cult under the cover of helping “AIDS babies”. Nice hook. Catching plenty fish. South Africans tend to be mostly uncritical, and ill-equipped to evaluate the bull-shit that is floating around, so many just swallow it. Especially as so many are vulnerable – it’s a time of rage and despair, violent crime, riots – same as many other countries, in fact. It has been officially been called the “Age of Hope” for South Africa, but on the ground, it is the complete opposite. So many people I know are in despair. Things falling apart. Back to Chinua Achebe.
It certainly feels like we’re in some sort of end time. Hence the prevalence of false prophets, confusing everyone. Why the sudden urge to lure people into their collective psychoses, I wonder? Could it be that June 6, 2006 is coming up? Launch of the movie the Beast, and so on? Predictions of earthquakes, tsunamis, economic collapse abound. Worse than the millenium hysteria that we recently went through. And that too, was based on an artificial construct.
Why are we not collectively focused on *solving* the problems? Why do we not pool our collective human intelligence on developing earth-friendly energy, on solving poverty? How is it that our political systems mostly end up attracting the least fit to lead, the most greedy, the most short-sighted, those who care the least about their fellow humans, animals, and the planet as whole? Why are South Africans in such a state of rage and anger, why is the violence so utterly vicious and extreme here? And do we REALLY think, “Dearest Lightworkers, sooooon, all will be well, and the New World will arrive, and Weeeeeeeeeeeee will make you feel so much better………….” will fix it all??? When the HELL are we going to take personal responsibility??????
Sigh. Some days, it all really gets to one........ More >
17 May 2006 @ 18:01, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
This is the idea. One makes a list of 101 things to do over 1001 days. Things to do that are realistic, but also stretching. I.e. something you want to do, or that would be fun to do, but which you wouldn't necessarily get around to doing otherwise. Carving an ice sculpture, skinny dipping in the Carribean, put money in random parking meters that have run out, stay up all night and finish a book, ride the metro from one end to the other. And you'll have 1001 days to finish the list, which is about 2.75 years, which is plenty of time, so one doesn't have to be stressed about it. And it might be small or big things. One chooses oneself.
Apparently a lot of people are doing this, and I think it is a cool idea. Putting on your to-do list to do senseless life-affirming things that make you feel good, and which stretch your boundaries a bit. You can find a list of people's lists in the sidebar of that page. There are people who build their blog around the progress with their list. Like 101 Things to Do.
Hm, personally I'm a bit ambivalent on making a list like that public. Not that I generally mind sharing my thoughts with the whole world, but somehow I find to-do lists more intimate. Mine would probably be more politically incorrect than my normal blog writing. But it is inspiring to see what other people want to do. More >
17 May 2006 @ 11:42, by poetsong. Ideas, Creativity
I'm artistic, and creative, but as such, I spend much of my waking time in a dreamworld, forgetting to say what I feel. Art/photo/poetry/music are some of the ways I've expressed my feelings.
The poem is an expression of appreciation and love for my wife.
It's hard to read, so I'll translate.
Softly, I am carressed by the rays of the summer sun
Gently, I lay my head on the grass
Tenderly, I cup the fragrant flowers in the garden
And I am reminded of you
Simple, but I do appreciate her, and hope she knows. More >
16 May 2006 @ 20:28, by ida. Communication
More >
16 May 2006 @ 11:59, by vector8. Spirituality
[[Mr. Banks: Just a moment, Mary Poppins. What is the meaning of this outrage?
Mary Poppins: I beg your pardon?
Mr. Banks: Will you be good enough to explain all this?
Mary Poppins: First of all, I would like to make one thing quite clear.
Mr. Banks: Yes?
Mary Poppins: I never explain anything. Mary Poppins]]
A few days ago I went for a walk with a friend at a local park. My friend wanted to sit on the grass but it was spitting at the time. He pointed to the dark looking clouds and said he could see rain in the distance. He believed we were about to get drenched. I neither agreed nor disagreed with him. I had a knowing it wasn't going to rain. We sat on a park bench and chatted for a while. It drizzled for a while then it stopped. While we walked round the park I pointed to my friend that it hadn't rained after all. I said I knew it wasn't going to rain because I "saw" us walking in dry weather. In fact, it was dry all through the night. When I walked home around 1.30 am, it was still dry. More >
16 May 2006 @ 10:35, by swanny. Housing, Building, Architecture
May 16, 2006
American Architecture
It seems we are born into a process these days,
rather than a state. In that sense architecture becomes somewhat moot. Yet how did this "process" of affairs arise.
People came to America with little but dreams and perhaps memories of unfufilled passions. And what was built, not a state but a process. The embodiment of American Architecture is the process of "mass production" and I suppose "standarization". Standards are good though somewhat boring and not terribly creative or Natural? I suppose nature has its standards and or orders to and if violated change ensues.
So then it seems the fundemental and shaper of Traditional American Architecture was the practicality of Standardization and Mass production.
How much thought went into that and what was the underlying principle of mass production? Was it simple Profit and economy or is there more to it?
Here is a link to global architectural development to date.
Arch Link = [link]
Just debating though whether it is time to have a closer look
at the foundation and see perhaps whats next.
Is the model of mass production not enough or detrimental towards the earth perhaps?
A. Jonas More >
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