5 Apr 2006 @ 22:59, by ming. Investigation, Intelligence
"Hello, I was wondering how I can buy one of the mind control devices on your website. I can't see how to put them in the shopping cart."
It was a lady calling me from England this afternoon. I was a little puzzled. Which website might that be? "Ming.tv" she said. Hmmm, I frantically search through my postings.... Aha, it turned out to be this article. A list of patents for rather horribly sounding devices for remote control of brainwaves, ultrasonic weapons, subliminal nervous system manipulators, and other goodies.
The lady wanted to put a couple of these in her shopping cart and check out with her visa card.
Which of these items might she specifically be interested in, I inquired. Well, she seemed to think the whole batch of them sounded rather nifty. Clearly a very motivated shopper.
Maybe she has a boyfriend who isn't quite behaving right? I didn't really succeed in figuring out what the driver was. I mean, you don't exactly pull out an ultrasonic brain wave modulator at a party, to start a fun conversation. Or do you? Is it something to have in your handbag, in case a little crowd control suddenly becomes necessary? You know, when a horde of flesh-eating zombies are charging you in the mall.
I patiently tried to explain that this was a list of patents on file at the U.S. Patent Office. Maybe somebody has made these, maybe not. If they have, it would be the kind of thing used by the military, to drive Iraqis crazy, or maybe by the police, for crowd control. Or maybe secret government agencies are using them on all of us, to make us Conform, Consume and Obey. But you wouldn't be likely to find them for sale to just anybody online.
She was a bit incredulous, and I had to explain it several times. She thought it was such a lovely idea, and she had a hard time wrapping her mind around the concept that there was no shopping cart and possibly no products. I didn't even bother to try to explain what a blog is.
I wished for a moment I did have some of these for sale. Maybe I could have thrown in a positronic deathray machine, and a few cannisters of nerve gas. I don't know how it is to be a housewife in West Sussex, but I'm always willing to help. More >
3 Apr 2006 @ 18:04, by jstarrs. Ideas, Creativity
Ama knows... More >
3 Apr 2006 @ 13:35, by vector8. Spirituality
In a recent article called Old Habits are Dying Hard, Thank God!, I discussed what I believe stops us from being our real self on a permanent basis. I said we are too used to believing only in what we can see instead of believing in our real Self. Actually, that is not strictly true. Consider the following: More >
2 Apr 2006 @ 22:55, by quinty. Politics
"Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. " -- Friedrich Nietzche
"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. " -- John F. Kennedy
"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities. "--Voltaire More >
2 Apr 2006 @ 18:53, by poetsong. Spirituality
I imagine everyone here shares my feeling, "The world as we see it is not how the world should be." There are wars, and famines, and people mistreating people.
It is no mystery that some bad people have fairly fun lives, while some good people have fairly miserable lives. Why?
One of the biggest questions people have is, "If God had the power to make things better, why doesn't he?" Why not stop all wars, eliminate all diseases, and halt natural disasters?
Most people here are tender-hearted. They hate seeing suffering and violence. And it would seem "if God is good", he would be like them, and just stop the nonsense. First, let me say, that is very much the nature of God- tender-hearted. He does hate suffering and violence, and misery. The question reverts then to "Is God good?" and then, "If God is good, then why?"
I wrestled for years with the seeming unfairness I saw in the world. It isn't a mystery to the observant. Obviously, I've come to some resolutions, or I would not be writing this message.
First let me state what I know to be true. God didn't want the world to look like this. He wanted all of the good, multiplied beyond our imaginations, with none of the bad.
All the good we see is but a shadow of his intentions, and in fact, his mind is bent on restoring the world (a New World) and the Universe to perfection. In fact, what he has intended is far beyond the imagination. No imagination can grasp what God intends. Only a "hair's breath" can be grasped by revelation.
How then did we get here if this is not what God wanted? It is important to understand that when this Universe was created, it not only had natural laws, but spiritual laws. Gravity is a natural law. Gravity doesn't hate or love, it simply is. Spiritual laws are not much different. They act independent of judgment, and therefore they are neither vendictive nor merciful. They just are.
This world was a gift to mankind in a way that no other gift could possibly be. Let's imagine the world is a car, and God made the perfect car, one that would run smoothly and forever if left as it is. Now picture God in love with mankind, and saying, "The keys to the world are yours."
Well, if we crash it, can we blame God? We might want to say, "You gave us the keys, so we're mad...you should have known we'd be irresponsible and crash the world..."
God had to take a risk, because love takes risks. Love has to risk rejection, and the free will of the other to walk away, or mistreat the lover. God could not force his will upon us if he loved us. He had to leave us with choices, and choices have consequences.
When God made the Universe, he decided there was one part of the Universe he would share fully with his beloved (us) and in doing so, he would not micromanage it. In fact, he put its forests, its animals, all under our authority. "You are to this world as I am to the Universe...it's forests and animals are under your authority to do with as you see fit." (Paraphrased)
The good part of that is that this world was like a blank canvas that we could make even more beautiful. We could divert waters for gardens, and create a paradise for the animals. We had the power to bless this earth, but something happened on the way to perfect paradise.
Mankind crashed this world, again, and again. We might demand that God fix it, but that is not the way things work.
God left two powers in charge of the earth to teach us how to parallel park. The first power was natural law. If men light a match, they stoke a fire. If they are irresponsible, they can burn down a forest. We have power to bless, but also power to harm. We must understand the laws that govern power.
Now, since this is "Our planet" and God handed "us" the keys, it is in "our power" to trash what should have been the greatest blessing the Universe has known.
It is no different than a parent handing a deed to a property with a mansion over to their son, and having him burn decide to burn it down. The house and trees are scarred, and he gets angry, and says, "You hate me...you gave me this flamable house, and when I lit it, it burned to charcoal. Now, fix it!"
"No, I gave you a beautiful house with a beautiful garden, and I expected you would take care of it, and enjoy it forever...I never said I would stop you from destroying my gift to you..."
The earth was "our house" and we were given the deed to the property.
Now, physical law is actually the least damaging of the two forces God placed into the world. Spiritual law is far more powerful and the consequences last longer.
The second law, the spiritual law, is predominated by two forces. "Blessings and curses". We have the power to unleash both blessings and curses into the world.
This is not something we are ignorant of. All religions and most philosophies believe in a form of Sowing and Reaping.
Sowing and Reaping are the ways that Blessings and Curses are unleashed.
So, let us backtrack. God did not intend this world to wound us. It was in beautiful shape when we inherited it. Mankind refused to acknowledge the powers of "Sowing and Reaping", and errantly assumed they could do whatever they wanted to the world, and it wouldn't matter.
Why do good people suffer? - If you understand spiritual laws, God has refused to interfere with our crashing the world, except by his mercy, but, since this was "our world", he requires "our invitation".
When some pray, "Thy will be done on earth...as it is in heaven", they have no clue what or why they are saying this. Why would we have to ask God to change things on our world?
Because it is "our world". This is why the law of prayer works. It isn't because God doesn't want to heal everyone, but he is bound to his own laws. If we have unleashed curses into this world, sure he could stop them all, but he is waiting for our invitation to intervene.
It would appear that God should simply step in, take away the keys of our authority, and clean up this mess for us. However, the whole point of his giving us the world was not to harm us, but to help us, to help us understand who he is.
This world is filled with countless object lessons. However, we (as a race) are blinded to them, because we have not accepted the very first of the Laws- sowing and reaping leads to blessing and curses.
And when curses fall upon nations, all are wounded, even the innocent. But it was not by "God's desire". Spiritual laws are indifferent. They are neither merciful or vengeful. They are like the law of gravity. If a beautiful hearted person jumps off a cliff they are not going to land more gently than a creep. The law doesn't discriminate.
If you will, curses can't come into a home or nation unless mankind leaves the door open to them. Likewise, blessings will also wait outside the door for men to open the door.
Unless we humans learn wisdom, and that there are consequences to our choices, we make the mistake of assuming we can do whatever we want and nothing will happen.
This is the primary reason why prayer works. By our will, we allow the designer a chance to come in and change the landscape. We open a door.
Many good-hearted people want a clean world, and a disease free world. At some point that will be, but untiul then, we must understand how things work.
We must understand how our sowing and reaping impact the "Physical Laws"- stop polution, stop burning forests, stop wasting resources.
But we must also learn how our sowing and reaping brings cursings and blessings into this world. God is capable of cleaning up curses and leaving blessings behind. But we must invite God to do so. Yet, it is not enough to keep asking God to fix our problems. That is akin to our pouring gasoline on our roofs with a match, and asking God to keep blowing out the flames. We have to learn how spiritual laws operate, because in effect, we can open a continuous window of blessing, and eliminate curses, something no generation of mankind has ever witnessed, except in small measure. More >
2 Apr 2006 @ 01:07, by organicrev. Nutrition, Cooking
The World School is pleased to announce the publication this week of its new cook book, Organic Cooking: Eating Well: "300 Simple Gourmet Recipes for a Healthier Life," The book presents 300 simple gourmet recipes which form complete meal plans for healthier eating, using all organic ingredients. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to support the World School, a non-profit interfaith organization sharing the best of world education with the world community. For further information about the book and the World School, to read a few page sample, and to order online, go to www.OrganicCookingBook.com. More >
1 Apr 2006 @ 18:08, by uncleremus. Recreation, Fun
More >
31 Mar 2006 @ 17:10, by gsosbee. Legal, Justice
As I read the daily news reports of the corrupt and criminal fbi agents (as I have documented at www.sosbeevfbi.com), I must ask the nation a very common question ( in the minds of many activists ):
Where have all the true lawyers gone, long time passing ? Where are the JDs, the SJDs, the constitutional law scholars and thinkers in general (those who critically examined and took to heart the meaning of the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitutional safeguards against abusive and murderous government agents)? Then , I respond that these attorneys are busy in and out of court making money (hand over fist in some instances), striking plea bargains for innocent defendants,reaching settlement arrangements (in order to garner fast, easy money), seizing assets to cover legal fees, etc., so that by retirement age these prima donna guns for hire may continue the same comfortable life style that they have grown accustomed to over the years. They are seldom concerned with the destructive impact of corrupt law and policy upon the lives of those targeted for political persecution both under criminal and civil law.
The problem (in my opinion), aside from the obvious abandonment by these attorneys (including those in the law school and university ivory towers) of their civic responsibilities to their fellow man and to their profession (notwithstanding the puny pro bono records carefully documented for political show) is that the nation meanwhile is become a totalitarian state bent on the for-profit subjugation of all people by the strong arms (and weak minds) of the fbi and the cia (and others). The lawyers in the main have become tools of the emerging fascist state that even they now fear. The supposed defenders of our Rights at a most critical moment in history are in 'the other room ' (one that is soundproof and cut off from the reality of the inhumanity that is become the hallmark of the USA criminal justice system).
Specifically, the fbi for example recently charges a man with the newly discovered offense of:
"traveling in interstate commerce to engage in sexual activity with a minor and traveling in interstate commerce for the purposes of engaging in illicit sexual conduct".
The heart of such cases is the presumption by the fbi thugs that they may, by the use of an hypothetical construct, read the minds of the accused, predict his behavior with pinpoint accuracy, and determine the future course of events not yet clear to the otherwise objective mind, nor to the accused himself; in doing so the fbi predators have captured the supportive attention of the media which is always ready to get on board a moving freight train of decadent and destructive public policy.
* Note that the individual charged in the sex case referenced above has committed no offense, no plaintiff or complaining witness exists, no victim exists, no crime has been committed or reported, no evidence of any crime is extant, and no law has been broken (except for the imaginary one contrived in the perverse and often criminal mind of the fbi, or other accuser) who should himself be charged with false arrest or filing false charges, among other offenses, in connection with the preposterous charges against an innocent man. In essence the fbi and their minion police agencies pretend to safeguard the imagined rights of non-existent persons at the expense and destruction of real life human beings who are as innocent as may legally be conceived in a theoretical sense. See:
By studying this and similar cases the astute student may gain new and important perspectives from "inside the criminal mind" of the fbi and other accusing parties. For more on this see the links below.
Meanwhile, with regard to police and fbi misconduct, most lawyers are silent (out to lunch), or worse, the lawyers sometimes can be seen on TV also getting on board the popular movement which is profitable for all but the accused, or the targeted.
Alas, I have personally known many attorneys who, while representing drug dealers and other violent and dangerous types (often with real as opposed to imagined victims) in the general society, engage in the consumption of cocaine, marijuana, etc.,while publicly pretending to uphold the values of mainstream society. These same attorneys mostly avoid the truly difficult, complex and unpopular cases brought against the accused by a broken and corrupt regime headed by the fbi, or other incompetent police agency.
Attorneys also generally avoid Civil Rights and Human Rights cases against the fbi because the victim of the fbi criminal campaign has no money, and because the attorneys are fearful of fbi retaliation.[For examples of current violations see:]
Also see:
The instance cited above (regarding an imagined sex offense) is a hot potato with most lawyers because they do not want to be seen as apologists or defenders of an accused who may be facing a variety of illicit sexual conduct charges and the parade of horribles associated therewith. These attorneys do not mind representing murderers, drug king pins,or other despicable types; and these barristers boldly proclaim that their law firm does not ever represent defendants in alleged child sex abuse(and related) cases, period, even when no crime has been committed. Neither do many attorneys show any interest in prosecuting a civil case against the fbi or the cia because "there is no financial future in it".
Well, how convenient for these legal practitioners, as they now enjoy the best (from their perspectives) of both worlds: on the one hand they can join the lucrative freight train of popular opinion regarding the condemnation of any person falsely accused of largely imaginary sex related offenses; and on the other hand, these same attorneys can sell out their conscience (with handsome returns)in the representations of some extremely unsavory characters. When the smoke clears, these attorneys are left with one small problem (as I see it): they have allowed the fbi and the prosecutorial freight train to roll over and destroy the guarantees of personal freedoms and individual liberties afforded by the uSA constitution.
For more on imagined offenses and the criminal machinations of those who allege them,see:
Also see a summary of the crimes committed against a former fbi agent (Sosbee)and note that no attorney will come forward to prosecute the civil case inherent in the terrorists' assaults on Sosbee:
Thus , the lawyers, mostly silent on Human Rights issues, slink from their civic duties, abandon their sworn promises to uphold the constitution, and otherwise cower before the menacing shadow of the fbi (and others) who have turned this nation into a virtual prison for all but the torturers and assassins of the ruling class. Indeed, all criminal cases (and many civil cases) today contain Human Rights issues, not just for the supposed victim (if one exist), but for the accused as well; the failure of American Jurisprudence to take this fact into account represents the continuing deterioation of the U.S. judiciary.
The answer to the question posed in the first sentence above is that the lawyers have gone to the black hole of greed, self absorption and pusillanimous retreat. The damage to our nation (and its social fabric) resulting from their incompetence/indifference is incalculable.
The statements above do not represent legal advice.See:
* On 4-5-06 the following news item appears:
By MICHELLE SPITZER, Associated Press Writer
MIAMI - A deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Brian J. Doyle, was charged with using a computer to seduce a child after authorities said he struck up sexual conversations with an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl.
See recent article on
press secretary arrested
Sosbee writes:
As suggested above in the context of the phony criminal charges in a different alleged sex abuse case,Brian J. Doyle is obviously innocent.
For more on imagined crimes alleged by the criminals of the United States government see:
31 Mar 2006 @ 14:24, by paretokid. Politics
What's Needed in Illegal Alien Debate? Justice, Mercy, and Humility (Common Sense) for the Excluded Ones in Our Society
We Need a Humane and Just Way that Enables Illegal Immigrants to Work for Their Legal Status...and
We Need a Humane and Just Way that Enables American "Exiles" to Work their Way "Home."
Who are the American Exiles? The millions of American men and women "exiled" from a full life in America because of past convictions, jail time, and probation for non-violent and minor drug (marijuana) crimes.
If we apply common sense, justice and mercy to "What do you do with 11 million people who don't "belong" here?" then we have ask and answer questions like these: Can you imagine the lines on our side of the border? Who's going to guard, feed and care for them until they cross over? Who's going to pay for that? How are you going to be sure the "right" people are being forced out? Will you want to make an exception for your neighbor's grandmother, who survived the Soviet Gulag or Nazi Camps and then entered the US illegally in 1956?
If we are being just and merciful, then what about the millions of Americans who cannot get decent jobs or feel they are a part of the community because they got "caught" up in the "war" on drugs for possession or small time dealing or non-violent theft to pay for their drug. There is also a large number of American exiles whose "crime" was being a "dumb" and "wild" kid. Can we find a way that they can work their way back to being a full citizen?
I think we can devise humane, practical, and just ways for perhaps 20 million people in America to prove and pay their way into the American Dream.
What do you think? More >
30 Mar 2006 @ 19:22, by gsosbee. Violence, War
Nervous tension is reflected in the following headline statements by U.S. leaders:
Rice: World United Against Iran in Dispute .
Hawk John Bolton: the US will use all tools at its disposal.
Cheney:Israel might act first and "let the rest of the world worry about picking up the diplomatic pieces afterwards" *.
Sosbee responds: Careful girls , the world presently does not accept your (or the fbi/cia) menacing plans to subjugate the people of Earth (after all, if you for example put a gun to my head and ask for my cooperation and allegiance to your evil agenda, guess what I would do).
As for Cheney's irresponsible innuendos regarding the Jewish State's apparent threats of attack: You seem to shoot (now from the mouth regarding war, then from the shotgun regarding your real life recklessness) striking your own friends in the face (both at home literally and abroad figuratively)without asking yourself "why" ; try picking up their pieces, mR. Vice .
To Bolton I must say : you little sir, are a broken sparrow;watch and I will show you the meaning of the word, "Hawk" .
Rice- those who take you seriously are as befuddled as you and your boss.
Back to the topic:Any incendiary rhetoric (such as that quoted above)issuing from your mouths simply feeds the fires of distrust, over your inhumane global intentions, emanating from every corner of the globe. You three characters quoted above (and the reference to the Israeli 'act') invite the scorn of all nations who see the threats as another symptom of the uSA's hopelessly failed leadership.
* The same was said in Viet Nam; where were y'all during that bloodbath?
Ask not what you country can do for you; ask what your country can do TO you!
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