10 Mar 2006 @ 04:20, by skookum. Farming
The sun came out... More >
9 Mar 2006 @ 23:12, by jmarc. Environment, Ecology
A new species of lobster (or lobstah, as we say up heah in New Hampshah)
has been found more than a mile down in the South Pacific.
Robert Vrijenhoek of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in
California organised the expedition that found them. This particular lobster
is so distinct from other species that scientists have created a new
taxonomic family for it. The lobster's pincers are covered with
hair-like strands. More >
9 Mar 2006 @ 14:14, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
This poem talks about the flowing of life within us. I wrote it originally in Spanish, but I've also included an english translation.
I don't usually make changes in my poems after I've written them, but with this one I made an exception because I felt the need to do so after reading it again a few days ago. Anyway, this is the final version, so it will remain as it is now (well, if you have any suggestion to improve the english version or if there's any grammatical mistake, please feel free to tell me).
More >
9 Mar 2006 @ 08:49, by raypows. Ideas, Creativity
I began writing poetry when I was 12 years old, the same year I was taught to meditate. I would go into a sort of trance, a oneness, and the experience of automatic writing would happen. as I grew in age and evolution I became more conscious as I dipped into dimensions and simultaneously wrote down the gifts I received. My life has been a process of integrating, embodying the mystic veil that was opened to me as a young man. The world, our culture has been a challenge for me at times and I am grateful for the wisdom of earth peoples who have an understanding of our multi-dimensional nature.
Here are some of my more recent writings. Though not in relationship, some like “I Remember” were inspired by profound connections during Soul (or eye gazing) with another. Love IS a tidal wave that, if we are willing to surrender, shakes us to the very core.
Sanctity Dwells
What is pure must become unpure.
Daily, light changes into dark,
Is purity a fact or an opinion?
Does truth reveal itself to thieves as well as kings?
There was a martyr once who’s blood flowed onto the belly of Gaia,
it rained, and wedding bells were heard.
I’ve seen men dance with flames twirling from their wrists,
Do their hearts burn with that longing?
I remember, so vividly sometimes,
running down the middle of the street, fearless,
somehow, there came a time,
when I believed it was safer to walk on the side,
always checking behind my back.
I found that the middle is where sanctity dwells.
I Remember
How can I not be overjoyed?
Blue stars from the ethers that only I can see,
They look so much like your eyes,
The face of Love,
The moon behind the clouds,
A shadow puppet,
Two lovers embrace,
They dance in the firmament,
I dance in the cool canyon breeze,
The fire in my heart is fed by thoughts of you,
I am drunk, but not drunk,
I am wide awake,
Lucid as the fig whose roots drink from the stream,
Or the double winged dragonfly that lights on my hand,
There is more that I do not know than what I know,
The more pomegranate seeds I eat the more are revealed,
The juice stains my lips,
Runs down my chin,
The sweetest nectar reminding me of you.
There is no either or…
Unbind me,
Take these shackles from my wrists,
let my swollen ankles free,
This body,
at once a prison and the holiest of holies,
Eden and Babylon both in my belly,
My breath keeps missing my heart,
I want this ember to flame,
To burn and glow from behind my eyes,
Illuminating the path before me,
A lighthouse on the shores
of the ocean of Love and Mercy.
This illusion of separateness,
It keeps me tethered in a dream,
Where a camel tries to walk on water,
And fish run thirsty on the desert floor.
there inside my inner smile,
A host of angels,
Oneness with wings,
I must not forget to look behind me,
A tidal wave of Love,
Drown or surf?
There is no either or…
The Wren
How can I quench this thirst?
I could drown myself and only steam would rise,
You could see me glowing in the river,
The sun and I would have a contest,
Who could make the seeds grow faster
And sleep with the moon,
The wren springs to life in my hand
And sings in my ear,
This I understand,
But these longings, they are a mystery to me, More >
9 Mar 2006 @ 06:23, by skookum. Spirituality
no guys.. it's not what you think... More >
8 Mar 2006 @ 13:42, by poetsong. Spirituality
Love is something we intuit on the deepest level, because it is both a hunger and a homing device. We thirst for it, and desire it from the moment we break free from the womb. And also, there is a voice within that tells us this is not only a means, but an ends, and we want to find "Love".
We know it by its fruit, and yet, we live in a fallen world, where people are self-absorbed, wounded, often incapable of expressing love. And over time, that belief in love fades, and we wonder what true love looks like. The more used and abused and betrayed we are, the more likely we become skeptical. We wonder if love is obtainable; and yet, we have countless examples of those who lost themselves in love for others. "The Mother Theresas of the world." Still, we want to see proof for ourselves, to taste and touch love, and to come to that place where we can express it for others to taste and touch.
I once believed- disbelieved in love. It was not that I lost that compass telling me it was there somewhere. However, I didn't see it demonstrated. It seemed only there as an ideal, not a reality.
Jaded, I looked at the world and said, "People don't really love. They are too selfish. They simply mutually use and abuse each other so long as they get something out of the deal, sex, companionship, exchange of feigned compliments.
Yet that compass was still drawing me, telling me love is right, seek love, express love. But emotional starvation made me crave, and I did not know how to give it. I fell short, and wondered if the best I could do is offer selfish-seconds. I wanted it, but couldn't give it, and at the same time, knew love existed on some etherial island I couldn't get to.
I am no longer jaded, and believe in love, express love, and I am loved.
However, the next step is to define "what love" we aspire to give, and recieve- sacrificial other centered-love, or selfish, you-make-me-feel-good love? And there are shades of love in between. Most people are satisfied for a reciprical giving, in fact elated, and are not interested in giving a selfless love. Yet, within us, that homing device is saying, "It is there if you are but willing to pay the price. Come!"
I want that kind of love, to give it, get it, and bask in it. It hurts. It forgives. It overlooks offenses. Yet, it wants fellowship, to become more than friends, one with others, to know and be known.
Identifying that love exists and that we want the highest love is only the beginning of a journey. The next step is identifying not only what we want, but who we are, who this other person is? So, love becomes a quest, and not simply a definition of what to do and not to do. There are roadblocks, difficult people, and our own difficult attitudes and desires. We put up walls and run into walls, and know that walls have to come down to reach the highest love.
We, all of us, are like a spirit encased in a ton of barnacles. We exist beneath all sorts of junk that attaches itself to us throughout life. I am more than news, weather and sports, but what am I? Am I changing? Can someone love a moving target?
We should be moving targets, because if we are staying the same, we aren't growing, and growth is essential to finally becoming a human being, and not a wooden puppet.
I want to be a real boy. I want to be loved for who I am, and not the barnacles, not the trophies, not the looks-which fade with years. And so, the search for love is a pilgrimage of the soul to discover who we are at the core, and who everyone else is at their core, undefiled. And frankly, the end result is falling into each other, not sexually, but in the sense of drinking purely from another's spirit, and have them drink from ours, and we are refreshed there.
Nate More >
7 Mar 2006 @ 23:14, by scotty. Spirituality
Unlock Reality has arrived chez moi at last !!!
Three weeks of lurking in the bushes beside the garden gate watching out for the postman to arrive !
This morning he must have been quite dazzled my by smiling warm welcome LOL!
Unlock Reality is in Guadeloupe !
I must admit to having butterflies in my tummy as I opened the envelope .. and suddenly ... there she was ... the manuscript slid into my eagerly awaiting hands !
I phoned Dscape in London to let her know that all was well - and then I settled comfortably on the sofa and began to read ... More >
7 Mar 2006 @ 13:07, by vector8. Spirituality
So you are feeling weak. After you've had something to eat you feel stronger and full of energy. Was it the food that gave you strength? I believe it was your belief that food can make you feel stronger that has made you stronger. The problem is many people believe that foods can be both healthy and harmful. According to "scientific evidence," additives and preservatives are said to make people put on weight and even make them sick; if you believe in the "evidence" of course.
Similarly, people take medication they believe will heal them of their ailments. Then someone comes up with some new information that the drugs you believe in have certain chemicals that can make you ill. If you believe in the new information, you're basically stuffed. Then you hear about people who have been taking drugs that have no active ingredients and they've been healed. But when these people realise their "drugs" were placebos, the disease is back in full force. That's the problem with believing in the material world, you don't know whether you're coming or going. More >
7 Mar 2006 @ 10:18, by shimanta. Ideas, Creativity
Less than a year ago... More >
4 Mar 2006 @ 07:17, by i2i. Communication
More >
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