3 Mar 2006 @ 18:01, by bushman. Technology
Again, high school kids find a way, to make efficiant use of alternitive fuels. In my own engine set up, I've been able to get the 0 to 60 in 4 seconds, but not the MPG, so far, best I can get is 27mpg, it's still better mileage than the stock 13mpg you get from a big engine.
But these kids, being misfits and dropouts, finding a class they like, and not only comming up with a cool engine set up, but also self esteem to get better grades, and really make a differance in the world.
Hopfuly they don't get shot down by the automotive and oil industries. :}
"The CBS news article below reveals a major breakthrough in car engine design. This car engine gets over 50 mpg, goes from zero to 60 in four seconds, and runs on soybean oil! So why isn't this remarkable breakthrough making front page headlines in all major media? For the same reason that many other major energy breakthroughs have been reported but never given the headlines they deserve. Those who are reaping huge profits from oil sales have much more political and media influence than you might imagine."
Full story and additional links:
Original story:
[link] More >
3 Mar 2006 @ 12:14, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
Surrounded by flowers,
yet mist clouds my mind More >
2 Mar 2006 @ 23:52, by sea. Communities
It truly amazes me how often we, as humans, are afraid to speak our minds! I can understand it being hard to stand before a group of people you don't know & express yourself. What amazes me is that even on the web I see this happen all the time.
It happens in the news groups, 1000's of lurkers afraid to post because they may find others with opposing views, or may offend another. I see it all over in sections like this one, where comments can be made, even to what I am saying now. Are they utilized? Rarely!!!
I see it in forums, in our A&AC Forum alone. I have posted over 100 articles & have recieved under 5 comments. We have an open 'general' area to discuss most anything & yet no one says a word. Another section to post views, ideas, comments, suggestions, anything about the website - nothing posted!
People do have views, I know you do!!! I get the emails filling my box all the time. Questions, ideas, issues about the website, discussion on some of the topics... Everything that could be posted in at least 10 places on this website alone, end up in my email instead of in a place they might benefit others or encourage thought & debate.
I have to wonder... Why? Have we as a world society so beat up the individual that they are afraid of even saying 'boo'? More >
1 Mar 2006 @ 19:14, by poetsong. Spirituality
“Love me for who I am!” This sounds like a reasonable request. Love is grand, and don’t we all want to be loved for who we are. The question is “Who are we, really?”
I’m not trying to get all metaphysical here. In a very real sense, people don’t know who they are. We may think other people don’t understand us, when the bigger problem is that we don’t understand ourselves.
Surface love: We generally respond to people on a very surface level. If they smile at us, we smile back. If they say hello, we say ‘hello’. However, smiles and hellos can be false. A person can say “Hope you have a great day!” and inwardly be thinking, “I wish you would drop dead!” Still, when we like people it’s generally because of common interests, and things like point of view, and similar perspectives and shared experiences.
In truth people are deep wells, and what we see outwardly does not reveal the complexity of what is in their hearts.
There is a problem with making superficial judgments. If we liked someone because they were like us, chocolate ice cream lovers, what happens if their tastes change? Yesterday they loved our favorite flavor, but now they are sick of chocolate. Does this mean we don’t love them anymore?
Forget chocolate, if we presume to love another person only because of “shared experiences” we are falling in love with quicksand. People change tastes and preferences. One minute they like a musical preference, a favorite color, a similar political view, a shared religious view. What if they change their minds about things? Are they the same person? Do we really love them, or simply love similarity and shared views?
If I want someone to love me, I have to determine who and what I am. If I want to love another, I have to determine who and what they are. Otherwise, our love is really quite fragile, a vapor that appears and blows away in the stiff winds of life. I for one don’t like falling in and out of love. Therefore, I believe it is absolutely important to understand the basis of humanity, the potential within each person.
We are either stagnant or growing. If we are growing then we are changing, and if we are changing, at any given time, we might be uncomfortable with ourselves, and we might make others feel uncomfortable. “I don’t want to eat chocolate anymore…can’t we talk about vanilla today?” We want to expand and think and talk about different things.
This is threatening to those who are staying the same. “You never said you liked vanilla before…why don’t you eat chocolate like you used to?”
Stagnant is not a natural state. In general if someone is not growing, they are purposing to resist growth. Perhaps they fear growing, and sameness is a safe environment for them. However, intimacy is impossible with people who hate growth. They put up protective walls, “I’m Mr. Sports Nut. Unless you talk to me about jock things, I have nothing left to say…so come to me speaking sports trivia or leave me alone! Don’t talk to me about meaning of life things. I can’t stand heavy conversations.” That isn’t growth. This is how people put up walls to avoid thinking. I, for one, am not threatened by people that disagree with me. If they are thinking, I generally find something stimulating in interacting with them, even if they oppose my views. I feel most uncomfortable around people that refuse to think, refuse to feel, refuse to question or risk depth.
However, back to the issue, “Love me for who I am!” It is possible to love others, but generally what we love is their soul, their spirit, and the rest is kind of superficial. They may like one football team and then move jobs and fall in love with another team. If we love only on the basis of common interests, we limit who and how we love.
This doesn’t mean that we have to like all the junk we see on the surface, like others’ religious views, political views, or tastes in music. Rather we must see past the superficial to a person of potential, someone who has within them the capability to be a beautiful person if they recognize what is important.
“Who am I?” Honestly, I once was trapped into thinking, “This is just me; I can’t change!” This is futile thinking, and absolutely wrong. Within every human being is a part of them that is beautiful, and in fact, potentially a reflection of God.
However, when life happens to us, we may have no idea what that is, how it works, or how we become what we always had the potential to be.
(I will end here, and if enough people are interested- I will go further)
More >
1 Mar 2006 @ 09:52, by jazzolog. Activism
A country is not only what it does---
it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates.
---Kurt Tucholsky
Nothing the happy newspapers say can change the fact that all over India, from the biggest cities to the smallest villages, in public places and private homes, George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, world nightmare incarnate, is just not welcome.
---Arundhati Roy
We have before us in the White House a thief who steals the country's good name and reputation for his private interest and personal use; a liar who seeks to instill in the American people a state of fear; a televangelist who engages the United States in a never-ending crusade against all the world's evil, a wastrel who squanders a vast sum of the nation's wealth on what turns out to be a recruiting drive certain to multiply the host of our enemies. In a word, a criminal—known to be armed and shown to be dangerous.
---Lewis H. Lapham
Ever since I was stopped by a fully armed, battle dressed SWAT team (which stands for Special Weapons And Tactics) [link] or [link] I realized no one catches a glimpse of this President of the United States without an invitation. The man was campaigning in a republic of supposed free election in 2004. What had become of my country? Where was my pride in being an American, the liberators in World War II, the Good Guys?
It wasn't just the War On Terra (as Molly Ivins now is calling it). Here is a leader whose anger at criticism must never be revealed to the people. He must be insulated by handlers, carefully scripted and rehearsed. Some American families have fathers like that. Mom's job is to make sure his blood pressure never flies so high that he blows a gasket. The kids grow up never learning how to negotiate problems or compromise with friends. The United States citizenry has become like that now. All we know how to do is consume. With citizenship practically dead, at least as it used to be taught to us all at home and in school, I've come to despair that anything can be done to stop the insanity of this administration.
Furthermore, the very process of impeachment, which is an effort to correct rather than indict, has become so predictable and cheapened in recent years I've hesitated to join any cries for something to begin. The Clintons were hunted with such tenacity as soon as he took federal office that it's little wonder he finally began the behaviors of a monkey in the zoo. Any mention of Republican problems and we hear about Ted Kennedy again. The Congress refuses to hold hearings about eavesdropping on the American people. So why am I writing about this and what chance is there? More >
1 Mar 2006 @ 04:06, by jmarc. Violence, War
Where's Rosemary Woods when you really need her?
For a couple of years we've heard the mantra.
Bush lied people died.
No WMDs in Iraq.
Yadda yadda yadda. More >
1 Mar 2006 @ 01:57, by sea. History, Ancient World
I want to welcome all to the GRAND OPENING of the NEW A&AC-Ancient Picture Gallery!
Still lots more coming, but at over 600 photos & growing by the hour, I felt it was time to give everyone a 'sneak peak'.
Hope you enjoy!! Please let me know what you think.
Sea More >
28 Feb 2006 @ 22:52, by poetsong. Ideas, Creativity
The inhabitants of this world go about their business in ignorance, buying, selling, immersing themselves in a variety of of diversions. Yet, a battle rages on for the preservation of their race.
On the borders beyond the western wood a Seer awaits the coming of a monstrous race. His staff has burst into flames, and he will fight again on behalf of the human race.
The clock is ticking and enemy grows stronger. Unless the nations awaken to the threat, the world will be anhilated.
* Photo is property of N Marion Hage. It was taken by Susan Demko and Jim Jasterzinski. Photo Art and Costume by N Marion Hage. More >
28 Feb 2006 @ 14:19, by vector8. Spirituality
Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high,
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Over the Rainbow
I believe dreams do come true. All thoughts are manifested. It is not that we don't always receive what we dream of but we receive them in other realities until we are finally ready to let go of limiting beliefs. More >
25 Feb 2006 @ 15:09, by monique. Ideas, Creativity
Welcome to The NCN Poet Tree Anthology...we hope you'll enjoy this evolving, involving and revolving selection of prose from NCN poets, worldwide - submissions are welcomed.
Here's an adornment of our poet tree called Abandono, by Monica Korycinska. The poem has been written in Spanish, but you can find an English translation as well. More >
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