13 Feb 2006 @ 03:55, by jmarc. Music
We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic
This guy just blows me away.
Some people do that to me, with their talent.
This is a face with character. A face that knows the ways of the Universe,
one of those few that looks into the light and isn't blinded
but instead is able to impart a bit of it to US, and for a brief few moments
we can fly along with him, by way of his music. More >
12 Feb 2006 @ 10:42, by jazzolog. Children, Parenting
The first thing you learn in life is you're a fool. The last thing you learn is you're the same fool. Sometimes I think I understand everything. Then I regain consciousness.
---Ray Bradbury
I embrace emerging experience. I participate in discovery. I am a butterfly. I am not a butterfly collector.
---William Stafford
One day a student asked Taiga, "What is the most difficult part of painting?"
Taiga answered: "The part of the paper where nothing is painted is the most difficult."
---Artist Zen
Graduating from Middle School last year, Ilona and Keenan, with one of his sisters Ameena.
Yesterday I was sitting around the faculty lounge of one of the Ohio University colleges with a friend. He's a professor and director of graduate programs there. We were drinking some coffee, eating chocolate, and watching the Winter Olympics. Mostly we were talking though. Maybe that combination got us into the topic of early love affairs, but that's what happened. We were comparing our high school experiences. They were rather different, as he was born in Bangladesh.
This morning I'm trying to think back to my very first days of spending time with girls. One time, possibly during the summer vacation between 4th and 5th grade, I went over to see what my little blue-eyed, blonde-haired girlfriend (that my mother approved of a lot) was doing...and as usual her kinda large, faithful, possessive friend Jeannie was there. They were playing house. Being the open-minded, already-liberated guy you know, even in the late '40s, I offered to play. Well...I asked if I could play. Carol and Jeannie whispered together a while, and then said yes. They said I should get up on the porch railing and stand there. I could be Air.
One autumn day in 7th grade social studies class, Miss Weatherly seized a note Carol was passing to Jeannie...and made her stand up in front of the class and read it. She turned the color of a strawberry and with trembling voice did so. It said that her mother didn't want her to be my girlfriend anymore and that she was making her break up with me. Mom feared it would get too serious and we were too young. Then she sat down, put her head in her arms on her desk, and wept ferociously. I was shattered---and part of me still is. Carol married a guy from West Point...and I don't know what happened to Miss Weatherly. More >
12 Feb 2006 @ 08:15, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
free pic @ [link]
Valentine's Day
my thoughts turn to softer things.. More >
11 Feb 2006 @ 16:55, by shreepal. Science
The business of science is to study all forms of "reality". The reality may be defined as "one that exists" and "of which existence is verifiable by proof". The ‘realty’ that ‘exists’ has nothing to do with the ‘proof’ showing that it really exists. Proof of reality is no more than making available symmetry of the claimed reality to Mind that it understands and insists for..
Hypothesis is Mind’s reconstruction of the interrelations of nature’s realty. Scientific mind takes for granted this nature’s realty as an ordered whole wherein the components of the whole also are ordered. These ordered components are further assumed to be integrated with the whole in an ordered manner. This assumption is the very first condition to search scientifically the existing realty. It is often expressed by vouchsafing that nature is not capricious in its working.
Hypothesis, if endures with time, matures into scientific Theory and Theory, if persists with this endurance with time, further matures into scientific Law. Scientific Law, and therefore scientific Theory and Hypothesis as well, contain three elements: There is a set of parametric Conditions present; when an Event happens in those conditions; and a Principle operating in nature is hypothesized that explains the logic of happening that event in those conditions.
Before a Hypothesis, and much more than that a Theory and Law originating there from, is accepted as the scientific, certain preconditions are absolutely necessary to be complied with by the claimant Hypothesis. Firstly, the set of parametric conditions in which the event in question happens must be defined with mathematical accuracy; also these conditions must be in a position to be created artificially, controlled experimentally and repeated any number of times at will by any body possessing required skill. Secondly, the event in question that happens in those conditions must always happen without a single exception. It is referred to as the experimental proof of the Hypothesis. And, thirdly, there must be only one explanation available – that is, the Hypothesis in question – which explains the happening of that event in those conditions. A Hypothesis that meets these reconditions is categorized as scientific one. And, if this Hypothesis endures with the challenge of new observations and discoveries in the course of time, is elevated to the new status of scientific Theory. If it continues with success this process of verification by time, it is further elevated to the status of scientific Law.
This is the sum and substance of the claim of an explanation – a Principle – of being scientific. How much ‘scientific’ is this process of discovering principles operating in nature? How much efficacious is this method of verification of ‘realty’ that exists and operates in nature? Is this method foolproof against the possibility of committing error – error arising out of its own inherent and inbuilt defects in this process? Is this method ‘scientific’ enough to claim the status of an infallible judge to denounce or approve the ‘truth’ of a claim arrived at by a method other than its own?
This method is superb in its depth of approach to the problem of uncovering secret ‘realty’ existing in nature. It is marvelous in its yield of results. Our glittering civilization is founded on the light of knowledge revealed by this sole method – the principle of Mind and Mind’s reason and logic. Still, this method is inherently weak to proceed further beyond a certain limit in unveiling ‘realty’ existing and operating in nature. This weakness is inbuilt in its own process. This weakness is being exposed now with the rapid march of science, and particularly after the discovery of the universal principle of Relativity operating in nature. Let us see what these inbuilt deficiencies of method are and how they weaken its claims like being ‘scientific’, ‘sole arbitrator of truth’ etc.
There are countless events that happen with each passing moment. And, each one of these events happens within definite and precise parametric conditions. With the knowledge already at our disposal, is it ever possible for us to detect them in their complex and interconnected entirety? If ever we are able to detect them all, is it possible for us to ascertain the cumulative effect that these parametric conditions exert on the event in question? And more than this, assuming that we are able to detect them all, and ascertain their cumulative effect being exerted by them on the event in question, is it possible for us to control them while performing the relevant experiment? Also, assuming that we are able to comply with all these preconditions for making a scientifically correct experiment, is it possible for us to duplicate their required parametric conditions in a series of repeated experiments?
All these requirements – preconditions – are the sine qua none of making a scientific experiment. Before explaining an event by offering a hypothesis, it is absolutely necessary to ensure the compliance of these preconditions for making a scientifically correct experiment and offer this experiment as the scientific proof of the hypothesis in question. Here assumptions have been made in favor of the claimed scientific nature of the method followed by science, but the truth is contrary to these assumptions.
There is another aspect to this problem of ‘scientific’ nature of science. Supposing we are able to detect, ascertain cumulative effect on an event, control and duplicate in repeated experiments these parametric conditions, can the suggested explanation – the offered hypothesis – be the only one explanation possible to satisfy the logic of that event happening in those conditions? Obviously, it is not so. The history of development of science is the history of changing explanations of a single event.
These are inevitable difficulties in the path of science and they limit the ‘scientific’ nature of scientific truth offered by its hypothesis, theory and law. There is no scope and justification for science to become arrogantly intolerant towards other claims of truth and usurp to itself the seat of sole arbitrator of truth.
Let us point out an illustration of these difficulties and limitations of science.
As we said, there are countless events happening each moment. An apple falls down from a tree to the ground. We take for granted that here there is an apple, an entity - a fruit - that is an isolated thing unconnected with the remainder of universe and its forces operating everywhere, many of which still remain unknown to us and that this apple has come off a branch of the tree, and has fallen to the ground. We make repeated observations and confirm that it always happens this way only. We explain this phenomenon by hypothesizing that there is a force of attraction in Earth (that is, gravity). Have we recounted here that the apple in question is not an isolated thing unconnected with the remainder of universe? No, we have not. We fail to account that apple is made up of atoms and, in turn, of quanta of energy-field. Also, we fail to account that these quanta of energy-field are only formations – like waves formed of water in ocean – in the Unified Field of energy that is present every where, even in vacuum. Further, we fail to appreciate the fact that it is not the Earth alone whose force acting on apple has to be accounted for. We fail to account that Earth is revolving around Sun and there is a neutralized position present every where on Earth of the two counterbalancing forces: the centrifugal force (due to gravity of Sun) and centripetal force (due to elliptical motion around Sun). And, it is not the only factor that has to be accounted for. There are nine planets that revolve around Sun and their gravitational fields overlap each other. Earth is a part of this integrated gravitational whole. The sum total of this effect on Earth has to be calculated and accounted for if we are to carry any meaningful scientific experiment. And, it is not these planets alone there. Beyond the planet Pluto, there is Kuiper Belt of asteroids. These may be smaller in diameter and mass, nevertheless they have a part to play in the complex gravitational field present every where within the Solar system. Earth is within the Solar system and we do not calculate and account their minute impact that they exert on our falling apple.
And, to make the matter more complex, our Sun is revolving around our galaxy – Milky Way – and this galaxy is revolving around our Black Hole. Certainly, the cumulative effect of Sun, Milky Way and our Black Hole has to be calculated precisely and accounted for while explaining the fall of the apple in question on Earth. The problem does not end here. Today, we know that ninety percent of the calculated mass that must exist in universe is not visible and accounted for. It is referred to as the Black Matter. It must exist somewhere and be impacting on Earth also (effecting the apple in question). To perform a really scientific experiment on the falling apple, we must be able to determine this complex effect precisely and account that completely. Obviously, the claim of science of being scientific is not so scientific.
And, it is not the end of problems for science. Inadequacy of science and its scientific method is further exposed with every major advance of our knowledge. Assuming (in our case of apple falling to the ground) we have calculated the cumulative effect of the exerting forces on this apple and accounted the same precisely in our hypothesis, is there only one explanation for this event of falling apple on the ground? No, it is not so. The simple explanation by hypothesizing an attracting force present in Earth – that was revolutionary when it was proposed by Newton – has been substituted today by the explanation hypothesized by Einstein. It explains that in the presence of Earth’s mass the space around it becomes curved and the apple in our case does not fall to the ground but follows this curved path by moving through the shortest route – the geodesic path – that looks like apple being attracted by Earth. Is this the final explanation? The history of science tells us it should not be so.
There are many kinds of events. A child claims he remembers his past birth (please refer to the case of Naresh Kumar in these pages). Do we know all the conditions wherein this event takes place? Are we able to artificially control those conditions? Is it possible to duplicate those conditions at will? No. A man foretells that a particular event would happen at the stated time and place and the foretold event happens in that manner. Are we able to manipulate the concerned conditions ‘scientifically’? No. It is truth but how would you prove it scientifically? With whom the fault lies: science or truth? A man comes into ‘contact’ with a person who is now dead and obtains from this dead person a piece of verifiable information. This information is verified to be true. It is truth. But how would science prove this truth scientifically? With whom the fault lies: truth or scientific method? Science would rule out the happening of such an event. It is a mean excuse. It is sheer hypocrisy on the part of science. It does no credit to scientific method of science.
There is no problem with truth. Truth can always be verified for its veracity. It is always open to all to come forward and verify its veracity. The problem lays with the insistence of science to put every truth under its scientific scanner and label the ones that do not conform to its scientific method as false.
Let science in pursuit of truth replace its arrogance with enlightenment. Let science not denounce truth for the sake of its method that is flaunted as scientific. More >
10 Feb 2006 @ 16:47, by poetsong. Ideas, Creativity
Gray Mountain
Beyond my window, I see you Gray Mountain, stone-hearted guardian gazing upon this city. Your face is beautifully weathered, lined with deep ridges and a forest of whiskers.
Do not gaze condescendingly upon this valley and its inhabitants.
I hear your long whisper carried by the gentle breeze, “I am proud but weary of the beating winds and rain that blow from the north giants. If you would but climb my peaks, I would speak to you, and dispense wisdom long-forgotten. Fear me not. Do not the children of goats safely leap on my chin, and the children of eagles nest in my nostrils without rebuke? I have caused them no harm.”
I have heard your song, Gray Friend, and will arise onto the border of your shoulder, and whisper in your ear the delight I feel to view sunsets through your parted hairs. Your snow white temples do not diminish your beauty at all. Age has been your friend, and softened your edges.
N Marion Hage © 1/25/06 More >
10 Feb 2006 @ 15:43, by poetsong. Spirituality
When I was young, I wanted to be Legolas, a carefree Elf, athletic and handsome. Then I wanted to grow up to be Aragorn, adventurous, and unafraid. The young fantasize on what they want to be, and the old fantasize on what they coulda, shoulda been. Very few people are happy in their own skin, and wish we had an order form, permitting us to change our looks, intelligence, height or anything else that might give us an advantage.
Those who've seen a few seasons realize beauty fades. Arthritis and other infirmities take away the strength. Hair may change color, or thin. What was once firm might tend to sag. It may not go away altogether, but there is a sense that we are living in earthly tents that become tattered with weathering.
Those who love Lord of the Rings might laugh that I've chosen these figures to illustrate my point. Legolas is perpetually youthful. Aragorn is perpetually strong and relevant, and his call is forever ahead of him. The Hobbits are perpetually whimsical and carefree. I am none of the above.
And therefore, the key is understanding the beauty of Gandalf, not the strength, powers, or looks. Gandalf's beauty is in having a sense of purpose, a call as it were, and in having years of experience under his belt, so that he can mentor Aragorn, Legolas, Frodo and the inhabitants of Middle Earth.
Gandalf has a sweet spirit, gentle, and patient; and he has a genuine concern. He has convictions. And he is forever pondering the meaning of things, keeping his eye fixed upon a goal and a prize.
Time can weather most every attribute, but a sweet spirit, a font of knowledge, are like fine wine, becoming increasingly valuable with age. Therefore, I am not afraid of time or the weakening of the flesh. I never feel life has passed me by, because I am going forward where strength and athletic ability mean less. We live in a world where insight, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are needed more than ever. The world needs more Gandalfs. More >
10 Feb 2006 @ 09:37, by nemue. Activism
Does this picture touch your heart? Can you stand by and say nothing? Please have your say..we need your vote. More >
10 Feb 2006 @ 08:13, by bapty. Social System Design
That which motivates our thoughts and actions generally does not represent the true us so much as the pressures that the Machine subjects us to. More >
9 Feb 2006 @ 21:41, by ming. Religion
Sandmonkey lives in Cairo. He thought those Mohammed cartoons looked kind of familiar. He looked through the old newspapers in his house, and, lo and behold, he found that they had all been published in a major Egyptial newspaper way back in October last year, during Ramadan. And, no, there were zero protests against that. The editor wasn't fired, no angry crowds on the street, and nobody put the Egyptian embassy on fire anywhere.
Great find! Nobody had said anything about that before. That ought to demonstrate a few things. But what exactly? These people don't get upset before they're told to be? It isn't really the cartoons that upset them, but what they're told that they mean? It certainly shows that the story is partially bogus. More >
9 Feb 2006 @ 11:44, by swanny. Science
see below... More >
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