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The Sandorian Grove: From my garden: Agave Sandoriana !? |
Category: Projects 9 comments 1 Jul 2003 @ 16:12 by bushman : Tons :}We got tons of those peticular Agave, most all here in Sedona have the thorns, some have more than others, the Blue Agave, the natives made Tequila with them and still do to this day, If you do it right you can make a needle and thread from them too, you can get fibers for rope, and the seeds germnate fast, but once they bloom the parent dies. A very versital plant, plant them around your windows, and no thief would come in that way, lol. 1 Jul 2003 @ 17:44 by Istvan @ : We have lots of those in Florida too Bushnab did yiu ewer try to paint a house with yose around the walls? Ouch. 1 Jul 2003 @ 19:45 by mx @ : Blue Agave? NOT! I have 3 Blue Agaves in my garden, monstersize! The new ones are light-green, white inside. On one of them, the inside leaves were cut off. Apparently some tried to get the sap out and a bit was left. It should have been sweet, instead it was a rather bitter taste. A friend of mine who knows a lot more about Tequila than I do confirmed the botanist's observation that it's not a Blue Agave. The samples I got supposedly come from Central Mexico. In any case, Cheers! :-) 1 Jul 2003 @ 21:00 by vibrani : Oh yes My mother had a huge cactus and succulent garden when I was growing up (here in So. California) and her agave plants grew to tremendous size and, yup, we could make a needle and thread from them. 1 Jul 2003 @ 21:36 by bushman : Yep :} Ya, the one pictured above is obviously not a blue Agave, but you can make tequila out of any Agave, out here the natives roast them to make them sweeter. Arizona has about 30 types of Agaves, my favorit one is the vaigated version, it's got lots of thorns, and if you get poked by the main spine it leaves a purple dot that can last up to 3 years, it leaves a dye under your skin. We drop big quartz crystals into the center most leaves, lol. Trips people out who find them, and makes them mad since they can't just reach in and grab it. They also use the finished flower stem to make Digeridoos. Agaves are considered weeds to most out here if they arn't out in the forest, since most all thier seeds germinate, sometimes out here they will germinate before they even fall out of the pods. 2 Jul 2003 @ 05:20 by mx @ : Agave Didgeridoo... Actually. I have an Agave Didgeridoo from Arizona. Beauuutiful!! I forgot the name of the dude I got it from, he lived in Sedona and tingled around selling his (verrry nice!) didge sound healing tapes. I should start a didgeridoo and tequila plantation in my front yard (quite large), hehe ;-) mx PS: my Australian didge is at http://orunla.org/audio/sounds.html. Will add a picture/sound bite of the Agave didge, too.. 2 Jul 2003 @ 07:43 by martha : last year or so I took Mark to the Huntington Gardens and he saw their desert garden. Our patio is now much smaller due to all the different new desert plants including several large Agaves. 2 Jul 2003 @ 07:45 by bushman : :} Well we have 2 people at Hawkeye RV park here in Sedona, there are others in town too, that make didgeridoos, and drums of diffrent types as well, the guy in the sky blue bus , his name is Doug. I wish I had a digital cam, I got this one Agave that has a 20 ft bloom stalk, it will have bright orange flowers. The humming birds will fight over it, lol, like mini fighter jets. 2 Jul 2003 @ 08:38 by martha : bushman "The humming birds will fight over it, lol, like mini fighter jets." Please don't give the military any new ideas. Really!!!!! Other articles in Projects 31 Jul 2003 @ 15:32: Feldenkrais plus SkyWork in Topanga Canyon Sat. Aug 2nd..