The Sandorian Grove: From the Grove: David Hummingbird Vs Golly Hawk    
 From the Grove: David Hummingbird Vs Golly Hawk7 comments
picture16 Jul 2003 @ 13:04, by Max Sandor

This morning I wanted to make a photo of one of my aloes blooming when a hummingbird pushed itself into the picture.

It made me think of an incident that happened last weekend in the otherwise very peaceful Sandorian Grove:

a hawk was settling down in one of the trees of the grove. This seemed to be unacceptable for a little hummingbird. The little bird hovered around the hawk. It looked like David and Goliath. The hawk left very quickly and the hummingbird chased after him, just to be sure.

It made me wonder. The hummingbird reached its goal just by irritating the big bird of prey. Without violence or much noise, just by irritation. And without much risk of getting eaten for breakfast, either.



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17 Jul 2003 @ 05:56 by spiritseek : Interesting thought...
your never too small to make a big difference.  

18 Jul 2003 @ 01:10 by jazzolog : Humming Along
Amazing photo, Max, and story. Hummingbirds are fearlessly ferocious about territory. They make a clacking sound with their beaks when they're annoyed and will buzz just about anything they figure is crimping their style. I have a couple of seed feeders within 20 feet of my hummingbird feeder, and hummers regularly scare the bigger birds who are minding their own business chomping down stuff the little guys don't even want to eat. Territorial airfights between males at mating season are legend.  

18 Jul 2003 @ 03:19 by jstarrs : Synchronicity?
I read a marvellous thread on hummingbirds the other day in which the guy mentioned that humming birds are VERY aggressive & fearless.
He also said that their lifes run so fast that humans don't really exist for them!  

18 Jul 2003 @ 06:52 by martha : thanks max
for sharing the pic and story. Small is beautiful.  

1 Aug 2003 @ 12:23 by swan : How could I have missed this post!
Hummingbirds are incredible beings, and they carry the energy of pure joy. Great picture Max.

19 Dec 2010 @ 11:32 by WikiFunna @ : Well, where!... :(
Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wikileaks? What do you think about it?

11 Dec 2015 @ 20:31 by Glydel @ : klcWNHKKCJbtPYVR
Linda Marty / I will never tire of hearing your voice David. I am exitced to hear True Colors, it is one of my favorite songs that Eva Cassity covered. And the rest of the songs, Angel will be amazing. There is only one thing I would have changed, that you would have also put on this album, Dream Sky HIgh. But you are so kind and thoughtful. I have been watching the Nandito Ako series again. Before when it first came out I was still working and it was hard to keep up and it is nice to see it all together. You really did quite well with your acting. Miss you but pray you are making an impact on the people you are currently serving. God Bless You Always.  

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