The Sandorian Grove: Feldenkrais plus SkyWork in Topanga Canyon Sat. Aug 2nd..    
 Feldenkrais plus SkyWork in Topanga Canyon Sat. Aug 2nd..2 comments
picture31 Jul 2003 @ 15:32, by Max Sandor

Joelle will give a Feldenkrais Intro from 2-5pm at her new home & garden which are both nothing short of spectacular!
(One of the many views is shown in the picture).

7pm until whenever we'll do a SkyCircle. Yes, Aum-Pa Redbird Excalibur will be there, too.

E-mail me for details at

And, yes, please bring something to chew and/or drink...

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31 Jul 2003 @ 19:35 by spiritseek : Hi
I believe my answer is correct but recieved no answer from you, would you please let me know if I got it right. When is the student ready?  

31 Jul 2003 @ 22:22 by mx @ : even though..
there are no 'incorrect' questions-answers as such, your entry doesn't match the original question as well as some others who wrote.

but, don't worry, there will be more of those Q4A quizes soon..

will post the resolution to this one tomorrow..

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1 Jul 2003 @ 15:58: From my garden: Agave Sandoriana !?

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