The Sandorian Grove: News from the Grove: Some Bloom instead of Doom and Gloom    
 News from the Grove: Some Bloom instead of Doom and Gloom2 comments
picture3 Sep 2003 @ 14:00, by Max Sandor

I was reading the newspaper over lunch.. which was a mistake as I nearly regurgigated the severly overprized dish..

Felt the urge to see something more intelligent than the local paper and looked at

... some plants in the Mildred-Mathias Botanical Gardenat UCLA.

I found this combretum fructicosum blooming and my inner peace was restored. This vine is from the Combretaceae family and grows from Mexico to the Northwest of South-America.

The nice thing about News from the Nature is that they come back every year and they never lie.

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3 Sep 2003 @ 20:47 by jmarc : chameleons don't lie
they just change colours;)  

4 Sep 2003 @ 20:06 by vaxen : Yes...
quite beautiful, indeed! Have you been to the Agua Azul in Guadalajara?

I rather felt the same, as you, today when I was picking our White Sage, Catnip, and smelling the marvelous lemony odor of the sassafras trees while watching the bulls run...

The majority of scientists are not creative because they do not know how to stop thinking! Goes as well for most of the world...that will change.

Thanks Max, love the pic, puts a nice monkey wrench into the mind-machine. heh heh heh


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