The Sandorian Grove: Dali's Dante-Medusa    
 Dali's Dante-Medusa1 comment
picture1 Oct 2003 @ 19:38, by Max Sandor

Who would better put a picture to the mysterious Medusa, one of the 3 Gorgons, than Salvador Dali?

He illustrated parts of Dante's Divina Comedia in his very unique style.

In the Comedia, Dante and Virgil are coming close to the very center of..

...the Underworld where they come across the Erinnys, Megaera, on the left-hand side, on the right Alecto,
and Tisiphone is between, who scream:

"Medusa come, so we can smash him!" all of them said, looking down on us. "Our revenge for Theseus didn't quite do it yet!"

Then Virgil told me: "Turn around and keep your eyes closed. Because if the Gorgon Medusa shows up and you should look at her, you'd be stuck down here forever."

He turned me around with his own hands and then put his hands over my eyes, just in case.

All you smart guys out there, watch out for the truth behind the veil of these strange stories!
[end of translation]

Perhaps I should put the latter sentence into my BLOG title??


"Vegna Medusa: sì 'l farem di smalto"
dicevan tutte riguardando in giuso:
"mal non vengiammo in Teseo l'assalto".

"Volgiti in dietro e tien lo viso chiuso;
ché se il Gorgòn si mostra e tu 'l vedessi,
nulla sarebbe del tornar mai suso".

Così disse 'l maestro; ed elli stessi
mi volse, e non si tenne a le mie mani,
che con le sue ancor non mi chiudessi.

O voi ch'avete li 'ntelletti sani,
mirate la dottrina che s'asconde
sotto il velame de li versi strani.

[end of quote from Canto IX ]

picture fronm a German Dante site: Divina Comedia
some good links to Dante are

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1 comment

29 Dec 2003 @ 13:40 by Brittany Owens @ : Retchid !
Hi, Brittany owens in britian for cnn . I just wanted to say that this website is for you and your family's enjoyment ! This is not for public use ! Retchid i say !  

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