The Sandorian Grove: Free, expensive images and beautiful music: Oceania    
 Free, expensive images and beautiful music: Oceania2 comments
picture8 Oct 2003 @ 07:29, by Max Sandor

Well, it's amazing to walk away from a birthday party with a gift. Not a free gift as in ad hoaxes, but really a present.

Lisa handed me a DVD on my way out with pictures and video from the Hubble telescope, beautifully underlined by her own harp music.

It shows our planet from space and got me into...

...quite a meditative state.

As the pictures drift along on the video (not as smooth in Apple's OS X screen saver, mind you, but who can ever beat that??), they reminded me peacefully but with strong impact, how beautiful our world is.

And how one can add to it by creating beautiful things (like Lisa with her music) instead of smashing it all up for some stupid power games and corporate greed.

There seems to be little appreciation these days, most everything gets taken for granted, and then some complaints. Lisa gets already a lot of compliments and thank-yous, but I'll add another one..

Thank you, Lisa, for what you're doing! :-)

PS: the picture shows Mt.Etna, Italy. It's quite expensive as a picture, via the Hubble telescope, but at least now it's free for the public domain (who paid for it in the first place).

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8 Oct 2003 @ 08:53 by istvan : Who are you kidding?
It is a picture of a galaxy i saw on my way here.  

21 Jan 2004 @ 03:22 by darius @ : funky monky
to kill you to love you, to forget, and sleep, evil was a dream, death is not possible any more, not for us.... beach...  

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