The Sandorian Grove: Fractal Intelligence and the Archetype of a Black Swan    
 Fractal Intelligence and the Archetype of a Black Swan10 comments
picture22 Nov 2008 @ 15:58, by Max Sandor

We found it feasible to teach anyone who is interested the recognition of human archetypes in less than two days using Skywork (morphogenetic access via a group of people).

For example, once able to recognize the principle which is called Ogum as an archetype of human personalities, one can typically recognize an 'Ogum Person' on a distance of a hundred meters just by its biotype and by the way the person walks. In this case a savy sales person already knows exactly what that person would like to buy and what to say and what NOT to say in order close the sale.

Once able to do that it becomes possible to learn also the recognition of an equal pattern in a different realm of manifestation without any indoctrination and even without Skywork. Unfortunately many of the few who are able to recognize human archetypes don't go the extra mile to learn it for themselves but rather listen to the few gurus in the field. In other words, they find it easier to adopt indoctrinated dogmas instead of looking for themselves. For example, in the animal realm, the Ogum principle is reflected amongst others in the phenomenon of a 'black dog'. But a dog is a living being with emotions and the capacity of learning to a certain degree. It therefore has an archetype in itself. The archetypes are further expressed in the variety of races of dogs. So, how would you recognize the specific, individual archetype of your dog by direct observation?

To approach this challenge, let us transfer the definition of 'Fractal' from mathematics & geometry to all living forms. The ability to perceive and recognize the same principles in all levels of manifestations we could call 'Fractal Intelligence'. Philosophical systems such as Ifá postulate a very limited number of base principles (16) and of base archetypes (6 archetype complexes). The ability to recognize one of those across different realms of manifestations we could call 'horizontal fractal intelligence'. The challenge of recognizing encapsulated self-repeating patterns, we could call 'vertical fractal intelligence'.


Let's define:

Fractal Intelligence:

the ability to recognize self-repeating patterns as such.

and specifically:

Horizontal Fractal Intelligence:

the ability to recognize a self-repeating pattern across parallel realms of phenomena.

Vertical Fractal Intelligence:

the ability to recognize a self-repeating pattern encapsulated in a different self-repeating pattern.

Back to the challenge of 'improving' such forms of intelligence:

in Skywork we just divide a group of people into subgroups of the same archetype-complexes and let them interact. After a while it 'makes click' and the participants start realizing the simple fact that human archetypes exist. But if we try to expand this process to parallel realms of manifestations, such as animal or the plant world it becomes much more complex to augment 'horizontal fractal intelligence'. For individual archetypes of living beings (vertical fractal intelligence), the vast number of possible combinations exceeds the number of persons one can have in a 'manageable' group of people.

Helo and I came back from the ExpoManagement 2008 last week in Sao Paulo with so many ideas that we are still 'digesting' many of those. And not only funny ideas like "How to create an entire management system from scratch just with one (1!) die!" but many concepts about how great concepts can actually be implemented like Muhammad Yunus 'Banking to the Poor' - I will write more about it in the future, promise).

One inspiring speaker was Nassim Nicholas Taleb famous for his concept of the "Black Swan", the animal that was considered an impossiblity until the very day a living example was observed in Australia. Now, swans belong to the 'Shango Complex' of archetypes. Would or could the archetype complex change just because the color changed to black? I'll leave that to the reader's imagination & contemplation.

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23 Nov 2008 @ 06:27 by atunmenra : allforabit
"When a part so ptee does duty for the holos we soon grow to use of an allforabit. Here (please to stoop) are selveran cued peteet peas of quite a pecunair interest inaslittle as they are the pellets that make the tomtummy's pay roll...
What a meanderthalltale to unfurl and with what an end in view of squattor and anntisquattor and postproneauntisquattor!"~Finnegan Wake, by James Joyce  

24 Nov 2008 @ 07:33 by mortimer : vernaculargely
thanks atunmenra, I don't know what vernacular james joyce was thinking but it does offer some cool ideas. Fractalkatively Intelligentropy: the abilitypically to recognizest selfrepea-tingling patternscene as such. acroscillating parallelegance realmanac of phenomenact, and specifically: horizontalented fractal Intelligence: the abilitypify to recognizero a self-repeating pattern. In a different self-repeating pattern, vertical frac-tall intellig-entity: the ability to recogni-zenith a self-repeating pattern encapsulated.

vernacular archetypes = vernacularchetypes

Dear Max, divide a group of people into subgroups of the same archetype and it seems each subgroup regenerates the fractal pattern again. At drum circle the same rainbow keeps showing up. Invite 4 Shangos to drum, inevitably one plays Eshu (opens the door) another plays Ogun (bass rhythm) etc (no matter where I go the same Orisa are always there). Identifying the primary archetype is one quality perceived, identifying what archetype somebody is working with is another.  

24 Nov 2008 @ 12:58 by mx @ : astutobservator!
you're right, Mortimer. And not just for drum circles. Any subgroup will have a composition of archetypes. This can be observed in companies very well. If for whatever reasons, an HR manager hires a person with the wrong archetype for an existing workgroup, the group will expulse the person independently of performance issues. I have observed this for years but never wrote about it. It would make for an entire new approach of management.

Maybe time is ripe to bring this to the marketplace. The problem with that kind of proposal that anyone not being able to recognize archetypes will fight against such a proposal. The Myer-Briggs typindicator was (256 types!!) was a sound step into this direction but it marks primarily the energies (Odu) of a person, not the archetype.  

25 Nov 2008 @ 06:30 by mortimer : persona  

26 Nov 2008 @ 23:03 by mortimer : mindless zombies
Black Swan À la carte with Ten Days of Thunder please


"In some trials Lieberman had his subjects choose two words to describe each face’s expression, forcing them to consciously reflect on the emotions they saw. In other trials, subjects chose a name for each face, but no attention was drawn to its emotion.

"The brain activity in the two groups was strikingly different. When people merely chose a name for an angry face, the amygdala region of the brain became very active. The amygdala plays a central role in how we respond unconsciously to emotional situations. Among the volunteers who used words to describe the faces—consciously reflecting on the emotions they saw—the amygdalas remained quiet. But an entirely different region, called the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, became active. This area is energetic during reflection, reasoning, and self-control. The inner zombies of the subjects who focused consciously on the faces’ emotions were silenced

{|Could an Inner Zombie Be Controlling Your Brain?}  

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